//------------------------------// // Leaving // Story: Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot // by Equimorto //------------------------------// Wick Clip walked through the trees on the path leading back to her town, still a little weirded out by her previous encounter. She decided it was better not to think too much about it, and instead hurried her steps. She could get back home in time to have lunch at a reasonable hour if she was fast enough, and she still had her job to get back to after that. A pegasus flew by above her, above the trees, heading where she was coming away from. She didn't get a good look at them, she'd noticed them too late for that. For a moment she stopped and looked back, but then she forced herself to ignore the whole thing. Not her problem. She'd done her part, and everything after was not her problem. In fact, it was advisable that she got away from there quick, so it wouldn't suddenly become her problem again. The pegasus at least didn't seem to have noticed her. Another pegasus passed by. Wick was still half looking upwards, so she had time to see that one clearly. A mare, grey coat and blonde mane and tail. Possibly following the previous one. Either way, she didn't look down either, and didn't notice the unicorn looking up at her. Wick again had to force herself to ignore the event and just keep walking. No more ponies showed up, thankfully for her. In a few minutes more of walking she reached the edge of town, and making sure no one was there to notice how suspicious she looked she walked back onto the main road and on towards the centre of town. A few other ponies greeted her along the way, and she greeted them back, though for the most part her mind was still stuck elsewhere. Once she finally got back home, she absentmindedly threw together a meal and ate, still not quite able as focus on what she was doing and instead thinking back to what she'd seen. She did wonder if anything had happened to the stallion she'd met there, or to the ponies she'd seen flying in that direction. She was still unsure about what her reaction should have been depending on what might have happened to them. Her plate had been empty for over a minute before she finally realised she'd eaten through the whole thing. She placed it in the sink, choosing to worry about cleaning it at a later time, and threw a worried glance at the clock as she gathered her things. Hopefully no one would be too bothered that the shop hadn't opened yet, she was going to be at least fifteen minutes late. Then again, she never had that many ponies coming to buy stuff anyway. Once she actually got to the building, no one was there waiting, and Wick wasn't sure if she should have felt relieved or disappointed. Shaking her head, she unlocked the entrance and walked inside, flipping the little sign hanging on the door and pulling up the blinds on the shop window.