The Married Life

by Legacy55


Pinkie Pie flew down the hallway with a speed like none other, pushing aside servants and guards alike with little regard. Within just a few seconds she had arrived at their room and threw open the door with a mighty crash. The pink pony rushed in, immediately collapsing onto the floor as she tried to regain her breath.

“Pinkie Pie? What’s wrong?” Twilight questioned as she glanced up from her book, curious at her friend’s haste.

“Di…Disc…” The energetic pony could hardly talk, as whenever she tried to utter a word she was struggling to take a breath. The only other time she had ran that fast was when she had swallowed those three bags of sugar.

“Come on, out with it girl!” Rainbow Dash urged from her comfy bed, silently wondering what could possibly have made her move in such a hurry.

After taking a final heavy breath, Pinkie looked up at her five friends. “I went to give Discord some cupcakes and I knocked on the door and he didn’t answer, so I just went in any way! Then I noticed the room was really dark and I saw Discord and I said-”

“Pinkie!” Twilight snapped causing her to stop mid sentence. “We don’t need to know every little detail, just tell us what’s important!”

“Oh…” Pinkie mumbled, slightly disappointed that she couldn’t tell her whole story. “Well, Discord’s entered the next stage! He’s uh…” She pouted as she tried to remember the word that so easily escaped her.


“Don’t tell me!” She roared, putting a hoof in front of the unicorn’s face. “It’s um… de… de… dependent? Decedent?”

“No it’s-”

“I said don’t tell me!” Pinkie snapped once more before returning to her deep thinking. “Oh oh oh, its descendant isn’t it?”

Twilight sighed as she rolled her large violet eyes at her. “No, the next stage is depression!”

“Aw, I wanted to guess it!” Pinkie Pie groaned as a frown crossed her lips.

The lavender unicorn merely ignored her as she got to her hooves. She quickly placed her book on the shelf then turned to the five mares. “Alright girls, let’s go talk to Discord!”

“Um do you think that’s a good idea Twilight?” Pinkie Pie asked apprehensively as she watched her walk to the door, her other friends soon following. “Remember the last few times where we’ve tried to talk to him? Maybe it’s just best to leave him alone!”

As the other mare’s piled into the hallway Twilight turned to smile at her pink friend. “No need to worry Pinkie, I’m prepared for this stage more than any other!”

“Really?” She stated, somewhat unsure of her friend’s confidence.

“Oh yes, depression is a mental disorder! And who helps treat mental disorders?”

“Um, the ponies that sell ice cream?” Pinkie stated with a grin.

Twilight facehoofed.

“What? Whenever I feel sad or depressed I always just eat some ice cream! It makes me feel a million times better, oh I wonder if there’s some ice cream in the kitchen? That’ll cheer up Discord for sure!” Before Pinkie could rip apart the pantry, the lavender unicorn grabbed her with her magic.

“No, I meant a psychiatrist! And I’ve read dozens of books on psychology!” Twilight exclaimed as she dragged her out into the hallway.

“Uh Twilight dear, aren’t those book on pony psychology? I hope you remember we’re not dealing with any normal pony…” Rarity pointed out as they began pacing down the hall.

“Yeah, Ah don’t know if your fancy books will help out much here sugarcube.” Applejack added as she followed her friend’s lead.

Twilight merely shook her head and let out a short chuckle. “You just wait and see, I’ll have Discord onto acceptance in ten minutes flat!”


Twilight straightened her small pair of glasses as she glanced up from her notes. A levitating quill sat beside her, ready to jot anything down at the slightest motion. “So, what’s been making you so depressed recently?”

“For the twentieth time, get out before I make you…” Discord hissed as he glared at the wannabe psychiatrist. He was now becoming severely annoyed, which was easily audibly in his voice, at her constant questions and remarks. No matter what he said she still stood there in the dark, the rest of her friends waiting patiently behind her.

“I see…” She mumbled as her quill went to work, after a moment she looked back up. “And why exactly do you want me gone?”

Discord growled before snapping his fingers, the six of them immediately disappearing from the overly dark room and reappearing right outside the door.

“Yep, that sure sounds like acceptance to me!” Rainbow Dash smirked as she held back her laughter.

“Darn it, and I was so close to a breakthrough!” Twilight sighed as she put away her glasses, notebook and quill. “Maybe If I just try once more…” The lavender unicorn went to open the door, but Applejack placed a hoof on her back.

“Come on now sugarcube, Ah want to help Discord too but there’s not much we can do. It really seems like he just wants to be alone.”

“But, but I can help! I can help him get over this stage and everything will finally be back to normal! I can’t stop now, not when I’m so close!” Twilight urged, simply refusing to stop now that she was near to fixing things. All she needed to do was get the draconequus over the momentary depression, then he would move onto acceptance and finally accept his child.

“I um…” Fluttershy whispered in her usual weak, timid voice. “I… I think it’s best if we just left him alone, sometimes all we need is a little alone time to get better.” She smiled; the innocent, happy grin of the pegasus immediately causing Twilight to sigh in defeat.

“Fine… Let’s go back to our room then…”

The six of them made their journey through the castle, nearing their room in only a short time. They stopped however, as Twilight heard a very faint crying in the distance. Turing to the left she noticed a door, and very quickly she realized it was Princess Celestia’s bedroom.

“Um guys, go on without me. I’ll be back soon.” The others merely nodded to her before moving on, completely understanding the situation. As they turned a corner, she pushed open the unlocked door.

“Princess?” Twilight called out into the first room, finding it devoid of any life. This entrance room was the Princess’s study, and along the wall was a desk absolutely covered in letters and quills. Some of them sat unwrapped, no doubt having just been read by the alicorn ruler. She even spotted a few of her own friendship reports, having long been opened and read.

Pacing across the room Twilight found the bedroom door slightly ajar, and after quietly pushing it open she saw the Princess. The white alicorn was spread across the bed, her head deep in a pillow which only slightly muffled her cries. With just a quick glance she could tell she had been like this for some time, as her eyes were sore and red.

“P-Princess?” Twilight finally called out after a few moments, still hardly believing the sight that lay in front of her. She had never seen the Princess so weak and vulnerable, doing nothing but crying her eyes out. For as long as she had known her she was strong and composed, though they were a few select moments where this composure slipped. This was like none of those however, as watching her cry sent pangs through her heart.

Celestia’s head immediately shot up, and upon seeing that the disturbance was her student she swallowed hard. “T-t-twilight, I… I didn’t hear you come in…”

It was awkward just standing there, so Twilight slowly paced into the room and over to the Princess’s bed. She had stopped her tears and was doing her best to regain her composure, though this was very difficult and she did little to fix her vulnerable appearance. “Princess, if there’s anything wrong you can tell me.”

Celestia merely sighed and shook her head slightly. “N-no, it’s nothing dear Twilight… Y-you should just go back with your friends, I-I’m…” A few tears ran down her cheek before she quickly turned away. “I’m fine…”

Her words did little to sway Twilight, as she still stood vigilant beside the bed. “Princess, you’ve always been there for me. Every since I was little you helped me out, guided me along. When I got a spell wrong you showed it to me, when I couldn’t understand a word you sounded it out. I wouldn’t be the mare I am today without you. So please, let me be there for you, because you were there for me…” The lavender unicorn placed a hoof on her teachers, and for one fleeting moment they locked eyes.

Celestia smiled, and she wiped away a few stray tears. “T-thank you Twilight… It’s… It’s just I can hardly take all this… Discord just can’t accept he’s a father, he’s trying all sorts of things to get away from that truth.” The alicorn glanced down at the bed. “I was alone for a thousand years Twilight… A thousand years where there wasn’t a single creature I could love or confide in…”

“But you could have had anypony! You’re the Princess; it would have been easy to find a husband!”

“True, but I knew I couldn’t… I’m immortal, and it’s far more a curse then it’ll ever be a blessing… To know that everpony you get attached to goes away, that you move on no matter what…” Celesia bite her lip as she returned to crying.

Twilight gently stroked her hoof, trying her very best to comfort her. “But you found Discord! And he’s immortal too!”

“I, I know… And that’s why I was so happy when he was released, and we got married… But now he’s changed Twilight. I’m sure you’ve noticed. He use to care about me so much, but now all he does is worry about the baby…” Celestia turned to her student and for a moment she was lost in her deep violet eyes.

“It’s almost over though Princess, Discord will be back to normal. He’s moved onto depression now, and just this last stage then everything will be all right! I promise.”

Celestia sniffed a few times and let out a sigh. She smiled once more as she looked at her student. “Thank you Twilight… I, I’m feeling slightly better now… I’m sure you’re right, everything will be all right in the end…”

“Exactly, now you just get a nice, long rest. I’m sure everything will be sorted out by the morning; Discord just needs some time alone that’s all!”

The Princess nodded before she leaned back in her bed, letting out a relaxing sigh as she closed her eyes. “Thank you again Twilight… I don’t know what I’d do without you; you mean so much to me…” She whispered in a soft, motherly tone.

Twilight merely blushed as she exited the room, turning to the Princess with one last smile. “Goodnight Princess…”


“Now that’s what I call a good rest, this bed is even comfier then a cloud!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she finally rolled out of luxurious bed. She found the rest of her friends all long awake, happily chatting to each other while they ate breakfast.

“Finally up eh Rainbow? I was expecting you to sleep until noon.” Twilight smirked as she glanced up from her novel. The lavender mare was lounging on the couch as the rest of her friends sat around her.

“Hey, I’m not that lazy!” Rainbow retorted a she strolled over to the kitchen, finding a massive, delicious looking breakfast all laid out. She licked her lips as her eyes past over the food, her mind reeling at the simple thought of where she should start.

After a few moments she selected some scrumptious looking pastries, and after piling them onto a place she collapsed onto one of the vacant couches. “So girls, what are we up to today?” She asked between mouthfuls of the delectable treats.

“Well I wanted to go to the royal museum, though I hardly doubt you’d enjoy that…” Rarity commented, knowing full well the pegasus would be opposed to the idea.

“Well duh!”

“And could you please not talk with your mouthful! It’s rather disgusting…” The prim unicorn scolded at her manners.

After finishing her current chapter, Twilight closed her book shut and turned to her friends. “Well I say we go and check on Discord first! He’s had the whole night to be alone, so maybe he’s feeling better now!”

“Great idea Twilight! Oh I hope he is, I would be great if we could go and pull some pranks today!” Pinkie Pie chirped as she shot out of her seat and towards the door. “Dashie and I have thought of so many new ones, isn’t that right Dashie?”

Rather than respond with her mouth full of pastries, the cyan pegasus merely nodded with enthusiasm.

“Well we won’t know until we find out, let’s get moving girls!”


Before long the six of them were outside Discord’s door once again, the only sound echoing through the halls being Rainbow Dash’s chewing as she finished her breakfast. Twilight hurried up to the door and knocked several times, the only response came in that of silence.

“Hmm… Maybe he’s in some other part of the castle?” The lavender unicorn wondered as she pushed open the door, finding the room just as dark as before. A quick illumination spell sent that straight, and the six mares found the bedroom empty.

“It’s seems your right Twilight, Discord must be somewhere else.” Rarity stated as they looked around the vacant room.

“Well that must mean he’s all better now right?” Applejack suggested with a smile. “Cause when he was depressed he had himself all locked up in here!”

“Maybe, thought I have a really bad feeling about this…” Twilight replied as she continued to examine the room. Her eyes caught a piece of parchment on a nearby table; a rushing over to it she quickly read it aloud.

“Dear Celestia. I’m leaving you and the castle, I’m sorry but I just can’t take this any longer. You’re far better off without me, so it’s best that I leave this all behind. I know you’ll be saddened by this, but don’t mourn; this is the only way it could have ended. I’m going far away where you’ll never see me again. Goodbye, my love… Sincerely, Discord.”

The six of them all gasped in unison, an eerie silence soon following. Twilight was finally the first to speak. “I… I can’t believe it… Discord’s gone!”

“But, but where! We need to find him; oh the Princess is going to be so upset!” Pinkie Pie worried, her earlier grin having all but faded.

“I… I know…” Twilight mumbled softly as she glanced at the ground. She had failed the Princess. All her words that she had said the night before meant nothing, she was wrong. Discord didn’t get better; things didn’t work out in the end. This letter was going to destroy her.

“What should we do?” Rarity questioned as she and all of her friends turned to Twilight.

“I… I don’t know…”


“Ah that was a fine breakfast, I’m ever so glad the head cook decided to stay. I do wish I was feeling stronger though, I’ve been so exhausted lately…” Luna remarked as she placed down her sparkling silverware.

“Yes, too bad Discord didn’t join us… I certainly hope he’s feeling better…” Celestia sighed as she looked up from her plate. Her dark blue sister was sitting at the other end of the table, and the large dining hall felt so empty without her chaotic husband. Usually breakfast was far more hectic then this, and though it did cause problems she slightly missed it.

“I’m sure he is sister, you know how he works. His moods change very often. In fact, why don’t we go visit him now? He’s most likely in his room.”

Celestia smiled at the idea and nodded in response. “That’s a great idea! Let’s go.” The two sisters hurried out of the dining hall and continued through the castle. Just as they were passing through the magnificent throne room, a very peculiar sight caught their eyes.

Approaching them were six unicorns, all of which were draped in dark blue robes. Luna was the first to speak, hardly believing the sight before her. “The Arcana Council?!” She snapped, her anger already rising. “What are you doing out of your tower, I’ve never seen you around the castle!”

One of the unicorns stepped forward and smiled. “Ah Princess Luna and Celestia, just the rulers we wanted to see.”

“Lord Magus?” Celestia questioned the leader of the Arcana Council. “What is it? Is something wrong?” She was in deep worry as just like her sister she had never seen them outside their tower.

The cloaked unicorn took a step towards the two alicorns. His eyes were a piercing amber that sparkled like gold. “Nothing my dear Princess, nothing you should worry about that is.”

Both of them raised their eyebrows, having an uneasy feeling about the situation.

“You see…” Magus began, flashing the two of them a devilish smile. “It’s high time we finally acted, and now that a certain someone is gone we can finally began…” The unicorn chuckled before his horn flashed orange.

Suddenly two dozen royal guards rushed into the throne room, all of them encased in golden armor and wielding sharp spears. Within seconds they surrounded the Princesses, and Celestia looked around in confusion.

“What’s going on here Magus?! Why are these guards surrounding us?! I order all of you to stand down!” She roared at them in a furious tone, though her words did nothing to move them.

“Hehe, you two are just relics of the past. Equestria is destined for so much more, and we can’t possibly get there with moronic alicorn’s like you ruling. I’m afraid it’s high time the unicorns took power, for we are the strongest race. The most deserving race.”

Luna growled as she looked at the unicorn with intense fury, her gaze did nothing to affect him however. “Magus! I knew you and your stupid little council were always up to no good! Do you really think you have any chance of overthrowing us?”

“Oh I believe I do…” Magus once again grinned at her. “A simple hypnotization spell has these two dozen guards under my command. And don’t possible think you can fight back… Dear Celestia…” He turned to the white alicorn. “You wouldn’t ever consider fighting, seeing as how that poor baby of yours could get hurt… Small magic doesn’t really affect it, but I’m sure a full-scale battle with the six strongest unicorns in Equestira would do something…”

Celestia swallowed hard; as much as she didn’t want to believe it he was right. There’s no way she would put her foal in harm.

“And you think I’m just going to sit back and let this happen?! I’m an alicorn of immeasurable strength; I could easily take all six of you on!” Luna roared as she slammed a hoof to the ground.

“Hah!” Magus laughed, causing the other five unicorns behind him to break out in laughter. “And just what can you do? That fight with Discord left you rather bruised to say the least, not to mention the strain of raising the sun and the moon has left you all but drained…”

Luna continued to stare at him in anger, knowing deep down he was completely right. There was no chance she could take them on in this state; she probably wouldn’t even be able to get past the guards.

“You’re forgetting one thing in your master plan Magus!” Celestia yelled at him with a hopeful smile. “Discord! He’ll whoop all your flanks!”

This made them all laugh harder than ever. “Oh will he?” Magus asked with a mocking grin. “Too bad he’s run away from the castle…”

The two alicorn’s jaws dropped, hardly believing the power hungry unicorn’s words. “What?!”

“Oh yes, gone. He left a note in his room; I guess you haven’t read it yet? We’ve been waiting an awfully long time for this, and now that your meddlesome husband is gone we can finally act. Guards, throw them in the dungeon.”

The two dozen guards began forcefully dragging the Princess’s, both of which were screaming and flailing their hooves in a vain attempt at escape. “You won’t get away with this, just see!” Celestia yelled at him with all her might. Luna even attempted to fight back, knocking down two of the guards with a strong tackle. However due to their numbers and her sapped strength she was easily subdued.

“Right…” Magus chuckled before he turned to his fellow council members. “Now, we have a kingdom to start ruling!”