Harry Potter and the Six Odd Witches

by Kayin Dreemurr


On a grassy hill outside the large town of Ponyville, six mares stood around a statue, eyeing it warily. Their expressions and thoughts ranged from uncertainty, confusion, irritation and pessimism about the task they had just been given. None of them were particularly thrilled about what they were about to do, but well, an order from the Princess was an order.

“I still don’t think this is a good idea.” Rainbow Dash remarked as she looked up at the state of the mismatched entity Princess Celestia had just delivered to them.

Rarity glanced to RD as she said, “Darling, that’s the fifth time you’ve said that.”

“And? It's still true.”

“And repeating it isn’t going to change anything.” 

Applejack sat down with a sigh, fixing her hat as she said, “I can’t blame her any though. This is like being told to let an angry bull back into the tea shop he just stampeded through.”

Even Pinkie Pie nodded. “The only reason I’m for trying this is because the Princess has faith in Fluttershy, and because if this works Discord can give me chocolate filled cotton candy rain clouds anytime I want!”

Twilight smiled but shook her head as the rest gave Pinkie Pie a look of ‘really?’. She felt a hoof on her shoulder though and looked to her left as she saw Fluttershy, who was glancing off to the statue of Discord every so often.

“A-Are you sure t-this is a good idea?”

Sighing, Twilight shook her head. “To be honest, I have no idea. The Princess obviously has a reason for this but… I can’t say I fully understand it.” She smiled though as she said, “But I do think that if anyone can reform Discord… it would have to be you. You said it yourself after we defeated him, he had to brute force you to act like you did.”

Fluttershy nodded, though she did look at the ground as she said, “Y-Yeah, b-but we have seen I can be like that on my own.”

“True, but if the Princess has faith in you… then so do I.” Twilight said… even as her own mind was trying to think of alternatives. This was Discord they were dealing with after all.

Fluttershy could only nod, though she looked as uncertain as she had the moment Celestia had left. Twilight looked back to the statue, hoping to herself that she and her friends weren’t about to make a big mistake.

“Well girls, lets go ahead and get this over with. And lets all keep our Elements on at all times. We don’t want any surprises after all.” She called out, getting the attention of the others. Each of the girls nodded and got back into position. Twilight started focusing on her element, and felt it begin to pulse and flow with magic. She felt it reaching out to each of the Elements, connecting and forming a ring of rainbow light that washed over the statue. 

Lines of light began to crack and splinter all along the stone work, and bit by bit, several sections blasted off before finally…

“Graaaaoooooooh~!” Discord cried out as the last bit of stone was sent flying away, dissolving as the magic that created it faded away. He then stretched a bit and wriggled all about, making some strange noises and otherwise ignoring the six mares glaring at him.

“Mhm, you have no idea how uncomfortable being a statue can be!” He finally said as he finished, glancing down at all of them as he smirked. “Mhm, such frosty expressions, you’d think I was some monster that had turned your town upside-down or some such…”

“You certainly tried!” Applejack exclaimed, meeting Discord’s gaze with her own as she added, “And don’t think that we’ve forgotten what you did to each of our heads.”

Discord chuckled as he placed a hand to his chest. “Why would I think that, when I haven’t forgotten either Honest Applejack? It was some of the best fun I’ve had in a millennium.”

“Well, if you don’t want to be turned back into a tacky lawn ornament, you’re going to be forced to find a new way to amuse yourself.” Rarity commented dryly, Twilight nodding her head as she stepped forward.

“Discord, you have been released because-”

Twilight had been about to explain why Discord was able to walk freely, but before she could get more than a few words out, she yelped as she felt herself lifted up off the ground and pulled up in front of Discord. The rest of her friends were also quickly gripped in a golden aura of magic and floated up in front of the smirking Draconequus.

“Oh, I already know all about Celestia’s little plan to reform me. And I know that most of you think this isn’t going to work, that I’m irredeemable, just a monster, a powerful magic user who sees everyone and everything as little more than toys to play with til I get bored.” Discord replied as he put his hands on his hips and bent down, looming over them, his face mere inches from their own as his red and gold eyes seemed to blaze with malevolent intent.

“You wouldn’t be too off the mark there, but well, getting turned to stone a second time tends to teach a powerful and almighty spirit like me a rather important and rather critical lesson! And quite a good one that I’m sure you’ll all be happy to hear!”

Twilight and the others blinked at this. Twilight could see thanks to her being slightly above the rest that all save Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were giving Discord doubtful looks. She herself didn’t believe it, but thus far, all Discord was doing was holding them in his magic.

Which was actually far more tame than she’d expected.

Tentatively, she asked, “And that lesson is?”

Discord surprised them again as he suddenly pulled them all into a fierce hug, squeezing them almost like one would squeeze a beloved plushie as he said, “That Friendship really is magic, and that I’d be a fool to resist it!”

All the ponies’ jaws dropped at this. For one thing, they were getting hugged by Discord. The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. But for another… this was better than they could have imagined. In fact…

It was too good to be true. There was no way he was being serious. The dark, almost malevolent chuckle that began to bubble up from within him clinched it.

“That being said, just because I’ve learned that, doesn’t mean I don’t have something dirty up my sleeve~”

The six looked up to his smirking face, his tail raising up behind him a bit but within their view. They felt the magical grip on all of them tighten as his eyes flashed dangerously, while the tuft of fur began to wave at them as if it was a third hand.

“I’m afraid I have to cut this reunion a bit short, as all of you have an unplanned vacation from destiny somewhere far away from here. Toodles~!”

Before any of them could react, the tuft of fur made a snapping motion, and in a flash of light, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony vanished from sight.

Slapping his hands together as if he was cleaning them of dust, Discord chuckled to himself as he said, “Well, that’ll bring plenty of chaos in not one, but two worlds~ Think it is time I pay a visit to dear old Celly and let her know she has nothing else to worry about from the likes of me~”

With that, he was about to snap his fingers, when he stopped at the sight of a small and shaking piece of shrubbery nearby. He peered at it, then smirked as he gathered some magic into his hand, and lifted out a terrified and shaking purple and green dragon.

“Ohohoho, how could I forget about you Spikey wikey.”

“H-Hey D-Discord… I-I uh… I-I’m not scared of you…” Spike replied as he nervously opened his eyes and looked Discord up and down. He gulped as he was brought closer, Discord grinning as he studied the dragon closely.

“Mhm, you don’t need to lie. None of your friends are here… besides, they were scared of me too, for good reason.” Discord remarked, before setting Spike spinning as he floated in the air before him. “However, right now, you have nothing to fear from me. In fact… I think you’ll thank me the next time we meet.”

Spike stopped spinning, and as he wobbled in the air, he tried to open his mouth. Perhaps to ask what the Spirit of Chaos meant by that. But instead, Discord simply poked his little dragon snout, and in a flash of light, Spike was sent off to join his friends.

“That takes care of that. I do believe that’s everyone.” Discord said as he scanned the area. Seeing and sensing no one else, he nodded to himself before he grabbed at a bit of air as if it was a doorknob. 

With a slight tug, reality opened up and Discord vanished from sight as he walked into a square of chaotically shifting light, leaving nothing to show where he had gone or what had happened to the six heroines of Equestria and their draconic friend.