Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto


The first attack came and went without anyone noticing it had really happened. It happened in the woods, too far to reach the town nearby. It was all done too quickly. It wasn't until a few days later, while a pony was taking a walk there and looking for any fallen branches they might have taken home to fuel the fireplace, that the first signs of what had happened became known.
They found an animal carcass, mauled. Splinters of bone jutting out at unnatural angles, the head reduced to a red splotch on the ground, the innards strewn about around the rest of the body. It was already starting to rot. Strangely, though, whatever meat had been stripped from it seemed to have been taken by other animals. Whatever had killed the thing had just left it there, with no interest in consuming it.
That was perhaps what pushed the pony to search further. That, and the rather obvious trail that whatever creature was responsible for the scene had left. Broken branches, deep cuts in the trees, and dug up sections of the ground that were all the more impressive given how hard the dirt got during the cold.
Just a dead animal wouldn't have been impressive enough to get the news out to Princess Twilight herself. At most it would have been shared with the rest of the town, someone might have advanced the hypothesis of some new creature, and maybe in a couple weeks a group of researchers would have been there. The crater the pony found at the end of the trail, with its rocky blue-purple surface and deep enough for a pony to stand in it, that was another matter entirely.