Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto


"Cold today, isn't it?"
"Sure is." Applejack set her coat down on the back of a chair.
Rarity did the same with hers. "Do you think it will snow soon?"
"Snow?" Walking towards the cupboards to fetch something to eat, Applejack looked out the window. "Doubt it. Still too early for snow, I'd give it a couple weeks at least."
"We have had sudden snow in the past," said Rarity, sitting down.
"Not this early. You're just paranoid after that time you got covered in it." Applejack had fetched a bag of dried apple slices and set it down on top of the table before sitting in front of Rarity. "Don't worry, they're ours. I'd have offered you some treats but those are still baking." She nodded towards the oven.
Rarity reached for a slice of apple and delicately bit down on it. "You know I couldn't have accepted it either way. I can't just go eating mindlessly, you wouldn't want me to grow fat and ugly."
"Are you saying I'm fat?" Applejack said, smirking as she raised an eyebrow.
Rarity sputtered, the way she didn't actually let out any bit of food betraying how played up the action was. "Not at all, dear. You have your work on the farm keeping you fit. And giving you those lovely, lovely muscles and-" Rarity shook the longing look out of her face. "You're like a fine workhorse, but I'd end up like a cow."
"You wouldn't look half bad as a cow."
Rarity gave an indignant pout at that. As Applejack chuckled, she replied, "I'll have you know black splotches on white clothes went out of fashion at least six seasons ago."
"I'm sure you could bring it back into trend. Maybe a bell on your neck, too?" Applejack kept chuckling a bit longer. "But anyway. How come you can afford all that ice-cream but not apple treats?"
Rarity looked to the side, still pouting. Even the tiniest blush was hard to miss on her white cheeks. "I don't eat ice-cream that often."
"But you eat the whole tub when you do." Applejack leaned over the table and poked Rarity in the ribs with a finger.
Rarity's reply to that consisted of indistinct noises of faux and playful annoyance.
Applejack leaned back into her chair, took an apple slice into her mouth, and looked out the window again. The Sun was setting already, filling the room with an orange tinge. "Gonna have to take care of all those leaves sometime soon. Might get to that tomorrow, actually."
Rarity bit down on another slice of apple. "Did you want to talk about something?"
Applejack looked at Rarity, sitting there, happily smiling as she ate her dried apple slice. There was a moment of silence. "Uh, yeah, but that can wait. Got in contact with some people over a job, but nothing concrete yet so it ain't worth stressing about. How about you, how are things going for you? How's Sweetie Belle doing? I hear about her from Apple Bloom, but you know. Kids her age, sometimes they move too fast to get any answer that makes sense out of them."