Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto

Lightningbringer - Part 2

Everything went white and loud, again. It was over only a moment later, as the world came back into focus around Firecracker.
They were still flying. Breath and heartbeat a bit faster than normal, but that could be chalked up to the shock of the situation. Apart from a light itch along their skin, and the sudden feeling of dryness over their coat and wings, everything else seemed perfectly normal. Worryingly normal.
Slowly and carefully, they flew down towards the ground, onto a large flat-topped rock jutting out from the side of the mountain. They didn't care about getting wet again at that point, it was the least of their potential problems. Once they had landed they began to check themself over again.
Pulse still as normal as before, regular breathing, no involuntary muscle spasms. No pain that they could feel, but pinching their cheek revealed they still felt things just fine, so it wasn't just shock. No scorch marks on their hair or feathers, nothing burnt or even so much as ruffled. Everything was perfectly fine. By all means, it shouldn't have been.
Being more resistant to electricity than other ponies was a pegasus thing, yes. But that only really justified things when dealing with small pony-made clouds, not with a full-blown wild burst of lightning that could turn a whole tree into a giant ember. And more importantly, being more resistant to those still meant you felt something. Firecracker had taken their fair share of sparks while messing around with clouds in their youth, and they always stung at the least, hurt most of the time.
But they had felt nothing when the lightning had hit. Nothing they should have felt, at least. The only real effect the bolt seemed to have had on them was drying them off.
Firecracker shook their head. It was probably luck. It had to have been luck. Dumb, unbelievable, unjustified luck. They'd taken a lightning to the face and survived unscathed, somehow, probably thanks to some weird atmospheric conditions around them.
Conditions that probably wouldn't manifest themselves a second time. The pegasus looked up from their body and at the storm still raging around them. Rain kept pouring down, and the rumbling of thunder echoed around the mountains whenever a blaze of lightning streaked through the thick black clouds above.
They needed to get away from there. Praying their muscles wouldn't just suddenly seize up in some delayed reaction to the shock, Firecracker spread their wings and once again began to fly through the rain.
They actually felt it, that time. A moment before it happened, a tingle on the back of their ears. Instinctively they slowed down, looked up, and pushed themself back with a flap of their wings as a new lightning bolt fell down square in front of them.
They hovered there for a moment, staring at nothing. There had seemed to be something odd about that bolt. As if it had been slower, perhaps, somehow.
Firecracker felt the same tingle behind their ears. This time, they didn't move.