Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto

Pentagramma - Part 3

Lemon looked at the cards, biting her lower lip. Then, she set down the Page of Wands on top of them. A calculated play. If she was with Sunny, she wasn't losing much to buy the others' trust. If she wasn't, and Applejack was, she wasn't losing too much. If Applejack wasn't, they at least were getting a couple points, provided no one else would beat over her six. Maybe Lemon was better at planning than Applejack had given her credit for.
Sour clicked her tongue repeatedly as she eyed the cards in the middle of the table. The Two of Coins came down. She must have undergone a thought process much like Lemon's own, only with different conclusions. With points already on the table, no use in pushing the risk further in case Applejack was with Sunny. Not worth trying to get the points for herself if she was with Sunny instead, the others' trust would be more valuable. And there was always the risk of Indigo taking the cards for herself as well.
Indigo, who had meanwhile managed to not die from choking on her drink and had set the glass back down, blinked once while studying the cards played. She played the Page of Swords. Sour threw her a look, and she stared back. "Points are points," she replied. "I might as well make sure they go where they belong. Not that I don't trust you, Applejack," she added, turning towards the girl. She scooped up the cards from the table and set them face down in front of herself, then began the second trick by setting down the Four of Wands.
Sunny briefly tilted her head to one side, then the other, looking between the four and her own hand. She too set down a four, the Four of Cups. The remaining three girls eyed it suspiciously. Applejack nervously swallowed as she looked at her own cards. "Y'all got something to take this? 'Cause I don't think we're gonna win this if we keep all our points till the late hands." Sour Sweet gave a subtle shake of her head, but Lemon confidently nodded. Praying neither one of them would stab her in the back, Applejack set down her Ace of Swords. It was a risky move, but a necessary risk.
Lemon whistled at that. "Well, you got our trust now, girl," she said, placing down the Seven of Cups. Sour Sweet followed it up with the Two of Wands, still clearly on the edge on who she wanted to trust. Or, perhaps, angry at the points being funneled away from her and Sunny. Lemon casually gathered the cards from the table and put them down in front of herself, a bit askew and misaligned, then she began the third trick by placing down the Ace of Coins. She stared right at Applejack. "I'm just returning the favour."
Sour took a moment to choose what to play next. She looked over each player, then at her own cards. Something seemed to click in her head. She was about to play a card, but then she hesitated, and looked to Sunny and Indigo once more. Quietly she mouthed something to Applejack, and placed down the Five of Swords.