//------------------------------// // Juliet // Story: Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot // by Equimorto //------------------------------// Cautiously, Sunburst stepped back into the room. Somewhat to his surprise, the mirror was still there. So were the book, the mop, the bucket, and everything else that shouldn't have been in that room in the first place. Starlight was there too, but that at least was expected. She looked up at him as he walked past the door. "Where's Starshine?" she asked. "I thought she was with you." "She was," Sunburst replied, "until she wasn't. We had a bit of a discussion in the corridor." "Where is she now, then?" "Nowhere, according to her." Sunburst sat down on the first chair he found. "Or wherever it is she goes when she's not pestering me. I don't know. She's not my daughter, I'm not supposed to keep track of her." "I don't think she'd be young enough to be your daughter." Starlight shook her head. "What do you mean with nowhere?" Sunburst leaned back in his seat, sighed, and gave Starlight a look she'd learned to recognise over the years, and particularly over the months spent in charge of the school, as that of a pony who's absolutely done with something and wishes to talk about it as least they can. "Trust me, the less you hear about her, the happier you will be." Starlight nodded in understanding. "So, found anything out there?" she asked, walking up to Sunburst. She sat down at his side, looking at him. "Nothing," the stallion said. "I had a look around the building, but there wasn't anything, and every spell turned up empty. Same as here. You?" "Nothing." Starlight leaned into her chair. "I had a look around some books, but I couldn't find anything like what we're dealing with. Nothing that doesn't involve regular unicorn magic, at least, and we'd have picked up on that already. Any other strange occurrences out there? Nothing showed up here after you left." "Nothing," said Sunburst. He was silent for a moment, then sighed again. "Starshine, she... She said this was all me." Starlight looked back at him, frowning. "This what? Stuff showing up out of nowhere?" "That. And not just that." Sunburst clicked his tongue a few times, buying time. "Her as well. She said she's here because I want her to be. It's... confusing. And complicated. And I'm not sure what to think." Starlight moved a hoof towards one of Sunburst's, hesitated, then pulled back. She sat in silence for a moment. "So, uh..." She gave an awkward, forced cough. "If you had sex with her, would that make it count as masturbation?" Sunburst just turned towards her. Starlight placed a hoof to her forehead and sighed. "Sorry. I should leave this kind of things to Trixie, I'm not good at breaking tension properly." She chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment. "So do you think she's got a point, or is it all a lie? You should know better than me, it's you we're talking about after all." "I think it would be closer to incest than masturbation, or maybe a mix of the two." Sunburst clicked his tongue. "And I need time to think about it."