//------------------------------// // 18: A Long, Lonely Night // Story: Death of a Queen // by Arkane12 //------------------------------// “Tell me what happened,” Twilight demanded. Shining Armor and the celestial guard lagged, unable to keep pace with the adrenaline-fueled alicorn. Stomping hooves echoed through the marble arches of the palace upper floors. “I’m not entirely sure, Princess. Doctor Heart told us to fetch Luna. She ordered us to gather the rest of you as quickly as we could.” Twilight’s pace quickened with her heartbeat. A mob of soldiers stood guard at Celestia’s door alongside Luna. They parted to allow the princess easy passage. Luna glanced over her shoulder at the new arrivals. “Princess Luna, what’s going on?” Twilight gasped. “We are waiting for Princess Cadence. Doctor Heart requested our presence. It seems there has been an issue with Celestia.” “An issue?” Shining asked. He braced for the inevitable. “I do not know. For now, we wait patiently.” Luna rose to her full height, radiating a forced confidence. A show for the guards and servants gathered around, Twilight guessed. “I’m here. What happened?” Cadence called, pushing through to join the rest of the royal entourage waiting for her. Her crystal guards fell into line with the rest of the armored ponies. Without answering the question, Luna’s magic pushed the door open. She vanished into the darkness of the room, followed closely by Twilight, Cadence, and Shining Armor. Inside, the lights had been switched off, allowing only for what little light the fire cast. At the wounded princess’ bedside, Doctor Heart lazed in a chair, his breathing heavy. A few of his medical staff leaned against the wall behind him, their heads in their hooves. “How is she?” Luna studied the occupied bed with a steely resolve. Her voice captured the medical staff’s attention, drawing them from their stupor. “Bad,” the doctor admitted. With a lazy wave of his foreleg, he dismissed his underlings. He waited for their exhausted exodus to take them out of earshot before continuing. “We lost her for a bit.” “Lost her? As in . . .” Cadence bit her tongue. Doctor Heart nodded. “Luckily, we managed to resuscitate her. No telling if there’s any lasting damage, though. And that’s not even the worst part.” “Speak plainly, Doctor. There is no need for formality now.” Luna commanded. “We have no idea what caused it.” Twilight scrutinized the doctor’s features. She took some cruel comfort in his ragged state. It reminded her that others struggled to bear the same weight of responsibility laden upon her. “I thought you said we would have more time.” Luna moved to her sister’s bedside, drawing back the covers to examine the damage. The blackened wound stretched the length of her flank. Her shimmering mane, a symbol of regality and hope for the ponies of Equestria, had faded. The rise and fall of her breathing looked rapid, as if forced to fight for each gasp. “We still do.” “Meaning?” “Princess Celestia’s condition has been degrading ever since we brought her home. It’s been slow, but steady. Given that information, I drew up that timeline. I can’t be sure that any of our treatments bought us time. Tonight, her vitals crashed. Like I said, she died in her sleep. With the help of my nurses, we managed to bring her back, but she’s still in rough shape.” The doctor climbed stiffly from his chair, his joints slow and unresponsive. He took his place at Luna’s side. “So how much time do we have now?” The three audience members could hear the trepidation in the question. “I can’t say for sure. We might still have a few weeks . . .” “Or?” Trepidation turned to terror. “Or it could be tomorrow. Tonight, even. There’s no way to say for sure.” Luna hit her limit, dropping to her knees and pressing her trembling forehead to her sister’s body. “I’m sorry.” Doctor Heart turned away, refusing to witness the edges of her breakdown, a familiar guilt etched onto his face “I know you have done your best, Doctor. Go rest.” “Princess, I think it would be best if—” “I’ll send for you if anything happens, but I also won’t have you taking care of her unless you’re at your best.” Luna strained her words, trying to speak clearly enough to hide the false bravado within. “Very well,” Doctor Heart sighed. He started for the door but stopped before leaving. “I know you intend to keep this secret, Princess, but I must make a request: when I return, I’d like to bring a team with me from the hospital. They’re skilled, and I’d wager my life that they’re to be trusted.” Despite his word to the contrary, he hadn’t meant it as a question, and he didn’t wait for an answer. He shut the door gently behind him. Shining Armor stepped back, his horror masked behind a stoicism only known to an elite royal guard. Cadence and Twilight flanked their elder, kneeling beside her and covering her in a feathery sheet with their wings. Twilight bowed her head, comforting Luna with an affectionate nuzzle. Cadence instead leaned forward, bracing her horn against her aunt’s. Both could feel Luna shiver. “It’s getting late. You three should go get some sleep, too,” Luna said. Outside, the moon had only just risen. Still, none of the younger royals resisted her suggestion. Instead, they offered one final embrace before taking the long walk back to their own rooms. Alone, Luna finally let her walls drop. She plunged her muzzle into her sister’s fur, staining the radiant white coat with little raindrops. “I’m sorry,” were the only words she could think to say. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” she repeated. “I can’t do this, Celestia.” She wrapped her hooves around her sister’s neck, pulling her limp form into a shaky hug. “I never wanted it to end like this,” She sobbed, choking on each word as she forced them from her chest. The fire darkened. Shadows creeped closer, snaking through the gaps in the moonlight. “Is this how you felt? After I abandoned you? After I left you alone all those centuries? How did you do it?” “Answer me. Please?” she begged. “I don’t know what to do,” she screamed. “I can’t do this without you,” she cried. Safe in the sacred privacy of his guest suite, Shining Armor finally allowed himself to breathe easy. Cadence made for the bathroom, eager to begin her nighttime rituals and say goodbye to this long day. Shining clicked the lock, sliding the deadbolt into place. Behind him, he could hear the scratching of his wife’s brush through her mane. After all the hardships, he decided she deserved a bit of a break, at least. Tomorrow during breakfast would be better to clue her in on his enlightening discussion with Twilight. Over breakfast, maybe? Or maybe that would just ruin tomorrow for her as well. Before he could choose, Cadence interrupted his thoughts. “Is the door really that interesting?” she mumbled through her teeth, a toothbrush handle hanging from the edge of her mouth. “Huh?” Shining Armor turned toward the silhouette of his wife leaning against the door frame. She bobbed her head back and forth slowly as she brushed. “Why are you just standing by the door?” She asked, circling her free hoof at him. “Oh. Nothing, I just . . .” Shining glanced around, searching for a plausible alibi. “I’m going to pout until you tell me,” she threatened, raising her eyebrows, amused. “It can wait until tomorrow. No point in rushing from one headache to the next.” Shining finally peeled himself away from the door, lowering himself onto the edge of the bed. Cadence slunk back into the bathroom. After a quick spray of water from the faucet, she returned, killing the lights behind her and plunging them into the dark. She removed her tiara, setting it cautiously on its stand atop her table before easing into the bed. “You’re afraid to tell me,” she whispered. “It’s not that. It’s just that today’s been stressful enough.” He shrugged. “Get some sleep, we can talk about it another time.” “Shiny . . .” The springs creaked as Cadence rose from her side of the bed, wrapping her forelegs around Shining. “I want you to tell me. In good times and bad, remember?” True to her word, she wore an overdramatic pout. “You know, one day that won’t work on me.” Shining cast a glance over his shoulder at his wife. “I’m sure I’ll have something new to use against you by then.” She smiled, easing his troubled mind. With a deep breath, Shining began his story. “I went to Twilight’s room. To talk.” “After I specifically told you not to.” Cadence corrected. He nodded. “After you specifically told me not to.” “And?” she asked impatiently. “She believes Chrysalis’ story. Turned over a new leaf and left her evil ways behind. She says that Chrysalis has changed since her arrival here.” “Do you believe her?” “After everything she put you through? I doubt I’ll ever be able to trust her.” “I meant Twilight.” “Oh.” He flicked the question around on his tongue. “Maybe. I think she certainly believes it.” “But you worry she’s being tricked.” “I do. I did. Until I saw her tonight.” The two of them settled onto their sides of the bed. Shining laid on his back, staring up at the painted ceiling. Cadence rested on her side; her head held up in a hoof for a better view of her husband. “What happened tonight?” Cadence prodded. “I told her that I didn’t want her going near Chrysalis anymore.” “I’m guessing she didn’t take it well.” Shining shook his head. “That’s when Luna’s summons arrived. I think Twilight was just getting started.” “She seems adamant.” “When I looked at her, though, she seemed . . . normal. Well, for Twilight. You know what I mean?” “Determined, overwhelmed, and slightly off her rocker? ”Cadence suggested. “Yeah. I think she’s just as lost as we are.” “What’s your point?” Shining sighed. “I don’t think she knows how to feel about Chrysalis. She seems unsure of her own decisions.” “Like they’re not her decisions, or . . .?” “Like she’s conflicted. Her logical side tells her one thing, her emotional side tells her the other, and she ends up caught in the middle of their feud. It’s not the first time she’s done this.” “So, what’s your final verdict?” Cadence asked, nuzzling his arm. “I want to believe in Twilight. She’s capable of things I can’t even fathom. If she says Chrysalis has changed, who am I to argue with her?” “That’s usually a pretty good bet.” “But I’m not letting my guard down around Chrysalis. Not until I’ve seen proof of her conversion.” “That’s also probably a good idea.” When Shining closed his eyes, he could still see his sister’s face. Angry at him, sure, but with a hint of betrayal underneath. He didn’t blame her. He had betrayed her, sort of. “Can I say something?” Cadence scrutinized her front hoof. “Of course.” “I think Luna made a mistake.” Shining turned toward Cadence. “And what mistake is that?” “Asking the two of us to help with this. Our history with Chrysalis hardly makes us fair judges. I still think about that day. Lying down there, trapped in the caves beneath to starve while she plays pretend.” “It’s not your fault.” Shining scooted over until their flanks met. “You know that, don’t you?” “Shining, if Twilight hadn’t figured out her plan, we’d both probably be dead right now. She’s proved time and time again to be one of the most capable ponies I know. And we refused to even listen to her. I’m a terrible sister.” “No, you’re not.” “I threatened Chrysalis, Shiny,” Cadence blurted. She paused, allowing him a moment to process that information. “I went to her room tonight with a small battalion of guards, and I threatened her.” “You threaten me all the time,” Shining frowned. She ignored him. “And the worst part is . . . I enjoyed it. Watching her, knowing she was powerless to stop me from doing whatever I wanted to her. It felt intoxicating.” “You’re not the first pony to feel that way.” “I’m the Princess of Love, Shiny. I don’t threaten. Period. I just wanted justice for all the wrongs she’s done to us. But I guess I went a little too far.” “We both did,” Shining admitted. “I think we should let Twilight see Chrysalis.” “So do I.” “But I think they still need to be supervised.” “I’ll see to it personally.” Shining wanted to mention Twilight’s final words. She thought she loved Chrysalis. No. Not tonight. He needed to observe their time together, then decide on that issue. No need to bother Cadence with that tonight. “I love you, Shiny.” Cadence whispered, pressing her head against his chest. “I love you, too.” Shining held her tight. In moments, he could hear the soft snoring emanating from Cadence. Chuckling silently to himself, he finally closed his eyes and let sleep take him. The clock ticked away from its stage on the wall. In the hearth, the flames burned down to cold ash. Moonlight crawled across the tile, inching toward the far wall. Before long, the first rays of sunlight would reach over the horizon, marking a new day of torture for the umbral princess. Eventually, her tears ran dry, her throat hoarse from her pained cries. “It should’ve been me,” she decided. “Equestria would survive without me. It has before. It will after I’m gone. But what will your ponies do without you? What Twilight would do without you?” A knot of guilt twisted in her chest at the thought of her sister’s prized student. “She and Chrysalis have been spending quite a bit of time together. I’m worried that changeling is starting to poison her mind. She’s far too friendly to that criminal.” Luna sighed. “But perhaps I’m simply being paranoid. The two of them are working together to save you. Think of it, one of our mortal enemies trying to save your life. It would almost be funny, were it not so tragic.” She laid her head on Celestia’s bed. “Am I wrong? Each day, I find my thoughts twisting further. I don’t know what I believe anymore. For the first time in my life, I’m at a loss.” Even if Celestia couldn’t hear her, finally admitting the truth to somepony brought Luna a sliver of peace. “I don’t know what I’ll do without you. But if the worst should come to pass, know I’ll do my best to live up to the example you set. “Remember, dear sister, that I love you, and I know you’ll be watching over me, no matter what, just as you always do.”