//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Princess Cadence // Story: Unfriendship: Pony Gods // by littleman001 //------------------------------// Back in the main Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle was walking down the hallway towards the throne room of Canterlot Castle. She wasn't in the highest of spirits. Just when she thought this day was finally over and everything was gonna go back to normal, life has once again had to cross her plans. Instead of apprehending Chrysalis and calling it a day, she now had to deal with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor, Cadence and Celestia herself disappearing right in front of their eyes and they had no idea where to. If the public would find out that their leader had disappeared right after an attack on Canterlot, there would be a massive panic in the entire country, so she and her friends had to do their best to cover it up until Celestia and the others could be found, which was easier said then done. And if that wasn't bad enough, Sombra and Lightning Dust were still at large, Luna still hasn't recovered from her latest corruption to Nightmare Moon and the other villains they've captured today required constant watch in the dungeons until Celestia could come back to deal with them. She was officially at the end of her nerves when she entered the throne room and the fact that she had to put up with Starlight and Trixie constantly bickering about how to find the missing ponies definitely did not help. "For the last time Trixie, no!" Starlight yelled at the other unicorn rubbing her temples. This whole situation was apparently just as frustrating for her as for Twilight. "Well, do you have a better idea?" Trixie argued, earning a glare from Starlight. "I could come up with one, if you would shut up and let me think for five minutes!" Twilight caught the last part of their argument. "What was that? Did you finally find a way to locate them?" she asked hopefully. Trixie was about to answer, but Starlight beat her to it. "Not yet. We're still trying to figure out what kind of magic did this. Whatever it was, I've never seen anything like it before." "But the traces of it's power are still there on spot where they disappeared!" Trixie added. "If Trixie could study it, we would be able to track it to wherever it took our friends and follow them!" "And I told you about a hundred times already, it's too risky! We have no idea if they went somewhere dangerous or even if they went anywhere at all!" Starlight countered. Twilight thought about this idea for a moment, before eventually reaching the same conclusion as Starlight. "Sorry, Trixie, but I'm with Starlight on this. We can't take that chance. I can't afford anymore of you disappearing to Faust knows where. I can barely keep the princess' disappearance hush-hush and I need the best unicorns here to figure out what happened and bring them back." Twilight reasoned. Trixie wasn't happy that Twilight also dismissed her idea, but it appealed to her ego how important Twilight thought she was so she didn't push it further. "Thanks for settling that Twilight." Starlight sighed in relief. "With that out of the way, maybe we can get some real work done and actually find them." she said as she went back to the book she was studying. "I'm sure you will. I have faith in you." Twilight said with a supportive look before leaving the two unicorns to their work. In the Unfriendship universe, Cadence has finally reached the Crystal Palace, but ever since arriving into the city, she couldn't help but feel like something was very wrong. The Crystal Ponies, who were usually very happy when they saw her and didn't hesitate to interact with her, but when she ran into a few of her subjects, they were all very formal and just bowed deeply before trotting away. She couldn't stop wondering about why would they be so distant even by the time she reached the castle's library. Inside, there was one lonely mare working, organizing books on the shelves. She was so busy that she didn't even see Cadence walk in. "Um, excuse me?" she addressed the mare, who immediately recognized the voice and jumped in fright before turning around and bowing deeply. "Oh, forgive me your highness! I was so deep inside my work that I didn't notice you enter!" Cadende just waved it off. "It's alright." she said, fully expecting the poor mare to get up but she remained on the ground, almost as it afraid to stand. "Um... could you stand up, please? I need your help." the librarian stood up and smiled up at the princess. "I would be honored, your highness, but if I may be so bold, I thought you were supposed to meet with the representatives of the Empress of Magic in the throne room for the treaty negotiations." Cadence was utterly lost at the mention of this. Empress? Just what kind of changes have transpired in this world? "The Empress... Of course... Their representatives could arrive at any moment, so I decided to make the most of my time and refresh my knowledge of recent events. I may find something to offer me a better position during the negotiation." Cadence explained, desperately hoping that she would buy it. She was lucky, as the librarian just bowed again with a helpful smile. "I am at your service, Princess, but I'm afraid our archives are extremely limited. The Empress has been less than willing to reveal to us the inner working of her Regime." Cadence frowned. There must be a way to get the information she needs. "It is no problem. I am more interested in a recount of the events that transpired since her ascension." she replied. "I am happy to assist, your highness." the librarian bowed again, before returning to her work on the shelves as she began the story. "Five years ago, the changeling queen, Chrysalis tricked Twilight Sparkle into killing her parents and destroying Canterlot in the process." That one sentence was enough to make Cadence recoil in horror. Chrysalis did what? She was so horrified by what she heard that she barely heard as the librarian mare continued." Consumed by grief and rage, Twilight killed Chrysalis and from then on, she showed no restraint. She gathered herself a group of like-minded ponies, dethroned Princess Celestia and established the Equestrian Magical Regime. As judges, juries and executioners, she and her agents have all but eliminated crime and resistance inside the country. And now they are turning their attention towards outside threats. Against which they are hoping to unify all ponies. This meeting and treaty with us is the first step of that." Cadence needed some time to process this. She had a hard time imagining Twilight would be capable of something like this. Even in another universe. 'Twilight, how could you?' even after everything that happened, after all she learned from Celestia, she believed Twilight would have more self control than that. The librarian mare took off a book from the shelf and turned towards the princess. "There you go, your highness. This contains all information we have on the Empress' Regime. Scarce as they are..." Cadence thanked her and turned around, only find herself face to face with a guard. For a moment, she was afraid what might happen - this wasn't her universe after all - but to her relief, the guard merely bowed before her. "Your highness, the Empress' ambassadors are waiting for you in the throne room." he reported. Cadence frowned, she wasn't looking forward to this meeting in the slightest considering what she just learned, but in the end, she figured she might learn what Twilight had planned for the Crystal Empire. Upon reaching the throne room, Cadence was greeted by two ponies she knew all too well, but when she saw them, they still looked and felt like strangers to her. Inside the room was Regime Fluttershy and Regime Rarity, both wearing ceremonial suits with short purple capes and the same purple star symbol with an eye in the middle of their chests that Cadence had seen in the book the librarian gave her. She had learned from there that this was the symbol Twilight's regime. To let everypony know that the Empress is always watching. Despite her reservations, Cadence went to greet her guests. "Fluttershy, Rarity. It is a pleasure to greet you in the Crystal Empire again." she said, trying to sound as jovial as she could. The two ponies in front of her bowed their heads. "The pleasure is all ours, your highness." Regime Fluttershy replied. Despite her joining a fascist dictatorship, her voice and behavior were as timid as ever. "It has been years since Equestrian representatives were allowed to visit the Empire. We hope this meeting will be the first step towards restoring the harmony between our nations." "Yes." Cadence relied uncomfortably. "This... treaty will no doubt help us reconnect. An important moment for all of us." Regime Rarity nodded. "Indeed. Twilight is happy you agreed to our terms." she then pulled out a parchment from her cloak and handed it to Cadence. "The final draft. All it need is your signature in order to be finalized." Cadence looked at the parchment for a few moments before taking it and unfolding it with her magic. But what she read inside it was certainly not what she would call harmony and reconnection. Regime Fluttershy and Regime Rarity noticed her troubled expression immediately. "Is there a problem, your highness?" Regime Rarity asked. Problem was the lightest way Cadence would have put it once she reached the end of the parchment. She turned towards the other two ponies with a scowl. "You call this harmony and reconnection?! This is subjugation and subservience! I'm basically submitting my throne to Twilight!" Regime Fluttershy and Regime Rarity looked at each other in confusion. "I... don't understand." Regime Fluttershy muttered. "You personally discussed the details of this treaty with the Empress and you agreed to all of her conditions." Cadence raised a brow at this. Did she do such a thing? According to what the librarian told her, it has been 5 years since the destruction of Canterlot, while for her, it has been just hours since she found herself in this world after she tried to stop Chrysalis from doing it. But right now, she had more important things to worry about. "Well, tell your Empress that I have changed my mind!" she countered, setting the parchment ablaze and disintegrating it. Regime Fluttershy and Regime Rarity shared another concerned look. "The Empress won't be happy to hear that, darling." Regime Rarity said. Cadence definitely didn't like the tone she used when she said this. "Was that a threat, Rarity?" she all but snarled. Regime Fluttershy tried to intervene before things got out of hoof. "We meant no disrespect, your highness, but our orders are to ensure the Crystal Empire's cooperation." "By force, if necessary." Regime Rarity added, igniting her horn. Cadence didn't back down. "I think of your orders the same as of your treaty! Twilight will NOT have the Crystal Empire!" she tried to blast Regime Fluttershy away, but Regime Rarity got in front of her and used a shield spell to defect the attack. "That was a huge mistake!" she yelled, hitting her with a blast of her own. Candece flew up into the air to avoid them, but Regime Fluttershy followed her and managed to get a hold of her from behind. Regime Rarity tried to take advantage of this and charged her horn for a powerful attack, but Cadence teleported away just in time for the spell to hit Regime Fluttershy instead and blast her out of the air. Regime Rarity gasped in shock. "Fluttershy! Oh, I'm so sorry, darling!" Cadence then appeared right next to her. Regime Rarity turned to her with a glare. "You'll pay for that!" but before she could do anything, Cadence lifted her up with telekinesis. "How about you just settle down and take me to Twilight? I want to talk to her!" "You don't talk to Twilight! You do what she says!" Regime Rarity replied, before unleashing a blast that was so strong it broke the telekinetic grip and knocked Cadence off balance. "And you're gonna do what you promised! Whether you like it or not!" Regime Rarity yelled as she started blasting at Cadence again. The princess took off into the air and while dodging Regime Rarity's blasts, she noticed the large crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. She flew towards it and stopped right in front of it, before blasting at Regime Rarity herself. The white unicorn could only avoid it by moving forward since she needed to get closer to Cadence for another attack and since she was already standing at the end of the room. She ran forward, dodging blasts from the princess and when she had one chance to return the fire, she did. But of course, that was exactly what Cadence wanted. She moved out of the way just in time and Regime Rarity's blast hit the chandelier with enough force to make it fall. Before Regime Rarity knew what was happening, she was lying unconscious under the crystal formation. Cadnece flew down next to her. "Between you and me, Rarity, you make a better stylist than a diplomat." "There she is, your highness!" Cadence turned around and was in for the shock of her life when right next to the same guard who informed her of the arrival of the ambassadors, she saw an exact copy of herself, except wearing a crystal crown and a glistening crystal armor that covered her whole body except her wings, with spikes emerging from the shoulders. Her hair was much shorter than hers and on her hooves wore dark purple royal shoes. And on top of it, she wore an angry glare that Cadence had no idea she was capable of. "Well, that settles it." Cadence said to herself. "This is a mirror universe." Regime Cadence marched up to her, followed by a batallion of crystal guards. "What is the meaning of this?!" she demanded. "What are you? A changeling? Another of Discord's mind games?" Cadence did not falter. "I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza! The princess of love and sovereign of the Crystal Empire, guardian and protector of the Crysal Ponies! Do you still remember what that means?" Regime Cadence deepened her glare. "Mind how you talk to me, impostor!" she snapped, but Cadence ignored her. "You would give away your empire like a broken toy to Twilight? After everything she's done, you would allow her to opress the crystal ponies whom you are supposed to protect and care for?!" she demanded. She was outraged that her counterpart would even consider such a step. "The treaty requires Twilight to tend to the Crystal Heart and recognize the Empire's autonomy." Regime Cadence argued, but Cadence wasn't convinced in the slightest. "She gets control of all the Empire's forces and resources!" "That's what they call terms and negotiation!" "Well I call it submission and appesement!" Regime Cadence scoffed. "Who are you to judge me like this?! You have no idea what I went through!" she shouted with tears forming in her eyes. "Shining Armor died in Canterlot five years ago! My daughter hates me and left me to join Twilight! I was left all alone! Now I have the chance to reconnect with my friends and win back my daughter! I'm not going to pass it!" she ranted, but she didn't manage to invoke Cadence's sympathy. "Oh, so you're just gonna allow Twilight to enslave the empire in exchange for a chance to see your daughter again. Some ruler you are." Cadence spat back. Regime Cadence stomped her hoof in anger. "Enough of this! Guards, seize her!" the crystal guards surrounded Cadence and were about to attack. Cadence took up a defensive position, when suddenly she felt a magical wave sweep across the room. The next moment, everypony around her completely froze in place, including the guards who were already in midair, lunging at her. They didn't even fall to the ground, they remained perfectly still. Cadence looked around in confusion, trying to figure out what just happened, before a voice came out of nowhere, answering her question. "This was getting way too chaotic even for my taste." Cadence heard from behind her. She quickly spun around to see insurgency Discord leaning on the shoulder of her counterpart and slurping a glass of chocolate milk. Cadence narrowed her eyes at him. "Discord!" she snarled. "What do you want?" Insurgency Discord quickly emptied his glass and tossed it behind his back before approaching Cadence. "I felt the kind of chaos that I haven't felt in a long time since my Twilight is keeping such a tight grip on my Equestria. Things were getting pretty boring, so I decided to check it out. And I must admit, I like what I found here. Looks like Celestia finally found a way to take down Twilight. She wouldn't have yanked you and the others from your world over otherwise." Insurgency Discord explained. Cadence raised an eyebrow. "Celestia? Are you saying she brought us into this world?" Insurgency Discord nodded. "She sure did. She's gonna need the backup after all the ponies she lost in the fight against Twilight's Regime." Cadence lowered her head upon hearing this. The more she heard about the things Twilight has been doing in this world, the more hard she found to believe it. Insurgency Discord continued. "Ever since the rise of the Regime, Celestia has been leading the resistance force against them. But their numbers are getting fewer by eveyday. She must be getting desperate." Cadence decided that she had heard enough. "I... I need some time to process this. Twilight overthrowing Celestia already sounds preposterous enough, but the two of them fighting a war over it..." Insurgency Discord nodded. "Yes, I imagine this is a lot to take in. But time is sadly a luxury we can't afford. Your friends already had a run in with the Regime's forces so it won't be long before Twilight knows you're here. And then no matter what Celestia cooked up to defeat her, it will fail." Cadence frowned. She didn't like to admit it, but Insurgency Discord was right. She shuddered. Even thinking this just felt wrong. "Very well. Send me to them." Before Cadence could even blink, she found herself in a dark room she couldn't recognize. For a moment, she thought Insurgency Discord was playing a trick on her, but then she heard familiar voices coming from outside. "Well how were we supposed to know?! You just pull us over into a mirror universe without asking us and you expect us to just stay put and wait for you to come and get us without trying to find out anything on our own?!" complained a voice that only could have been Rainbow Dash. "Look, it doesn't matter now! All that matters is we need to bring Cadence back from the Empire!" Shining Armor replied as the voices got closer. Cadence heard a door opening and saw the three ponies who accompanied her to this strange world standing there and looking at her in surprise. "You're good at this." Rainbow Dash told Shining after a few moments of awkward silence. The stallion just ignored her and ran over to his wife. "Cadnece, thank goodness!" he exclaimed in relief as he nuzzled his wife. "How did you get here so fast?" "Discord sent me here." Cadence replied. "Not our Discord!" she clarified, noticing the alarmed look on Rainbow's and Applejack's face. Shining just chuckled. "We know the feeling, dear. Meet Not our Celestia." he said gesturing with his hoof towards the battered looking alternate version of the alicorn princess. Needless to say, Cadence didn't like the sight. "Ce-Celestia? What in Faust's name happened to you?" she screamed in shock. Insurgency Celestia just stared at her dryly. "Try leading a resistance effort against a tyrannical empress for five years with extremely limited resources while hiding in the shadows and let's see if you look any better." she replied. The four ponies around her just stared at her for a while before she sighed. "I apologize. I have grown a little cynical during my years of fighting this war." "Yeah, a little." Rainbow Dash retorted. Insurgency Celestia decided to ignore that remark. "Anyway, now that you're all here, I believe it's time to reveal why I brought you here." she said as the five of them sat down around a table. "But first, take in the pills I gave you." Cadence noticed Shining, Rainbow and Applejack all following the instruction and pulling out small purple pills before putting them in their mouth. She looked at them in confusion. "Did the interuniversal jump give you some sort of headache?" she asked. "We're trying to prevent one actually." Shining replied, swallowing his pill. "It's one of Twilight's latest inventions. Turns out, this pill increases the consumer's regeneration, stamina and magic resisting capabilities to the levels of an alicorn." "Long story short, ya can take a heck lot of punishment thanks to this thing." Applejack simplified. "I'd like to see our Twilight boss me around when we go back now that I have taken this thing!" Rainbow Dash said in excitement after swallowing her own. This actually caused Insurgency Celestia to chuckle. "I don't mean to bring your spirits down, Rainbow Dash, but the effects are temporary. Even if they were permanent, I doubt they would survive the effects of the interuniversal jump once you've returned home." she explained, causing Rainbow to sit back down in dejection. "Twilight's been feeding it to her goons to keep her grip on this Equestria." Shining finished the explanation. Cadence lowered her head when she heard this. "Yeah, I've heard the story. I went all the way up to the Crystal Empire to find out what kind of world we ended up in, only to run into my evil twin. And those of Rarity and Fluttershy." "Fluttershy?!" Rainbow Dash jumped up in surprise. "Evil alicorns are one thing, but I can't imagine any version of Fluttershy in any world that could be evil! Forget evil, Fluttershy doesn't even know how to be mean!" "They're not evil." Insurgency Celestia said. "Most of them obey Twilight out of fear. Like my Fluttershy or the Applejack you encountered back in Ponyville." Applejack let out an angry scoff. She still wasn't over that. "And there are those who believe she's right and have lost perspective. Chief among them is my Rainbow Dash who acts as Twilight's second in command. Little Scootaloo was among the casualties of the destruction of Canterlot five years ago. She could never get over it." This caused Rainbow Dash to think. If this were to happen to her Scootaloo, would she act any different? Applejack's expression grew even more sour. "So, that's it? Everypony just left ya for Twilight?" "Not everypony." the four ponies from the main universe jumped in surprise as one as the pony who spoke entered the room. It was a pony they all knew, albeit not in a positive way. It was Insurgency Sombra. He looked much tamer than the one in their universe. He had a perfectly combed hair and instead of his dark armor, he was wearing a light brown suit. "What is this?!" Cadence yelled as she stepped back in fright. Shining Armor stood in front of her protectingly. "How are you even alive?" he demanded. Insurgency Celestia raised her hoof to calm them down. "Calm down everypony. He's with me." "I'm finding that impossible to believe!" Rainbow Dash said, ready to attack, but Insurgency Celestia held her back with her magic. Insurgency Sombra walked to the table and sat down next to Insurgency Celestia. "Unlike your Sombra, I never tried to enslave the Crystal Empire. I have always been a faithful advisor to the Princess. But sadly, I can't support Celestia and her Insurgency as much as I'd like to. Twilight's agents are watching my every move. Faithful as I may have been to Equestria all these years, Twilight doesn't believe that Celestia's own husband would turn on her." he told them as he and Insurgency Celestia gently touched forehooves. "HUSBAND?!" the four other ponies in the room screamed in unison. "And here I was thinking Twilight going evil was the strangest thing that could happen in this world!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Insurgency Celestia turned back to them. "Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get down to business." She summoned another pill with her magic and offered it to Cadence. "Here, you should take one too." Cadence looked at her with a questioning look. "Uh... I'm already an alicorn, remember?" insurgency Celestia wasn't amused. "I am well aware of it, thank you. But it won't do you any good here. Twilight has developed a spell that severely depowers alicorns. You'll need this just to survive." that was all the encouragement Cadence needed. "So that's why you can't just go all celestial on Twilight's flank and reclaim your kingdom." Rainbow Dash said. Insurgency Celestia nodded. "But with the four of you here, I can finally set my new plan in motion. Sombra, if you please." Insurgency Sombra nodded and used his magic to show an image of some sort of armor that seemed to have been designed for a unicorn with a horn on top of the helmet. "I have been able to design a suit that could restore Celestia's alicorn powers for one blast that can take down Twilight." "One blast with a very specific spell I developed. If used with my full power, it can strip Twilight of her alicorn status and powers. When Sombra built a prototype with resources from the Regime, I have had a few of my agents hide it in the Everfree Forest in the ruins of my old castle that I shared with Luna. I need your help to access it." The four ponies from the main universe turned to look at each other. It sounded like this trip to this universe was about to get a whole lot more interesting. Meanwhile at Canterlot Castle, the Empress of Magic, Regime Twilight Sparkle herself was standing in the dungeons practicing a new mind control spell she developed on Regime Tirek. While she only recruited ponies into the rank of her Regime, she couldn't deny that under the right hooves, the likes of Tirek could be useful instruments. The spell worked like a charm - pun intended - Regime Twilight smirked as she saw how easily she could control him. Truly she has come a long way. This will be very useful in furthering the Regime's influence. "You actually did it." she heard a voice. She didn't look behind, but she recognized it as Regime Rainbow Dash. The pegasus walked up next to Regime Twilight, wearing an exact replica of the armor of Commander Hurricane, the leader of the pegasi when the three pony tribes were united. "I have to admit, I had doubts, but if you can control him, you can control anypony!" Regime Twilight nodded. "Indeed. I already have a few candidates in mind. With them under our influence, it'll be no time before we crush the Insurgency." Regime Rainbow smirked in approval. "Oh, by the way, AJ is here. She said she had a very important thing to report to you." she said looking at Regime Twilight. She actually had to look up now to do that as Regime Twilight now stood at the full size of an alicorn with the same sized horn, wings and ethereal mane. Regime Twilight nodded at her. "Send her in." Regime Rainbow Dash nodded and left the room. A few seconds later, Regime Applejack entered. "Empress!" she yelled as she ran up to her. Regime Twilight looked at her and noticed her battered state. "Ran into trouble, I assume?" she asked. Regime Applejack nodded. "Just got out of the infirmary! I've been sent there after an encounter with somepony who looked a lot like... well me. And Rainbow Dash. And..." it was obvious that she was nervous to add this one. "...Shining Armor." Regime Twilight considered what the farmpony told her for a few seconds before turning back to her. "Find them. And any others that might be out there. I want to know everything." Regime Applejack bowed and left the room leaving Regime Twilight to her thoughts. Regime Fluttershy and Regime Rarity also reported a Cadence doppelgänger when they returned from the Crystal Empire. There was no way this was a coincidence. "Just what are you up to now, Celestia?"