Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto

Imaginations from the Other Side - Episode 5

"Well, that was a thing," Rainbow said, reclining in her seat by the window.
"Yep." Pinkie nodded from behind the counter. "And he had a thread going there for a bit. That was unexpected."
"And..." Sitting in front of Pinkie, Twilight sighed. "I don't wanna say bad, because it wasn't really bad, but it's weird that he'd focus on that. With everything else that's going on and everything he could focus on, it's weird that he'd spend so long on that. It doesn't seem as important as some of the other stuff."
"But would it have felt rushed if he had given it less time?" Rarity interjected from her chair on Twilight's right. "That's what we should be asking here. That part didn't feel like it dragged on, at least not to me. Those two characters were interacting, and their interactions were given their needed time."
Twilight wrinkled her lips for a moment. "Just because you can't imagine something better, that doesn't mean something better isn't possible. Who's to say a better writer couldn't have gotten the same information across just as clearly in half the words?"
"Twilight?" Rainbow waited a moment before continuing, to make sure the alicorn was looking at her. "If you don't like it, why do you keep reading it?"
Twilight had a false start before she actually said, "I don't dislike it either. And I want to like it. And I've read it all the way here and-"
"Sunk cost fallacy?" asked Fluttershy, who was sitting to Twilight's left. "If that's what's keeping you, you should realise that this thing is probably not even a tenth of the way through yet. If you want to jump ship, now's your time."
"It's not just that," Twilight replied. "There's some stuff I like in there. And there's stuff I'm interested in, and I want to see where it goes. That's why it annoys me when not only do we get nothing new on the things we've already established are there, we instead have to take time establishing even more stuff. And the bigger the pile of threads grows, the more do my doubts that it'll all be satisfyingly weaved together."
Pinkie nodded. "She's got a point there."
"Well, at the least we do seem to be getting mostly updates on things we know recently," Rarity said, picking up her drink. "Or ones that don't add new stuff."
"I guess you're right." Twilight took a sip from hers. "There was that one chapter about the bridge though. That one's new."
"That is new," Rarity agreed. "And weirdly floating there on its own. But I guess we'll see where things go with that."
"Still waiting for the next update on the hospital." Twilight took another sip. Then she looked around the interior of Sugarcube Corner. "Has anyone seen Applejack?"
The four other mares all shook their heads. Fluttershy pursed her lips. Rainbow gave a dismissive wave, and said, "She's probably just taking care of her orchard."
Twilight thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. "Yeah, you're probably right."