Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto

My Dream's but a Drop of Fuel for a Nightmare

The sounds around her were deafening. Screams and howls and moans, and deep and distorted strings and artificial, digital beeps moving in pitch and brought to the highest intensity. A cacophony that rumbled through and along the walls, down from the too high to see peaks of the stadium she stood at the centre of yet all around her in the barren and claustrophobically narrow corridor she was simultaneously kneeling in. And it was enough to drown her, and Adagio was drunk on it.
And the seats of the stadium were all full, but the place was empty, and the people spoke but their mouths didn't open, and they cheered but their faces were still and grey. And Adagio sank down through the sound, naked, music filling her lungs as she struggled to breathe. And her body touched the bottom and still she couldn't draw breath, and her head began to pulse but there was nothing she could do about it.
The weight of the screams and music above crushed her down, and she was forced to crawl over the naked bodies that made up the bottom of the abyss. They looked almost like statues, their skin preserved pale and hairless but intact, their faces always hidden from her. And as she dragged herself forward her skin too began to lose its colour, her hair losing its shape and shade and draping down over her back. Her nails lost their polish, and her vision went blurry.
But still she pushed forward, as her muscles grew weaker and her body lost weight. And the pressure grew, and it pierced through her skin, and the sound entered her blood and she was being torn apart at the seams and her body splintered. And Adagio took the music in her lungs and screamed, and her voice joined the sound and her body became one with the cacophony. And she was sound and music and she spun and swam faster through the ocean and she gathered more sound with her.
And Adagio was a storm rising over the seas, and she ripped the corpses from the bottom and crushed them and pushed them together and a star ignited inside her from the mass of death she gathered, and in a burst of light and melody in the eye of the storm the black and grey star of death collapsed and her new body was born. And her body was power and beauty and form and sound and music and matter and it gleamed a light of its own.
And her steps on the shore were like glass bells singing in harmony, and she walked towards the throne of rock and bone and flesh that was one with the island and with the whole of the world. And Adagio sat on the throne and the throne pierced into her body and spread through her, and Adagio was one with her throne and one with pleasure, and her face distorted into a smile as she and the throne fully consumed each other.