//------------------------------// // BASS!, Prologue. // Story: Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 // by TDR //------------------------------// Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 4 By TDR BASS!, Prologue. [Sweet Apple Acres, Two weeks after Princess Celestia was briefly turned into a giant toad] Applejack stared at Saturnia. Saturnia stared at Applejack. Rahs simply sighed. “Woof” The moon dog pointed out. Applejack flattened her ears under her hat. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Still ain't sure ah like it though.” Applejack huffed. “You wanted to know how to do this, so I came to show you.” Saturnia frowned. “And brought tha rest of yer kin?” Applejack offered looking at the other changelings and Kevin, sitting behind Saturnia in the grass of her orchard. “No, I'm not related to any of them though I'm just the one sort of in charge of the hive here. “ Saturnia frowned before starting to point them out. “That's Thorax, everyone knows Bees...” “Hi!” Bees stated. “Cicada and Aphid, their son Firefly tends to hang around with the crusaders.” Saturnia pointed out.” And Kevin.” “Yeah, I met them two, and ah ain't sure why Kevin's with yah, but okay.” Applejack nodded. Rahs took note that Saturnia seemed to be developing a twitch when Kevin was brought up. He wondered if Kevin had married a changeling or something to be hanging out with them before shrugging, not his business who Kevin liked. “At any rate, while raw isn't something any one is really against, I know you ponies have a bit of a issue with it.” Saturnia offered. “Ah ain't too squeamish bout it any more, but ah was curious about how tah cook it too. Plus word is yah ken get all sorts of nasty diseases eating things like that raw.” Applejack pointed out. “True I suppose griffons could, but given we heal by the emotions we take in and you and Rahs do the same with magic, I doubt we could catch anything with out it being purged.” Saturnia pointed out. “Point.” Applejack admitted. ”But still.” “Alright well. In any case I'm certainly not going to pass this up.” Saturnia smirked as the group started walking out further into the fields.” Aphid is the better one for this though. She's had a lot more experience.” “We used to live near a lemon farm. They were quite tart.” Aphid pointed out, the changeling mare having an almost teal coloration to carapace. Applejack considered a moment, looking at the group of them. The male, Cicada had a coarse mat of dark green hair cut short almost in a mohawk, the female Aphid how ever didn't and she was pretty sure Firefly had a mane and tail too though aside form Saturnia the others were bald, well Bees wore a large red clown wig at work occasionally, but he was bald here. She honestly was considering asking about it but she didn't know enough about Changelings to do so without risking what might be a faux pas. Saturnia and Firefly were the two she had the most contact with and they both had hair, so did Chrysalis, but given she was a god.... Ehh whatever, she wasn't concerned about it. She had enough crap happen to her to no longer be disturbed by some creatures appearance, for the most part, so long as they were civil. Getting turned into something that made nations close their borders did that to you. “Well these guys ain't tart, most of taste like apples, and lemmi tell yah, I missed that.” Applejack stated. “Any way, ah got a set up out here yah might like.” Stepping out of the edge of the orchard the line of where the field of protective magic the crystal spire that had become the Apple's biggest barn could easily be seen by the thin line of snow on the other side of it. The Everfree forest loomed a good dozen yards past that, though the place was no longer quite as threatening. After the Timber wolf attack that caused Applejack's issue, the few monsters that did come out of the forest were met by a much more vicious farm pony than they had expected. They were either driven off by Witch Jack, or wouldn't be a problem to anyone any more. Some parts of this transformation Applejack rather liked. Sitting at the edge of the protective magic was a large awning that looked as if it had been built recently. The side facing the forest was a brick wall with the other two sides and the front open to the air save for some support pillars. Along the back wall was what looked like a full kitchen, though judging by the smoker and roasting spits, one with more griffonese palate in mind. “ Well I didn't expect this sort of set up.” Saturnia whistled. “ Trying to get to Rahs' heart through his stomach?” Applejack didn't say anything though Rahs simply coughed nervously. Saturnia smirked, though a cry from Bees drew her attention. The strange drone was already under the awning, drooling heavily as he poked at a cage sitting at the corner that was filled with the very thing that they had all come here for. Fruit Bats. Rahs and Applejack both had found out that these particular creatures, which practically overran one of her fields were very tasty. Judging by the way most of the changelings with them were drooling, they agreed. Trapping them had been rather easy, as the fat things tended to fall asleep after gorging on her fruit trees. With the weather around the farm staying warm enough to grow, the little buggers had stayed around instead of hibernating or flying south or whatever they usually did. Applejack was planning to ask Twilight to do some hocus pocus stuff and run them off, but then Rahs had pointed out how they tasted, and well. That's why everyone was out here now. Saturnia wasn't Applejack's first choice to talk to, but her own buggy relatives were a bit far to ask, and thus far she hadn't really come into any sort of direct conflict with Saturnia aside from the obvious. She and Trixie didn't like each other very much even before Rahs was in the equation, and she and Jynx tended to end most of their meetings fighting or just growling at each other. Applejack was rather amazed she and Sunset stayed so friendly sometimes. “So then. How we gonna set this thing up?” Applejack questioned. “Well given the flavor, most of the time they are sugared and used as a desert, but a lot of other ways are available to prepare them as well.... “ Aphid pointed out after wiping her mouth. “ Oh, you have a fryer out here, that will help.” “Yeah, it's one of the old fritter vats that we didn't use to much after gitting a new one, so we dun need tah worry bout any one complaining bout their fritters tasting like bats.” Applejack offered. “Fruit bat fritters sound good.” Cicada offered. “I can make those.” Aphid pointed out. “It helps there's apples around to add to the mix. It's always good to add in fruit from what they ate to enhance the flavors.” “Not sure I'd taste it unless we added specific apples from trees ah didn't work on, but that still sounds good.” Applejack pointed out. “Well I suppose we should start with the cleaning and preparing them.” Saturnia pointed out. “We set up a table out in tha woods a few paces, in sight, but far enough that anything cleaning up scraps ain't gonna come intah tha farm.” Applejack pointed a hoof towards a slightly worn path to in the woods marked by a few large rocks. “Great.”Saturnia nodded. "Bees, you and Thorax take the cage back there and start cleaning them, we can start getting everything set up here.” “Woof.” Rahs pointed out. “Yeah good point, if yah need any other supplies we ken git um, didn't bring much out here jus yet.” Applejack translated. “Ummm, Princess.” Thorax stated with a frown pointing a hoof towards where the bats were. “What?” Saturnia turned her eyes widening along with everyone else who looked over at the cage of fruit bats. Bees was wrapped and bound up on the ground in a rather surprising amount of rope and was wiggling around. “I'm going to be a beautiful butter bug!” Bees squirmed happily. More importantly, the cage of fruit bats was gone. Looking around Rahs quickly pointed out the culprit as a yellow figure with a long pink tail dashed across the farm into the orchards with the cage on her back. “FLUTTERSHY CONSARN IT, GIT BACK HERE WITH THEM SOON TAH BE VITTLES!!!”Applejack bellowed.