//------------------------------// // Twilight Learns (E) // Story: A Collection of Unfinished Stories // by LunaEclipsed15 //------------------------------// 1. Fireworks. Twilight jumped as a loud bang sounded outside. “What was that?!” she cried, jumping up and running to the window in Rarity’s room, where the girls were having a sleepover. “Ugh, can people not keep the fireworks to the Fourth of July? It’s the first!” Sunset exclaimed from where she was laying on the floor, painting her nails a teal color that matched her eyes. “It’s obnoxious, really,” the other Twilight said from where she was laying on Rarity’s bed. “What are fireworks?” Princess Twilight asked. She pressed her face to the glass, trying to get a look at the light display next door. “Wait, do you not have fireworks in Equestria?” Rainbow asked. Sunset shook her head. “No, we do the same thing with magic. They aren’t exactly fireworks.