Canterlot High's Sports Challenge

by LiQuiD

24.- Getting Ready For The Upcoming Challenge

- CHAPTER 24 -


The next day...


You're now Nelly Prattle, and you've just woken up to the sound of your cat Moon Pie's meows. You take your time to get out of your comfy bed to then feed your pet, doing your morning routine which consists of exercise, taking care of your business in the bathroom, putting your clothes on and lastly your putting on your makeup. Now a new part of your routine has been added, you put on the heart-shaped locket Anon gifted you yesterday.

"It's so beautiful..." you mutter to yourself before letting out a muffled squeal on your pillow.

You walk downstairs and then find your sisters and parents in the kitchen about to have breakfast.

"Morning Princess!" Your dad happily says, "you're looking quite happy today. Did something happen yesterday?"

"Maaaaybe..." you 'innocently' reply to your dad, "do you notice anything different?"

"...wait a minute, is that a locket?" Your dad asks.

"Yep! Anon gave it to me yesterday!" You say with a big smile on your face as you sit down.

"Right, Anon...Mirage, honey? Can you tell me more about that Anon kid?" Your dad asks to your sister, "isn't he from that Canterlot team right?"

"Yeah," Mirage replies, "he's quite a decent kid actually, very skilled too! And apparently the only sane one from Canterlot High."

"How come?" Your dad asks.

"Oh where do I start?" You say, "he's pretty cute, sensible, and cares for everybody."

"He must mean a lot to you Nelly...I mean, it takes guts to break out of the house when your mother grounded you just to see him," your dad says, arching an eyebrow.

"Sorry..." you say while placing your hands in a praying position in front of your nose and closing your eyes, mimicking the characters in the mangas you read.

"But if you're happy then I'm happy too," your dad says before taking a sip of coffee from his favorite mug.

"That's not what you said when you met Bell daddy..." Sandy says, crossing her arms and looking clearly upset, "what makes Anon different from him?"

"Whoa would you look at the time! I have to go to work...take care beauties!" Your dad stands up and evades answering the question Sandy asked him, then he kisses your mom "bye honey!"

However your mom just hugs him from behind and whispers something right into his ear before planting another kiss on his cheek, Mirage just rolls her eyes and pretends she didn't hear anything.

"DAD?" Sandy calls for him once again, demanding an explanation.

"By the way Nelly, I'm allowing you to go to your sisters' training sessions," your dad says.

"REALLY!?" You ask with a big grin on your face.

"Yep, your mom and I had a long 'talk' yesterday while you were gone and I convinced her you did nothing wrong. So! Just have fun and look after your sisters okay?" Your dad says as your mom keeps embracing him from behind, she even places her hands on his chest and presses her chest against his back.

"Thank you daddy!" You happily say.

"DAD!" Sandy calls once again.

"Mom...could we PLEASE have breakfast already?!" Mirage says, rolling her eyes.


You're now Rainbow Dash and you're about to arrive to Pleasantview High, everyone seems to be in high spirits today, Sunset and Anon are chilling and talking in the back of the bus, Trixie is entertaining Sonata, Derpy and Bulk Biceps with those cheap card tricks of hers. Brawly and his friends are still debating on who should make a move on the Prattles first while Heath Burns and Thunderbass join the debate as well, Tennis Match and Cloudy Kicks are getting along with Aria by talking about the music they enjoy listening to, while you and Applejack are dealing with-

"Are we there yet?"

"This is the tenth time you have asked the same question Pinkie...and the answer is still no," Applejack replies.

"Actually AJ, we're almost there," you say, pointing at the school who is just behind the hill, "see Pinkie?"

"Oooh! Their high school is just as pretty as ours," Pinkie Pie says as she places her whole face on the school bus' window "...except that theirs looks better mantained than ours."

"Thank goodness, I swear I couldn't handle to hear the same question anymore," Applejack says before whispering into your ear, "why'd they tag along?"

"Pinkie said that both Fluttershy and her would have to practice her cheerleading skills," you say as you place the book Anon lent you inside your duffelbag.

"Oh! Well that's alright. And what about Rarity?" Applejack asks once again.

"Guess who's the newest addition to the cheerleading team...despite stating that she wouldn't like to get sweaty and dirty," you sarcastically say.

"Lemme guess, this is just an excuse to keep her eyes on Anon right?" Applejack squints at Rarity.

"Well..." you turn your head around your shoulder and see Anon ogling at Rarity's revealing cheerleading outfit, "I'm pretty sure she's just being paranoid, what happened yesterday was just Anon being Anon."

"You can say that again, poor fella is just too naïve and well mannered for his own good," Applejack says as she takes off her lucky hat, "he's just bein' nice to that Nelly girl I tell ya what."

"Whatever reason Anon had was enough for Rarity to 'tag along'," you quote with your fingers, "if you catch my drift."

"Well Anon sure is enjoying himself isn't that right?" Applejack whispers to you, "did Rarity really need to wear a skirt that short?"

"One thing for sure, Nelly might have to not wear a skirt to catch Anon's attention once again don't you think?" You say, making you both chuckle.

As soon as you are slowly getting out of the bus one by one you're greeted by Pleasantview High's team members, they seem to be warming up to you more and more.

"They're here!" Galaxy Star happily says.

"About time," Sandy adds, "they must be eager to get their butts whooped."

Sandy being Sandy...but for this time, you don't find her comment offensive at all.

"As if," you reply to Sandy, "we were just letting you win the last couple of times."

Sandy lets out a laugh and walks over to hug you, yes. Hug you, and you gladly accept her of your rivals has finally warmed up to you, and instead of insulting you you just started to get along with her.

"How are you doing Rainbow Dash?" Sandy asks, "you're lookin' better than yesterday. Those eye bags didn't suit you at all."

"Oh quit it you," you say with a chuckle, "I just had to learn to worry less. After all a girl like me just needed to realize that she's got friends willing to help her whenever she needs."

"Oooh, lemme guess. Is it-"

"Yep, the reason we're still doing whatever this whole tournament thingy is..." You interrupt Sandy.

"Figures..." Sandy closes her eyes and gives an approving nod, "I kinda wish my Bell was just as reliable as him."

"Sandy?!" Bell protests.

"Oh quit it you, you know I still love you," Sandy pinches Bell's cheek playfully before kissing his cheek, Bell doesn't say anything however, he looks like he enjoys it whenever Sandy teases him.

"Get a room you two..." you jokingly say.

All of a sudden a bunch of confetti flies through your school bus' door.


"Uhhh...who are those two?" Bell points at Pinkie Pie, who fires her party cannon once again at Pleasantview High's team members.

"That's Pinkie Pie...the Cheerleading team captain," you say, rolling your eyes, "and that's Fluttershy, the second in command of the Cheerleading team."

"G-go C-c-canterlot High...w-woohoo?" Fluttershy says, raising her pompoms in the air.

"Why is she trembling so much?" Mirage asks, "is she okay?"

"She's got stage fright...and regular fright, it's a long story," you say with an awkward chuckle.

"Oh right! I remember her! She's the sister of the jerk who tripped Nelly!" Mirage chuckles, "she looks like quite a decent girl, unlike her scumbag brother."

"Tell me about it," you say.


"Goooo WONDERCOLTS!" Rarity steps out of the bus, the eyes of every male member of your team except for Curly Winds and Sandy's team can't help looking at Rarity throroughly, some even let out wolf-whistles at her, and of course, Rarity digs the attention she's receiving.

"And WHO is THAT?!" Bell excitedly asks, causing Sandy to gasp in disbelief at Bell's quite obvious interest on Rarity.

"That's Rarity, our newest cheerleading team member, she also designed and tailored our uniforms," you reply.

"Beautiful and talented..." Bell lets out an inspired sigh, "I simply must draw her! Dang, where did I leave my sketchbo- AAAAUGH!"

Sandy just stepped on Bell's foot.

"Aren't you getting a little too excited honey?" Sandy says with a fake and quite threatening smile on her face, to which Bell just apologizes. Sandy just crosses her arms and lets out a cute "HMPH!"

You wonder how Anon feels at this whole situation. He clearly looks quite upset, but you just know Rarity is just testing him, if he doesn't have eyes for another girl then she'll just drop the act and confess her feelings to him, not before teaching him a lesson first...Rarity can be cunning at times.

"I'm done placing the mats near the volleyball court sis," Nelly's voice can be heard as she comes out of the school's GYM, but as soon as she realizes that your team is gathered next to hers her eyes are fixed instantly on Anon.

"ANON!" Nelly excitedly says as she runs to greet him with a not-so-friendly hug, which makes Rarity quite upset, it seems her plan backfired.


"Excuse me? What do you think you're doing?!" Rarity angrily says at Nelly.

"Umm...Anon? Do you know this girl?" Nelly asks, still embracing Anon, looking at Rarity with a confused look on her face.

"Y-yeah," Anon gulps down some saliva, "Nelly...her name is-"

"RARITY! Canterlot's number one cheerleader and Canterlot High's head designer," Rarity interrupts Anon, who just lets out a relieved sigh, he must've had a hard time trying to figure out how to introduce Rarity to Nelly without hurting Rarity's feelings.

"Number one Cheerleader? One...two..." Pinkie Pie counts with her fingers, "Heeey! Wait a minute! I'm supposed to be number one!"

"Is that so? Hi there, I'm Nelly!" Nelly happily says as she extends her hand towards Rarity.

"What? No hug?" Rarity asks.

"Beg your pardon?" Nelly arches an eyebrow.

"I mean, you've hugged Anon. Why him of all people? Is that your way to greet people Nelly?" Rarity points out.

"No, this is the way I greet someone very special to me," Nelly says while sticking her tongue out at Rarity as she squeezes Anon once again with those surprisingly strong arms of her, "does it bother you?"

"Tch! O-of course not!" Rarity crosses her arms, Sunset Shimmer just lets out an annoyed groan.

"By the way...Rarity? You should put on something decent...everyone can see your underwear," Nelly says while looking at Rarity with disdain, while the members of each team laugh at Rarity's expense, Anon tries his best to look elsewhere that isn't Rarity's undergarments.

All of a sudden Mirage blows on a whistle loudly so everyone pays attention to her.

"ARRRGHH! MY EARS!" Bulk Biceps of all people protests the loud noise coming from Mirage's whistle.

"ALRIGHT PEOPLE!" Mirage yells, "enough of...whatever this whole thing is, we're here to train for the upcoming events! CANTERLOT HIGH! Stop goofing off or you'll have to find another team to practice against, or don't! We don't care whether you make it through the Round of Sixteen or not!"

Both Nelly and Rarity stop their bickering, the team members go quiet and stand still.

"The games are right around the corner and we're barely making any progress. If you keep this up neither of us will make it through the Round of Sixteen! We must work extra hard! Do I make myself clear?!"

"YES!" Everyone replies at the same time.

"See? I told you Mirage was clearly the best one..." Ringo mutters to Brawly Beats.

The two weeks went by quickly, and even if you all went through an excruciating training, it was Anon who suffered it the most...both Rarity and Nelly had to compete quite hard for his attention, Nelly even got the idea to cheer for Anon as well wearing a cheerleader outfit. Whenever Anon got distracted he'd get his butt whooped by his opponents in almost every event. By the end of the week, Twilight had the teams formed for each event. However you still have your doubts...even if everyone has improved, you don't expect the best results from a rushed training session against experienced karate champs from Kindiak Park.

...Tomorrow, the Round of Sixteen event will take place at Canterlot High. Will your team be able to succeed?