
by BubblePuff

First day of school

Lyra and Bon Bon were both fast asleep when suddenly Nightwing came bursting in through their bedroom door. He hopped up on the bed and started bouncing up and down. “Mama Lyra! Mama Bon Bon! Wake up! Today is the first day of school!” 

Lyra hid her head under a pillow while Bon Bon rubbed her eyes and yawned. “Okay sweetie. You go and get breakfast and we’ll be downstairs in a minute.” Bon Bon said. Nightwing got off of the bed and flew down to the kitchen. 

Lyra got up and sighed. “I miss the days when he was a baby.” 

Bon Bon looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “You mean when he would cry non stop until he was fed and we changed him out of a poop filled diaper?” 

“Touch’e.” Lyra replied. 

At the kitchen table Nightwing had a bowl of fruit while Lyra and Bon Bon both had oatmeal. “So Nightwing, you sure seem excited about your first day of school.” Bon Bon said. 

“You bet!” Nightwing said while he scarfed down his breakfast. “I can’t wait to go and make a bunch of new friends. Plus, Pound and Pumpkin will be there!” 

Lyra took a sip of her coffee. “The three of you have been inseparable ever since you were babies. Especially you and Pumpkin. If I didn’t know any better I’d say that you have the sweets for her.” 

Nightwing nearly spit out his breakfast. “What?! No, she’s just my friend.” 

“Now Lyra don’t be a tease.” Bon Bon said. “A filly and a colt can just be friends.” 

“You’re right. I’m sorry sweetheart.” Lyra got up and kissed Nightwing on the cheek. “Now hurry up and finish your breakfast or you’ll be late for school.” 

After breakfast Nightwing put on his Wonderbolts cap and Lyra and Bon Bon both walked him to school. They arrived just as the school bell rang. “Now Nightwing, we expect you to be on your best behavior.” Lyra said. “Respect the teacher and follow the rules. Mama Bon Bon and I will be here to pick you up this afternoon.” 

“Bye Mama Lyra! Bye Mama Bon Bon!” Nightwing hugged them both and then headed inside. Lyra began to tear up so Bon Bon placed her hoof around her to let her know everything was going to be alright. 

Once inside Nightwing ran into Pound and Pumpkin. “Hey guys! How are you doing?” 

“We’re doing great.” Pound replied. “Mom and dad were glad to see us off, but aunt Pinkie Pie wasn’t so happy.” 

“Yeah, she cried and begged us not to go. It took both mom and dad to remind her that we would be back by this afternoon.” Pumpkin said. 

Nightwing, Pound, and Pumpkin all took their seats in the classroom. Miss Cheerilee entered the room. “Good morning class! And welcome to your first day of school! I am your teacher Miss Cheerilee, and for your first assignment you are going to practice the alphabet. Let’s start with A…” 

The whole class worked on writing down their letters for the rest of the morning. Noon soon came around, and all the fillies and colts ran out to the playground to eat their lunches and play for recess. Nightwing was talking with Pound and Pumpkin while walking out to the playground when suddenly he bumped into another colt. The colt had a brown mane and tail and a reddish brown coat. 

“Hey, watch where you’re going!” The colt said to Nightwing. 

Nightwing backed away from the colt. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” 

The colt pointed at Nightwing. “Hey, I know you. You’re that bat pony I’ve seen around town. I’m surprised that you’re not sucking sweet apple acres dry right now.” 

Nightwing was taken aback by the colt's words. “Hey, that’s mean.” 

“Oh, did I hurt your feelings?” The colt said sarcastically. “And what’s up with that Wonderbolts hat? Like the Wonderbolts would ever let a creepy little thing like you join their ranks.” The colt then snatched the hat off of Nightwing’s head. 

“Hey! Give that back!” Nightwing shouted. 

The colt twirled the hat around his hoof. “You want it? Come and get it!” The colt then took off running. Nightwing went flying after him. The two chased each other around the playground until Nightwing tackled the colt. They tugged at the hat until Miss Cheerilee broke them up. 

“Nightwing! Rusty Nail! You both stop that right this instant!” Nightwing and Rusty Nail both let go of the hat. “Now, which one of you will tell me what is going on here?” 

“We were just playing Miss Cheerilee.” Rusty Nail said with an innocent face.  

“That’s not true!” Nightwing shouted. “He made fun of me, and then he stole my hat!” 

“It’s true. Pound and I witnessed the whole thing.” Pumpkin said. 

“Rusty Nail I’m ashamed of you! Picking on other ponies, stealing, and lying to a teacher. You are going to have detention after school and I’m going to tell your parents.” 

Rusty Nail lowered his head and went back into the school. Nightwing picked up his hat and put it back on his head. He then went back to playing with Pound and Pumpkin. 

After school Lyra and Bon Bon went to pick up Nightwing. “So Nightwing, how was your first day of school?” Bon Bon asked. 

“It was good.” Nightwing replied. “But this one colt picked on me. He made fun of me and stole my hat.” 

Lyra leaned down and hugged Nightwing. “Oh honey. Are you alright?” She asked. 

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Nightwing replied. “But why was he so mean?” 

Bon Bon put her hoof on Nightwing’s shoulder. “Well sometimes in life you’re going to come across ponies who are not that nice. Sometimes  it’s because they have had a hard life and decide to take out their anger on other ponies. Other times the reason is simply because the pony is just plain mean.” 

“Have you ever been bullied?” Nightwing asked Lyra and Bon Bon. 

“Well, yes.” Lyra replied. “But we can discuss that later. Now it’s time to head home.”