Scoti Alaw Prewett

by SamuelK28

Day 1 Part 1 - Herbology and Transfiguration

Scootaloo awoke the next morning to something poking at her face. Opening her eyes she saw Wally eating bird seed of her face while five guilty girls laughed their heads off at the end of her bed.

“C’mon sleepy head. We don’t want to be late for breakfast.” Apple Bloom said as Scootaloo shooed the bird off her face.

“Okay, okay, what time is it anyway.” Scootaloo yawned trying to wake herself from her sleep coma.

“7:30, we’ve all been up for half an hour or more but decided to let you rest a bit longer. Unfortunately, a certain parrot couldn’t wait any longer for his breakfast and thus we decided to solve two problems at once.” Apple Bloom replied.

Wally stopped his preening on his perch for a moment. “You’re fucking welcome.” He cawed, happy at his mornings work and to be fed at the same time.

“You weren’t kidding about the language problem.” Hannah said chuckling.

“Just wait till you see him deliver a letter.” Scootaloo laughed pushing her way out of bed.

She headed for her trunk to collect some items before heading to one of the two bathrooms the girls shared to wash and prepare herself for her first day of classes.

“3, 2, 1.” Sweetie mouthed to the other four girls.

A high-pitched squeal erupted above the sound of the shower running in the bathroom followed by “It wasn’t a dream; I really have my cutie mark!” before a rather startled and flustered Maddie Fairweather came bursting into the room.

“What’s all the commotion. I heard screaming?” She managed to utter out in between gasping for air.

“Sorry Maddie. Scootaloo had an unexpected but nice surprise last night and she’s still kind of excited about it.” Another squeal escaped the bathroom. Apple Bloom ignored it, continuing her explanation. “Back in Equestria, once we find out our specialist talent our magic displays it through an image on our flanks or in human terms our hips. It is a big thing to happen where we are from, like a coming of age moment. Scootaloo’s appeared last night, I’m guessing when she made that latest prediction on stage. She only found out when she undressed for bed.”

“Okay.” Maddie looked at them confused for a moment trying to process the information. “So, it is like a tattoo of what you are good at. What is she good at then?”

“Hers is a crystal ball with a lightning bolt in the middle of it. She’s already had trances like the one last night and been able to predict a few things through her crystal ball and so forth. Professor Trelawney has also already told her she has The Sight and put her on a fast track divination course. The lightning bolt is a typical flying type cutie mark for Pegasus ponies which often refers to being able to fly with speed, daring and generally just being an absolute lunatic with no fear of anything.” Sweetie Belle chipped in.

Maddie was massaging her temple. “So, you’re telling me that we’ve got a first-year student with the power to predict the future and who is also a natural at flying. Remind me to have a word with Professor Sprout at breakfast. We need to get her on our quidditch team. Anything else I should know?”

“Sweetie here is a Metamorph something or other. She can transform anything through will power alone.” Apple Bloom stated casually.

“Cunt!” Wally cawed.

“Oh, and our parrot has a language problem.”

Maddie rubbed her forehead some more. She was getting a headache. She’d had to work flat out for the past four years to get to the level she was at in magic and here were two first year students who had yet to even start their educations and yet were still probably more powerful and better than she was or would ever be in her lifetime.

“Donkey Rapist!” The bird cawed again.

“Err Maddie, you alright?” Sweetie asked seeing the girl was still massaging her forehead.

“Yeah, I’m fine. The term you were after was Metamorphmagus Apple Bloom. Don’t think there is any chance Scootaloo could see what are on my O.W.L.’s at the end of the year do you?" Maddie chuckled.


The girls were sat eating a hearty breakfast from a wide variety of items on offer at their table. From cereals to toast and an assortment of cooked items, fruit and lots more washed down with fruit juice, water and for the older students tea and coffee. Wally had accompanied them perched upon Scootaloo’s shoulder, the girl having the biggest, creepiest grin that any of the other girls had ever seen. It frightened them. It frightened them a lot.

“Creepaloo, mind scaling it back a bit. I know you are happy but it is a little unnerving and putting me off my breakfast.” Megan said.

“Sorry, I’m just so happy right now!” Another squeal escaped her lips startling Wally and causing him to drop the apple he was eating.

“Fucking cow.” The bird grumbled.

“Oh, did I make you drop your apple. Will a grape or two make up for it?” Scootaloo chimed giving the bird an affectionate scratch under the beak whilst passing him the peace offerings.

Wally trilled happily as Scootaloo went back to eating as much as she possibly could.

A cough startled the girls and they turned to see their head of house with Maddie behind them.

“Miss Fairweather here explained to me of the unexpected development last night. I believe congratulations are in order Miss Prewett. Apparently, it is quite an honour back in your home country. I’ll see if we can arrange a small party in the common room tonight after Miss Apple returns from her detention. I’m hoping she has learnt her lesson after yesterday’s outburst.” Professor Sprout said merrily before finishing with a stern glance at the red-haired girl who suddenly stopped wolfing down food and tried to hide under the table.

“I said I was sorry.” She mumbled sheepishly.

“Yes, well, I’d also like to say something that I didn’t get a chance to last night. Five points to Hufflepuff for your loyalty and selflessness towards your fellow housemates.”

“Wow, thank you professor.” Apple Bloom said gratefully, poking her head out from under the table.

“Yes, well now if you’d all be willing to finish your breakfasts we’ll head to the greenhouses.” The professor stated just as the doors to the Great Hall slammed open.

“Where is she?” a voice called over the din of students chatting with each other causing numerous heads to turn towards the disturbance.

“Professor Trelawney, what a nice surprise. Did you finally decide to join us for breakfast?” Dumbledore said calmly before continuing his breakfast.

“Apologies to disturb you Albus but the cosmic forces have spoken once again to me of a momentous occasion.” The professor explained approaching Scootaloo. “Is it true you bare the mark of a true seer.”

Scootaloo stopped devouring the last of her breakfast to look at her divination professor, a proud smile beaming across her face.

“Great, Creepaloo is back.” Megan sighed.

“I believe so, it’s a crystal ball with a lightning bolt in the middle of it.” Scootaloo admitted.

“May I see?” Professor Trelawney enquired.

“Err, I’m not sure that’s a smart idea right now.” Pomona tried to interject but Scootaloo had already stood up and was showing the mark on her left hip to Sybil who was entranced by it. Wally had opted to jump onto the table and look for some more fruit when the girl had stood up. To Pomona’s relief thankfully the girl wasn’t revealing to much skin. By now Dumbledore and Minerva had come over to see what all the commotion was about.

“Apparently, back in their world when a child reaches a certain age and discovers what they are best at a magical tattoo of that skill appears on both their hips. It seems that having been living there for so long there, their magic has implemented itself on Miss Prewett. Her cutie mark as it is called appeared last night after her latest premonition, a crystal ball with a lightning bolt in the middle of it. Aside from being a naturally gifted seer my house might actually have a chance of winning something this year with my new quidditch seeker. I might actually win one of those cases of fire whiskey at last!” Pomona rubbed her hands in glee.

Minerva face palmed whilst Dumbledore stood next to Trelawney, who was ready to burst with happiness and examining Scootaloo’s left hip intently.

“How very intriguing. I am now very glad we were able to offer you early tuition in divination. It is clearly going to be your calling. What of your friends, have they got their marks yet or do they show any talent in areas where they may get them?” Dumbledore said fascinated.

“No sir, although I’m a Metamorphmagus and can transfigure myself and numerous others and objects through will power alone, as well as having mastered a number of higher-level transfiguration spells. Apple Bloom seems to really enjoy Herbology and brewing potions.” Sweetie replied politely.

“Hmm, intriguing.” Dumbledore mused noting that Trelawney had now decided on hugging the life out of Miss Prewett. “Due to Minerva’s workload I’ll be taking your Transfiguration class this year. Would it be possible to see one of these spells you’ve learnt.”

“Well if you are sure it is okay. I haven’t tried this one but I might as well give it a go.” Sweetie Belle said nervously as she pulled her wand from her robes.

“Okay, feel free to take your time.” Dumbledore replied calmly.

Sweetie stood up directing her wand at her chair before taking a deep breath ‘Evanesco’ she chanted and the chair vanished. ‘Woah, it actually worked, cool.”

Minerva stared at her open mouthed. That was the most difficult spell fifth years took for their O.W.L’s. Most couldn’t manage disappearing more than a mouse. This first year girl had just made a whole chair vanish. Suddenly the girl seemed to be encased by a bright white light that blinded the entire room. Slowly it faded and the girl stood shakily opposite her.

“Wow, what just happened.” Sweetie asked wobbling slightly.

“I think you should check your hip.” Dumbledore stated smoothly.

Sweetie lowered her dress slightly to see a set of letters printed upon her hip. “Huh, the basic transfiguration formula, neat.” She said calmly before initiating a squeal so high pitched that any non-magically reinforced glass shattered in the room.

Dumbledore was glad he’d had the sense to reinforce the windows with magic. Although he’d certainly have to check them over after that outburst.

“Very intriguing,” the headmaster muttered to himself with a smile as Sweetie and Scootaloo danced like a couple of maniacs in amongst the tables. “Two down, one to go.”


“It’s just not fair. Now I’m the only one without a cutie mark.” Apple Bloom sulked as they followed Professor Sprout to the Greenhouses out the back of the school. “And to top it all off, whilst you are off celebrating, I have to spend however long with Snape the snake.”

“Cheer up Bloom, I’m sure the party won’t start without you. Now come on, let’s enjoy our first day at magic school.” Scootaloo said trying to cheer her friend up.

“Right, no more talking first years. We are here.” Pomona had opted to collect the first year Gryffindors at the same time as the Hufflepuffs to make things easier. “Now, for your first year we shall be having your classes in this greenhouse. It is of the utmost importance you do not attempt to enter any of the other greenhouses as they contain a wide array of dangerous plants that could quite easily injure or worse, kill you. If I find any of you even attempting to access one of them, you’ll be on the first train home. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Mrs Sprout.” The students answered as one.

“Good, now space yourself out and we shall begin.” Professor Sprout waited a moment before continuing. “A lot of you may be thinking right now how can looking after and learning about a load of plants be considered magic? Would anyone like to hazard a guess?”

Hermione and Apple Bloom’s hands shot up into the air followed nervously by Neville’s.

“Alright you three, let’s hear what you think. Starting with Miss Granger. Please provide me with one reason.”

“Many plants provide the basis to an assortment of magical potions, such as Moly which is a key component in Wiggenweld Potion, a healing potion most commonly known for being the antidote to the Sleeping Draught and the Draught of the Living Death.”

Pomona looked at the girl impressed. “Excellent Miss Granger. Ten points to Gryffindor. Miss Bloom anything to add?”

“Some plants can be extremely dangerous, such as Devil’s Snare, which tightens around and suffocates its victims. By knowing what they look like we know how to avoid them or at the very least deal with them. Devil’s Snare hates bright light and fire.”

Pomona looked equally impressed. She certainly had a few bright students this year. “Equally impressive Miss Bloom, ten points for Huffflepuff as well. Anything you’d like to add Mr Longbottom.”

“To assist in the up keep of the plants will require us to learn numerous spells.” He stuttered.

“Very good. Five more points to Gryffindor. Ultimately plants have two major roles in magic, either as an important potion ingredient or through magical properties of their own, which can often be dangerous and will happily kill an unwitting victim. On the other hand though they could also save your life, such as Dittany. As you go through your years in Herbology you will be allowed into more Greenhouses and able to tend to some of the more unruly ones, such as venomous tentacular in your sixth year if you continue past O.W.L level. Anyway, once you know how to take care of it properly any plant will happily be your friend. The only way to understand a plant though is through knowledge and although practical experience will assist, your first year will mostly be spent learning your core text book by heart so that you know how to take care of each plant and what they are used for. There will be occasions where I’ll also be teaching you spells to assist in a plants care or to help protect you from more dangerous ones. Anyway, now that the introductions are out the way, let us begin. This is Moly.” Professor Sprout explained.

Apple Bloom looked enthralled, Sweetie was intrigued, Scootaloo attempted to look interested.


After their introductory potions lesson the girls spent their free period in the enormous library, revisiting all the plants Pomona had shown and talked to them about. Most of these Apple Bloom and Sweetie were already aware of and had already memorised, thus they spent much of it assisting Scootaloo who was bored to death with all the studying and feeling her head was about to explode from all the knowledge she’d had forced upon her.

After this they spent their break period exploring the castle and finding out where Class 99 was. They were also joined by Wally, who, having been barred from Herbology had taken a flight around the castle and had now decided to perch himself on Apple Bloom’s shoulder. With two minutes left they finally found it on the first floor of the South Tower.

“Ahh, glad to see you found our classroom.” Professor Dumbledore mused coming up behind them. This caused all three girls and parrot to jump.

“Old Bastard” cawed Wally as the girls regained their composure.

“And you’re a peg-legged Grumpernickel” Dumbledore retorted back.

“Touché” the bird replied flying off to find a perch in the room before settling down to have a nap.

“Alright professor, so what are we going to transform first?” Scootaloo enquired eagerly.

“I like your enthusiasm Miss Prewett, but I can assure you that transfiguration is a science and requires particular skill and finesse to be able to master alongside a lot of hard work. Now come along, to begin with I’ll introduce you to the four types and the five exceptions before we go on to talk about the transfiguration formula and alphabet. Once we’ve mastered this in a couple of weeks, we will start of small by turning matches into needles.” Dumbledore strolled into the room where a number of other students were waiting, having also managed to locate the classroom on time.

Scootaloo’s face dropped.


“My brain hurts and I think my wrist is about to fall off from all the notes I’ve taken!” Scootaloo whined as they left Transfiguration and headed to the Great Hall for Lunch.

“Don’t worry Scootaloo, I think a lot of us are feeling the same way.” Megan Jones replied, leading to several nods of approval from the other first year Hufflepuff girls.

“I thought it was rather interesting and informative.” Sweetie chipped in.

“Says the girl with the transfiguration formula tattooed on her butt.” Susan quipped.

“Oh, hah hah, very funny.” Sweetie replied sticking her tongue out at Susan.

“Let’s not fight now girls please.” Apple Bloom pleaded.

“Us, fight? You’d send us through a window if we even tried.” Susan laughed.

“True, although right now you might get away with it as I’m more interested in filling my empty stomach!” The aforementioned stomach growled.

“Right, we need to get to the Hall ASAP before Apple Bloom becomes Hangry.” Hannah added.

The girls broke out into a fit of laughter over this as Apple Bloom scowled.

“I do not get Hangry.”

“You sure? Remember that time one of Miss Cheerilee’s classes, she was our old teacher, overran and you replied to one of her questions,” Scootaloo jumped in.

“Please don’t” Apple Bloom whimpered.

“Please do.” Megan giggled.

Scootaloo pretended she hadn’t heard either of them. “And I quote: I don’t bucking care. I want to go home and have my bucking lunch you old nag. I can confirm Apple Bloom certainly didn’t get her lunch that day.

The Earth ponies face had gone as red as her hair as she tried to bury her head in her hands. “I hate you sometimes,” her muffled voice eked out as scores of laughter reverberated around the corridor.

“She didn’t,” Hannah said as she got her laughter under control.

“She did,” Sweetie confirmed. “Got her a week of detention, being grounded and late lunches that one.”

“Please, don’t embarrass me more” The scarlet faced girl pleaded.

“Pfft, okay then, how would you girls like to hear about some of our failed cutie mark crusades.” Sweetie giggled as both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom groaned.


“So, there we were just emptying the last of the taffy into the mixer when Scoots tail gets caught and we end up as a massive three pony ball of hairy taffy. Applejack had to shear our coats and manes off like sheep, took a whole moon for them to grow back! We were the laughing stocks of the whole town. Rarity had a fit when she saw me.” Sweetie exclaimed.

The worst part was it was the start of autumn. Apple Bloom’s granny made us each a horrid knitted jumper that we had to wear to keep warm which just added to the embarrassment. They were horribly itchy to.” Scootaloo added as the girls around the table struggled to keep the sandwiches they were eating from coming back up.

“Stop, please stop. I don’t think I can take anymore. I can’t wait to see Sweetie in Potions class. How can someone get a restraining order put against them from all ovens?” Hannah chortled.

“Trust me. You don’t want to know how bad that week was. Amongst the horrors she cooked were a bunch of were-cupcakes. Don’t even ask.” Apple Bloom put her hand up to stop any further enquiries. “Anyway, you’ve heard our embarrassing tales before Hogwarts, only fair you tell us some of yours.”

Hannah, Susan and Megan looked at each other nervously.