//------------------------------// // Voted Most Likely to Run Away (With You) // Story: Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Princess // by LunaEclipsed15 //------------------------------// Sunset slammed Twilight up against a locker in the changing room at the football stadium. They made out sloppily, pressing against each other like if they weren’t touching every inch of the other’s body they could reach they would stop breathing. Twilight panted, her hands running down Sunset sides. Her cheerleading uniform was form-fitting. She wasn’t wearing shorts underneath the skirt. Twilight smiled into the kiss. Sunset giggled. They heard the door to the locker room open. Sunset’s eyes widened and they broke apart. Sunset glanced over her shoulder before opening the locker next to them that thankfully didn’t have a lock on it. She grabbed Twilight’s shoulder, shoving her inside. She quickly spun around and lifted her foot up onto the bench behind her, untying her shoelace. It was just in time too. Trixie Lulamoon, her cheerleading co-captain walking into the locker room. “Shimmer, what’s up?” she asked, arms crossed over her chest and eyebrows raised high. “I ripped a hole in my sock a few days ago. I thought it would be fine but it was bothering me too much. I needed to come fix it,” Sunset said innocently, finishing tying her shoe. “Half-times in five. Hurry up.” Trixie walked out and the second the door shut behind her Sunset let out a sigh of relief. “She’s gone.” She opened the locker back up, letting Twilight out. Twilight leaned up on her tippy toes to press a gentle kiss on Sunset's lips. “I’ll sneak out of here, you get back on the field,” Twilight whispered. Sunset sighed, nodding. Just as she reached the door, she looked back at Twilight longingly over her shoulder. “I wish I could dance with you at homecoming. Instead, I’ll have to settle for dumb Flash Sentry again.” The boy in question was a quarterback, and the guy Sunset had been pretending to see for the past two years. It was suspicious if the caption of the cheerleading squad and the most popular girl in school didn’t have a boyfriend. Sunset and Twilight had to play it safe. “Before you know it we’ll be dancing in our apartment together next year in college.” Twilight shot her that dopey smile, the one that made Sunset believe it was all going to be okay. She nodded, running out just as halftime was set to begin. Twilight watched her go, a single tear rolling down her face. … Sunset screamed into her hands. She was sitting behind the school gym the night of homecoming. Their team had lost to Crystal Prep again, but at this point, it was such a familiar loss everyone was used to it. The loss wasn’t what had ruined her night. No, that award went to her dumbass fake boyfriend who didn’t know he was fake. Flash had fucking proposed to her in the middle of the dance, just two weeks after her 18th birthday. She had run out then, mortified. He had looked like she had just kicked his puppy after her rejection, but Sunset couldn’t bring herself to care. “Idiotic fake boyfriends?” Sunset looked up as a very familiar voice spoke next to her. “Twilight!” Sunset threw herself at Twilight, grabbing onto her and starting to cry into her shoulder. “Worse than I thought, eh?” Twilight wrapped her arms around Sunset and rubbed a hand up and down her back while Sunset clung to her, arms wrapped around her neck. “I wish we could just be together! All because our schools are rivals, this whole mess had to happen!” Sunset wailed. “Sunny, you know that’s not why we have to hide,” Twilight said sadly, softly stroking Sunset’s perfectly curled hair. Sunset just cried harder. Twilight looked up to the night sky, still muttering sweet nothings to Sunset. It hurt her to see Sunset like this. She didn’t want to hide either, but in this town it just wasn’t safe. Soon they would get out of here. Soon they would run far away and find a place where they could be accepted and didn’t have to throw up a facade. She just wished that that soon would get here faster. Twilight pressed a kiss to the top of Sunset’s head, letting her cry it all out and holding her through it. … Sunset and Twilight tried running away just before winter break. They just couldn’t take it anymore. It was too much. They packed bags and through them in the trunk of Twilight’s hand-me-down car from her mom, an old sedan. It wasn’t pretty, but it would get them far away from Canterlot. They pulled up to an old motel the first night. It was closest to eleven o'clock after a whole day of driving. They were just past state lines. They were ecstatic, they had finally made it out! They got a room with some of the money they had been saving for the past two years just for this reason. They spent the night cuddled in the same bed together for the first time ever, watching shitty late-night programming. Despite the conditions, it was the nicest night either girl had been through in a long, long time. The next morning they kept driving. It wasn’t even five pm when they got pulled over. Twilight was an exceptional driver, and they soon found out that they had been reported missing and were now going to be returned home unless they resisted, which would land them in police custody until they could be bailed out. The girls gave in, tears falling down their faces that the police assumed was from regret, not because they were star-crossed lovers being held down by an oppressive society. … Sunset’s first week back at school was hell. The school had found out about her running away with a Crystal Prep girl very quickly. She was considered a ‘bad girl’. A few students assumed and called her rude names, ‘dyke’ being thrown around the most. Even if they were assuming correctly, it still hurt. Flash didn’t talk to her at all. He hadn’t talked to her since the homecoming dance. Sunset was perfectly fine with this. She just walked the halls, head held high as she fought her own tears. She didn’t see Twilight for another two weeks after that. She had been grounded by her parents and hadn’t been able to sneak out. Her neighborhood was gated and Sunset didn’t know the code, and she was nowhere near tall enough to scale the fence. Sunset was walking back to her apartment after cheerleading practice. It was already pitch black outside despite only being seven o clock. Oh the joys of winter, Sunset thought. She was startled when she felt hands around her eyes. She panicked for a second before she heard a comforting voice. “Guess who?” Twilight was finally free from her lockdown and had sought Sunset out, knowing the exact path she took home from practice. “Hey, Twily.” Sunset reached up and grabbed Twilight’s wrists gently, pulling them down off her eyes. Twilight grabbed her again and yanked her into a hug. She dragged them off into a nearby alleyway. She pressed a kiss to Sunset’s lips. “I missed you,” she whispered as they broke away. They pressed their foreheads together, smiling at each other in the dead of the night, the only lights being the streetlamp about 200 feet away. “I missed you too.” They kissed again, and in that moment everything was perfect. … It was Senior Prom and Sunset was without a date. It was surprising, actually. She had turned down all the guys who asked her out, and a few kids started a rumor about her being a lesbian. It hadn’t caught on. They weren’t wrong, but Sunset didn’t care to out herself. Not to these assholes. They didn’t deserve to know the real Sunset Shimmer. She sat off to the side, idly sipping on a cup of punch. She was missing Twilight more than she cared to admit. Every second she was without her felt agonizing. She reached into her dress pocket, pulling out her phone. No notifications. No texts from Twilight. She was probably studying or reading a book, but it still made her sad to think her favorite person wasn’t thinking about her. Little did Sunset know Twilight couldn’t get her out of her head. It was a shock when Sunset was announced Prom Queen. Most wouldn’t consider her popular anymore. She had kind of just given up after she first ran. High School was bullshit anyway. The Prom King was some quarterback that straight girls would deem ‘hot as shit’. Sunset didn’t see it. She was still forced to dance with him as a tacky sash was put around her shoulder and a cheap crown was placed on her head. An hour before the dance officially ended, Sunset left the gym, stripping out of her prom queen sash and pulling the tiara off her head. Tears began to flow freely as she smashed it against the brick wall of the gymnasium. She ripped through the cheap sash, tearing apart the poor-quality fabric as she cried, hardly letting out her anger. She heard footsteps come up behind her, and honestly she didn’t care if she was about to be raped or mugged. She didn’t even feel like she had emotions most of the time anymore. The only times she really felt something was when she was with Twilight. She felt arms wrapping around her waist and a chin rest on her shoulder. “Let it out baby, it’s okay.” The voice of her girlfriend was the most comforting thing in the world to Sunset. Somehow, she always knew when Sunset needed her most and where to find her. And she just cried harder.