//------------------------------// // Restlessness // Story: The Friendship Initiative // by Jatheus //------------------------------// ‘My most venerable Queen, we have moved to a new dwelling, which I find a marginal improvement to the cloud house we occupied previously. Houses on the ground are closer to our subterranean nature and more tolerable. One of the families that lives here was upset at my arrival, having had some of their relatives lost during the war. To keep your orders, I have been ignoring them, and unpleasant confrontation seems unlikely. The least of your servants, Ash Eater.’ Ash Eater's heart raced as he awoke, darkness still surrounding him. He panted desperately for air, scratching at the dog tag chain that was only making things more intolerable. He slowed his breaths, drawing them in more deeply, trying to shake off the ghoulish visions that had ruined his slumber. Sweat covered his body, soaking the sheets and causing him to shiver. He growled against the fears, banishing them away. Slipping off of the sofa, the changeling walked to the kitchen of the Apple's farmhouse to find a glass of water. His front right leg seemed to shake on its own, even after the rest of his spasms had ceased. The water helped quench his thirst, but the remnant of the horrors he had seen in the night were not so easily quelled. Returning to sleep didn't seem an option at present, so he quietly made his way outside. The door creaking as he slowly opened it threatened to awaken the entire house, but it seemed that none were roused by the noise. A sliver of moon did what it could to illuminate Sweet Apple Acres. The low light was comfortable to the changeling, a gift of his species. Picking no direction in particular, Ash Eater began walking. He passed the barn and found himself amongst small saplings before long. Shuddering against the fears that plagued him, the changeling tried to ignore a phantom itch in his missing right hind leg. “Where are you headed?" a young mare's voice broke the peaceful insect songs that otherwise filled the air. Turning, the dim moonlight revealed her form. She stood almost as tall as Ash Eater, but he gathered she was a little younger. He frowned and let out a sigh. “Nowhere, as it happens." She closed the distance between them. Ash Eater could just make out her widening eyes as she realized who he was. “You are... th... that changeling." He rolled his eyes and started walking deeper into the orchard. Stupid young ponies were the last sort he wanted to interact with, preferring solitude in the absence of his own kind. His ears soon reported hastened hoof steps. As she drew close, Ash Eater wheeled about to face her and snarled, "Go away!" She skidded to a halt, seeming uncertain whether or not she should run for her life. It was a panicked pause. The changeling had seen it many times during the war, especially among newer recruits. That moment of uncertainty often was the last indecision they made. As much as Ash Eater would have liked to take advantage of the hesitation, his queen had given orders. He had little choice but to content himself with walking away. The young mare continued to follow, though at a more discreet distance. “I'm not scared of you," she called after him. “I don't care." She kept pace for a time, the two sharing the road in silence. The distraction annoyed the changeling, making him feel guarded instead of peacefully alone with his thoughts. As amused as he had been to get Scootaloo temporarily kicked out of Rainbow Dash's house, at least there had been no one else there to bother him at night. A cool breeze caused a ripple to sway through the saplings, not unlike waves tossed on the sea. Ash Eater had always felt something comforting about the night. The dark and damp, the calm stillness reminded him of simpler times. The outing, though disturbed, did render within the changeling its intended purpose. He felt himself grow more calm eventually, and the demons that robbed his sleep began to fade with each passing minute. It was only when his mood had become more placid that he turned and started back toward the farmhouse, his unwelcome company still trailing along behind him. She didn’t say another word as they completed their little journey. Ash Eater appreciated this more than he’d ever admit to her. It was as he arrived back at the farm house and made to open the door that the young mare finally broke the silence. “Same time tomorrow night?” she asked. Ash Eater snorted, “No.” “My name is Glitterdust.” He rolled his eyes, “I don’t care.” She shrugged, turning and walking away in the direction of the barn. Finally rid of the annoyance, he crept into the house and quietly went back to bed.