//------------------------------// // Imaginations from the Other Side - Episode 2 // Story: Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot // by Equimorto //------------------------------// "So does anyone actually have a clear idea of what's going on?" Rainbow's question was met with resounding head shakes. "I figured." The mare returned to playing with her phone. Twilight aimlessly tapped on the table with her hoof. "I can probably try to make some theory over it, but I don't really feel like there's a point if everything will just get thrown out the window when a new update comes." "But isn't that the fun part of theorising?" Rarity pulled her chair closer to Twilight's. "And besides, we are starting to see something more concrete. The pieces start to fit together if you go back and know what you're looking for." "But do you really want to go back?" Rainbow asked without lifting her eyes from the screen. "Well, I am sure that won't be needed forever. Eventually everything will make sense," said Rarity, her smiling, positive expression refusing to leave her face. Twilight sighed. "Well, I do have to acknowledge it, some loose ends are being tied up, some threads are being furthered and weaved with others. But on the other hoof you've got new things opening up, and even older ones getting no attention! I'm just not sure if I can trust him is all." On the other end of the room, Pinkie momentarily paused her aggressive baking session. "So we've established they're an he?" "Yeah, I dug a bit around for his social media links." Rainbow dismissively waved a hoof. Rarity moved yet closer to Twilight. "But are you not intrigued by it all? The mystery, all the different stories and the way they influence each other, don't you look forward to seeing it all unfold?" Twilight gave a meek shrug. "It's hard to get excited about it. I mean, I would be the first gushing over it if things started to make sense. But right now all we have are a few points and lines, and I have no certainty they'll all lead up to some grand design. I don't feel like wrecking my head over trying to connect the dots when I'm not sure if there is a drawing in there or if I'm just imaging constellations." Rarity thoughtfully chewed on a cupcake. "Sometimes you need a little trust, you know?" "Trust is earned," said Twilight. Then she took a sip from her milkshake. "I feel like someone who you've never interacted with should get the benefit of the doubt the first time around. You shouldn't assume the worst." "And I feel like the rope is being pulled a little too much here for my tastes, and I'd rather wait to see if the water is clear than jump in and get burnt." "I think you got a little tangled up with your metaphors there," Applejack said, suddenly looking towards the two horned ponies. Then she looked back to Fluttershy and to the game they were playing. Fluttershy drew a card. "Either way, all both of you can do is keep reading. You shouldn't be arguing over how the other does it."