//------------------------------// // Revivall // Story: Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot // by Equimorto //------------------------------// "I had a dream last night," Rainbow Dash said, pondering the muffin held between her hooves. "That does tend to happen when one sleeps." Rarity lit her horn and brought her cup to her lips, savouring the smell of apple juice before taking her first sip. Rainbow took a bite out of her muffin. "It involved Pinkie." "Oh." Rarity set down her cup and focused on a set of sketches and papers she kept on the table, looking through them. "I'm sure it was quite an experience then." Rainbow nodded. "I dreamed we were dating." The yellow sunlight streamed in from the open window, colouring the room with the hues of the early morning. A soft, pleasant breeze drifted in from outside, refreshing without being too cold. It had rained, the night before, and some drops of water still clung to the leaves of the trees where shadows hid them from the Sun. Rarity's reaction was an odd cross between a thoughtful frown and a puzzled pout, accompanied by that untranscribeable kind of sound that always did accompany her more expressive expressions. "It must have been quite the experience indeed." "It was nice." Rainbow looked towards the window. "In the dream, I mean. We were mostly hanging around. Doing stuff together. We kissed." She took another bite out of her muffin. "It felt real, while I was dreaming it. It made sense. I didn't question it. But it doesn't feel real now, you know?" Rarity took another sip of her drink. "I believe I understand. I've certainly had weird dreams myself that still seemed perfectly reasonable while I was inside them." Rainbow Dash sighed. "Sometimes you'll have a dream that you really don't like, and you'll wake up and be glad it's over. And sometimes you'll have a dream that you really like, and when you wake up you'll be really sad that it wasn't real." She finished her muffin. "This one wasn't either. It wad just a thing I dreamed. No feelings either way when I thought about it this morning." "I see." Her sketches set down to a side as she focused on the conversation, Rarity refilled her cup from the porcelain jug sitting in the middle of the table. "It feels weird." Rainbow turned around in her chair. "You never really stop to think about whether you'd want to be dating a friend or not. Unless you got a crush on them. But otherwise they're just a friend, you don't think about it. So I'm not sure what to feel now." She turned around again. "I guess I just know I'm not interested in a relationship with Pinkie. But I didn't ask to know. Thanks, brain." Rarity masked her silence with a sip of her drink, her own brain already working through all the possibilities Rainbow had inadvertently alerted her to even as she tried to stop it from doing so. "Do you think Pinkie would be happy if she was dating me?" The unicorn took the cup away from her lips. "Pinkie could be happy dating anything that breathes, and quite a lot of things that don't," she answered. "But I feel like she'd be happy in making others happy first, not in her own enjoyment of the relationship. She'd be happy whichever your choice was, because you'd be happy with it. If that makes sense." Rainbow shrugged. "I guess it does."