//------------------------------// // Here We Go Again // Story: Trust Once Lost: Far Far Away // by Greenhorne //------------------------------// “Green, could you wait a moment?” The question came unexpectedly, nearly making the small unicorn stumble in her step as she stifled a yawn. She still wasn’t quite used to being a quadruped, even after a couple months of practice “Sure, lemme just tell my friends,” Green chirped, turning to wave at her classmates. “You girls go ahead, I’ll meet you back at the clubhouse after my magic lesson.” Looking back at her teacher, she made her way to her desk with a curious tilt to her head. “Was there something you needed, Miss. Cheerilee?” “Well,” The teacher began slowly. “Since you’ve started staying with the Apples, I’ve noticed you’ve been pretty tired, are you sleeping well?” “I’m fine,” Green responded, “It’s just tiring keeping up with the Crusaders, you know? Sometimes I feel like I’m much older than I look.” “Yes, but this has been going on for longer than that,” Cheerilee frowned as she looked at the filly with concern. “It’s only this past week you started running with them, and you’ve been nodding off a lot during classes.” “I know the material,” Green insisted, “You can test me if you like.” “I know that, Green,” Miss. Cheerilee said delicately. “You have the highest score in the class, but that’s not what I’m asking. Do you have any problems in your foster home?” “No.” Green shook her head, she could feel the anxiety begin to grip her chest, “Everything is fine. Look, I have to go now if I’m going to get to my magic lesson on time.” “Green, please wait,” The words came out sterner than intended, though it was strange to hear the generally mild-mannered mare speak in such a way. “The Apples are good Ponies, Big McIntosh is a good friend of mine, but if there’s something wrong, you need to tell us.” Green really didn’t want to look anxious in front of Cheerilee since it would definitely be taken the wrong way so instead, she tried to play oblivious. She would need to pretend her anxiety was over being tardy rather than... anything else. “I don’t want to be late!” Green called out as she ran out of the schoolhouse, pretending not to hear the teacher calling her back, “See you tomorrow!” As Green approached town a dark cloud hung over her head in a much more literal and less figurative sense than usual. The cloud was a deep blue color and bristled with multi-colored lightning. While her magical education was incomplete she knew that these clouds were not typical, even in Equestria. “Uh, Rainbow Dash?” Green asked, “This is some kind of prank right? I’m sorry I told Applejack you were sleeping in her orchard.” Bolts of spectral lightning struck all around her and in a flash, and everything went black. When she woke, it took her mind a moment to catch up. From what she could gather, she was laying on something very cold and hard, probably some kind of metal, maybe an exam table? The chill seeped through her fur, and she shivered. Opening her eyes, Green saw a concrete ceiling with pipes running all over it, with grey being the most prominent color pallet, so not really the standard for Ponyville Hospital. That might’ve been the first hint that she wasn’t in Ponyville anymore. At least she hadn’t changed into a new body this time. That’s when she heard a familiar sound, but not one she had ever expected to hear again. She heard a lightsaber being ignited. The red glow of the Lightsaber filled the room as the device emitted a harsh buzzing noise. If this had happened a few months ago, before she’d traveled to Equestria, she might have thought it was a dream or hallucination. Instead, she accepted it immediately. She was stuck in a small room with a Sith Lord. She noted the empire emblem that adorned the Sith’s shoulder and it filled her with a sense of dread. From what she could remember, the Empire wasn’t too fond of aliens, especially little green ones with telekinetic powers. The Sith looked at Green with an expressionless mask of metal and reflective glass and it was all she could do to keep herself from hyperventilating under his inspection. "Uh... Hello." She mumbled. For a second, Starkiller's clone thought he was face to face with Jedi Master Yoda. The moment The creature's words reached his helmet's audioreceptors, the crimson tip of his lightsaber nearly closed in on the small being's neck before he managed to stop himself from decapitating the tiny being. As his mind processed what he saw, his eyes studied every detail in the light emitted from the red blade. It seemed to have the ability to speak, that was for certain as the babble of High Galactic streamed from it's lips. Certainly a strange choice, but Starkiller knew it was fairly prolific even in the Mid-Rim, and saw limited use in the Outer-Rim as well. Though if anything, it looked like a pet owned by some Moff's child, going by how well kept it's fur was, or perhaps coat was a better word? He wasn't certain on the terminology, but that was hardly worth mulling over. That begged a question; Was it intelligent enough to hold conversations? Even if it spoke from earlier, it could be simple mimicry. Returning his Lightsaber to his belt as he knelt down on one knee, holding one of his hands out like one wild a shy animal. "Speak," The Clone commanded. "If you understand, then I shall hear what you have to say." Green was surprised when the Sith deactivated his lightsaber and knelt down in front of her. She reciprocated by giving the best approximation of a bow she could on four legs and tried to think how she should answer. "My name is Green," She spoke cautiously, "And I don't know how I got here. I'm at your mercy; what would you have me do?" Green decided she would refrain from showing off any magic in front of the Sith. If he believed she was force sensitive there was no telling how he might react. While she maintained a submissive posture she tried to surreptitiously look around the room to identify an escape route. She hadn't had the chance to learn any magical self-defence while she was in ponyville, but she was considering her options. Her telekinesis probably wasn't strong enough to hurt the full grown human, and her pyromancy would likely do nothing but piss him off. Her best option, if he became hostile, would probably be to frost up his visor so he couldn't see and condense water vapor out of the air to form a sheet of ice under his foot. If she was very lucky, and this force user couldn't sense her life force, that might give her a chance to escape. Oh god what was she thinking? There was no way that would work. Failing to appease this Sith Lord would mean certain death. Maybe if she looked cute enough he would take her as a pet? Did Sith even like cute fluffy things, or were they more into dark things with spikes on them? She couldn't imagine Darth Vader with a puppy. “Just so you know,” Green spoke nervously, “I’m totally cool with the Empire, heil the Emperor and all that.” Green wanted to try and look tough, but she could barely keep herself from trembling as her tiny heart beat against her chest.