//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: A Storm is coming.......and leaving. // Story: Villain Pub // by Marcthelightspark2004 //------------------------------// Aside from Bowser, the bouncer getting rid of an odd menagerie of loud hyenas, the bar was rather quiet that day. Days like today tend to be rather quiet. The only people attending today were the regulars, Voldemort in his dark green robes sipping on some Fire Whiskey, Joker drinking a brightly colored cocktail he custom ordered dressed in his equally custom purple and green suit, and Loki dressed in his fine Asgardian leathers of dark greens and golds. Meanwhile, Zod was nursing his neck, still in his dark black Kryptonian uniform and a neck brace around the aforementioned neck, while drinking some ale, dejected he couldn't get drunk and numb the constant neck pain and stabbing feeling in his chest. Tirek was wiping off a whiskey glass with a white rag as Chrysalis was sitting in silence, carefully watching as that new Nifty girl, donned in a stylized version of the uniform close to her old look, was obsessively cleaning every speck of dust she could find. Only stopping in her single-minded quest when she caught a cycloptic plankton walking toward the back kitchen in her feather duster, mistaking him for a silverfish. After setting him down she approached Cozy Glow, who was sipping on a box of chocolate milk sitting on a stool at the bar. Nifty approached, confused. "Hey! Why aren't you working?" Cozy Glow shrugged. "I'm the mascot. I look cute, put on doll eyes, and show newcomers to their seats. But in case you didn't notice. This place is empty of newcomers." Nifty pondered this, her confusion short-lived before she simply went back to work. Suddenly, the door glowed a rainbow color from its edges as the symbol of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic emblazoned itself into the door, a somewhat more poppy theme to the tone of 'Ponies got that beat', rather than the usual 'My Little Pony' played. The door opened and a somewhat confused biped exited the doorway. He was some form of a satyr, with white fur donned in dark blue armor, with two lightning blue streaks in a rather menacing manner on his breastplate and a long bushy tail trailing from his behind. He was carrying a rather gnarled dark blue staff, with a crystal between its two prongs making it resemble a trident. Finally, he wore a crown with two spikes between his horns that curved upward upon his head. He looked rather confused as he carefully sat at the bar, resting his staff on the counter. Tirek approached with a smile. "What can I get you, friend? It's rare to see a fellow villain from Equestria in here!" The Storm King blinked. "I'm-I'm sorry. Who are you? And how in Tartarus am I here?! Last I knew, I was on the verge of triumph! And I would have succeeded! Were it....not....for something....I... I don't entirely....remember...." Tirek squinted his eyes before whispering to Cozy Glow. "Who is this guy?" Cozy Glow looked at him before her eyes widened. "That's the Storm King! He took over Equestria for a good few weeks and took all the magic of the Alicorns! Even Princess Twilight! With it, he caused some cosmic chaos by messing around with the Sun and Moon! It was in the papers for months afterward!" "Oh my! What stopped him?" Tirek asked, impressed. "According to the papers, his first lieutenant, a crippled unicorn, betrayed him. She blasted him with some sort of, a bomb that turned him to obsidian. Unfortunately, he was on the tower balcony of the palace when she did. So soon afterward he, well...." Cozy Glow raised her hoof before bringing it down harshly, making a whistling sound before making a shattering sound when her hoof reached the bottom. "....That is horrific. Actually, a lot of villains in Equestria have surprisingly horrific fates. Wasn't Sombra atomized by princess Twilight?" Tirek blinked. "Why doesn't he remember what happened?" "That happens to villains who have such a graphic death, I remember when Yoshikage Kira first appeared here," Voldemort explained, speaking suddenly, as he was two seats over from Cozy Glow. "Or a particularly horrific or brutal one. Like being shattered. As this..what is he a satyr? This satyr experienced. Don't tell him. He'll realize it in a little bit if he's smart." He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named explained. Meanwhile, the Storm King sat, thinking hard and quietly. "Aaaany minute now." Voldemort sighed. "He must have been a fearsome villain if he managed to actually succeed in his goal before being defeated! Like I did!" "Wasn't your goal total genocide of all non-magic users?" Joker butt in and reminded. "Well, I mean, yes. But mainly it was about me killing Potter!" He said, saying the name like it was the worst curse one could utter and emphasizing the P breathily. "Wow, and I thought the obsession with my hero was bad. Speaking of obsession, say Loki, I must say I prefer the TVA uniform. Suits are classy." Joker smiled widely. "Oh, well thank you! I thought it suited me well!" Loki smiled, surprised that was what he brought up from his recent time in the TVA. "What wasn't classy was smooching that lady Loki!" Joker laughed loudly. "I know narcissism! And that was next level, Loke!" "Gah! At least I helped introduce Kang the Conqueror into the MCU! I hope Quantamania does him well for his first real introduction!" Loki said proudly. "Are you kidding? They're introducing the next big phase villain in an Ant-Man movie!" Voldemort commented. "They're going to make him a lame joke so that D-lister can survive! Your whole Universe is now just lame quippy jokes!" Cozy Glow and Tirek turned away, letting the trio bicker amongst themselves. The Storm King sat in silence, still thinking about how he appeared in this place. Before suddenly, he screamed out. His eyes widened and his mouth agape, memories flashing in his eyes. "OH MY! I DIED!? I DIED HORRIBLY?! AND I WAS BETRAYED BY THE PERSON I BETRAYED!!" Storm King screamed out, stopping the bickering trio and getting the attention of the Changeling Queen, who up till that point was keeping a close eye on the demon maid. "Happens to the best of us, buddy." Joker sighed sympathetically. "Well, not me. But it happens." "What about Harl-" Voldemort was interrupted by a gloved finger pressed up to his lips. "I need to go back! I need to get revenge! I need to take over Equestria again!" The Storm King said with a slightly crazy look in his eye. "Now now now," Tirek said, trying to calm him down. "There will be plenty of time for conquest later! Can I get you anything to drink?" The Storm King paused for a moment, before simply saying. "Wine. Red wine." "Oh, fancy!" Tirek chuckled. Pouring him a glass of wine in a wine glass. "To the brim please." He specified. Tirek raised an eyebrow but complied before handing him the wine glass. He drank it all with a deep swig, downing it all in less than a minute. Slamming it down onto the bar counter as now filled with liquid courage, he stood up to his full and rather imposing height, grabbing his staff in his right hand he cricked his neck. "Thank you all! I will now return to Equestria and finish what I started! And now I know not even death can stop me!" He cackled, the villain trio simply sighing, knowing full well he was going to fail harder than he did before. "Yes well that's all well and good but you still need to-" Tirek was cut off harshly. "I truly appreciate the help, centaur! Hey, isn't your species extinct? Eh, whatever!" He laughed, turning from the bar and making his way to the door. Tirek blinked, before stuttering out. "Hey! You need to pay for the drink!" "See ya, Centy!" The Storm King smiled, before leaving the bar with a mad grin. Tirek sighed. "That's coming out of my salary..." Chrysalis and Cozy Glow both blinked at that, before yelling out. "You're being paid!?"