//------------------------------// // Bonus chapter: The Fashionable Scarf // Story: Loco in the *REDACTED* // by The Blue EM2 //------------------------------// Jimmy always wanted to look his best. He came from a wealthy family, so he had the money to buy the best clothing. And so he did, every now and then he would update his wardrobe with the latest fashion for men. One day, he figured he would try out a new clothing store downtown that was rumored to be VERY in-style. He walked in casually and began browsing the selections. The clothing present appeared to be very expensive and fashionable, but something that caught his eye was better than the rest. It was a bright blue scarf, made of the finest material one could buy. Jimmy jumped at the chance to buy it, and was out of the store in minutes, after selecting other articles of clothing well. However, the scarf had kept a hold on his attention. The desire was too great, he just had to try it on. And so he did, the scarf for comfortably around his neck. Jimmy continued his way back to his home proudly with the scarf around his neck. He was distracted however, as pale orchid fur began sprouting all over his body. He was completely oblivious, but then he felt an odd sensation in his expensive shoes. The toes on his feet felt as if they were being compressed, which was true. Within moments, Jimmy could no longer move his toes, not feel then for that matter, causing him to stop his walking. "Huh?" He looked down just in time to see the material of his shoe stretching out, eventually tearing clean off, revealing that his feet had seemingly become what appeared to be hooves. "Holy shit!! What the Hell!?" Jimmy had finally noticed the fur as well, right before he felt sharp pains in his shoulders. In a quick jerk motion, his shoulders cracked inwards, causing his arms to be forced in front of his body, rather than out the sides. Just like his feet, his hands forced themselves closed, before his fingers began merging and hardening. Jimmy watched in horror as his hands became hooves just like his feet. "What the Hell is happening!?!?" Suddenly, Jimmy's knees cracked backwards, forcing him on all fours. His body then began expanding, tightening the clothing around him. Soon, the tightness was too much for his clothing, so they tore right off his body, save for the scarf. He crouched down in pain as his thighs and rear inflated like a balloon. "N-NG!!! STOP!!!" Jimmy's spine began painfully lengthening outside his rear as long lavender-colored tail burst out, curling out in some places. The next part caused him to roll onto his now horse-sized rear. His crotch suddenly felt tight, slowly retracting in on itself. Jimmy moaned in discomfort as his manhood popped inside him, leaving its opposite in it's place. "W-WHAT IS THIS!?!?" She slowly inched herself back onto all-fours, right before her spine suddenly cracked and shifted. Her neck painfully began lengthening upward, her adams apple shrinking into nothingness. Now it was her head's turn. Her scalp ached as her hair forcefully lengthening out of it. The lengthening hair took on the same color as her tail as it styled up into multiple buns, some hair remaining to run down her neck. Jimmy's bangs swirved to one side as a pale yellow hair band materialized near the buns. "HELP!!! SOMEONE!! MAKE IT STO-AHHH!!!" Jimmy's face began forcefully pushing outwards, jaw merging with her nose to form a small equine muzzle. Her eyes ached as they puffed up significantly before becoming a pale brown, as well as her eyelashes lengthening. Her ears slowly creaked upwards and pointed slightly, eventually making it to the top of her head. The pain ceased. Jimmy looked at her new form in pure terror. However, within a few seconds, her mind became cloudy. She wasn't sure who she was anymore, but she was about to be. She was Suri Polomare, a fashionista who lived in the Equestrian city of Manehattan. There was a bright flash as a tri-button symbol appeared on her flank. "H-huh....what?" The surroundings shifted into a large urban city as Suri looked at her surroundings. "Oh! That's right." She trotted through the streets of Manehattan, as there was work to be done on her own fashion line.