//------------------------------// // XXVII. // Story: The Nobody's Regret // by Synthetic Soul //------------------------------// Walking along one of the less busy streets of Ponyville, Gilda tossed the half eaten apple up and down with her tail. Catching it by the feathers of her tail, she brought the fruit up to her beak, and took one last bite, before tossing the core over her shoulder. ‘If only it was this easy to swipe food in Griffonstone, I’d never go hungry again! Ponies are such rubes!’she thought smugly to herself. “How was the apple?” The unfamiliar voice caused Gilda’s heart to skip a beat, and her wings gave an instinctive burst, launching her a few feet into the air, where she hovered. Her eyes quickly locked onto a tall figure, draped in a long black coat. His arms were crossed in front of his chest as he leaned against a brick wall. His hair spiked up like a campfire, bright and vibrant. He was looking at her with a neutral expression. “What the?” started Gilda. “Sorry, did I scare you?” “What? Scare me? No way!” Gilda lowered herself to the ground. “What the heck are you supposed to be?” she questioned, now slightly agitated. “My name is Roxas.” “But what ARE you?” she asked more aggressively. “I’m a human.” Gilda observed Roxas with a fascinated expression. She’d never seen anything like what was standing before her. This human was like something from another world. He was almost unnatural. But before she could become too absorbed into her own thoughts, she recalled what this human had first said to draw her attention. “Wait, you saw me take that apple?” “Yeah.” “Are you gonna squeal?” Gilda asked aggressively. “Of course not. But I thought I’d let you know that this isn’t Griffonstone. Ponies here are a lot more charitable than the citizens of Griffonstone. And I’m sure Rainbow Dash would’ve loaned you a few bits if you’d asked.” “I don’t need anyone’s charit- wait, have YOU BEEN SPYING ON ME?” “No I have not. I just know a bit about the goings on of Ponyville.” “Yeah right! Listen here you creep, if you go stalking me, you’re gonna regret it!” Gilda flew right up inches away from Roxas. “Believe it or not, I’m trying to help you. I’ve been to Griffonstone; I know it’s a rough place. But Ponyville is completely different. If you treat Ponyville like Griffonstone, you’re going to push away everyone here. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to treat people here with some respect and kindness.” “Pfft! Like I give a crap about any of these prissy little ponies!” “You care about Rainbow Dash, don’t you?” asked Roxas. “Well, I mean, we do go back a long ways. We’re friends! Best friends! But Dash is cool! She’s not like these other ponies!” “Are you sure?” questioned Roxas. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “As tough and cool as Rainbow Dash is, she’s still a pony. She lives in Ponyville, and has for a long time. At the end of the day, she values the same ideals as everyone else in this town.” “What’s your damn point, you freak?!” “My point is, you could lose your friend if you don’t change your attitude. You wouldn’t want that now would you?” “Please, Dash would never pick these ponies over me!” asserted Gilda confidently. “Are you sure?” Roxas asked with a raised eyebrow. “Of course!” “Well if you’re sure,” replied Roxas standing up straight and lowering his arms. “Then I guess you don’t have anything to worry about.” Roxas began walking away, but not before saying one last thing. “Rainbow Dash has been through a lot in Ponyville. She’s changed. She’s not a carbon copy of the Dash you knew. Things change. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” And with that, Roxas walked away, leaving Gilda feeling unsure of herself. ‘He doesn’t know what he’s talking about…does he?’ Gilda felt like her blood was on fire. This party was a disaster. The laughing. The ridicule. She had been the consistent target of a series of juvenile pranks specifically designed by that pink looser to humiliate her in front of everyone. And finally she couldn’t take it anymore! She was supposed to be spending time with Rainbow Dash. That was IT! And all these ponies were determined to come between them! Gilda was angry, angrier than she had been in years. But it was ok, because at least she still had her friend. “You know Gilda, I was the one who set up all those weak pranks at this party. So I guess I’m Queen Lame-o,” said Rainbow in an angry tone. “What?” questioned Gilda. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” “They weren’t all meant for you specifically. It was just dumb luck that you set them all off.” “I should have known! That dribble glass was SO Rainbow Dash!” said Pinkie Pie. “No! It was Pinkie Pie! She did all of this to embarrass me!” shouted Gilda. “What? I threw this party to help improve your attitude! I wanted to make you smile!” If Gilda had any teeth they’d be grinding against themselves until they turned to dust. “And you sure didn’t need any help embarrassing yourself! And you know, I thought my old friend would be able to treat my new friends with a little respect. If being cool is all you care about, then maybe you should just go find some new cool friends!” Gilda couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This wasn’t happening. This ABSOLUTELY couldn’t be happening! Gilda felt like she was in some sort of bizarre nightmare. “He he he,” chuckled Gilda. She felt as if her mind had snapped. Everyone in the room looked at her with an concerned expression. “It figures…I really SHOULDN’T BE SURPRISED AT ALL, SHOULD I!?” “What are you-“ before Rainbow could finish, Gilda continued. “YOU KNOW WHAT DASHIE?! I DON’T NEED YOU! I NEVER DID! I DON’T NEED ANYONE!” Gilda felt a swirling maelstrom of emotions circle through her, with every single negative emotion flowing through her. Her vision was starting to blur. “I WAS SO STUPID TO COME HERE, SO STUPID TO THINK YOU WERE MY FRIEND! “Gilda, you need to calm-“ “IF BEING FRIENDS WITH THESE PUNKS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN BEING FRIENDS WITH ME, THAN YOU CAN JUST-YOU CAN JUST-“ *KABOOM*Roxas’ head jolted towards the direction of Sugarcube Corner. A vibrant burst of purple energy was propelling towards the sky with a bunch of debris. He heard ponies screaming in the distance. “What the-“ before Roxas could finish, he heard a monstrous roar, like that of a dragon. “No…it can’t be.” Roxas started a full spring towards the direction of the chaos. “I hope this isn’t what I think it is!”