//------------------------------// // 27 - The Bud of Summer // Story: New Moon // by AzuraKeres //------------------------------// “Out of the bed, now!” A loud voice echoed into my ears as I jumped out of my bed and hit my head to the ceiling. My eyes widened as I aimlessly looked at my surroundings that were my room. My sights quickly dawned upon a blue stallion with the speaker of all things in his hoof. “Dad,” I yelped as I noticed the stern eyes on his face. There aren’t many ponies that can give me a scare like Bud’s mother, but I’d say my father was the closest thing to it back then. He is a beloved Wonderbolt that is idolized by many pegasi for his unmatched records after all. You can imagine how much pressure that puts on me, the daughter of Wind Rider. I quickly met my father on the floor and gave him a salute. “Sir.” “Lazuli,” Wind Rider sighed and rubbed his temple. “We’ve already started this a week ago. When are you going to learn to wake up early?” “I’m sorry sir,” I held my salute and fought off a frown from showing on my face. “I worked extra hard at practice yesterday for today’s match. The ace from Cloudsdale is said to have a special technique and I wanted to prepare for it.” “I like that proactiveness,” Wind Rider grinned. “Adapting to the challenges before you is a definite quality that should be praised. You most likely got those brains from your mother.” “Really? Thanks, dad.,” I blushed at my father’s comment. I was always so desperate to get good words out of that stallion. To me, his approval was all that mattered. After my mom...went away, he was the only thing I had to family. My mother never got to know her birth family and my dad never liked to speak about his own. Heck, I still don’t know if I have any live relatives from his side. I’m probably just anxious about what I might find. “But don’t think that’ll free you from your morning exercises,” Wind Rider said. “I’m going to make you the best Wonderbolt that Equestria has ever seen.” “Yes, sir!” I quickly said. “Go and wash up, we’re doing weight training this morning.” Years ago, I had confessed to my dad that wanted to fly him after witnessing his performances as a Wonderbolt. That stallion was more than happy to teach me everything he knew, so he placed under a light exercise regimen. But later, his exercises became more intense as he tried to have me mimic all the maneuvers he had learned through his career. I mean, he planned to make me his successor after all. I won’t go on about the Knitty gritty of the stuff he had me do. I’m pretty sure that doesn’t interest you. But I at least like you to know that I didn't hate it back then. After mom, those were the only times when we hung out. That fixation of his to elevate me beyond my boundaries seemed to be the only thing relevant about our bond, but it was something I took solace since it meant I could hog all of his attention. You know, if you can count him yelling at me the whole morning like that. My father would always end our training an hour before the start of my school. Enough time to get a quick wash and make a swift flight to school. He was very punctual about time and I know he tried his hardest to push that habit onto me. I met my dad at the front of our house once I was prepared for school. He noted my presence but didn’t respond as he straightened his aviator jacket. Seeing him wearing that made me anxious since there are specific occasions when he has it on. “What’s with the jack?” I asked him. “Got a letter straight from the captain,” Wind Rider answered, but his eyes were still fixed upon his jacket. “I’m needed at the base for a meeting.” “But you’ll make it back for my match, right?” “Probably not," Wind Rider shook his head. "Sounds pretty serious.” “But that’s not fair!” I voiced agitation. “Can’t you just skip it?” “That’s not how a Wonderbolt roll,” Wind Rider gave me a stern face. “Have you not been listening to anything I’ve been teaching you?” “But I just want you there to watch me…” I averted my eyes from him. I had always got queasy when he seemed the least bit disappointed in me. “Hey, look at me Lazuli.” I heard my father's approach and then raised my eyes to his with a push of his hoof upon my chin. “You can’t let inconveniences like this get into your head. You have to keep your mind and body leveled and overcome the challenges that come your way. You do want to be a Wonderbolt, right?” “Yes, sir.” “And not just any Wonderbolt,” he continued. “You want to be one of the very best like me, right?” “No sir,” I said. I knew what he said was a trick question. He expected much more than just an equal to take his place. “I want to be number 1.” That answer put a smile on my dad's face. “That’s right. So, what are you going to do today to make sure that happens?” “I’m going to win.” Flying my way to the school was a short trip for me as I landed before the school’s gate. This place, Baltimare Academy, was kind of like the golden years for me when I was on my way to becoming a Wonderbolt. You may already know this, Leaf Clip, but my school was known pretty well for its ties to those large museums built all across the city. I was never much for history lessons, so I didn’t care for it. My only goal at the time was to make a name for myself. As soon as I entered through the school's gates, I already had a flock of pegasi fly to my side. “Yo, Lazuli.” One of them called me. As you could probably tell, I was aligned with the jocks of the school. When I came into the picture, the flight team garnered a winning streak that they never before had. I was undefeated on the field, and ponies became distinctly aware of that as I was idolized as the school’s secret weapon. I know, I know, you're jealous; you don't have to tell me. “The lunch lady brought this weird looking ice cream that looks like a fish,” one of the pegasi told me. “You gotta try it out.” I didn’t care much for the friendship I had with my teammates. Sure, they might have genuinely viewed me as their pal since I never discouraged them, but my eyes were always fixed on the long-term goal. Before I was involved in the flight team, their performance was below average at best. There was no way that they could ever enter the Nationals. Lucky for them, I was able to mimic my father’s training upon them and I had a knack to gauge the strength and weaknesses of others. In a sense, you could say I served as an assistant coach to the team. All of that hard work was just to increase my team’s chances of success, but I also caused a side effect to unite my team closer than they ever were. I pretty much saw it as a convenient morality boost since it helped in some regards. But they don’t matter to this story. Who did was the mare that I happened to notice during my way into the entrance of the school. “Hey,” said one of the pegasi. “It’s that weird mare.” Our eyes dawned upon a lime mare that was pulling three buckets of water with her teeth and hooves. The water system at her greenhouse must have broken if she was doing all that lugging. The pegasi snickered at the mare’s efforts, but I was more confused about why she was doing it alone. “Why is nopony helping her,” I wondered out loud. “She’s part of the gardening club,” one of the pegasi answered. “I heard that all of the members except for her graduated. Looks like she didn’t have any luck in snatching up any new recruits.” “I’m not surprised,” another pegasus spoke. “What idiot wants to hang around a weirdo that treats a plush toy like a baby? Does she think she’s still a filly?” “She’s also from the countryside, right? I hear that they aren’t that bright in the head.” That mare had only attended the school for a year at the time, but she managed to make herself infamous for her weird habit of carrying a plush toy of a foal around her. It honestly amazed how she could carry it with her without a care for others' thoughts. I mean, they weren’t secretive about the jokes they made about her, and although she looked to find them hurtful, it never did stop her from bringing that thing to school. Either she was an idiot that couldn’t get the point or she was idiotically brave. I could never be like her. My image meant everything to me. Not because I cared for it, but because I believed my father did. I had to say high up in the hierarchy, so I couldn’t risk stepping out of the bounds I made for myself to keep it that way. But, I couldn’t help but admire that mare’s persistence to be herself. Some part of me honestly felt jealous about that. I wished I had that kind of strength. “Why’re asking me?” I asked a teacher from my literature class. He came upon me after the bell rang and my classmates made their way out of the classroom. His lessons were a complete bore to me. So much so that it would put me to sleep. I happened to make the mistake of sleeping near the end of class and was completely deaf to the bells to cue my leave. The teacher must’ve held my classmates off from waking me since I noticed nopony but him around when he prodded me awake. He was indifferent about my deed. Not surprising since I have a track record for this in his class. He would often punish me by giving me extra homework, but I had ways of getting others to do it for me. However, that stallion thought to be more innovative that day. “Lazuli,” said the stallion teacher. “The drama club is in need of flower decorations for the stage. They made a request from the gardening club to grow the quantities they needed. I need you to go there and pick it up for the club..” I was quick to voice my outrage about the task. That teacher knew I had to meet up with my team after his class to make preparations for the upcoming match with Cloudsdale. “I cannot abide by this disrespectful behavior you have towards my class,” the stallion said. “You may be the star athlete of the school, but do not forget that you are a student first and firstmost. You are here to learn. If you don't want me to turn you into an errand filly for the school, then I suggest you start treating your class more seriously.” “Fine, It won't happen again,” I groaned. “Good, then once you’ve finished your task, I’m trusting you to make a change in your habits.” “What? But I can't—” “You’ve been given your task Lazuli,” the stallion said as he packed his belongings into his saddlebag and made his way for the exit. “I suggest you hurry if you don’t want to fly late for the match.” I looked at him incredulously as he left the classroom. If I wasn't so worried about my reputation, I would've slug right then and there. He should thank Celestia that it would’ve been a bad move for me. But still, “...Seriously!” Not wanting to get that teacher on my back, I decided to go along with his request and headed for the greenhouse. I think that was the first time I had ever entered that place since I started attending the academy. The place was as big as a normal house you see every day in town. It’s also impossible not to notice it since it's far off from the backfield of the school. The door to the greenhouse was open wide, so I let myself in. Plants and flowers weren’t something I was crazy about, but I was impressed by how neatly they were organized in long lines of fields before me. It looked to have taken some real dedication. I walked by the numerous plants and vegetables through a narrow path that had divided into narrower paths to reach each of the fields from my sides. I was a bit surprised that there weren’t any pony around, but then I remembered again that there was only one member. Just her. “How does one pony manage all of this?” I wondered. “There you go,” I perked my ears at a voice. It came from above as I glanced up and saw that same lime mare hung atop a beam on the ceiling up ahead. I noticed the latter she used to climb up to the beam, but I had gotten anxious fast when I noticed it wobbling a slight. “The heck you’re doing up there,” I called to the mare. “Huh?” Her head rose as she finally took notice of me. That was a bad call on my part. That may have been some really poor coordination because just moments after noticing me, the latter she stood on started to teeter wildly. A yelp escaped the mare as she inevitably fell off the ladder, but luckily I was around to swoop upon her and make the save. But even after grabbing the mare into my hooves, she still had her face covered with her hooves. You would think a pony would take a peak after noticing you had stopped falling. “You can open your eyes now,” I told her as I descended to the ground. The ladder she was on banged upon the wall of the greenhouse, but it didn’t leave a crack on the glass. Must’ve been something really tough. “What was that?” The mare removed her eyes and looked to her surroundings to find the source of that loud bang. I was kind of expecting the mare to thank and fawn over me after she opened her eyes, but that reaction she gave had kind of pricked my pride a bit. So, I was kind of petty in letting go of her and have her flank fall to the ground. “Ow,” the lime mare rubbed on her tush as she got back on her hoof. “Oh,” She widened when she finally took notice of me...again. She must've noticed how annoyed I was because she stepped back from me with submissive ears. “Um...Hi.” “Took ya long enough to notice me,” I grumbled. “Why were you up there like that? You would’ve ended up a lot worse off if I wasn’t around just now.” “The nest,” she pointed at the beam she was on moments ago. I hadn’t noticed them at the end of the beam. Looked to of had three eggs in it. “One of the eggs looked like it was going to fall out of the nest. I had to move it back in…” “Is that right?” When I looked back to the mare from the beam, I finally took notice of her face that was brightened by the sun rays. My eyes were somehow drawn to those pink pairs of hers. So much so that I saw a reflection of how mesmerized I was. It honestly felt like she bewitched me. “Are you alright?” the lime mare asked me, snapping me out my daze. “Oh,” I blushed at how weird I must’ve come off looking at her like that. “...yeah. Yeah, I’m good. So, you risked your life for some baby birds?” A blush came upon the lime mare as well as she started to groom her pink mane with her hooves. “Well, I couldn’t just let it fall. Its mother would be so sad. I know I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to mine.” “Wait,” My eyes widened at that statement. “You have kids!?” “W-well, they’ve been around us this whole time.” The mare swayed her hoof to the plants around us. “Yeesh, you even treat the plants as if they were your own children?. Don’t you think that’s a bit weird? No pony is going to come near you with that kind of mindset.” “But it’s true,” Bud argued. “I’ve taken care of them ever since they were a small seed. I gave them mulch and water and stopped the bugs from harming them.” Have ever mentioned how cute she looks when she feels provoked. It’s almost too hard not to tease her because of it. “All right, mother of vegetables,” I said. “If you’re fine with that label then I won’t stop you. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” “My name is Loving Bud,” the lime mare corrected me. “Loving Bud, huh? That’s a really soft name you got there. I think I like that better.” “—” “What?” I got confused by the blank expression she was giving me. “Oh sorry,” Bud hurriedly said when she took notice of my confusion. “It’s just that I don’t talk this long with classmates. Most of them tend to go on their way after getting what they need from me. It seems to be the only reason they talk to me.” “Ponies asks you for plants? What for?” “Y-you know. When Hearts and Hooves arrive, you usually would want a bouquet for your special somepony, right?” “Sounds like they’re being cheap of them if they can’t put the money in for one themselves,” I gave my honest opinion. “I-I don’t have a problem with it,” Bud stuttered. “I find it nice that the flowers I grow can be useful to others. In some way, it makes me feel needed.” “And you grew all of this by yourself?” “Well, I have a sister from Ponyville that grows a lot of pears with her family. I learned a lot from her and her family, so growing a patch like this is no trouble for me. I think that’s why the ponies of the gardening club took me in. But, I do have to admit that it was a lot easier when they were still around. I really miss the sound of their voices .” Her eyes gazed intently at me for a moment. It kind of made me nervous for some reason. She took a step toward me. “Hey,” she started. “W-would like to join the gardening club? I’d really like to have somepony else here to help me.” “Join?” I looked at her incredulously. “Don’t you know who I am?” “Um...I’m sorry,” Bud rubbed her mane again. “I remember seeing you this morning, but that’s all I know about you, I think?” You couldn’t fathom the shock I had to hear that a pony that lives in Baltimare never heard of the uprising ace, the secret weapon, the star athlete of Baltimare. I felt a mixture of outrage, annoyance, despair, and disappointment all at the same time. I wanted to yell at her, but all I could give was my gaping mouth of my astonishment. “D-did I say something wrong?” Bud became worried about me. That stupid obliviousness she had taken the wind out of me. What would be the point of blasting at a random pony like her? She didn’t have any friends. I would just be bullying her. “Just forget about it,” I sighed. “And no, I can’t join your club. I’m already part of a sporting team.” “You’re an athlete?” she looked surprised. “Do I not look the part?” I asked her. I thought it would’ve been obvious to her. I mean why else would a pony her age be so brawny? “I don’t like to make assumptions about what ponies are,” she answered. “But I think it’s nice that you work so hard at what you’re passionate about.” “Heh,” I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. That was the first time I ever got that kind of compliment. It sounded so sincere compared to the other ones that were trying to feed my ego. “Thanks...but, I didn’t just come here for compliments. My teacher told me to pick up some flowers for the drama club.” “The drama club? Oh yes, I had a wagon ready for them this morning. It’s for the show they have planned next week, right?” “I don’t sit in for their shows,” I said. “I got a show of my own to worry about tonight.” “You do?” “For Celestia’s sake, I’m in a flight team. Don’t you know about the match we have with Cloudsdale?” “Oh right, I did hear about that...Hey, I think I’ll attend and cheer for you. What was your name?” “It’s Summer Lazuli. I’m the ace of the flight team.” “Wait, you’re that pegasus!?” Bud looked genuinely astonished. “The daughter of one of Equestria’s best Wonderbolts!?” “So, when can I get that wagon? I got to meet up with my team.” “I’m so sorry,” Bud said. “I’ll get it in a jiffy.” Bud rushed to a small building that was near the other end of the greenhouse from where I came from. Most likely the shed. Figuring it would take longer if she did it alone, I followed behind her. On the side of the building, there laid a long wagon that held dozens of pots full of lavender and pink flowers. It would’ve been if she grew all of that for me. I probably would not be as giddy as I would now, but I’m pretty sure I would be fluttering...Hey, don’t look at me like that. You’d be the same way if you were crazy about a pony. “This is it,” Bud said as she pulled the long wagon cart before me. “Large sets of lavender and violet flowers like the drama club asked.” “Asked? What, you didn’t happen to just have this up and ready for them?” “Well, no. I mean, they asked for me to grow these for them. The supervisor of the drama club always tells the gardening club what they may need for the year in months in advance.” “Neat,” was the only thing I cared to say. “So, I’ll be taking it now.” “W-wait a minute,” Bud stopped me. “I should probably water them just one time before sending them off.” “Why bother?” Bud didn’t hear me. She was on her way to leave the greenhouse and grab another bucket of water, but I had no time for that right now. “Hey!” I rushed behind her and pulled her. I didn’t account for how frail she was despite working on the field as she said, so I tugged upon her harder than I expected. In which case, I pulled her upon me. And the moment that came after ended up being the most exciting and also the most confusing thing I had ever experienced. When I opened my eyes, I was welcomed by the sunlight. I was within the shadows underneath Bud’s mane as if it was hiding me. Holding me away from the world as if I was its sole prize. I felt a smooth and warm texture stuck upon my lip. It only hit me when I met her pink eyes that she kissed me. My first and only kiss. Everything stopped when I realized what happened. I couldn’t begin to understand the feeling that was then welling up inside me. It felt so amazing that it didn’t want it to end, but it also so terrified me that I wanted to run away. And that fear goaded me to push her away, literally. Again, she fell upon her flank as I pushed her off of me. I was quick to get on my hoof as she did, brushing up on my warm lips with a hoof. “I’m so sorry,” Bud apologized as she bowed her head. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. It was an accident, honest..” “...whatever,” I couldn’t look at her anymore. The mere sight of her would bring all those emotions all at once. I couldn’t understand it and that made me uncomfortable. I made my way for the wagon and holstered it on me. She appeared to be observing me anxiously, unsure of what to do. “Thanks,” I started. “For the flowers. I’m sure they’ll love it.” “S-sure,” Bud nodded. “I mean...you’re welcome.” I tried to play it off, really I did. But I’m pretty sure that my face was just as hot-headed as hers was. It was soooo awkward. I simply nodded, but again, I didn’t have it in me to look at her. I thought it was best that I just left now and forgot any of this had happened. On my way out though, I did hear her speak, “Good luck at the match! I’ll be cheering for you!” Neither of us didn’t know it, but she had me in good. But that ended up being a curse for both of us.