//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Journey into Alex's Mind // Story: Dreams Don't Always Come as you Expected // by Mister E-Nonymous //------------------------------// Chapter 2: Journey into Alex's Mind (Pinkie Pie's Point of View) We all saw Princess Luna use her magic to put Alex to sleep. I was really anxious about what was in that former boy's mind. Princess Luna looked over at me. "I guess since you're the one who found this human boy turned Earth Pony filly, I think it would be best if you would also like to find out," said Princess Luna. "Really?!" I asked. "Well, I guess I would have to be the one to find out about the others find out, and I can probably help out if she needs any support." "I'm sure she would," said Princess Luna. "Now, I'm going to have to put you to sleep as well." "Well, I'm not sure it will be easy for you to put me to sleep," I said. But before I could speak more, I fell sleep myself, and not because of Luna's magic. Sometimes I fall asleep due to a sugar crash. I knew I shouldn't have put 40 pounds of sugar into my cereal. I woke up inside a weird hall of stars and doors. I saw that standing next to me was Princess Luna. I then asked, "Where are we?" "Welcome to the mindscape, Pinkie Pie," said Princess Luna. "This is the place where all dreams are able to connected to my dream walking spell." She then lit up her horn. "Now, let us find Alex's mind." Then all of the other doors zoomed past us, and one door coming in front of us. Princess Luna opened the door, and the two of us walked into the room. We saw a bunch of memories here. Most of them were about Alex, as a human boy, in an orphanage. "Wait," I said. "Alex is an orphan?" "That would explain why he hasn't given his last name," said Princess Luna. "His memory of him being delivered to the orphanage had his name, and his date of birth. He was born on April 4th, eight years ago." "So, where can we find out how Alex arrived here?" I asked. "Let's get this over with," said Princess Luna. She then zoomed towards the memories of when Alex was there before he woke up a pony filly. We saw that he was in one of those cars from Earth. Alex was sitting in the backseat, eating something. But then we saw the driver of the car, coughing. That didn't look like okay coughing. He fell unconscious, and swerved the steering wheel to the right, causing the car to run into a ditch. I saw that Alex with the seat belt strap going through the front window. He landed on the other side of the ditch. It looks like he just died. That caused both me and Princess Luna to gasp. "HE DIED?!" I asked. My mane deflated. This was a sad moment. Then an orange flash of light appeared. I recognized this man. "Solar Eclipse?!" "Oh god of all gods!" Solar Eclipse said in the memory. He ran over towards Alex's body. "This can't be good." He checked out Alex's old body, seeing that it was badly damaged. "I can fix this. This kid should live. Time for a revival spell. Hopefully, I won't mess this up." He then transformed into his pony self. Luckily for him, there wasn't another human for miles. He then started using his revival spell, and his eyes started glowing white. He healed most of the cuts on Alex's body, but then he used his magic to take Alex's body somewhere. "Where is he going?" I asked. "Let us find out," said Princess Luna. Then the next scene of his memory came to view. He then appeared by the lake where I was before I found Alex. He put Alex down under the tree. He then said to himself, "Hopefully, somepony will take this kid to the hospital and get him patched up." He was about to leave, but looked back at Alex, confused. He then said, "Nah. It must be the lighting." He then vanished. But then "I" came out of the lake, and saw Alex laying there. "So it was Solar Eclipse that turned Alex into a filly after he save his, er, her life?" I asked. "Solar Eclipse was known to figure out every complicated spell in Equestria," said Princess Luna. "Did he intentionally turn young Alex into a filly, or was he did it and not know he accidentally changed Alex's gender. Let us get out of this kid's mind." Then there was a huge flash of light, and we left the dream. I woke up, and stood up. Luna finished getting out of the dream herself. We then looked at the group. "Well, we know who sent Alex here to Equestria, and transformed him, er, her," said Princess Luna. "Solar Eclipse." "Solar Eclipse?!" asked everypony else. "As in Solar Eclipse, the pony who helped us win the trial of custody over me?" asked Danny. "The same," said Princess Luna. "But, when he did the healing, he unintentionally had a magical burst, making the gender change of young Alex... permanent." "P-P-Permanent?!" came Alex's voice. We all looked over towards Alex, and she was laying on my bed, leaning on the headrest, wide-eyed. "You mean... I'm going to be a girl... for the rest of my life?! And what do you mean revival?!" Princess Luna walked over to Alex and said, "That vehicle you were in crashed, and that belt that kept you secure snapped off, sending you flying through the front window, nearly killing you. You would've died if it weren't for Solar Eclipse." "But... but... why would he change my gender?!" Alex asked. "Why did I have to come here like this?!" "I'm a little rusty!" came a voice. We all looked up at the balcony over my bedroom, and saw Solar Eclipse leaning over the railing. "Solar Eclipse?" Twilight asked. "Did you know...?" "I thought I used the right spell to revive him using an old spell I mastered when I was about your age," said Solar Eclipse. "But, I forgot about the side effects if I had a magical surge." "What were all of the side effects?" Twilight asked. "Either loss of hearing, lost of hind leg movement, or gender change," said Solar Eclipse. "All of them permanent, I'm afraid." "NOOOO!!" shouted Alex. She then flipped over, burying her head into my pillow, and started crying loudly and muffled, kicking the bed with her hind legs. Solar Eclipse came down the stairs and walked towards Alex. He then said, "I am so sorry. I didn't even remember the side effects until I got back on Earth. So, I came back to check on you to see if you had any side effects. But now, I know I got you the biggest one of the three by mistake. And sadly, no magical creature can change you back to your original gender. Even me." Alex then turned her head towards Solar Eclipse, keeping her head attached to the pillow. She was still crying, but she did say, "I-I-I am st-still upset about th-this. B-b-but it was an accident. I-I forgive you." "I'm sorry I did this to you," said Solar Eclipse. He wasn't given a response from Alex. Then we all left the room, leaving Alex in there, crying. "I was afraid that one day, you would make a big mistake one day," said Princess Celestia. "I was afraid of that, too," said Solar Eclipse. "Sister," said Princess Luna. "We have some matters to deal with back in Canterlot." "Right," said Princess Celestia. "We must leave you all here. We shall see you later." "I'm going to want to have a talk with you two in private," said Solar Eclipse. "I'll catch up with you later." The two of them nodded, and then they teleported off. "I feel bad for Alex," I said. "She's been used to being a boy for eight years, in an orphanage, and now she's stuck here." "Alex is an orphan?" asked Twilight. "Yeah," I said. "At least it was better than Danny being orphaned by his own aunt and uncle." "By the way, Danny", said Solar Eclipse, “there’s something you guys should know. It’s about your Aunt Natasha and your Uncle Reginald." We looked over at him and Danny suddenly became a little uncomfortable, and so did Rainbow Dash seeing as she remember those two too well. The two of them exchanged a gentle hug, before Dashie asked, "“What about them, Solar Eclipse?” “What can I say,” said Solar Eclipse, “except that you guys will never have to worry about them again. If you like, I shall explain.” "Please do," said Rainbow Dash, giving giving Solar Eclipse the stinkeye for mentioning those horrid excuses for relatives while she was hugging Danny a little tighter, but no too tight to prevent herself from possibly choking him. “You see,” began Solar Eclipse, “not long after you guys went back to Equestria, I visited them at the local prison in Tennessee, whereas I spilled the beans on them on why they lost in court that day. Also, I revealed to them who I really was, and let me tell you, they were far from happy when I told them everything. In fact, they were furious. So furious, that they threatened to tell them about my true self to everyone, especially after they would be released from jail. Unfortunately for them, despite it being very noble of them, it would have been very pointless for them. After all, without the right evidence and all, no one would believe them.” “That’s a good thing,” said Spike, “isn’t it?” “Truth be told,” said Solar Eclipse, “I had some kind of feeling that they would plan to break out of jail to exact revenge on us. So, as a precaution, I did the only possible thing. I visited them once again in jail. Only this time... I erased their memories.” We could not believe our ears. Solar Eclipse erased their memories? “Of everything?” Dashie asked. With a smirk, Solar Eclipse replied, “Everything. About Equestria... about Nightmare Moon... about you guys... especially about Danny.” "Hold on, Solar Eclipse," said Rainbow Dash, with her eyes going to realization. “According to what you just said, that would actually mean...” “Congratulations, you all,” concluded Solar Eclipse, “thanks to me... you guys have definitely seen the last of them... for good.” I looked over at Danny, and he was smiling, knowing that his ex-aunt and uncle were no longer a problem for him, or anyone of us. "Wait a minute," I asked. "What about their memory of killing Danny's birth parents?" "Good question," said Solar Eclipse. "They probably thinking about what has led them to take them down in the first place. I also made it so they will never be asked about Danny." "Good call," said Twilight. "But now, what are we going to do about Alex? She's stuck here, in an unfamiliar body of the opposite gender." "I suppose that one of you would want to watch over her," said Solar Eclipse. He then checked the time on his wrist watch and said, "Oh. I gotta go. I got a lunch date with a client in Washington. Gotta go." He then disappeared in a flash of light. We then looked at each other. "So, who's gonna watch over Alex?" Dashie asked. "I can't because she's an Earth Pony, and only pegasus ponies are able to walk on clouds." "I've got too much work on my hooves at the library," said Twilight. "And a lot more animals have moved into my cottage," said Fluttershy. "I barely have room for one more." "Well, Ah guess she might have to bunk with Apple Bloom if she stays with us," said Applejack. "She might have to adjust getting up early to do some morning chores." "Well, there is a chance she could bunk with Sweetie Belle," said Rarity. "As long as the two of them get along." "I guess I could ask Mr. and Mrs. Cake if I could have Alex stay in my room," I said. "But, I'm not too sure if they would allow her to stay." "Oh, don't worry about it, Pinkie dear," came Mrs. Cake. "She would need all the support she can get. She would be welcome to stay here with us." "Alright," said Twilight. "So Alex's only options of who she gets to stay with are Rarity, Applejack, or Pinkie Pie. Should we go back in there and tell her?" "Perhaps it's for the best," said Rarity. Then we all went into my bedroom, and saw Alex, sitting on my bed. Looks like she got all of the crying out of her. She looked at us coming in. Twilight then walked up to her. "Well, Alex, since you have a slight problem of identity," Twilight said, "you are going to have to stay with one of three of us. You have three choices. Applejack, Rarity, or Pinkie Pie." (Alex's Point of View) I guess that Twilight has a point. If I was going to be stuck here, I might as well be living with one of these ponies. But before I get to choose, I have to get some information about which of the ponies of my choices before I go and live with them. "Um," I said. "Maybe I should know something about who I have to stay with before I do." "That's fair," said Rarity. "Well, if you stay with me, you would have to share a room with my sister. She might enjoy the company, and just so you know, I am a fashionista. You might get the chance to be in a dress specifically to match your potential beauty." I went wide-eyed. If I stayed with her, I might be more girlish than I'm starting to feel. She was out. Then I looked over at Applejack. "Well," said Applejack, "if ya stayed with me, ya'd be livin' on mah family's farm, Sweet Apple Acres. Ya would enjoy some delicious apples, but ya'd have to do some early chores, and help out around the farm. Plus ya'd have to bunk with mah little sis, Apple Bloom. She can be a bit aggressive when it comes to being playful, but she means well." I thought about this. I wondered what it would be like to live on a farm. But hearing about having to do early morning chores, it sounded like I would have to wake up earlier than usual. I'm not much for early risings. Plus, I'm not sure that I would want to bunk with Applejack's little sister if she roughhouses me. Then I looked over at Pinkie Pie. "Well, if you stay with me," Pinkie Pie started, "I'll make sure that you'll have the most fun time ever. We'll play games, have some good sweets, and even make some incredible parties for everypony!" I thought about it. Pinkie does sound like a fun pony to be with. Although, she does live with Mr. and Mrs. Cake and their twin kids, Pound and Pumpkin. I'm sure that the twins will be mature enough to leave me alone at some times. "Okay," I said. "I choose to stay with... Pinkie Pie." I pointed at Pinkie. "YAY!" shouted Pinkie Pie. "Well," said Applejack. "We can't convince her to change her mind unless she wants to." "Indeed," said Rarity. "I can't argue with the choices of Alex." "We'll be back to come check on her," said Twilight. "Let's get going." Then Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Danny and Spike went out of the room. It was just me and Pinkie Pie in the room. Pinkie Pie then said, "So, what do you wanna do first?" I thought about it. She was a nice pony. I then said, "Anything you want to. But nothing girly." "Good call," said Pinkie Pie. "You're not used to being a girl." (Third Person Point of View) In Canterlot Castle, both of the princesses walked towards one wall. Celestia used her magic to open up a secret door, and they went inside. Inside the room was a room that looks likes somepony's study. In the room was Solar Eclipse. He saw the two sisters walk in. "I see that you moved my old study from your old castle," he said. "What have you wanted to tell us?" asked Princess Celestia. "Well," said Solar Eclipse, "there is one more thing that involves the gender change that's going on to Alex. The more she grows, she'll start thinking like one. She'll still have her memories of being a boy, but I'm afraid that there's nothing we can do to stop her mental change." "How long until she becomes mentally female?" asked Princess Luna. "When she figures it out, two weeks," said Solar Eclipse. "When she is fully mentally female, three months." "Shouldn't we tell her?" asked Princess Celestia. "She must know." "When she makes the discovery, that's when she must be told," said Solar Eclipse. "Nothing can be done to prevent it. Once she starts thinking like one, she'll never go back to thinking boy things." "Thank you for letting us know," said Princess Celestia. "I'll let the others know if Alex realizes that she's feeling like doing some girl things." "Good," said Solar Eclipse. "I'll see you later." He then teleported himself out of there. "I hope that Alex will make that discovery when she reaches two weeks," said Princess Celestia. "I hope so, too, sister," said Princess Luna. The Princesses looked towards Ponyville, hoping that Alex would be okay when she starts thinking like a girl.