//------------------------------// // Chapter III - To Feed the Fillies // Story: Oh Dearest Father of Mine... // by ExaltedFiction //------------------------------// “Excuse me?” Apollyon questioned, gripping his staff ever tighter. “You heard me, Human.” Apis smirked, looking around the occupied lush field, “There shall be no bargain between us.” A purple flash emitted from Apollyon’s eyes before a purple aura slowly enveloped his staff. “May I ask why?” Apollyon asked. Calmly walking around the Human, inspecting him from head to toe, “We may seem to do nothing all day, but that does not mean we do not see everything that does not occur, and through my time on Equus, I’ve heard many things that came from my ancestors, some true, some false… but there’s one above all that I believe with all my heart.” Apollyon narrowed his eyebrows, craning his head as he tracked Apis’ movements, clenching his fists and tensing his muscles, “And that is?” Apis made it back to his original spot, “NEVER make a deal with a Human” Apis finished with a huff, making no attempt to hide the disdain in his voice. Apollyon glanced from side to side, looking at all the expressions of the females; Anger, regret, loss. These were one of the many faces that stuck onto them. Looking back to the sole male, Apollyon maintained his ground, “This isn’t for me, this is for my daughters.” “I heard that before.” Apis scoffed. “This is different.” “I heard that before too.” Growling, Apollyon stepped up to the bull, triggering a protective instinct from his females.They lowered themselves, digging their hooves into the dirt, preparing to charge at the Human, “What could you know?!” Apollyon shouted, “Has your herd even encountered a Human before?!” “No, but it does not mean their ancestors have been affected by their past” “Times have changed, and I can guarantee you,” Apollyon held out his aura enveloped fillies in front of the Apis, “This. Is. Different” He said sternly ”This. Is. Real.” While Apis and Apollyon had their tense negotiations, Celly and Lulu were too occupied with each other to notice the bull in front of them. A light bulb appeared out of thin air above Celly’s head, she looked to Lulu who was too concerned with her horn to notice. Celly leaned forward slowly, sticking her tongue out to the side while reaching out to Lulu’s snoot with a hoof. Before you knew it… *Boop* Lulu froze, going cross eyed at the white hoof and twitching her nose. Celly, retracted her hoof, giving Lulu a sense of false reprieve before reaching out again. *Boop* That was the final straw however. Lulu stared at the hoof, slightly opening her mouth, leaning back and looking towards the sky with squinted eyes. Uh oh… Apollyon thought, pulling Celly back into his embrace. It would’ve taken Apis a miracle to not notice what Apollyon did, but when he eventually did, he and his herd took a few steps back, swallowing their throats in the process. Everyone held their breaths as Lulu let in a long inhale. Sparks of cobalt blue energy began to emit from her horn, slowly gathering energy until she let out a delicate but wet sneeze while simultaneously releasing a destructive and explosive spear of cobalt coloured magical energy into the sky; piercing a hole in the sky, evaporating the very clouds it made contact with. Everyone turned away from the beacon of light. Apis and his herd shielded covered their eyes with a leg while Apollyon turned and held Celly close to his chest, shielding her eyes from the blinding light. The destructive magical blast ceased to exist after a moment or two, allowing Apis and his herd to uncover their eyes while Apollyon turned around with Celly still in his embrace. “Are you ok?” Worried Apollyon, looking down at the Alicorn in his embrace. Celly didn’t seem fazed by the event she had caused - that or she hadn’t even noticed - instead she stared into Apollyon’s shimmering eyes, shifting around in his hands briefly before laughing and giggling. “Well, you seem fine…” Apollyon sighed, shaking his head as he watched Celly giggle and reach out to feel the fragile skin of his face. Sighing again, his gaze turned to Lulu, who remained floating in the air, enveloped in Apollyon’s purple aura. Lulu rubbed her nose with a hoof before letting out a dragged out yawn, arching her back, stretching her limbs and spreading her little wings. The Human brought Celly to the back of his shoulder before bringing Lulu into the physical holds of his hand. Planting his staff in the ground before letting it free, he gently placed his hands around Lulu’s barrel, his slender digits surrounding the small body. Lifting her up high enough so their eyes were at even height, “Are you alright, my dearest Lulu?” Apollyon fretted, looking for any signs of irregularities around her horn. Seeing nothing but a few cobalt sparks here and there, and some snot creeping down her nose, he lowered Lulu to his waist and pulled out a piece of his shirt with his hand, bringing it to her nose and squeezing the sides of it to collect the snot from her. Apollyon felt an insignificant struggle and a pair of small hooves pushing against his arm but he soon released her nose. Enveloping Celly and Lulu in a purple aura. Apollyon brought them together, side by side, facing the Human. Looking into the orbs of curious magenta, Apollyon crossed his arms and leaned back slightly, “Celly… you can’t boop your sister's nose while she is still young. Would you like it if someone did it to you?” Receiving nothing but a tilted head for a response, Apollyon leaned forward, his head invading Celly’s non-existent concept of personal space, “Well? What do you have to say for yourse-” *Boop* Apollyon froze, he recoiled back slightly but the majority of him remained still. A white hoof was firmly planted on his nose, tracing it back to the owner, he saw bits of curiosity overtaking Celly before she slowly giggled and laughed in that purple aura, rocking about, doing barrel rolls or putting her hooves together. Lulu turned to her sister and was quickly caught up in her actions, following it in every way possible. Although her wings weren’t as large as Celly’s she did her best and didn’t let it bother her. Meanwhile, Apis watched the Alicorns laugh and play in the air together, constantly glancing between the frozen Human and the content baby Alicorns. One by one, his herd slowly came forward, watching the display with undivided interest. Doing their best to stare into the eyes of the human, who seemed to have forgotten their existence in the world. After watching the display for a moment or two, Apis approached the human once again and cleared his throat, grabbing his attention and prompting him to pull the Alicorns into his protective embrace; wrapping an arm around both of them and pulling them tightly to his torso, lightly squeezing them and repositioning himself with his staff in front of them. “Those Alicorns are real then?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow and keeping an eye for any signs of sudden changes on the facial expression of the human. “As real as you and I. As real as the dirt we walk upon, and as real as the oxygen we breathe.” Tensing his toned muscles, Apis looked to the members of his herd, taking his time as his gaze shifted to the next member and to the next. Soon he came back to Apollyon, who waited patiently for an answer. “No,” Apis sternly said, looking at the disturbed earth of the field. His answer prompted a change in the human’s expression and stance; from a neutral look to an angered one; from an already tense stance to an aggressive one. Maintaining his ground, Apis looked at the human with a spark of determination in his eyes, “For the future of my herd, I cannot make a deal with a human. It’s too risky.” Apollyon stared deep into Apis’ eyes, his flashing purple gaze reflecting in the eyes of the bull. The piercing purple gaze penetrated Apis’ layers and went straight for his soul. They’re eyes remained locked, Apis did his best to stand his ground, but soon he started to shake slightly before his eyes slowly began to widen. Fortunately for Apis, Apollyon ceased his actions and returned to his neutral stance and expression just when a tear almost broke out from the bull. “I… understand your cautious behaviour…” Apollyon sighed, “Despite me being human, I would do the same in your position.” He looked down to the fillies in his hold, their own orbs looking up into his, smiling and reaching out, “But for my family… I must insist that you accept.” Apis’ lost himself in the interactions between the fillies to the human. Gleaming happiness in their eyes and the sounds of delicate laughter coming out of their mouths and filling his ears. When their small orbs turned to him, he froze as curiosity shimmered in their eyes. His own black reflection looking back at him. Realising that he has been blankly staring at them for quite some time, he shook his head free of his thoughts before looking up to the human. “Whatever my heart desires?” Apis recalled, upon receiving a nod from Apollyon, he looked to each member of his herd before looking back at the human, “Rights.” Raising an eyebrow, Apollyon carefully watched the expressions on the bull’s face, “Rights to what?” “Rights for my herd and I to be free.” Apis said, a spark of determination in his eyes, “Rights to not be used as simple livestock, the rights live freely as an individual - not in a pasture surrounded by wooden fences or stone walls like an domesticated animal.” “But domestication is the only reason why you’re still here, breathing, and not choking on your own blood with the fangs of a manticore embedded deeply within your neck. Your entire existence is to produce for the ones who are considered sapient in this world.” “I’m talking to you with words. Is that not proof enough?” “By human standards, no.” Apollyon scoffed, “You have yet to build a real society, I mean, the Yaks have built one up north and they’re more ignorant than you.” The black bull stomped on the ground, barely quaking the field while Apollyon gripped his staff tighter. They locked onto each other’s eyes, glaring daggers into each other, but Apollyon ceased. “But who’s to say that now” Apollyon smiled, “It’s definitely not us.” —He held out a hand with the palm looking towards the sky— “Will you be the first to change the life of your species? To shape its destiny as humanity has shaped its own?” “Under your rule?” Apis questioned Apollyon cocked his head to the side, “If that is what you wish, but you will not be able to shape your own destiny, for I have a shared destiny for all those under my rule, if you wish to follow, then there shall be a spot for your species” Apollyon said, letting his hand drop to his side. After a moment or two of deepthought, Apis raised his hoof, to make a declaration of agreement. A smile grew on Apollyon’s face, his canines sending shivers down the spines of the herd, his eyes and staff flashed purple but when the human held out his own free hand to shake the hoof, Apis pulled back slightly. “Why are you doing this?” Apis questioned, prompting the human to roll his eyes. So many questions… “Why am I doing what? Raising a Kingdom?” Apis nodded, “The way the world is right now; everybody at each other's throats. Would that make you feel safe? Knowing that these figures command countless armies and knowing that you could be caught in the middle. Where would you go then? Where would you take your herd? To flee the dogs of war and all the dangers that follow them: Death, plague, starvation.” Apollyon paused and looked to Apis’ herd, gesturing to them with a free hand, “That is why I shall raise a Kingdom upon this fertile soil. To save those who wish not to fight and die in a war not their own. To welcome the tired, the weak, the old, the helpless and the huddled masses, yearning to breathe free - regardless of their species or origins, they shall all be welcomed here.” “And they’ll all live under the rule of a Human?” Apollyon chuckled, “Ironic, is it not?” Upon receiving a murmur of agreement from Apis, he continued, “This Kingdom shall be a beacon of light in this world of darkness. A lighthouse to the ships lost at sea; carrying hundreds of broken souls only seeking to live out their days in peace; watching the seasons past and their children grow, before succumbing to the sands of time. I will welcome them with everything that’s essential to every individual; food to eat, water to drink, housing, safety and security and medical care for those afflicted with disease or injury.” “Y-you can provide all that?” “I worked with someone who did it for a long time, and she did it quite swimmingly if I may add. I don’t see why I wouldn’t be able to do it.” “You’re Human.” “I know.” Apollyon said nonchalantly “You don’t think this will hinder your plans?” “I think it will… but then again…” Apollyon glanced briefly at the forest surrounding the field him before returning his gaze to the bull, giving him a smirk, “I don’t think they’ll be left with a choice.” In an instant, Apis realised what the Human was saying. His eyes briefly widened and he raised his head slightly, “I guess you make a point, Human.” “Good, so…” Apollyon held his hand out once again, “Do we have a deal?” Silence fell upon the herd as they watched the exchange; the exchange that could change their lives forever. Apis reached out for the Apollyon’s hand, letting him wrap his digits around his hoof before tightening his grip. He stared at his hoof, watching him seal the deal. Apis’ gaze almost went to the orbs of the Human, fortunately he looked away before he locked onto them for the final time. “What is your name, bull.” “You already know my name Human.” “I know, but a proper introduction is required for the starting foundations of our relationship,” Apis stepped back as Apollyon placed a hand on his chest and bowed slightly, “My name is Apollyon, and I’m a Human with who carries a shared destiny for those who wish to follow,” A purple aura developed the fillies in his hold, levitating them out of his grasp and into the air, “And these are my daughters.” Apollyon held the white one up, “This one is Celestia and the other,”--He lowered Celly and raised Lulu higher--”Is Luna.” A spark of curiosity lit up in Celly’s eyes as she looked at the bull, she reached out and babbled happily at him, Luna on the other hand didn’t hold the same amount of curiosity as her sister. Lulu turned to Apollyon and reached out to him, giving off some worried babbling that immediately sent her back into the physical hold of Apollyon, she then nuzzled his chest like no tomorrow and attempted to wrap her legs around his large body. Sighing at the display, Apollyon held Lulu tightly as he waited for Apis to properly introduce himself. “Uh, my name is Apis,” He declared, bowing clumsily and imperfectly, promoting Apollyon to chuckle and Celly to laugh at the sight. He cleared his throat before finishing, “And I’m the leader of this herd and a firm believer in the separation of domestication” “Well Apis,” Apollyon started, pulling the curious Celly back into his hold, next to Lulu, “You are wise not to trust me. Ponens fidem vestram in unum, est periculosum. Placing your faith in one, is dangerous” Apis pulled his leg away, his face clearly perplexed at the sudden change of tongue, “Y-you speak another tongue?” “Of course,” Apollyon admitted proudly, “I thought your ancestors told you all about us.” “Not all sadly, but enough.” “Heh, well, from what you’ve said so far, they haven’t strayed far from the truth. Perhaps you can tell me more and we can… discuss the future of your herd, but for now…” Apollyon looked down at the fillies in his hold, “Your healthiest female, if you will.” “Right. Clarabelle!” Apis called out, looking at one of the females in his herd and waving her over. The other females looked at her with worry, but they didn’t stop her, those who were in her path made way for the chosen. Apollyon looked at the cow that slowly approached the group. Her hide was brown, she had long eyelashes that would defend her eyes, and a pair of short but sharp horns that pointed right at Apollyon would defend the herd from physical threats. She was a healthy looking brown female from what he could tell from sight. His eyes darted to different parts of her body, examining each of them and looking for any signs of pain, either from her facial expressions or in her movements, but strong, well coordinated movements proved that she wasn’t sick or in pain. By the eyes of the Human, she had a good enough meat on her; there were no bones visible on her body. No signs of injury or plague… at least from sight. She has been eating well; the ribcage isn’t visible… that's good. As she neared Apollyon, he held up a hand, telling her to stop. The female hesitated but complied nevertheless, a wave of confusion washed all over her face, as she wondered what was wrong. “Is something wrong?” Apis asked, looking at the Human’s neutral expressions but avoiding gazing into his eyes. “I trust Harpstrings enough to know that none you are ill, she would’ve selected different herd in place of yours, but…”--He held raised his staff and hovered the top over Clarabelle--”It never hurts to make sure, especially when it comes to the wellbeing of my family.” Purple energy began to surround the staff, but most of it went towards the book and the figure on top. Soon, an aura surrounded Clarabelle. Panicking, she looked at her own body as she struggled to move, to get out of the human’s grip. “”Let me go!” She demanded, prompting Apis to step forward. “What are you doing?!” Apis shouted, making every single cow in the vicinity tense up their muscles and lower themselves, ready for a charge. “Relax,” Apollyon calmly said “I’m just making sure she’s healthy and carries no diseases in her body. As long as she doesn’t struggle then she’ll be fine and this will go a lot quicker” “I can’t take that chance!” “You are sapient… are you not?” Apollyon questioned “What? What does this have to do-” “If you claim to be sapient then you must use your brain to think” Apollyon paused before continuing, “What would be the point of having an intelligence - on par with a human’s - if you can’t use it. So, think! After all, that’s what separates us sapients from the animals.” Muscles tensing, nostrils flaring, Apis dug his hooves into the ground and lowered himself, ready to charge at the human, “Think about what?” Apis said, anger in his voice. Rolling his eyes, the human responded, “Think about the logic behind me hurting a member of your herd. What would I have to gain from that? Why would I hurt the chance for my daughters to be fed? To rob them of the milk that they require until they are able to consume solids” “I don’t know, but you’re human, I know I can’t trust you.” “I’m sick of this ‘Don’t trust the human crap’” Apollyon groaned, “If you want to charge, then go ahead, just know that when you do, you’ve only doomed your herd, as the night falls, your herd will be ravage by the predators that inhabit the great forests of the Everfree.” Apis clenched his jaw, you could visibly see the muscle tensing up as he stared angrily at the human. Fortunately he closed his eyes and calmed down, taking deep breaths before returning to a neutral stance. “How long will it take?” Apis sighed, looking at Clarabelle and tensing up as he saw her frightened expression. “It would’ve been done by now if you would’ve kept your mouth shut.” Apollyon retorted Apis’ eyebrows narrowed at the response but he held his tongue. The other females relaxed a bit but they were still ready, just in case. Clarabelle could only constantly glance at the pair in her position. One who questioned the intelligence of her species and the other, who readied himself to protect her. Her eyes went to the Alicorn in the human’s hold, a pair of curious magenta orbs looking into her own brown ones. The white filly was undoubtedly interested in her. The filly’s head tilted to the side with her mouth slightly opened as she looked all over her frozen form, at least the front of it. The dark blue filly on the other hand only seemed concerned with the human and her sister, nuzzling them both with her eyes closed and a smile on her muzzle. After a moment or two, the purple aura that once surrounded Clarabelle left her and dissipated into thin air. She regained movements and began to test out each limb of her body, moving it about and stretching it. Once she was satisfied, she looked to the human, his determined gaze staring her own. “I’m done.” “And?” Apis questioned, awaiting an answer. “She’s clean.” “You know…” Clarabelle started, getting the attention of the males, “If you wanted to do that, then maybe you should’ve tried asking first.” She said, eyes twitching with a hint of anger in her voice. “Yeah sure. When was the last time you’ve heard of a human asking for permission?” Apollyon quizzed, receiving cold glares from Apis and Clarabelle, “Find a comfortable spot to lay down Clarabelle, you’ll be laying down there for a while.” With a ‘hmph’ and her nose pointed to the sky, she walked off in the direction of the manor, the only spot with a decent amount of shade that was not near the forest. Apis followed close behind while Apollyon remained still. He remained unmoved as the brown eyed cows of the field stared daggers at him but soon they all returned to their previous activities, whether it was eating the green grass from the field or just talking to each other. Clarabelle slowly made her way to the manor, but he slowed down to a halt, awaiting the head of the herd to catch up. Once he had done that, she continued walking, keeping in pace with Apis. “Can we trust him?” Clarabelle asked, glancing back at the human, who seemed more interested in talking with the fillies on his shoulders than them, “I mean, you’ve heard how humans can be.” “I… don’t know. I believe the stories are true - and he did say so himself - but it’s not like we have a choice. I want us to be free from servitude and if he can get us that chance, then I think it's a risk worth taking.” Sighing, Clarabelle stopped and faced Apis, prompting him to stop as well, “I want freedom as much as the next cow but how do we know that the human will uphold his end of the bargain?” “We don’t, but now it made me wish I was listening to Lady Harpstrings when she was talking about him.” “Harpstrings is a good mare, I don’t think she would’ve spent time with that human if he would’ve ruined her tune.” “I know,” Apis sighed, briefly glancing at the human who… was staring at the sun and talking to it? Apis wondered what he was doing, staring at such an object, but he quickly redirected his eyes back to Clarabelle when the blue filly tapped Apollyon’s neck and pointed at him, drawing the attention of a pair of purple orbs. “You ok Apis?” Clarabelle asked “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, I just stared for too long.” “Heed the stories Apis.” “I know, I know. You don’t have to remind me.” A sound of someone clearing their throat was made, announcing their presence to the two, “Is there a problem here?” The two cattle winced and turned to face the human, “No, there isn’t a problem. We were just talking about one of our stories.” The human remained neutral, the only emotions were from the aura enveloped Alicorns on his shoulders, “What do you think Lulu?” Apollyon asked, looking to his left shoulder, “I think they’re only telling a half truth.” Babbling came out of her mouth as she looked into the eyes of her father, to everyone else but Celly, it sounded like she was questioning them. “Yeah, well. It’s either that or something about the grass they eat.” Recoiling back from the comment, Apis opened his mouth to speak his mind but was silenced the moment the human cut in, “You wanted to talk about your rights right?” Upon receiving a nod, he started to make his way to the manor, “Well hurry up, I still have a lot of things to do before night falls and I’m not leaving my daughters unsupervised.” When the human left, Apis sighed and looked to Clarabelle who was red with anger, “What we will do for a taste of freedom. Am I right?” “Sure,” Clarabelle scoffed, “But it wouldn’t hurt if he would be little nicer.” “I wouldn’t count on it, after all…” The bull looked to the human who removed the Alicorns from his shoulders, wrapping them in his hold before leaning the staff against the wall and sitting beside it with the fillies in his arms, “He is human.”