Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4

by TDR

Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid? Prologue

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid?

[Ponyville Library]

“Soooo wait, you want to do what now?” Twilight asked with Rahs and Spike both also staring at the Moon Princess.

The Sparkles, as well as the other former Element bearers, were scatted about the main room of the Library, mostly just hanging out and chatting about the week. A rare bit of down time for them as of late it seemed, one they were making the most of as they talked about the plans for the year.

Rarity was also trying to subtly question Twilight how the date with Big Mac went. Spike stopped the line of questioning with a growl and pointed out that he and Rahs had gone up to Canterlot that night for a reason after Twilight kicked them out for complaining about the noise, before anything even happened.

Rainbow Dash was rereading the complete Daring Do collection for the second or third time in expectation of the next book coming out soon. It seemed Twilight had convinced her to read them after she enjoyed the Daring Do film. After her success in convincing Dash Spike had pointed out that Twilight had been seen rubbing her hooves together and muttering something about her power growing.

Applejack was stalking Rahs, and pretending she wasn't, though thus far she hadn't quite gathered the nerve to ask him out, nor even what to ask him out to do.

Spike, Twilight, and Rahs lived there, so of course they were there. Rahs was lounging and Spike had been playing with Peewee.

Pinkie Pie had noticed there was a gathering, declared it a party, and brought Fluttershy and food.

And then Princess Luna had shown up.

Which leads back to now.

“We said we would like to take Rahs to the Oneiroi. He is the god of the Moon Dogs now and it is time he met his people. We have done some research in the books recovered from the old castle and have reworked the old spells we used to use to ferry supplies into the Oneiroi. We can easily come back the same way.” Luna explained.

“Woof?” Rahs tilted his head ears perking.

“We are quite sure that we can bring you back and forth at this point. We may even be able to teach you how to do so yourself in time. You had no connection to the Oneiroi at all before you ascended, now your very portfolio has two such connections making the transference not only possible, but fairly easy. Had we tried this before, what ever Twilight used to pull you free would have left you here, if not disrupted the spell entirely. We made a few tests not long after we were freed with some of your shed fur and it did not come along with us no matter what we tried. We would also like Applejack to come along. We believe a trip to the source of her.... alteration might be beneficial.” Luna explained.” Not to mention we wish to see if she might even revert to something closer to a moon dog once returned to the source.”

“Well...... Alright.” Applejack agreed with a shrug. “Guess I'm good tah go.”

“You realize that I'll be going as well.” Twilight stated.

“Ditto.” Spike nodded.

“Of course. The spell we have recovered was to bring supplies. A few more will hardly matter. We regret forgetting how to do so, but when the Moon Dogs became self sufficient , there was no need of the spell so it was forgotten.” Luna nodded. ”Besides Cosma and Blink wish to meet their son's adopted relatives, Shining Armor, and your parents shall also be coming along.”

“Sounds cool, I'm in.” Rainbow Dash shrugged.

“If it's not to much trouble I would love to go to see the moon dogs, oh especially the puppies.” Fluttershy squeed. ”Rahs looked so cute in those images Mrs. Sparkle showed us.

Rahs grumbled burying his face in his paws.

“I can hold a coming home party!” Pinkie Pie smiled.

“I must say I am a little curious myself Princess.” Rarity considered. “If it is not to much trouble I would like to tag along.”

“We did say the spell is used to ferry supplies, and we doubt any of you weigh the several tons we once used to transport. It will be no trouble.”Luna offered. “Now if our sister opted to tag along.....”

“So when do we go?” Spike asked.

“We were considering immediately, though we understand that that is not feasible for most, so a week from today. Thursday, our sister can deal with what ever issues Cloudsdale develops on her own this time.” Luna proclaimed.

The others started discussing things rapidly at that point with Twilight asking a thousand questions and Spike already starting a list for her. Pinkie was discussing parties, Dash was running on another innuendo tangent, Applejack was staring at Dash and Fluttershy as the two bounced sayings off each other, and Rarity was considering what to wear.

Rahs however sat back with a frown. Something about this bothered him. Sure he was nervous about meeting his real parents, though that wasn't it. There was a building dread he couldn't identify that was almost instinctual. It wasn't CMC sense or Sparkle Sibling Shenanigan sense, it was something else and it had him on edge about the whole idea of this trip.