//------------------------------// // Twilight Sparkle, Cynder and Shiny to the rescue // Story: Skylanders Fusionators 3: The Island of Huttsgalor // by Flameboy //------------------------------// The Dragon Fusionators' victory was short lived after Discord snapped his fingers when Lurke, Vizza , and Snoop came back with a full blown army of hundreds of Slinkwings. "Good thing we brought the entire family," Lurke said with a sinister smile that only a mother would love. "ATTAAACK!" He yelled out as a whole lot lot of Slinkwings flew past the three and used their Slinkwing goo to pin them to the ground. Spike, Ember, Garble and Belcher were glued together. Smaug was glued from his tail, to his wings, and finally at his neck. He pushes himself off the ground as hard as he could, but not even the great firedrake can free himself. He tried to use his fire breath, but three Slinkwings spat their goo at Smaug's mouth. The other Dragon Fusionators tried to reach Spike, Ember, Garble and Belcher, but they too were slimed AND glued to the ground. One by one, all of them were stuck to the ground - even Discord for Pete's sake. The Rescue Riders tried to make a path for Summer to get to the dragons so that she can wash the goo off with her water squirting breath. (Like I have said before, from the page where I literally defined the Rescue Riders of their personalities and abilities on what type of dragon they are) But they too were glued onto the grounds of their home. Lurke, Vizza, and Snoop flew back to the ground. They laughed at the predicament that the Rescue Riders and the Fusionators were in. "You see, after our recent failures of trying to get what we want, I knew it would be best to return with strength in numbers. Now, not only will we rob these pitiful vikings of their food, but the way I see it, we will conquer this entire island and claim it as our own. And there's nothing you dragons can do to stop us!" Lurke exclaimed and started to laugh as he was followed by Vizza, Snoop, and the entire flock of Slinkwings. But then, a pink flash appeared in the air and behind the Dragons. Spike, Ember, Garble and Belcher looked behind them at the right. (They were glued together to look like a stack of barbecue ribs). The pink flash faded, and revealed itself to be coming from the owner who is none other than the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. Spike and the three he was glued to widen their snouts in happiness to see that Twilight was here in the world of dragons. But she wasn't alone. On her right, Cynder was floating beside her while Shiny was floating in her weredragon form on Twilight's left. Then, Twilight used her magic to cocoon herself into a pink chrysalis. Soon, it started cracking and finally, out from it, came Twilight in her dragon form named, "Firelight." Firelight Sparkle was a hidden form that Twilight was born with that she never knew she had. Firelight has long wolf-like ears that can flop up and down like a resident bunny. Heck, she's just like Belcher in a way. Her tail is so thin and long, yet so powerful, she doesn't even need a special tail end point. Like, say, a mace, a triangular blade that splits into three like a trident, or be based on a mace with no spikes. Or be a tail with hundreds of spikes. (Deadly Nadder reference). But no, her tail was just an ordinary slinky tail and that's just how she likes it. At the center of her throat her cutie mark was, but the stars weren't. She kept the top part of her mane while the rest of it was a shaggy mane that stretches down her neck. Her eyes were the same color of lavender... or purple. "The Power of Magic!" Firelight said her catchphrase that is shared with all her forms except Hulklight or Spark. "Beauty. Love. And Respect!" Cynder shouted out. "It's time to Shine!" Shiny yelled out. Firelight and Cynder looked at the pteranodon-turned dragon and smiled. "Nice catchphrase," Firelight said. "Thanks!" Shiny replied back. The three Dragons looked back at the army of Slinkwings. They pulled their heads back as three different colors of fire came out as tiny sparks. The three closed their mouths... Then they shot their heads forward and shoots three jets of different fires. Firelight shot a jet of pink fire. Cynder shot a jet of purple shadow fire. Days passed by from their last adventure, but Shiny shot a jet of purple fire. All their fires stuck together like a rainbow and soon some of the Slinkwings were blasted back far away from the island, including Lurke, Vizza, and Snoop. ... Later on, Twilight, Cynder, and Shiny were helping pour water on their friends as it washed the Slinkwing goo right off. Summer took care of her friends while Cynder helped Spyro. "So what changed your mind to come back and help us?" Spyro asked after he was freed and followed Cynder over to Smaug. "One word: Shiny," she said. Then, the violet dragoness grabbed the bucket she was carrying earlier with her mouth and poured it onto Smaug's mouth with her paws. Smaug's mouth was free. "I hate Slinkwing goo," he complied as Spike and Garble helped by pouring water on his back and tail. As soon as Jonathan, Mike, Saivon and Luke were free, Jonathan's stomach started to growl in pain. "Oh no, not again," he said as he clutched his belly with both paws. Then, this time, however, Mike and the other two felt their bellies growl in pain and held them as well. "Uh, Jonathan, I think the three of us know how you feel now when it comes to traveling between dimensions," Mike said. "Yeah. Oof! That really hurts," Saivon added. "Look! There's a boulder over there!" Luke said as he points his right finger to a boulder. The four Werewolves ran over to the boulder with Jonathan and Saivon on the right and Mike and Luke on the left. And then.... "Blech!!!" The four wolves hurled behind the boulder, causing many faces to wince in disgust. The four wolves had slowly walked back over to the group on all fours. Then they stopped as their arms and legs began shaking and soon collapsed. Jonathan and Saivon were on the left and the group's right while Michael and Luke were on the right and the group's left side of their view. Jonathan pushed himself onto the ground and was barely able to raise his right hand. "We're just going to be laying for a while," he said until he passed out and landed on his left arm on the left side of his face as the others followed suit. Then, the quartet was soon sleeping. ... Soon, all the Dragons helped the vikings and Rescue Riders rebuild what was damaged from the fight from earlier. After all was repaired, without the use of Discord's chaos magic, Huttsgalor looked better, just like it was before. The said Lord of Chaos walked over to the Rescue Rider dragons. "So, my dear dragon friends from another dimension, how would you like to rate 1 outta 10 for your home -- in front of your fellow Huttsgalorians?" Discord questioned the young dragons with a bow with his eagle claw. Winger stood in front of Discord with Summer on his left, and Burple on Summer's left. Cutter stood on Winger's right while Aggro stood in front and in between Winger and Cutter. Winger looked at Chief Duggard from behind him. Summer looked at Hannahr, the island's blacksmith, from behind as well as she stood on the chief's left side. Cutter looked behind himself at Magnus Finke with his nephew, Axel Finke, who stood on his uncle's right side, who both had their arms crossed. Aggro looked in between Winger and Cutter as she looked at Elbone, the island's best fisherman, who stood on Duggard's right and Magnus's left. And Burple looked at a pint-sized viking by the name of Finngard, who stood on Hannahr's left with his mother on his left as she held her hand. Then, after taking in all looks that were facing them, the Rescue Dragons looked at each other with big nervous smiles. Winger and Summer looked at each other, while Cutter, Aggro, and Burple shared looks with each other. Then, with all of them looking at the same dragon, they flew to their right and into the air as fast as they can, leaving five puffs of clouds that were shaped as the Rescue Dragons. "Winger! Cutter! Burple!" Dak yelled out loud with his hands waving in the air. "Summer! Aggro!" Leyla yelled out loud as well. But they didn't hear her. "Come back!" Dak yelled out loud once again, only this time, Winger looked behind his left shoulder at Dak and gave a loud roar. Dak, however, widens his eyes as he learned something from Winger as he and the other dragons flew back to The Roost, the home of the Rescue Riders. Chief Duggard started to run up to the twins. "Dak, Leyla, what did he say?" He asked as he stood behind them. While looking at each other, Dak and Leyla started to look worried for their friends. Then, they looked at Chief Duggard. "That's the problem, Chief. I don't know what he said." Dak looks back at the dragons flying back. "Almost like... he didn't wanna say anything," he complied. "...and purposely roared," Leyla added as she messed with her hair on her left shoulder.