//------------------------------// // Arrival // Story: PONIES! // by The REAL Mister Pkmn //------------------------------// It seemed to be your typical day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and all the townsponies were chatting away, glad that the trouble from earlier in the week was done. But then, Pinkie started going around, proclaiming: “Something big is coming! It’s a doozy! Something unlike anything we’ve seen before!” It was then that the ponies got a bit worried. They had come to know that Pinkie was fairly accurate with her Pinkie Sense, but it always was more full of trepidation when she didn’t go into specifics like “something will fall” or “somepony new is coming to town”. This lack of clarity got the town in a flurry, so they called upon Twilight and the others to try and coax more info out of their friend Pinkie. When they arrived upon the scene, Twilight approached first. “Alright, Pinkie. What specifically did you experience with this doozy?” Pinkie put a hoof to her mouth and thought. “Well first my mane and tail filled with static out of nowhere, then I bounced off the walls of my room for a few minutes, and finally I felt like I was being stretched like silly putty before it all calmed down.” She turned to her friends and shook her head. “As for what it might mean, I don’t know. I’ve never felt something even remotely like this, not even when Twilight finally stopped trying to make sense out of my Pinkie Sense! I don’t know what is coming…” Just as panic was about to set upon the town, a giant black rectangle appeared from nowhere. The ponies saw the large size, and wondered in awe at what could make something so large appear in one second, without an apparent spell. Twilight and the others ran towards it, to see it better. It sood on one of the hills of town, and the blackish-gray glass in the middle of the rectangle was firm and immovable. Pinkie jumped up and down. “It’s coming! The doozy’s coming!” Right after she had finished saying that, the glass started to swirl with green energy. The six stepped back as the rest of the town came to see. Then, two sets of four giant peach extrusions latched onto the edges of the black rectangle in a sunnen movement. The ponies stepped back as the protrusions pulled on the rectangle. As they pulled, a fifth protrusion soon joined each set of four. Each flailed for a while until the pullig was enough for it to latch onto the rectangle, and by then, the two sets of five were revealed to be giant hands. Twilight was panicking. “Whatever is causing this is huge! This isn’t good…” She turned towards Fluttershy. “It might be an angry creature. Get ready to pacify.” Fluttershy gave a timid nod, and their attention was gravitated back towards the strange portal. Now, the two hands pulled more, and another protrusion was starting to form. It was a small circle of blonde hair, and it started to grow in size. After a long time of the circle growing, it popped in further with a smooth motion. The shape was now a large head, with two large green eyes and a large triangular nose. The face of the creature grinned as the ponies backed away. Its teeth were about as large as boulders, and shone a bright white. It then spoke in a loud voice which shook the entire town. “PONIES!” The massive creature’s hands came through entirely as it continued to pull itself through. “PLAY!” the single word was enough to shake the town once more, and this raised many concerns. Rainbow looked to Twilight. “Any bright ideas?” Twilight shook her head. “I don’t know. We’ve never seen anything like this before! How do we deal with this…?” The creature placed its palms on the black rectangle and forced itself the rest of the way through. It rolled, and ponies scattered. The force from its roll was just as powerful as its voice, but it soon stopped, and sat up. “OOOOH… DIZZY...” Now that it was fully in the town, they saw that it was about the size of a small mountain. Fluttershy gulped, knowing what must be done. She flew up to its face, and tried to calm it. “Um… Mister creature? Would you mind terribly to just go home?” The creature shook off its daze and looked at Fluttershy. Its face glowed with happiness. “PONY! PLAY!” Its hand shot off like a pegasus, and Fluttershy eeped as she tried to avoid its grasp. The giant hand barely grazed Fluttershy, and she sighed with relief. However, the creature’s face twisted into anger. “MRRR. BAD! PONY. PLAY!” Its eyes stared right at fluttershy as it hand moved once more. Fluttershy gulped as she tried staring back. “Now, that’s enough! Why not go home? Play with your toys, maybe?” The creature shook off the stare easily. “NO! PONIES, PLAY! MINE!” its hand grasped Fluttershy entirely as she let out an eep. The hand brought her close, and the creature let out a giggle. “PONY MINE NOW! YOU WILL PLAY!” The creature opened its hand, and there was Fluttershy. She looked like a toy in comparison to the creature, and its other hand held her in place as it brought her close to its face. “PONY MINE! NOW AND ALWAYS!” Rainbow tried to fly up to the creature, but Applejack stepped on her tail. Rainbow glared at Applejack. “Hey! I’m trying to get flutters back!” Applejack sighed “I know that ya wanna but… look at the size of it! It would swat you like a fly! Its hands move about as fast as you do normally! Who knows how fast it could go when angry!” Twilight was about to comment when their attention was drawn to an even larger hand coming through the screen. Twilight gulped. “Oh great. There’s more of them!” The creature turned to see, and its eyes widened. “Daddy?” The ponies were shocked at the scared tone that came over the creature. They noticed that this hand had hairs coming from the wrist, and it was far more detailed and firm. A masculine voice came through the screen.  The hand pointed with a finger towards the creature, then the ground. “Set down the pony. You’re in big trouble, young man.” The dreatrue hesitated for a split second, before giving a sigh. He let down Fluttershy, and pat her on the head lightly with a finger. “I’m sorry. I go…” The creature trudged over to the portal, and its hand went up to grab the bigger one. The voice from beyond spoke once more, this time quieter. “I’m sorry about my son. He’s not exactly… used to his powers. I’ll give him a good talking-to.” The hand pulled the young one back through the portal, and a wave was spotted just as his hands melded back through the portal. Pinkie blinked as the glass disappeared, taking the black rectangle with it. She chuckled nervously. “Well, that’s one way to cross the fourth wall…” At the strange looks she received, she shrugged her shoulders. “Hey, even I don’t understand what I say sometimes.” A living room… An exasperated father pulls his son away from the TV. “Come along, now. You know the rules.” The boy wined. “But dad! Ponies! I want-!” The father huffed irritably. “I know what you want, but you can’t always get that. It’s best that you learn that now.” The boy griped and whined as his father brought him into the master bedroom. The boy started to sweat at his mother’s disapproving stare. “Kyle. What have we told you about crossing into the TV world?” Kyle muttered solemnly after a sigh. “Not to go without supervision… I did bad…” His mother knelt down to look at him, her expression softening. “It’s alright, Kyle. Just promise me that you won’t do it again, okay?” Kyle gave a nod. “I promise, mommy. No more jumping into TVs for random fun…” His father cleared his throat. “Forgetting something, Kyle?” Kyle fidgeted for a bit before giving in. “I’m sorry that I went without one of you with me.” His father ruffled his hair. “That’s my boy.” He then snapped his fingers, and a tingle went through his son’s fingers. “Though, for good measure… I’m putting you on probation for a month until you can resist going off on your own.” Kyle protested vehemently. “But dad~!” The father raised an eyebrow. “Oh? So you want it doubled, then?” Kyle shook his head. “N-no sir.” The father smiled. “Good. Now off with you.” after his son left, the father gave a sigh. “Sometimes I don’t know what to do with that boy…” His wife went up to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. “It’s alright dear. These are his formative years. Someday, he’ll thank us for preventing him from becoming a menace.” The father sighed. “I sure hope that you’re right…” THE END