Ultron: Bringer of Harmony


Chapter 1

3rd POV

Twilight and her friends were having a tour of Canterlot Gardens, courtesy of Princess Celestia, "Over there is the statue dedicated to the me and Luna's battle with Tirek, and over ther.," Celestia said, pointing out different statues, Twilight being Twilight, was eagerly writing the information down in a notebook, Rainbow Dash had a bored look on her face, until she spotted a statue Princess Celestia didn't talk about,

"Hey Princess, what's that statue?" Rainbow Dash asked, pointing at the statue, it was hidden in a deep bush, covered in moss, bird poop and other stuff, though they can clearly see that it stood upright on two legs, a wide gaping mouth with no visible teeth, five fingers, and two head antenna on the sides of its head, Celestia upon seeing it, widen her eyes,

"That, it's nothing, now, on with the tour." she said, trying to divert their attention to something else, unfortunately, the statue had caught the attention of everyone else,

"Are you sure Princess, I mean, it looks like it could be something, after all, I've never seen it in any of my books," Twilight said.

"It looks like a minotaur, except with small horns, and a big mouth!!" Pinkie Pie said, zooming over to the statue, looking at it from every angle. Celestia sighed, before explaining,

"This statue is actually a stoned villain, a villain that should have been sent to Tartarus." this earned a few shocked looks and gasps, "This is Ultron, Lord of Death and Destruction, we do not know where he came from, all we knew is that he was very dangerous, when he first showed himself, it was during a time of war between me and my sister against Sombra, he came in from the sky and attacked Sombras army, killing them, until he fought against Sombra himself, Sombra never stood a chance, no matter what was thrown at him, he just wouldn't stop, Sombra nearly died if we hadn't intervened, that was when Sombra banished himself and the Empire for a thousand years, but Ultron didn't stop there, he kept going after others, even went after innocent ponies, dragons, Minotaurs, everything, even wiped out the Wyverns."

"That's horrible!!" Fluttershy said, tears streaming down her face,

"How did you beat him?" Applejack asked, casting a fearful look at Ultron,

"It was by mere luck that me and Tia managed to trap him and used the Elements to imprison him forever, but we casted various sealing runes to make sure he stayed imprisoned, and it seemed to work." Luna said, landing next to Pinkie and Rarity, "We won't have to ever worry about that demon ever again."

Then they heard something, it was faint but it sounded like, chuckling, then the sound of cracking could be heard, looking to the statue, Celestia and Luna's eyes widen in fear, as spider web like cracks were forming all around the body, the chuckling got louder until it turned into full blown laughter as the statue exploded causing everyone to shield themselves from the debris.

Looking at the statue only to see a metallic being standing in its place, "Ultron!!" Celestia and Luna shouted, causing the Mane 6 to stare in surprise and fear,

"Hello everyone! It is good to see your colorful faces after such a long time in stone." Ultron said, flying into the air with his foot thrusters,

"How did you escape?! We had the best of sealing spells casted on you!!" shouted Luna, horn glowing ready to cast a spell. Ultron merely laughed,

"It was quite simple really, 2 thousand years of neglect caused the spells to weaken, and Discords return weaken them even more, everything, even spells that should last a lifetime, comes to an end, it was only a matter of time before I break free. Now I can continue where I left off."

"You won't be killing anymore innocent's when I'm done with you!!" Rainbow Dash yelled, rushing at Ultron, leg outstretched for a kick, only for Ultron to grab her leg and toss her into a tree,

"Pathetic, yet so like you Rainbow Dash, rush into battle without a plan. And Twilight," Ultron fired a beam from his hand, stopping Twilights beam of magic, "So predictable. You can't beat me, I know who you are, what you can do, and your weaknesses."

"But do you know ours demon!!" Luna shouted, firing a large beam of magic at Ultron, who didn't even bother dodging nor blocking, the attack hit him head on, creating a large dust cloud. "Huzzah!! It seems he is not invincible as we thought." Luna said proudly, before laughing could be heard, as the dust cleared, it showed Ultron without as much as a scratch on him.

"Luna Luna Luna, you never change, always so confident. Yet so stupid, you did the same thing last time, you should know my body is made from the strongest metal in this world, now, ta ta." with that said, Ultron flew off into the distance, leaving a group of shocked and afraid ponies, Twilight walked up to her mentor,

"Princess, what are we going to do?" she asked, Celestia looked at her, then looked at everyone else, closing her eyes and letting out sigh,

"We are going to stop Ultron, and this time, he will fall."