//------------------------------// // 5 Vs. 8 // Story: Equestrian Titan // by Codex92 //------------------------------// On the outskirts of Canterlot City, it was a peaceful morning, the crisp air giving a slight chill to the late fall weather as winter would soon be on its way. Birds chirped with the morning sun, fluttering around and gathering worms to eat or feed their young, and squirrels were hard at work foraging for nuts and acorns to store away in the coming winter. While the critters went about their morning routines, their peace was interrupted when a portal suddenly appeared around their home. Startled, the animals fled and hid, peeking around to cautiously watch what mysterious danger made itself known to the world. From the mysterious portal, five individuals walked out into the world, the portal closing up behind them as they looked at their surroundings. "So, this is the place Control Freak wound up in?" one of them questioned. "Duh, pie-for-brains," another said, which made the first person growl irritably. "Where else do you think the energy reading from that other portal could have taken us? A land of rainbow ponies?" "Remind us why you're the leader again?" a third member of the group questioned. "Because I'm smarter than the rest of you doofuses, and I know how these portals work," the second person said in a know-it-all tone, which only brought more ire to the "leader". The birds and squirrels watching the strange people quietly chirped and squeaked as the leader of the group pulled out a device from their pack. An antenna extended out, showing the group a small layout of the area within twenty miles from their current point, a red blip out in the city giving them the location of the technological couch potato. "Hah! Loser's in prison! How dumb is he to get caught by cops in this world!?" "Ah still don't know why the doctor bothered sendin' Control Freak through first," the fourth member of the group said while the last one nodded silently in agreement. "He's a hopeless villain with a knack for gadgets like you, but he spends all his time watchin' movies, playin' games, and 'vowin' to make himself the Teen Titans' arch nemesis'. We have better chances than that massive couch potato." "Too bad we gotta bring the tub of lard back," the leader said with utter annoyance, homing in on Control Freak's signal. "His vest went off, which meant whoever managed to kick his giant butt was about to leak out the old man's plans with his pint-sized pea brain." He snickered, pulling out a video game controller, and with a push of a button, his pack sprouted a pair of propellers, allowing him to hover in the air as he looked out at the city. "But let's try to pick up on that loser's failure and spread the word about our takeover in this snot-brained world." The others in the group chuckled or smirk as they made their way to the city. Worried about what they were going to do, a blue jay chirped to its woodland neighbors, volunteering to fly off ahead of them and warn the nice animal caretaker who understood them about these new, dangerous newcomers. Down at Canterlot High, the gym was filled with cheering and hollering as the students in the class period were having a dodge ball match, everyone dressed in their gym clothes. The teams were split boys versus girls, and with Rainbow Dash as the girls' side captain, the boys were unfortunately getting creamed. Garfield and his team were busy avoiding Rainbow Dash's expert throws, but she didn't go so far as cheat with her Equestrian magic, not like she even needed it. Most of the boys were knocked out, encouraging their teammates to hit one of them, leaving only Garfield, Flash Sentry, a blue-haired, yellow-skinned musician who Sunset used to gain popularity when she was the school bully, but they were on good terms as friends again, and Bulk Biceps, a bulky white-skinned jock with a short blonde mowhawk. Fluttershy was far in the back on the girls' side, technically playing, but with Rainbow winning, she was content to just watch, and hope a ball doesn't roll over to her. "Come on, boys!" one of the girls taunted. "Too afraid to hit a girl!?" "YEAH!" Bulk exclaimed. "Uhh, I mean, no...My mom told me I shouldn't hit girls with anything!" "It's a rubber ball, Bulk!" Flash called out, ducking a high-speed ball that barely missed his wild, messy hair. "They still have a full team, and it's just the three of us left!" Garfield yelped, leaping away from a barrage of rubber balls, but they headed straight for Bulk now. The muscular teen let out a feminine shriek, getting struck by every one before one in the face sent him on his back with a groan. "Ugh. Two now..." "Sorry, Bulk, but you're out!" Rainbow said. Bulk got up, rubbing his sore face as he regrouped with his other teammates. "Just two left, ladies!" Garfield quickly dove for a ball on their side, getting back up and using it like a shield to deflect any balls coming at him. "Ok, no more fooling around!" he exclaimed. "The boys will win this round, Rainbow Dash!" "Fat chance, Garf!" Rainbow cackled, winding her arm back and flung her ball at her roommate. Leaping to the side, Garfield let out a grunt as he threw his ball at Rainbow Dash. The athlete jumped out of the way, but one girl wasn't paying attention, getting hit in the leg, then headed to the side of the court with a huff. The odds were still in the girls' favor, five on two, but Garfield was able to handle several tougher villains that were worse than a game of dodge ball. Two of the girls teamed up on Flash, throwing two balls at him simultaneously as he tried to dodge out of the way, getting hit in the gut with a wheeze as he hit the ground. "Agh, crud," Flash grunted, joining his team while catching his breath. "We've lost, guys. There's no way anyone can beat Rainbow in any competitive sport." "Unless it was Applejack, then there would be a tie," one of the boys pointed out. Garfield grunted, widening his stance with a serious scowl, clenching his fingers in preparation for a comeback. The girls giggled at his hunched stance, seeing he stands no chance by himself against five girls. Well, mostly four; Fluttershy looked nervous seeing her new boyfriend in the last couple weeks outnumbered in the competitive match they were both playing. "Easy pickings, girls!" Rainbow said. "Hammer him good!" Rainbow's other teammates let out a battle cry as they took a running start with a ball in hand, then threw them at Garfield. To their surprise, the last guy on the opposing team jumped and twisted his body, narrowly dodging the balls, grasping one with a spin, then gave it a quick toss once he landed. He got one of the girls, the enemy team staring in shock while the boys cheered Garfield on. He got a free hit on another girl before they snapped to their senses, Rainbow and her other teammate quickly getting their heads back in the game while the other two who were out joined their friend on the sidelines. "Yay," Fluttershy quietly cheered. "Way to go." "Fluttershy, we're trying to win here!" Rainbow scolded Fluttershy, startling a squeak from her. "I don't care if you're going out with him; kick his butt! He can take it!" She tossed Fluttershy a ball, managing to catch it after nearly fumbling it for a few seconds. She continued watching as Rainbow and their other teammate tried to exhaust Garfield, but the teen had more stamina to spare, dodging balls while taunting them to waste their own energy and hoard the balls on his side. Once they were out of ammo, Garfield smirked, picking up a few balls and flung them around. In the wild barrage he unleashed, Rainbow was able to avoid getting struck, but her other teammate wasn't so lucky and was booted out of the game. Garfield's teammates cheered him on, chanting his name and commenting on his incredible dodging skills. Rainbow growled, gripping a dodge ball tightly in her hand as she stared Garfield down. It was almost like a western-style duel, both players with a ball in their hand, judging what move their opponent was going to do next with the slightest twitch of their arms, fingers, eyes, etc. With a silent bell, both teens moved, giving their balls a hard toss, whizzing past each other as they flew toward their targets. Garfield leaned his body away from Rainbow's, but Rainbow smirked as she moved slowly on purpose, getting hit in the shoulder. The boys erupted into cheers, thinking they won, including Garfield as he cackled and danced around in victory. "Oh yeah! I won five-on-one!" Garfield taunted, only making Rainbow's smirk widen and the girls on the side giggle at their stupidity. "The teams were six-on-six," Rainbow reminded Garfield, pausing his happy dancing as he faced her, confused. "Do a head count, Garf." "Huh?" He looked at the girls who were out, his teams cheering growing silent as they were just as confused as Garfield. "One, two, hmm...five? Wait, then who's-?" Garfield was suddenly hit by a dodge ball, though it was more a light tap to his side than a smack, hearing it bounce and roll away from him. Slowly turning to see who it was, realization struck when his dumbfounded expression turned into a startled grimace. Fluttershy managed to quietly approach him, gently toss the ball Rainbow gave her, and got Garfield while the boys were too busy celebrating a bit too early. She waved sheepishly at him, stifling her giggles from the shock on his face. "You're out," she said. "Umm...I think we win." Garfield let out a girly shriek in disbelief while his teammates groaned. "How did we not notice Fluttershy was playing!?" one of the boys asked. "She's basically a wallflower, so of course we wouldn't pay attention to her," Flash grumbled. Garfield let out a fainting groan, wobbling to the floor in a heap in defeat. The girls ran up to Fluttershy, congratulating her on winning the game for them. "Told you girls Fluttershy would be a great secret weapon if Garf was playing," Rainbow gloated, making the animal lover blush nervously from the praise. Garfield groaned miserably as he stared at the ceiling. While wallowing in misery, Fluttershy approached him, holding her hand out to him, helping him back on his feet. "Good game, Garfield," she said. He let out a defeated sigh, then grinned at Fluttershy. "Yeah. Good game," he said back. "But, you know I was going easy on you girls, right? I could do a whole lot worse." "You didn't even see Fluttershy like the rest of us!" Bulk Biceps pointed out, earning a death glare from Garfield, his attempt to act cool in front of her shattered by the obvious being stated. "...Well, we all did forget she was here..." The bell rang, signalling the end of the period and time for lunch. Everyone headed to the locker rooms to get dressed back in their normal clothes, some taking their gym clothes with them to get them washed up for tomorrow. Despite trying to be aloof going easy on Fluttershy, he wasn't really going to hurt his new girlfriend that badly. It had been a few weeks since the two of them enjoyed their time at Equestria Land and started their relationship as a couple, and despite that sudden first kiss after that evening, they were content going at their own pace as their relationship continued to grow. Garfield and Fluttershy hung out a bit more on their days off from the shelter, called or texted to see what their plans were, and they went on a couple dates in that time, just casually hanging out and enjoying the day together. Their friends wouldn't let up on them as "the cutest couple at school", Sunset planning to put their picture together under that category for the yearbook. In the cafeteria, after everyone gathered their lunches, the girls laughed as Rainbow Dash regaled the epic win Fluttershy got them in their dodge ball match, to Garfield's chagrin. "You can't be serious! Fluttershy got Garfield out!?" Sunset asked in disbelief. "Yup. Just as I planned to win the match," Rainbow said cockily. "But I thought you said you could take them out on your own," Fluttershy mentioned. "And, well, everyone was distracted, so...I thought I'd help us win." "W-Well, I lost my guard on purpose for you to take him out," Rainbow backpedaled. "Rainbow Dash lettin' someone else win?" Applejack questioned, feigning shock. "Who are ya and what have ya done to our friend?" "The point is I still lost, and I was pulled an epic last stand for nothing," Garfield grumbled, then looked at his girlfriend, who was sitting beside him. "If you were an animal in another life, you'd be a chameleon with how impossible it is to notice you if you don't make a peep." "Strange. I thought she'd be a pegasus," Pinkie chimed in. Garfield stared blankly, baffled by Pinkie's response before Fluttershy whispered to him how she "pony's up". "...Oh. Right. With the ears, tail, and wings," he uttered. "But I would like to know what it's like to be a chameleon for a day," Fluttershy said. "Or any animal." Garfield chuckled at the irony from his own powers giving him what she desired. Though, he wouldn't want to tell her how to make that dream possible if she didn't want green skin and hair and almost die from the mutant monkey bite that had almost killed him when he was "infected". "You'd just make me spoil you if you turned into anything cuter," he said, both in a flirtatious way and teasing her, which made the girl blush heavily. He smirked, wrapping his arm around Fluttershy. "But, I guess I don't mind either way." While the group continued eating, a blue jay flew into the cafeteria through an open window, chirping skittishly as it flew toward Fluttershy. The bird landed at their table, startling everyone as it hopped around and tweeted and chirped to her. "Now, hold on. Slow down, little guy," Fluttershy said. "What's wrong?" The blue jay chirped, flapping its wings and hopping around while explaining to her what's got him, along with his other woodland friends, in a fright. Fluttershy gasped, the others waiting for her to translate for the little bird. "A portal opened outside of town, and something came out!?" "Oh, great," Twilight grumbled. "What kind of magical creature is it going to be this time?" "He said there weren't big monsters, but five people," Fluttershy added, startling the others. Garfield especially, having no clue who these five "people" might be if they came from his world. The blue jay explained in the best details about these people to Fluttershy. "There's...a tall one, a very small one, one who looks like a bat, one who has only one eye, and one wearing all red with a strange symbol." Garfield grimaced, praying it wasn't who he thought it was. Suddenly, they heard an explosion in the distance, startling everyone in the school. "What was that!?" Rarity exclaimed. Alarms rang out from everyone's phones, everyone quickly looking at an important news bulletin on whatever social media sites the students used as a news anchor appeared on their screens in a live feed. "We have breaking news about a mysterious attack in Canterlot City, only far worse than mysterious creatures from another plane of existence to the recent attack by a portly young man with a universal remote. We are going live on the scene, where police officials are trying to stop the attack." The feed cut to a woman in front of the camera, looking out to the street they were on, being wary and anxious, flinching from an explosion coming from a bit further away from her location. "At this very moment, Canterlot City is being attacked by what appear to be five teenagers with strange powers, but it's not like the powers seven unique girls from Canterlot High have!" The camera shook as another explosion rocked the area, hearing a nasally cackle in the distance as a blur flew over them with rockets propelling the attacker forward. "Even advanced technology and...I-Is that a rocket launcher!?" Behind them, they heard a roar as a car was charged through, the woman and cameraman screaming as they barely caught the person on camera rampaging toward them. They could hear policemen warning them to stop or they'll shoot, but the gunfire after the warning was blocked by a barrier. Then the police screamed as something whizzed past them, slicing up their pistols. The cameraman and reporter began panicking, only for the camera to get swiped out of the crewman's grip. "Excuse me, pard'!" a voice said in a southern drawl like Applejack's. "Mind if we get in the shot!" the same voice said, but as the camera turned to face not one, not two, but a dozen of the same person wearing red full-body suits with a division symbol on their chests, making the woman and cameraman scream. "Hi, ma!" another of the clones said with a wave. "Ah'm on T.V.!" "Oh no. Not them," Garfield uttered quietly to himself. The video cut back to the anchorman with a worried look as the feed was cut. Ignoring the startled anchor, Garfield had a bad feeling he knew who came through after recognizing the annoying laugh, that beastly roar, and the dozen clones who revealed themselves on camera. "What in the heck was that???" Rainbow questioned. "These guys look a whole lot worse than Control Freak," Sunset said. "Did they come from the same world he and Beast Boy had?" "We have to do something!" Pinkie exclaimed. "You want US to fight five of those delinquents!?" Rarity shrieked. "I don't think Principal Celestia would allow us skipping school, even if it means helping save our city from being bombarded by those hooligans!" "Well, someone's got to do it if the cops are powerless against them!" Rainbow said, agreeing with Pinkie. Garfield growled, exiting the news report on his phone, then stood up and ran out of the cafeteria. "Garfield, where are you going!?" He didn't answer as he ran out into the hall, leaving behind his new friends in befuddlement. "That was...odd," Applejack noted. "Now where in tarnation's he runnin' off to? The school's probably gonna be under lockdown with them varmints causin' trouble." "Then let's sneak out and stop those guys!" Rainbow said. "Are you mad?" Rarity questioned the brash athlete. "I think Beast Boy can handle them if he shows up." "I'm not sure," Twilight said. "If one of them can make copies of himself, he'll definitely be outnumbered." "Twilight's right," Sunset said, standing up from her seat. "He's going to need our help. Let's hurry before they run everything to the ground!" Despite Rarity's chagrin, the fashionista sighed, knowing their magic can help the shapeshifter in his heroic efforts. The girls got up and ran out, hoping none of the faculty caught them and kept them from helping save their city. Worried, Fluttershy pulled out her phone and called her boyfriend's number, wondering why he ran off like that. While running down the hall and hearing the dial tone, she slowed down when she heard his phone's ringtone going off. In his locker. Confused, she opened the hastily unlocked space, finding his phone going off inside, along with his backpack. The larger flap was unzipped, and inside was, to her surprise, his clothes he was just wearing. "Huh?" Fluttershy uttered, baffled and gravely worried if something awful happened to Garfield. "Why would he leave his...?" "Fluttershy, hurry up!" Sunset called out. Whimpering nervously, she grabbed Garfield's backpack, stuffing the phone in with his clothes before catching up with the others, concerned about her boyfriend's well-being if he left his phone and, awkwardly, his clothes behind. Flying over the city as a falcon, Beast Boy arrived at the destruction zone from the harassing super teens from his world. Landing on one of the tallest buildings, he transformed and looked around, his hunch correct as he watched the five people causing trouble: the southern multiplier, Billy Numerous, the mysterious, silent bat kid with teleporting powers, Kyd Wykkyd, the helmed cyclops with powerful eye beams and shields, See-More, a tall, hulking male who can charge through buildings like a rhino, Mammoth, and the worst of them, a midget boy genius with technological expertise, Gizmo; members of the H.I.V.E. Five. "Of course it had to be them," Beast Boy grumbled. "How the heck did these guys make a portal?" He continued watching the H.I.V.E Five causing trouble: Billy and his numerous clones trying to be stars using the stolen camera despite losing the live feed, Kyd Wykkyd was dealing with police and their firearms with that sharp cloak of his, See-More used his laser eye vision to peer into different buildings, either to steal money or valuables while they were here, Mammoth took a break from his rampage and raided a nearby fast food restaurant, devouring every bit of food out in the open, and Gizmo was flying around with his multipack, either blowing stuff up with his rockets or snatching same games and consoles from this world for later. Seeing enough, Beast Boy waited for his chance to strike, watching Gizmo as he flew around cackling like the little, narcissistic smart aleck he is. Once he soared close enough, Beast Boy leapt off the building, transforming into a capuchin monkey, letting out a screeching battle cry as he perfectly landed on the tech wiz's back. Gizmo looked up too late when he heard the screech, letting out a yell as he felt something kick the back of his head, then clawed at the thruster propelling him, causing it to break and send them spiraling out of control. "AHHH! WHAT THE CRUUUUUUD!?!?!?!?" Gizmo screamed as he tried to regulate his flight pattern, Beast Boy leaping off, shifting into a falcon, hovering in the air while watching Gizmo fly through a window near where Mammoth was munching to his heart's content. Confused, Mammoth looked behind him, finding his partner groaning, crashing into a few tables with his thruster on his pack sputtering to a smokey stop. The other three members of the H.I.V.E. Five heard Gizmo's scream and came over to investigate. When Gizmo stepped out, grimacing from the painful crash, Mammoth laughed at his misfortune. "Nice landing, genius," he mocked, stuffing another burger in his face. "Something screwed up one of my thrusters, fat-head!" Gizmo shrieked angrily. They soon heard a falcon cry overhead, looking up to see it dive bombing toward the group. Confusion quickly turned to shock when the avian turned into a green gorilla, roaring with its arms rearing back to slam down on any of them. See-More quickly reacted, creating a yellow eyeball barrier, protecting him and his teammates from Beast Boy's slam. The shapeshifter leapt away, landing on the street a fair distance away with a heavy thud. "What in Sam Hill...?" Billy Numerous uttered, all five recognizing the green tint of the massive primate. Beast Boy shifted back to normal, revealing himself to the villainous teens. "Oh, great. It's animal boy," Gizmo grumbled. "Yeah, yeah, the feeling's mutual," Beast Boy said. "And the name's Beast Boy, 'geek boy'." Gizmo growled, his face turning red for being called a geek by his enemy. "Hey, is something different about him?" See-More questioned. "He's...wearing a mask?" "Bahahaha! That's so dumb!" Mammoth guffawed. "We already know what your face looks like!" "Hold on a sec. If Beast Boy's here...that means the other Teen Titans found a way to this world to stop us!" Billy Numerous exclaimed. The group looked around, Kyd Wykkyd warping around to search for the other Titans for an ambush. He returned to his comrades, shaking his head after performing his recon. The H.I.V.E. Five then turned to Beast Boy, who started to sweat nervously, knowing that scare tactic wouldn't work when they figured out eventually that it was just him. "He's by himself?" See-More uttered. "That's...hard to believe." "How did you even get here, beast-buffoon?" Gizmo questioned. "I should be asking you that!" Beast Boy exclaimed. "First Control Freak, now you guys!? How did you find your way to this world!?" "Like we're gonna tell you, snot-face!" Gizmo exclaimed. "Then I'm gonna beat it out of all of you!" Beast Boy's threat only made the H.I.V.E. Five laugh, but he didn't care if he was outnumbered if it meant stopping them from causing trouble in this world. "Good luck with that, Beast Boy!" Billy said. "You'd have better luck wranglin' a bull with a piece of string!" "Ok. Then I'll be the bull!" Beast Boy ran forward, shifting into a green bull with a bellow. Mammoth got up, ignoring his lunch and charged toward the shapeshifter, meeting him head on and grabbing his horns, stopping them both in their tracks. Beast Boy tried to flail his head out of Mammoth's grip, but the massive superhuman was far stronger than a rampaging bull. Changing into an elephant, Beast Boy's transformation nearly slipped Mammoth up, giving him a hard smack with his trunk. Mammoth slid back a bit toward his teammates, Gizmo pressing some buttons on his controller to release a pair of metal spider legs from his pack while the others prepared to fight back. "Let's show gack-skin how screwed he is!" Gizmo said, his metal spider legs bounding him toward a building, clinging to the side while a pair of blasters sprouted from his pack. The blasters fired at Beast Boy, who quickly turned into a cheetah, running from the energy bullets, along with See-More and his eyeball laser beams from his helmet's eye. Beast Boy zigzagged down the street to avoid their fire, quickly making a harsh turn toward Billy Numerous and Kyd Wykkyd. Billy began splitting himself into more duplicates of himself, acting like a wall as Beast Boy snarled and lunged at the group of clones. He didn't notice Kyd Wykkyd teleporting behind him, slamming his foot down hard on the back of the green cheetah's head, slamming the shapeshifter to the ground, then warped away when the Billy clones dogpiled Beast Boy and began pummeling him. In the distance, the reporter and camerman found their camera, the crewman checking to make sure Billy Numerous didn't break it when he got bored of it. They looked up when they heard a monstrous roar, watching Beast Boy turn into a T-Rex and shook off the Billies clambering over him. "Please tell me that thing's still working!" the woman exclaimed, shaking her colleague while he made sure it was in working order. "The lens is a bit scuffed, but it's still fine," he said. "Get this, and try to get us live again!" the reporter demanded, not wanting to let this moment slip away despite being scared out of her mind earlier. The girls split up in two cars as they made their way down to the city to stop this new group of teens who might have come from Beast Boy's world, Applejack driving her pickup with Rainbow and Pinkie and Rarity with Twilight, Sunset, and Fluttershy. "Why would Garfield leave his phone AND his clothes in his locker?" Twilight questioned Fluttershy after wondering why the poor girl was in a panic. "I-I don't know," Fluttershy whimpered nervously. "I know Garfield is weird in a good way, but the way he reacted after that news report, he wasn't in the least bit shocked when we saw at least one of those guys," Sunset noted. "It's almost like...he knew who they were before we got any idea of who they were." Their phones buzzed again, the news station giving them another update. Twilight opened up the web browser, making sure the volume was up high enough for her friends to hear. "We have an update on the situation at hand in the city," the news anchor said before quickly transitioning back to the action downtown. "Apologies for the theft of our camera, but there is more breaking news in this mysterious attack from these superpowered teenagers!" the reporter exclaimed as she looked out to the fight, the camera panning over to Beast Boy in his T-Rex form, taking hits from Gizmo's blasters, Billy's clones, See-More's laser beams, Kyd Wykkyd's sharp cape trying to slice at his back, even taking a flung car by Mammoth before he jumped in and joined Kyd and Billy. "This mystery hero, Beast Boy, has arrived to stop these dangerous hooligans, and he REALLY is a Tyrannosaurus Rex, an extinct Dinosaur from millions of years ago! Hah! T-This is kind of exciting, but also dangerous! Everyone within the area evacuate immediately or stay in your homes until this threat has been dealt with!" "Looks like he made it there in time," Sunset said. They heard Beast Boy let out a roar, managing to fling Billy Numerous, Kyd Wykkyd, and Mammoth off him, only to let out a pained grunt when Gizmo launched a rocket in his face, sending him crashing into a nearby building, damaging the structure with his massive size. "It really doesn't look like he's going to last against these guys." "They're incredibly strong, and that midget's got some dangerous technology," Twilight added when the camera looked up at Gizmo, surprising the reporting duo when they heard him fire rocket launcher, which folded back in his pack and brought back his blasters with a snobby cackle. "Far more dangerous than that Control Freak guy." "Oh my gosh! Where did he have a rocket launcher!?" the reporter exclaimed in shock. Beast Boy shifted back to normal in the background, letting out a groan as he recovered from getting blasted in the face. Gizmo looked down at the reporter and cameraman for the news station, letting out a snicker as he leapt off, his pack releasing a pair of helicopter rotors while retracting the spider legs. "Eat rubble, stupid paparazzi!" he said before aiming his blasters at the building the duo stood by, causing heavy bits of debris to rain down on them. The girls gasped in horror while the reporter and cameraman screamed in terror, their legs failing to help them escape as they stared at their doom. Beast Boy heard them, shifting into a cheetah again, ignoring and avoiding the other H.I.V.E. Five members to reach the helpless news people. Quickly skidding and turning around, Beast Boy transformed again out of the camera's view, the heavy material the building was made of falling with a thud over the two. When the camera moved to see what happened, the duo let out a gasp when they saw a massive tail sheltering them, surprising the girls when they saw Beast Boy had shapeshifted into a slingtail. Beast Boy flung the rubble back at Gizmo, startling the tech wiz with a yelp as he dove out of its trajectory. The falling debris headed for the other villains in the H.I.V.E., making them scatter or protect themselves while the Teen Titan turned back to normal. Before the reporter and cameraman could thank him, Beast Boy faced them, his gaze threateningly serious. "Get out of here now!" he ordered. "If you stay around any longer, you'll just keep getting in harm's way! You have no idea how dangerous they are!" "Can we at least get an interview la-?" the woman tried to request, only to have Beast Boy growl, then turn into a pterodactyl, grabbing the pair as they shrieked in surprise, carrying them outside the area of destruction the H.I.V.E. Five left in their wake. The camera fell out of the cameraman's grasp, smashing to the ground and cutting off the feed. "Well, at least they'll be grateful he saved their lives, right?" Twilight asked. "I think that woman lost her mind when she saw how powerful those teens were," Sunset grumbled. "Possibly looking for a big scoop that was more important than her own life." Rarity looked in her rear view mirror, spotting Fluttershy clutching Garfield's belongings tightly to her. "Don't worry, Fluttershy. I'm sure Garfield's fine," she reassured. "Maybe he went back to the gym to...work out his fright?" "I don't think that's the right psychological reaction to a disastrous-" Rarity cleared her throat, interrupting Twilight's logical rant. Rarity tilted her head back to Fluttershy, reminding her of Fluttershy's traumatizing situation with her boyfriend leaving without a trace and leaving his phone behind, the only way any of them could have gotten in contact with him. "Err, I mean, yeah! Males have different involuntary reactions to situations, and working out to relieve stress of any kind...helps them cope? Heheh...Ehh..." Without saying a word, Fluttershy dug into Garfield's bag and pulled out his gym clothes. Despite holding the sweaty outfit, the girls grimaced, now deeply concerned as something could have seriously happened to him. They really hoped it wasn't the case as they continued driving down the road, getting closer and closer to the center of town where the action was. After Beast Boy set the annoying reporter and depressed cameraman down somewhere safe, he flew back, ignoring the woman's begging for an interview. As much as he wanted some fame as a hero, he didn't want it when there was a serious criminal group that was far worse than any robber or mugger trying to take money or jewelry. When he made it back to where he fought the H.I.V.E. Five, he looked around, finding no sign of them. Confused, he landed and changed back to normal, the eerie silence making him anxious as he prepared himself for an ambush. "They couldn't have moved further into the city, could they?" he mumbled to himself. Carefully looking around as he wandered down the empty street, Beast Boy wasn't aware of the villains hiding in wait for him. Inside one of the buildings, See-More spied on him with his x-ray vision through the thick wall, Kyd Wykkyd and Gizmo with him as they watched the Teen Titan. Across the road, Mammoth and Billy Numerous hid around the corner of another building, waiting for the signal. Gizmo snickered, his rocket launcher at the ready as he aimed it for the shapeshifter, Kyd Wykkyd holding out his cape against the wall. When Beast Boy turned away, Gizmo fired a rocket, going straight through Kyd's cape, making it go straight through the wall and headed straight for Beast Boy. He quickly turned when he heard the rocket, reacting too late as he was struck dead on and sent flying across the road, crashing through the glass of the store. While groaning as he recovered, he heard the building thud repeatedly, Mammoth and Billy Numerous and his duplicates smashing through the structure, causing it to crumble down on top of him with tons of rubble crushing him. Kyd Wykkyd flashed his cape as he teleported outside, bringing Gizmo and See-More with him while Mammoth and Billy laughed as they regrouped with their team. "I can't believe he didn't SEE that coming!" See-More said, making the group groan at his eye pun. The rubble from the collapsed building shifted slightly before a small green field mouse crawled through the thin openings, Beast Boy squeezing out before shifting back to normal. His body was badly scraped, his outfit tough enough to withstand quite a lot of abuse, but he was lucky not to get completely crushed. Grunting in pain, he leered at the H.I.V.E. Five when they saw him survive. "Looks like Beast Butt's up for round two!" Gizmo mocked. "This'll be a cakewalk," Mammoth said, pounding his fist into his hand. "And after, I'm gonna raid a bakery for some cake." Beast Boy knew he wasn't going to last much longer, barely laying a scratch on any of them. Mammoth's pretty tough and won't flinch when he's struck that much, See-More has his barrier, Billy Numerous literally has the strength of a hundred men, Kyd Wykkyd could easily avoid him, and despite Gizmo down one of his different modes of transportation, he could still fly with his helipack function and climb up walls with the four spider legs. He didn't want to resort to using his werebeast form, but Beast Boy was left with no other choice. Before he could turn into his most dangerous form, they heard a pair of vehicles coming their way, even after everyone, including the police, fled from the villainous teens. To Beast Boy's shock, it just had to be his friends in this world as they came to a stop and climbed out of the car and truck. "Hey, lookie here," Billy said. "Some cute girls comin' to see us beat the livin' tar outta the Teen Titan." "Uhh, you know, I've been wondering why everyone here looks like their skins were splattered with different colored paint," Mammoth thought aloud while rubbing his head. "I can't believe you're the first one to notice that," Gizmo muttered sarcastically. "Everyone looks like a rainbow barfed on them." Kyd Wykkyd tilted his head, silently pondering the odd skin tones the girls had. While the H.I.V.E. Five wondered why the people looked so different compared to their world now, Beast Boy hobbled over to the girls, still in pain while angrily glaring at them for making the dumb decision to show up. "No need to ask, dude!" Rainbow said, oblivious to his gaze. "We're here to back you up!" "Back me up!? ARE YOU ALL CRAZY!?" Beast Boy screamed, his voice cracking as he flailed his arms wildly. "Get out of here!" "But we came all this way AND skipped school to help you!" Pinkie explained. "We also wanted to make it Even Stevens for helping each other! You helped us with the manticores, the timberwolves, and the slingtails, even that mean robber, and we helped you with that Control Freak dork, so we can help you with these guys!" Beast Boy scowled under the veil of his face mask, slowly raising a shaky hand before facepalming himself. Hard. He did not want them here now, especially not Fluttershy, knowing she was definitely going to get hurt. "It'll be a cinch with these guys if we work together!" Rainbow added over-confidently. "No, you guys do NOT understand at all!" Beast Boy exclaimed. "Those five are part of a teenage villain group called the H.I.V.E., and these guys are basically the ELITE members from that very same group!" "But you're a mess, darling," Rarity said. "We saw you getting outnumbered, even when you turned into a Tyrannosaurus Rex on the news." "And you're badly hurt," Twilight noted when they saw him limp toward them. "What else did they do to you?" "It doesn't matter! I've handled these guys before!" Beast Boy said angrily. "I can take care of them without your help, and I don't want you girls in the way and getting hurt! They're far worse than what Control Freak can do!" "But...Beast Boy..." He turned to look at Fluttershy, his gaze softening when he saw how worried she seemed. He noticed her holding his stuff, grimacing as he forgot to lock his locker. "W-We...we can help you...And, if you can...m-my boyfriend...he went...missing..." Chastising himself, Beast Boy sighed, feeling ashamed to let his new girlfriend worry like this. "...I'll find him when I deal with these guys, but for your sakes and mine, don't try to help," he pleaded. "Now, hold on there, sugarcube," Applejack interjected. "Ya look like you're on your last legs. And without us helpin' ya with Equestria's beasts and Control Freak, things could have been a whole lot worse." "I've got this," Beast Boy said, making them cringe as they heard that line from a certain someone at Camp Everfree, and things escalated quickly when she tried to do it all herself. Beast Boy turned around to face the H.I.V.E. Five, fighting through his pain, now unable to unleash the werebeast without risking going on a rampage and hurting his new friends. "When I'm done with them, I'll figure out just how they got here." "Hey! Y'all done chattin' with your girlfriends!?" Billy questioned impatiently, splitting himself up as his duplicates made different comments on who they liked better. "Ah love me a blonde-headed southern gal." "That one with the curly purple hair's more hotter! What are ya talkin' about!?" "That nerdy one with the glasses is actually kinda cute." "Ya think that one's pink curly hair tastes like cotton candy? Ah can smell the strawberry flavor from here." "Hey, focus, mutli-doofuses!" Gizmo scolded, getting the Billy Numerouses back on track with their initial plan and taking Beast Boy out. "Alright, alright!" the Billies all said irritably. "That is so weird how that guy can talk to himself with his clones he keeps making," Twilight uttered, fiddling with her glasses while puffing her cheeks when she heard one of them call her cute. "He'll be too busy talking to himself in a jail cell soon enough." Beast Boy charged forward again, turning into a rhinoceros, aiming his horn toward the Billies to bowl them over. See-More got in his path, his lips curling in a smirk as he adjusted his helmet's settings for his eye abilities. "Let's see if we can get his eyes spinning!" Enhancing a projection of an eyeball in front of them, See-More made the eye spin rapidly, creating a hypnotic wheel to make Beast Boy dizzy. The shapeshifter let out a startled snort, eyes widening before he forced them shut, transforming back to normal as he stopped and shielded his eyes with his hands. "N-No! Not that!" Beast Boy exclaimed, his one weakness being trapped in a hypnotic spell no thanks to the old, British, scientific trickster, Mad Mod, when he kidnapped the Teen Titans, using hypnosis to try to reform them into civilized children in society. See-More's grin widened when the shapeshifter revealed his weakness, keeping the hypnotic eye spinning while the rest of his team approached Beast Boy. "Don't look at the eye. Don't look at the eye." "What the heck? Why'd he stop?" Rainbow questioned. "It's just a spinning eyeball!" "I can't look at it!" Beast Boy yelled back, unaware of the other H.I.V.E. Five teens silently stalking him. "If I do, I'll-!" "Be an easy target!" Mammoth said, then yelled as he slammed his fists into the ground, creating a shockwave that headed straight for Beast Boy. The girls yelped at the incredibly earthquake Mammoth made, but the shockwave made Beast Boy stumble, forcing to use his arms to balance himself while keeping his eyes shut. It was a difficult feat to stay standing in the middle of a quake with tightly shut eyes, prompting Beast Boy to shift into a falcon, keeping his gaze away from See-More. He didn't hear the silent Kyd Wykkyd warp in front of him, slashing the sharp end of his cape at the avian, making him screech as feathers flew off his body, along with a few nasty cuts. Beast Boy shifted back to normal, grimacing in pain, only to grunt as Billy and his duplicates punched him around, causing him to stagger into another while keeping himself blinded, failing to fight back as his swings missed the multiplying teen. Growing desperate, he turned into a manticore, startling the H.I.V.E. Five with another strange animal transformation, quickly backing away as Beast Boy swung his scorpion tail to sting away his assailants. The girls all watched helplessly as Beast Boy struggled to fight back, but he can't handle five supervillains at once, even with one of them able to make copies of themselves to make him feel really outnumbered. Mammoth grasped Beast Boy's scorpion tail, keeping the stinger from hitting any of his team as he yanked the shapeshifter toward him. He clocked the manticore in the back of the head, changing Beast Boy back as he hit the road hard, then got lifted up while the tall, nearly indestructible H.I.V.E. member repeatedly punched him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him over and over. Beast Boy wasn't able to keep his eyes shut for long from the excruciating, air-expelling blows to his gut, but See-More had gotten rid of his optical illusion for a while. He was then flung in the air, followed by a rocket from Gizmo aimed at him like a clay target in a skeet shooting session. The girls gasped as the rocket made impact, blowing Beast Boy up as he was sent flying back to the ground, bouncing off the hood of an abandoned police car, leaving behind a huge dent as his body rag dolled across the pavement before coming to a stop. "Beast Boy!" they cried out, running toward him with grave concern. "Oh, man! He's not dead, is he!?" Rainbow shrieked. Twilight checked for a pulse, surprised, but relieved. "He's still alive; just unconscious," she said, the others letting out a sigh of relief. "He's quite durable for not being blown up by something as dangerous as a rocket." "Must be a part of him being a super human with animal changing powers: turn into any kind of creature with the speed of a cheetah, the strength of a bear, and the thick skin of a turtle," Pinkie said. "You mean shell?" Fluttershy asked. "Well, he's not wearing a shell, silly," Pinkie reasoned. Even though they were assured Beast Boy was alive, they saw first-hand how dangerous the H.I.V.E. 5 were. The group celebrated, ganging up on the Teen Titan and gloating about their accomplishments. The girls glared at them for hurting their savior and friend, even Fluttershy as they all looked at each other, nodded, and together, approached the villainous teens from another world. "Hey!" Sunset called out, getting the boys' attention. "You're not getting away with this!" "Hah! Look who's trying to be the heroes!" Gizmo mocked. "You dumb girls should go worry about shopping for shoes or whatever it is you like." "We ain't goin' nowhere," Applejack said. "We're going to put you boys in the slammer!" Rainbow exclaimed. "We're more than average high school girls," Twilight added, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy nodding while staring down the H.I.V.E. Five. "Oh, so he found some more Teen Titans to add to their numbers in this world?" Billy questioned. "Just what makes y'all so special that ya think y'all can scare us into givin' up?" "We have the magic of friendship on our side!" Sunset claimed. The H.I.V.E. Five stared at the girls, then looked at each other, their cheeks puffing out before bursting out into uproarious laughter. "Well, this feels a lot more embarrassing when Princess Twilight said that aloud to the Dazzlings," Rarity mumbled. The evil teens all collapsed, guffawing and holding their sides as they poked fun at their "power". Sunset just shook her head, knowing these boys were going to be in for a big surprise. "Alright, girls. Let's pony up!" Sunset cried out. They all activated their gems, shimmering brightly around their respective accessories. On their right cheeks, a mark appeared that matched the different symbols they wore on their person like the cutie marks of the ponies in Equestria. In a brilliant flash, causing the laughing teens of the H.I.V.E. to stop, then gawk in surprise as the Canterlot High girls ponied up, their outfits transforming into their magical dresses with their magic of friendship powers. Their hair grew, tying at a point to form into makeshift tails matching their hairstyles, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash growing a pair of pegasus wings as well thanks to their other selves' anatomy in Equestria. The villains' jaws dropped as the "powerless girls" hovered in midair, even those without wings, revealing their powers to them. "...Uhh, ok. Didn't see that coming," See-More said. Gizmo shook his head, snapping out of his shock, replacing his launcher with his blasters. "I don't care what kind of stupid powers you girls have! Eat lasers, rainbow-barfers!" Gizmo fired his blasters at the girls, but Rarity held up her hands, creating a magic diamond shield in front of them. The ethereal diamonds not only protected them, but also deflected the midget genius's projectiles, sending the H.I.V.E. scattering about as they avoided his lasers. Gizmo fumed, his face turning beat red as steam seemed to literally blow out of his ears in humiliation. "GET THEM!!!" Both sides split up, the H.I.V.E. Five going about their own way to defeat the girls, but the CHS heroes were confident in their magical abilities and analyzing up close what they could mostly do. Mammoth yelled and charged forward, Applejack landing and doing the same to him. Both of the strongest members from both groups met head on, thrusting each other's hands into their opponent's, creating a shockwave as they connected. Mammoth smirked, thinking he had an advantage with his super strength, pushing Applejack back slightly. However, his grin melted to a grimace when Applejack gave him the same cocky smirk, stopping him, then began to push him back. Mammoth grunted, putting his all into his muscles to push the much stronger farm girl, but his feet kept sliding across the pavement. "Havin' trouble beatin' a girl in a match of strength?" Applejack mocked. "I'm...not...losing...to a girl!" Mammoth shouted, growling aggressively while still getting pushed back. "Well, y'all are gonna lose today!" Applejack gripped Mammoth's hands tightly, surprising him as she pulled him toward her, then gave a swift, powerful high kick to his jaw, sending him flying in the air a few feet before giving him another hard kick as he fell back down, sending him tumbling down the road several yards until coming to a stop against a van in a distance. Applejack winced, seeing the massive dent Mammoth made. "Oh boy. Ah hope we don't have to pay for anythin' else gettin' destroyed around here." While waiting for Mammoth to snap out of his daze for round two, Rainbow Dash zipped around Kyd Wykkyd, getting frustrating deja vu moments when Kid Flash literally ran circles around him. And Rainbow was just as bad when she could move fast on land and in the air with her wings. He tried warping in her path, only to miss and get tripped up by her. Gritting his teeth in frustration, he stood up, only to be met with a pair of blue eyes glancing directly into his by mere centimeters. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie!" she greeted. Kyd swung his cape to scratch Pinkie, but somehow missed as she somehow appeared behind him. "Missed me!" she taunted excitedly, prompting him to quickly spin around and kick, missing once more. "Yeah, I might not be fast as Dashie, but I'm quite an expert dodger! You should see me when I play dodge ball!" Kyd Wykkyd began to get more frustrated, his swings, kicks, and swiping with his cape always missing the giggling pink-haired party lover. After several minutes of trying to get at her, he panted in exhaustion, glaring at Pinkie now waving at him. "Left you a little surprise! Bye, Batman cosplayer!" As she skipped away, Kyd Wykkyd raised a brow in confusion. He then noticed that his cloak was starting to glow, looking down to see Pinkie left him some candy, sticking to his outfit and enchanted with a strange glow. Clueless, he didn't expect them to blow up on him, sending him flying across the street and smacking into the wall of a building, knocked for a loop with his body slightly singed. Rarity and See-More dueled each other, eyeball lasers and barriers against ethereal diamond shards and shields. See-More's lasers kept getting deflected by Rarity's diamond shields, keeping him on the defensive while she continued flinging diamonds like throwing stars at him. When he drops his barrier for a brief second to fire back, he didn't notice Rainbow zooming up to him, giving him a swift kick in the back, sending him stumbling forward and getting struck by the magical diamonds. See-More tried to focus his vision on the speeding rainbow blur, but she was too fast, even getting socked in the face by her fist when she suddenly stopped directly in front of him. "Keep your eye on the prize, cyclops!" Rainbow Dash taunted, then rushed See-More, ramming him into Mammoth while he continued fighting with Applejack, joining her friend/rival with her fight against the tough H.I.V.E. member. Billy Numerous surrounded Sunset and Fluttershy, several dozen duplicates of the multiplying villain ready to pounce on them, even though most of them didn't want to attack Fluttershy with how timid she was. Sunset used her magic to try to find the real Billy out of them, but when reading all their thoughts, it was hard to tell since they all had the same mind, but had different likes, dislikes, beliefs, and even thoughts on how the two of them looked in their ponied up forms. "Which one's the real one?" Fluttershy asked Sunset. "Urgh! I have no idea!" Sunset exclaimed in frustration. "They're all completely different, not mere clones with the same or lesser thought processing!" "Uhh, did she just call us dumb?" one of the Billies questioned. "At least she figured out we're all not the same Billy," another said, sounding quite impressed. "So, umm, which one's the real Billy?" Fluttershy asked. "AH'M BILLY!" they all said. "Oh. I thought that would work," Fluttershy uttered, thinking asking out of curiosity would have worked. They had no choice but to take out each one, but that would be a problem if each Billy can split themselves up. Looking up, she saw a murder of crows flying over the city, and it was quite a big flock as they seemed to be traveling south. "I think I have another idea. I'll be right back." Fluttershy flew up after the crows, prompting the Billies and Sunset to look up and watch, the latter smirking while stifling her laughter. "Now what in tarnation is that little lady doin'?" one Billy questioned aloud. "Ah don't know, but Ah don't think it would've been right to hurt someone like her," another said. "She looks like she wouldn't even hurt a fly." "She might not be fit for fighting, but she has her ways of stopping trouble," Sunset said, confusing all the Billies. Within minutes, the murder of crows suddenly swooped down, cawing and screeching as they attacked the Billies. Completely caught off guard, the duplicates yelped and tried to swat the birds away, getting pecked and scratched at as their attention was now focused on the flock suddenly attacking them out of nowhere while leaving Sunset alone. Fluttershy hovered back down beside Sunset, both girls watching the Billies scrambling to get away from the crows. "And after you're done picking on these bad guys, all of you will get plenty of bird seed to fuel you up for your long trip," Fluttershy said to the crows, doubling their annoyance on the Billies for their reward from the animal lover. "Kinda wished there were much more dangerous animals nearby you could convince to help us, but crows work, too," Sunset commented. Above them, Gizmo hopped from rooftop to rooftop with his mechanical spider legs, firing behind him with his blasters to knock Twilight out of the sky. She flew after him, avoiding his fire or using her telekinesis to lead the shots away from her and everyone down below. "Leave me alone, four-eyes!" Gizmo shouted, wishing Beast Boy didn't mess up his rocket thruster. Twilight ignored the rude comment, continuing her pursuit and managed to catch up to him. Gizmo growled, switching his blasters for his launcher, and fired a rocket at her. Twilight held up her hands, catching the explosive in her telekinesis, to the midget technicians dismay, then aimed it down at Mammoth right as he was about to slam his fists down and knock Applejack and Rainbow Dash over with a shockwave tremor. Mammoth grunted, glaring at Gizmo, thinking he shot at him on purpose, only to turn around to get hit in the face by a wrecked police car courtesy of Applejack. "AHH! Stupid magic powers! That's cheap, you big dork!" "Says the twerp using rocket launchers and who knows what other kinds of dangerous gadgets!" Twilight exclaimed, then focused her magic on Gizmo's pack. She hoisted Gizmo up, making him scream as he tried to break free, only to yelp and fall on his face when Twilight successfully pulled his multipack off his back. Twilight snatched the controller out of the dazed villain's hand, humming in thought as she observed his gear. Gizmo peeled his face off the roof, and when he looked up, he screamed as he saw Twilight levitating his pack with one hand while fiddling with the controller to activate all of its functions in the other. "Hey, don't mess with my tech!" he exclaimed, rushing at the taller teen, but she stuck her foot in his face, ignoring his flailing arms while toying with his device. Twilight managed to figure out which function served as what, switching between the different transportation modes and offensive projectiles, almost like they were programmed like controls in a video game. "Huh. Interesting." "I said gimmie my tech!" Gizmo demanded, his arms smacking Twilight's leg, but she barely felt anything. Twilight looked down at the pathetic brain of the villainous group, who was only more dangerous when around technology. "Wow. I'm pretty sure Fluttershy could easily knock you out without this, and she can't throw a punch to save her life." She pushed Gizmo back, but before he could lunge toward her again, he winced when he saw his pack's blasters aimed at him. "I'll give you a choice: you and your friends surrender, or you'll wind up in jail after we kick all of your butts." "Y-You're kidding, right!?" Gizmo questioned, though his nervousness was apparent as he stared down the barrel of his blasters. "W-WE'RE the ones kicking YOUR butts!" Twilight gave Gizmo a blank stare, then pointed behind him. He turned around and looked down, his eyes widening with sweat beading down his head; the H.I.V.E Five was getting their butts handed to them by the CHS girls. See-More was already knocked out after getting slammed into Mammoth thanks to Rainbow Dash, Mammoth was fighting Applejack with extreme frustration, only for Pinkie to pop in, smack some enchanted candy in his mouth, which he swallowed and seemed to enjoy before they exploded in his stomach, making him bloat up and pass out in pain before belching out pink smoke, Kyd Wykkyd was given the runaround by Rainbow Dash, keeping him distracted for Rarity to smack him with a diamond shield into a wall, and Billy Numerous and his duplicates were being harassed by a murder of crows, splitting up more and more to thin our their numbers while running away. "...Crud..." "Not as tough as Beast Boy told us you were," Twilight mocked. "You'd be surprised by how wonderful things turn out with a bit of teamwork. You managed to do that with our friend you almost killed, but why not us? Because we're...what did you say? 'Dumb girls who should worry about shopping for shoes?'" Looking over to Fluttershy, the animal lover noticed her looking her way, giving her a nod and called off her 'little friends'. As soon as the crows flew away from the Billies, Rainbow ran into each Billy, gathering them together, and once they were together, Twilight aimed Gizmo's blasters at them, blasting the duplicates back into each other and leaving one, the pain flooding back to Billy Numerous as he instantly passed out. Gizmo gulped nervously, shakily turning around to face Twilight, who had his blasters aimed right back at him. "You need to stop assuming us girls are just stereotypical gossiping, dress and shoe crazed, boy gawking teenagers, especially when they have magic you can't fathom." Gizmo panicked, running off the edge of the roof, taking his chances breaking his legs than get beaten by a bunch of girls. Just before he slammed into the sidewalk, Twilight used her magic to stop him mere inches from breaking every bone in his tiny body. The others gathered the other beaten H.I.V.E. Five members around Gizmo, plopping them down hard on the ground before he was dropped. The girls gathered together, staring down the beaten teen villains with Gizmo the only one unharmed, but defenseless without his gear, still hovering beside Twilight as if taunting him. "We just got started, you little dork!" Rainbow taunted with a pound of her fists. "You really don't want to see what happens when we combine all our magic," Sunset added. "Or would you like a sample right now?" Gizmo growled, humiliated and incredibly furious. "AHH! Screw that tubby T.V. junkie!" he screeched. Gizmo pulled out a remote from his pocket and pressed a few buttons. The girls thought he had a secret doomsday device up his sleeve, preparing themselves for whatever he was doing. Behind them, to their surprise, Gizmo made a portal appear behind him and his team. "Get up, you booger-heads! We'll get him later!" The boys all grunted, struggling to even stand while Gizmo yelled at them to move, even kicking them through the portal with his small, weaker stature. He turned around to face the girls once they all stepped through. "We'll be back after telling the doc how much you rainbow-puke horse-brained girls BEAT US!! AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!" And like a spoiled brat, Gizmo ran through the portal with his arms flailing about. Rainbow dashed forward, but the portal closed within mere seconds, barely reaching it in time. "Shoot! They got away!" Rainbow exclaimed. "And they have a way of making these portals at will," Twilight added, all seven girls reverting back to normal now that the dangerous group had fled. "Far more advanced than the portal I've worked on, and far more portable." "At least they're gone," Pinkie said. "For now. Best keep our eyes on them if they return...Hah! Keep our 'eye' on them! As big as that guy with the eyeball helmet!" "If Beast Boy would have just accepted our help, we all could have taken them out together," Applejack said. Mentioning the unconscious hero, the girls gasped, then hurried back to Beast Boy, making sure he was still with them. He had rolled onto his back, groaning slightly, but he was still unconscious. While they gathered around him, Beast Boy weakly squinted his eyes open. His ears were ringing slightly, his blurry vision making him see not his CHS friends, but his old team back in his world. "I think he's starting to wake up." He heard Robin's voice, then swore he saw Cyborg leaning over him with a cheeky grin. "Dang, B.B., you got your butt whooped!" "Cyborg" exclaimed, playfully teasing the dazed shapeshifter. "Good thing you got us to look after you, huh?" "Next time, try not to take on the H.I.V.E. solo, you nutjob," "Raven" droned, Beast Boy swearing he could see a small smile on the seemingly emotionless Azaranian. "I propose we host a celebratory feast of the junk food when Beast Boy recovers from such a glorious victory!" "Starfire" cheered. "I think he'll tough it out." The last voice confused him as another silhouette joined his friends, clearly female, and all too familiar to him. She leaned closer and could be seen much clearer, that girl being none other than Terra, wearing her black cropped top with a yellow T, the Teen Titan's insignia, yellow shorts with a brown belt, brown boots, and brown gloves, a pair of goggles hanging around her neck. Delirious and losing his vision again, Beast Boy weakly reached his hand out to his old crush in disbelief, feeling her own hand grasp his while giving him a loving smile. "Glad you're alright, Beast Boy." "...T-Terra?" Beast Boy weakly uttered before his eyes rolled back into his head, passing out. Hearing that name startled Fluttershy, holding onto his hand while she and her friends noticed he was hallucinating from the incredible amount of pain he must have been in. "Did he just call Fluttershy 'Terra'?" Rainbow questioned. "Sounds kind of like the name of the one girl Garfield liked," Sunset said, making Rarity and Applejack wince from blurting out something that only Fluttershy was supposed to know. "Hahaha! W-What, Sunset!?" Rarity loudly asked, emphasizing the fact that she, Sunset, and Applejack tailed the couple on their private date and wanted to feign ignorance. "Garfield had a crush!? W-Who could have he possibly liked that was probably better than Fluttershy!?" "Rarity, y'all ain't bein' subtle in the slightest," Applejack grumbled, though Fluttershy didn't seem disturbed by their knowledge. "We followed Fluttershy and Garfield to Equestria Land on their 'date', and we overheard him talkin' about a girl named Terra he liked." Rarity heavily sighed, the cat out of the bag and expected a pained look of distrust from Fluttershy. She still didn't react, focusing on the unconscious hero. She might not know much about Beast Boy, and she doubted a hero like himself would detail any parts of his life to anyone, but mentioning that name without that deep tone he made his voice to hide his identity shocked her, sounding similar to Garfield. Feeling incredibly anxious, she let go of Beast Boy's limp hand, reaching out to his mask to see who it was underneath. The girls finally noticed Fluttershy begin pulling off Beast Boy's mask, too late to stop her as their own curiosity peaked them about the mysterious, animal shapeshifting hero's identity. Once the mask was off, collective gasps were made when his face was revealed. "Oh my goodness," Twilight uttered. "No way!" Pinkie exclaimed. "I knew something smelled fishy!...And he never turned into a fish!" Fluttershy dropped the mask as she stared at her unmasked savior in surprise; it was none other than her boyfriend, Garfield Logan. "...Garfield is...Beast Boy?" she mumbled, finally figuring out what happened to her boyfriend earlier, but felt more conflicted by who he really was after this shocking discovery.