The Fallen Shadows

by VentesDemon

Braking Through Bridges

Limbo. An empty void set between the Living World and The Aether, a bridge that connects the two plains of existence yet simultaneously separating them. The vastness a paradox of size and scope that it becomes redundant as time itself has no power over this place. A cruel fate for any to be trapped within, as all matter of perception is removed from you. Leaving them in a stat of suspended animation. Frozen in place; unable to escape, unable to think, unable to live or die. Just there. Alone. Forever.
The Pony of Shadows, it’s host Stygian forcibly removed from it, had no choice but to unconsciously reside to its eternal fate. Having been banish by a past and present set of heroes for merely aided Stygian in his desire for power. It waits. A dark stain in the vast white of the void of Limbo with no hope receiving its senses let alone finding a means of escape.
It would need to rely on someone outside of this realm to be free once again.
Much time past outside of the void. While unable to perceive it the worlds outside of Limbo’s influence had continued to move forward after The Pony of Shadows was banished. Suddenly, a tiny, black dot appears quite a distance away from the dark entity. No bigger then the point of a sewing needle the black dot possessed a large degree of power within, despite it’s minuscule size. Free from the voids influence the dot began to move at such a slow rate, one would mistakenly perceive it as not moving at all.
Slowly, very, very, slowly, the dot crept closer towards The Pony of Shadows, driven by a will power so strong it broke through reality itself. The walls between the Living World and The Aether have to be strong, or else all of reality would implode on itself, destroying everything. Anyone with the sheer will power to send a portion of their power through realms is not to be trifled with.
Years, decades, centuries go by as the dot continued to close the distance. Finally, it drew close enough to the entity the black spot could feel The Pony of Shadows alluring power. The dot gradually grew faster the closer it got to the dark entity, until the two dark powers began to draw each other in like a magnet. As if it was shot out of a cannon the black dot flew across the remaining distance, colliding into The Pony of Shadows.
Granting it the ability to perceive once again.

“HUUUGH!” The Shadow entity gasp more in surprise then in any need of air. Possessing 360 degrees field of vision, the entity took in the empty void. “No…NO! First you take my host from me. Then you banish me to this retched place, a second time?!” The reverberating sound of its anguish roar dominated the space until it died out. “Somehow, someway I will escape Limbo! And when I do Starswirl, you and your friends had better have past on! If not, I will hunt you down, I will find you, and I will trap you all within my dark shade FOR ALL TIME!”
“A most intriguing course of action.”
Startled, The Shadow examined the entire void for the source of the new voice, but finding no one. “Who’s there? How are you able to avoid my sight?”
A high, throaty laugh covers the space. “I am King Sombra. And it is by my will we are speaking at all.”
“Is that so?” The Shadow began to look within itself. In moments it found the black dot with a purple aura around it had attach to the entity. “How are you doing this?”
“Time and perseverance.” The black dot spewed out a cloud of purple like flames as it took the shape of King Sombra’s head. “After my destruction at the hooves of that princess and her friends…” His words dripped with loathing. “…I returned to The Aether. Scattered at first, I was able to pull my consciousness back together after a time, all the while regaining much of my power. Once I did, I focused my efforts into breaking through the barrier into Limbo, just as I had the last time I was sent there.”
“Hmph. You must not be as powerful as you think, if it took you so long to break through.”
Sombra chuckled. “Who said I hadn’t before?”
That surprised The Shadow. “You broke through into Limbo once before?”
“Indeed. And much like this time, I happened upon your suspended form.”
The Shadow took a moment. “When you first happened upon me, were there others?”
“Yes, there was.” Sombra replied with an annoyed tone. “They formed a barrier around you, preventing me from reaching you.”
“And why would you want to?” The dark entity questioned. “Why go through the trouble of seeking me out?”
Sombra was silent for a few moments before growling in defeat. “It pains me to admit this. My power alone cannot break through the barrier between Limbo and The Aether. I…require your assistance.”
The Pony of Shadows lets out a triumphant laugh. “Even with all your power, you're still left wanting.”
“Silence!” Sombra commanded as his astral head ignited into green and purple fire. “You are as trapped in Limbo as I am in The Aether! But together…”
“You forget, Sombra. I alone reside in Limbo. I need only break through the wall to the Living World. What need have I for you?”
Sombra laughs mockingly. “How quickly YOU forget, that it is by MY power, MY will that you are speaking now.”
“Then I shall brake through it NOW!” Shifting a part of his form into a horn The Pony of Shadows fires a blast into the void. Hitting the wall, the entity poured more power into it revealing cracks.
“Don’t be a fool! My power can only reach so far! If you go beyond my threshold, you will be frozen once again beyond my reach, trapping us both!”
“You…underestimate my…power!” The Shadow was close to braking through.
“While YOU underestimate OUR power!”
The Pony of Shadows ceased its attack, returning its attention to Sombra. “‘Our’ power?”
Smiling, Sombra replied with a drawn out “Yes. Imagine, our dark powers merging together. Our mutual desires uniting our minds and bodies into one. Our revenge on those who defeated us.”
The Shadow lingered on the proposal for a few moments. “How can you be certain of our merger? What’s stopping either of us from assimilating the other?”
“We have too much in common to resort to that kind of action. Our dark powers grant us a kinship, our past defeats hardens our resolve, our common enemies provides us with common goals.” The ghostly Sombra head smiles wickedly. “But most importantly, you can’t use your full power without a host.”
The Shadow entity is shocked. “How do you…?”
“You mentioned a host earlier. I merely came to that conclusion.” The fallen king explains arrogantly, infuriating the dark entity. Growling and groaning to vent out his frustrations The Pony of Shadows finished with a grunt.
“You win, Sombra. We will work together to return to the Living World.” As it spoke the entity shifted and transformed his appearance into a rather large, dark unicorn with a wing like crest on his chest. The crest expanded and became actual wings, allowing The Pony of Shadows to hover close to the wall that leads to The Aether.
“I give you my word.” Sombra spoke as The Pony of Shadows charged up its blast. “We will be unstoppable!” With a jerk of his head The Pony of Shadows unleashed his power into the wall.

The close proximity to the wall caused the blasts impact to send a shockwave throughout the void. All this time King Sombra had been on the other side of the wall, channeling his power into a focal point in order to pierce through it. Now that The Pony of Shadows was blasting it from the other side Sombra expanded his beam, matching this allies blast in power.
Not long after that, cracks began to spread out from the impact area. “Do not let up! We are almost through!” Sombra shouted with excitement.
“I can…see that!” The two dark ponies gave everything they had into their blasts, causing more cracks to spread as chunks of the wall were blast away. With one final surge of power from both of them a great explosion erupted from the wall, knocking the two of them away.
Having used up most of his power Sombra was unable to keep the void from freezing The Pony of Shadows once again. The fallen king rose to his hooves with a grunt while shaking the ‘dust’ from his cape. A smile appeared on his lips as a throaty laugh escaped his mouth. They two dark ponies had blast a hole in the wall.
“I knew it! Once we merge together, feats like this will be child's play!” He spoke triumphantly. Taking a cautious step through the hole Sombra discovered he was too weak to resist the effects of the void. “Hmm. Perhaps if I…” Using what power he had Sombra managed to erect two dark crystals within Limbo. His test a success, the dark king began to erect more pairs of dark crystals, his magic hopping from one pair to the next until he reached the frozen Pony of Shadows.
Gathering his remaining strength Sombra transformed into his shadow form and quickly flew through the row of crystals, their natural radiance amplifying his powers enough to resist Limbo’s effect. Upon reaching the dark entity Sombra took his solid form and placed a hoof on it. With a pulse of dark magic The Pony of Shadows sprang to life and consumed King Sombra.
The entire time, a smile never leaving his face.
The dark entity shifted its form around, unable to decide what it wanted to do. The moments turned into minutes as a figure began to take form. It sprouted four legs with dark red armor boots, a sturdy body covered in a silver body armour with a dark wing crest on his chest. Sombra’s red cape appeared on his back as a dark black tail appeared, with an appearance similar to a flame. Finally the head took shape as a dark purple mane sprouted, covering the head and neck. The muzzle resembled The Pony of Shadows while the red eyes and horn took on Sombra’s appearance.
A dark, spiky crown appeared last, completing the transformation.
The creature took his time examining himself, flexing his legs, testing his neck, flicking his tail. Finally, he gazed up at his horn as it glowed purple and green with lines of pitch black. The creature looked down the rows of crystal at the hole they had made as other denizens of The Aether began to examine it. With a twitch of his eye, all the crystals returned into the 'ground' as the void repaired itself.
The opposing figure considered for a moment letting them escape with him, but decided against it. He didn’t want to find out what the consequences would be if the hole remained. His horn alight the creature covered the hole with the same aura and suddenly the wall began to fix itself.
“It is unwise to leave the wall like this.” The creature spoke in a deep, gravely, yet sophisticated voice. “Someone might discover what I’ve done.” Within seconds the wall was repaired without a trace of anyone around. Facing the opposite wall, the creature slowly walked towards it, charging his horn. “Now. Brace yourselves, Heroes of Equestria.” With a powerful cry he launched his blast at the wall. The hole was larger then the last one. “King Umbra of Shadows is coming.” His laugh started out a chuckle until he entered the Living World, where it grow into a hearty laugh. His horn alight once more the hearty laugh grew into a deep maniacal laughter as his aura cover the wall, repairing the damage without leaving a single trace.
A long time had past since either of the two creatures of darkness walked the Living World. But on this day, the day Umbra, King of Shadows took his first step into the world. He took a deep breath of the fresh air as he stood atop a hill, over looking the town of Ponyville.