//------------------------------// // 10.Parasite // Story: The Unbroken Spear // by Jamis //------------------------------// The group entered the castle and stood before five orbs which were held in stone arms of the center piece of the room. The pegasai of the group gently placed the orbs on the ground, they gathered around them and asked a few questions. As Twilight says she has something to try. The group leave the room except her, as Pantheon began to leave he posed a thought. 'She said she need space, not isolation, it would be best if I stayed where I can see her.' Atreus stood in the entrance way of the hall. He looked around the surrounding ruins looking for a threat, content that for now they were safe he looks back at Twilight to gauge her progress, the man saw a tornado of mist around the Elements. "Twilight?!" he sounded in concern moving quickly to her. She opened he eyes and gasped she jumped toward the Elements with Atreus close behind. The two of them disappeared as the other mares entered the room. The five of them called for their friend and companion(AN:no oxford comma = different people right?), they saw lights emerge from a near by building and ran in that direction. The two companions landed in a cloud of dust and came to there feet to see Nightmare moon, "Hahahaha," her evil laugh was mocking. Twilight got up and Pantheon got to his feet and took a battle stance. "Your kidding. Your kidding right?" Nightmare lifted her hand to front of her to show distaste. Twilight started to prepare a spell as Atreus charged the dark alicorn. Nightmare moon summoned a scythe of dark metal from her mist, it gleamed in the moonlight as it showed a terrifying image of death. "Face me parasite!" Pantheon ran with shield facing his opponent, spear close to the shield in his charge. His helmet plum blazed brighter than the rest of the lights as his weapons soon join it in a celestial display of power. "I am the goddess of the night you worm!" Nightmare screamed back. A thousand years of inner turmoil had not been kind to her ego. Twilight teleported unnoticed and began to work with the Elements. The two met with a clash and crash of steal sending sparks across the stones they stood on. The alicorn stabbed downward with her scythe, it collided and stopped when it met the warriors cracked shield. It held true and the warrior spoke in harsh breaths, "I have faced many self proclaimed gods!" Atreus bashed his shield throwing the scythe back and stabbed at the goddess. She cried out as his spear nicked her side and silver blood fell to the floor before she began to heal, "But when they die you can not hear their howls above the wind!" He assaulted her with a flurry of spear stabs and slashes. Nightmare used her magic to take the scythe from her grasp and spin it as she back off hovering a few feet in the air with her wings. Placed back in her hand she began use her scythe defensively to give herself time to channel magic. She struck out at him with lightening as he sidestepped and blocked with his shield. The fight was back and forth, each using their weapons as extension of their bodies. More than once both used their unique skills to nearly over power the other. There was a cry from Twilight as she was launched from the dais, the Elements sparked as Nightmare panicked. "No! No!" She quickly flew to the Elements as they sparked, she landed as they stopped. Twilight gasped, "But where's the sixth element?" The dark alicorn laughed as she stomped down shattering the artifacts into shards. "Did you really think you insects could defeat me?! The night shall rule forever! Hahahaha!" the dark alicorn's laugh echoed through the castle grounds. Twilight was about to lose hope before she heard her friend's voices from the corridor. "You think you've won by destroying the Elements of Harmony. Well think again because the spirit of the elements is right here!" She began to list each of her friends' respective Element. After explaining what the true spark was the sixth element appeared, "The Element of Magic!". "Not again! Never AGAIN!" the scream from Nightmare was bloodcurdling, she flew to attack Twilight before the final element could be placed on her head. As the scythe was descending it path was blocked by a masculine figure. Pantheon caught the scythe on the shield that was in his right hand. Nightmare was infuriated, the Elements began to form into necklaces on the bearers. Nightmare sent two quick bursts of magic, they knocked Atreus back and his shield from his hand. He didn't have time to recall it to him as a scythe dug into his skin, the man braced the spear-staff against the blade of the scythe to halt the blade's advance into his arm. The result was him being tossed to the side hitting the wall of stone with a thud. The Elements were done charging and fired rainbow beams of magic into the air before they corrected coarse toward Nightmare. "NOOOOOOOO!" The monster's screams were cut off by waterfall like bolt of magic that enveloped her like a storm. Atreus watched this with a sort of marvel, that such powerful artifacts were activated by such simply things. 'What a world I have found my self on.' his thoughts cut out as he fell into unconsciousness. His helmet slipping from his head as he finally collapsed. ... The mares awoke from unconsciousness and stood up, Rarity noticed her regrown tail and squeaked in from happiness. Just as they were finished saying they were the elements of friendship, the light of the sun came overhead. A gentle voice speaking alongside it, "Indeed you do my ponies." the mares knelled with their heads down as Princess Celestia came down from the light. The ponies were talking freely as another figure entered the scene, this one rised from the ground. There was a small puddle of blood from his injured arm. He stood and summoned his scattered weapons. The sound of his hands grabbing the flying armaments alerted the group of seven mares. They turned and everyone except Celestia did a mental face-palm, they had callously forgotten Pantheon. Twilight was the first to run over followed by Fluttershy who saw his injured arm. Before Pantheon spoke she had already cleaned and bound the wound in some gauze, "Thank you Miss Fluttershy." The princess walked over eyeing Atreus warily, "You are Princess Celestia, I have a few things to talk to you about." "As do I for you, but that can wait," Celestia turned to where Nightmare moon had been. "Princess Luna, it has been a thousand years since I have see you last, and in that time I have not forgiven myself for banishing you. Will you forgive me and rule with me again little sister?” Celestia was on her knees as she looked at her sister, Luna listened in shame but upon hearing her sister's final words broke and jumped to her in a hug. "We are sorry Celestia, we’re sorry!" the two held one another for a short while comforted by the other with tears fallen on the stones. While the hug happened Atreus looked at the princesses. He took in each one's appearance, Luna had plain blue hair and the same ocean coloured eyes. She had a blue horn, wings and her cutiemark of the moon was visible on her arm as a blue patch with a white crescent. She was much smaller than her sister, she was closer to one of the other girl's heights. He turned to Celestia, having taken in the white and gold of her person he saw her stylized sun on her arm. 'Funny none of them have commented on my lack of cutiemark yet.' the man looked around and saw the cutiemarks of each Element Bearer on their necklaces and arms. "Ummm, Pantheon? I noticed this when I wrapped your arm that you didn't have a cuitemark why is that?" at this all of the mares surounded and inspected the man. "He doesn't have a tail either!" Rarity said nearly fainting as she did. "It took you all a while to notice. I noticed he wasn't a pony when I walked up to him, I also remember that magic you have there, Pantheon was it? You were the meteorite that crashed into the Everfree weren’t you? Although how you did that, I am not quite sure." Celestia returned to the group with Luna by her side. "Oh yeah! You promised to explain that!" Twilight said pointing a hoof at the apparent non-pony. The Unbroken Spear laughed at the way she said her threat, "Where to begin?" the man seamed to pause in thought, "How about an introduction then?" Pantheon placed his weapons on his back. Then the group having all moved to his front so as to see his face as he spoke listened, "My name is Atreus," the group frowned at having been lied to indirectly, "my title is Pantheon, I am a human," he turned his head to Celestia and caught her eye and continued, " and I need help getting home to my planet of Runeterra."