The Unbroken Spear

by Jamis

9.World Brighter Than the Stars

Twilight entered the library and put Spike to bed. The little dragon had green fins, purple scales on his limbs and torso, and green eyes. His purple and green shirt was wrinkled, and he snuggled into his blanket. Twilight moved downstairs and began to frantically search for a way to defeat Nightmare moon, loudly murmuring about the Elements of Harmony. At that moment a rainbow streak entered the library, followed by five others.

"And just what exactly are the elements?! And I how did you know about Nightmare moon uh?! Are you a spy?!" the rainbow hair pegusus mare interrogated in a near hoarse voice. She was quickly pulled from Twilight's face by two separate hands.

"Sirmer down sally, she ain't no spy." the blond hair mare with a cowboy hat said as she calmed her friend. Applejack turned to Twilight, however she was interrupted by the voice from Rainbow Dash's second restrainer.

"The earthpony speaks true, she would not wish to stop the Nightmare if she was. However she does know what the monster is, and what can stop it." as the rest of the mares came into the library all eyes were drawn to the stranger.

"Hey! You never answered my question earlier. What's your name?" Pinkie popped into the front of the warrior's vision and interrogated him in a semi-serious tone.

"You can call me Pantheon for now," Atreus didn't feel like to share his name. He could not do so with every passing person. He had to solve this problem, these mares were sure to be out of his life soon enough, that it did not matter for them. "Now if would please illuminate the situation Miss?"

"Uh, Twilight." the unicorn said, a bit unsure if the stranger had any place being here to hear this. He was clearly not from around here he wore odd clothes, and held foreign weapons. That was another thing, he was armed.

"Hey we should throw you a welcome to ponyville and also maybe Equestria cause you don't look like you're from around here party!" Pinkie excitedly blurred her words together.

"Later, for now we must listen to Miss Twilight's explanation." as Pantheon spoke he removed his helmet, the plum had long since disappeared but he still appeared too unapproachable with it on. Hiding most of your face behind celestial steal doesn't tend to inspire trust. As the mares saw the slightly taller man's face they were a bit surprised to find him handsome.

Rarity swooned a bit, 'Oh my! He may not wear a shirt but he's such an exotic and handsome stallion. That accent sounds like one of the many in Manehattan.'

"I read all about the prediction of Nightmare moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only thing that can stop her. But I don't know what they are, where to find them, I even what they do." as Twilight spoke Pantheon considered her words.

'I may be able to defeat this Nightmare, but I can not bet the lives of this world on that.' his frown was small but noticeable. Almost as if to stop that frown Pinkie came to rescue with her words.

"'The Elements of Harmony: A reference guide'" the pink haired earthpony quoted.

Twilight rushed over and exclaimed, "How did you find that!?"

"It was under Eeeee!" pinkie answered in a cheery glee.

"Oh," Twilight grabbed the book in her magic and began to read a load, "There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known. Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery, the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. It is located in what is now, the Everfreeforest."

"The Everfreeforest!" the remaining mares yelled in semi-shock.

"It would be best if I went to retrieve the Elements. All of you should stay here while I do." Pantheon declared as he placed his helm on his head and moved to the door.

"And what makes you think we can't come with you uhhhh?" Rainbow interjected flying in front of the man, her cyan blue wings beating as she hovered in the air.

Twilight spoke catching everypony and person in the room, "I appreciate the sentiment but I really should do this on my own." Twilight left the library and started walking south toward the forest. The mares and man following her.

"No can do sugar cube. We sure ain't letting any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone." Applejack stated while her friends agreed.

"I did not realize you were all so comfortable entering a monster invested forest. If that is the case you may accompany me." as Atreus said this, it had the intended affect of taking some of the wind out of their sails.

"T-there aren't a-actual monsters in there r-right?" Fluttershy asked the group.

"There are." Pantheon stated in a clear and precise tone. The group tensed at the words before they started walking again after him.

"And how would you know. No pony ever goes in there and comes out?!" Rainbow asked confident in her statement.

The group finally came to the entrance of the forest and Atreus said one final line in an attempt to stop them from coming, "I was here earlier today, and I killed some wolfs made out of wood. There were also prints from a large feline creature as well. Because of the now unending night the predators may be still moving about."

The group looked scared before Pinkie laughed, "Perfect then you know how to get through the forest and well get the Elements lickity split!"

Atreus sighed and simply moved on, he could see that if he tried to convince them to stay it had as much chance to work as them telling him to stay. They may be scared but he also recognized the determination in their eyes. "Stay close, I have only been here once."

The group walked on they all kept their eyes on their surroundings, they neared a cliff Twilight broached the subject on her mind, "When you were in here earlier, did you have a purpose or were you lost?"

"I came here to get close to my destination. It was my best landing site." his words confused the group they stopped at the cliff, they didn't notice the starry mist seep into the ground.

"What do you mean land, you got wings under that cape of your's?" Dash asked in a confused tone. She picked up his cape and saw a backpack and no wings.

"No I am not a pegusus." he answered before turning to pull the cape back down.

"Then what do you mean land? And why did you land in the Everfree of all places?" Twilight asked intent on knowing this odd stallion's reasons.

"Did you not see my arrival then, I would think a comet falling to the ground would muster some attention?" as the words left Pantheon's mouth he regretted them. Twilight jumped into is face and screamed a one word question.

"What!?" as the unicorn said that the ground around the cliff crumbled and the flightless fell downward. The group screamed, the two pegusai moving to save Rarity and Pinkie. Applejack moved to save Twilight from falling off the very edge of the cliff. Words were exchanged between them and ultimately Twilight chose to trust Applejack letting go of her hold. She screamed before her pegusai companions grabbed her. Everyone but Applejack was at the base of the cliff, Apple jack jumped down onto several ledges and found herself at the bottom. "Wait, where is Pantheon?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Excellent work," the mares glanced up to see the man with his spear stuck into the cliff. He put his shield onto his back and dislodged the spear. As he fell rainbow moved to save him but another quick stab into the cliff-face to slow himself and a kick off the wall to land on the ground saved him. "Though having heard your conversation, it may have been a better idea to tell her your plan Miss?" Atreus looked at Applejack expectantly.

"Ahhh, Applejack. I must say your descent made mine look like nothing." Applejack said attempting to divert attention away from the fact that she didn't think to just say what her idea was. 'If that ain't just the most trust anypony ever put in me, i don't know what is.'

"The best climbers know how to fall." the man stated in response to the compliment.

“I have a question?! You said you were the meteor! How and what?!” Twilight asked.

“Not important right now, I will explain later if given the chance.” as he said that Twilight sighed but contented herself with the idea of a full explanation later.

The group moved on with Rainbow recounting her help in rescuing Twilight. Suddenly a manticore jumped from the bushes and growled. The group screamed and Pantheon rushed forward, "Stay behind me!" The manticore and Pantheon bashed at each other, and swatted away each others attacks.

The mares moved to help before Fluttershy yelled, "Wait!!" She moved to the manticore and cued to it. The manticore showed its paw to her. There was a thorn in it's paw. She removed the thorn and the manticore roared, Atreus moved to save the pegusus but saw her being licked and nuzzled by the creature. As it left Fluttershy and Twilight spoke to one another.

"That was a very brave but very dangerous thing to do." Atreus chided.

"I know but everyone needs a little kindness sometimes." she lowered he head and seemed to frown at his gaze.

"True enough, without kindness the world would be a cruel place. What is your name Miss?" the man agreed.

"Oh, uhhh, Fluttershy." as she said the words she sinked away from him again.

'Fitting, but that makes her all the more brave.' Pantheon reasoned. They continued to move until they came across an area of darkness the only light came from Pantheon. His cape was like a search light in the darkness with all the starry lights on it. His spear and shield held a calming blue glow which help the mare’s nerves. After a moment one of them screamed, the trees seaming to have transformed into vicious teethed versions of themselves. They mares began to cower as Pantheon took a defensive stance. Anything which could make the trees transform or even just appear this way was clearly not friendly. ‘Even if these illusions turn out to be harmless, something is trying to impede our progress.’ The man snarled as he began to walk slowly toward a tree ready for it to suddenly try a surprise attack. Runeterra had taught him that such sapient trees did exist.

Pinkie Pie began to laugh and giggle. The other mares looked at her and asked her what she was doing. Atreus was mostly confused as to what was funny. She began to explain in song, as her friends joined her in laughing the trees returned to normal in poofs of smoke. For his part Atreus was mostly impressed that such a vivid illusion could be so simply dispelled, but his eyebrows still scrunched and his mouth was slightly agape. “Hey there why are you laughing?” Pinkie asked Pantheon in mock offense. “Well if you aren’t going to laugh for the sake of laughing wanna hear a joke?” Atreus titled his head as if asking if she was serious. “Ok heres a joke. You should tip bakers often.” She paused waiting for his reaction. He wondered if she knew he was somewhat of a baker. “Cuz they really knead it!”

“Hahaha.” Atreus threw his head back in a deep laugh for a few seconds. “As much as I enjoy this cheery atmosphere, we really should get moving Miss?”

“Pinkamena Diana Pie, but everyone calls me Pinkie!” She smiled widely hopping over to him. He smiled back under the helmet before turn back to their chosen direction.

He moved ahead of the group though their laughing and giggling was never quieter. As they moved through the forest they came across a river. It appeared to be rapids, then the group heard a wailing. They came across a serpent. After talking with the great purple serpent the group found out that the reason he was crying was because his mustache was ruined. While some were unsympathetic and Rarity corrected the problem. She cut off some of her tail by borrowing Pantheon’s spear and gave the serpent the tail to act as a sort of temporary mustache. While he was stone faced and even let her borrow the blade of his spear. Pantheon was not happy, they had little time. Though that was not why he was angry. While this serpent moaned about his mustache, Atreus lived each moment treasuring the air itself. Every little privilege he held he was aware of. Having been so close to losing anything he had left many times over he was familiar with life’s simple treasures.

As they moved on Rarity noted his tense posture and moved up to ask him, “Is something the matter darling? You seem upset, did something happen back at the river?”

He turned his head to her question, “What is your name Miss.”

“I am Rarity dear. Nice to make your acquaintance.” Rarity said honestly.

Think of it through my prospective. I have lived a dangerous life and found this true. That We are privileged to breath. To taste the air. It is the last gasp of all who have died before us. And he uses it to complain about an unwanted shave.” he turned to her and smiled, “What you did showed patience, minor kindness and generosity. But I can not stand such shallow notions such as fashion.” Rarity was about to protest before he held up a hand to ask for silence to continue, “I have appreciation for beauty, and clothing can certainly be that. But to obsess over your looks like that. Simply shows me the hollow notions of looks is all they can care about. Many are able to put that aside, to care for more, to look past looks alone. But many are not able to.”

“No I understand, I love fashion and beauty. But I have a life outside of it. Friends, family, I have connections in life. While for others looks is the most important thing, and everything else is second. I would trade all my jewels and dresses. To never have any again. All of my pretty things just too keep my little sister happy and safe.” Rarity nodded and spoke a deeply genuine response.

The group of seven move in silence for a while before coming across the ruin. There was a bridge once upon a time. Now only ropes and a chasm. Rainbow flew down retrieved the rope bridge and got to the other side. There seemed to be voices coming from the other side and Rainbow was taking a long time. “Rainbow!” Her friends would shout out to the fog in concern, “Rainbow Dash! What’s going on.”

“I will see what is wrong, stay here.” Atreus said as he jumped the chasm with a running start. He landed and spotted the pegasus as she turned to him, “Everything alright?”

She was a little surprised to see him but quickly answered, “Yeah I just turned down these guys’ offer is all. I need to help my friends you know?”

As Atreus glanced around the area he saw nothing but receding fog, “Who Miss Dash?” She turned around and frowned, she quickly tied the bridge after deciding they had left. The whole group entered the castle.