//------------------------------// // 6.Leap of Faith // Story: The Unbroken Spear // by Jamis //------------------------------// Dawn came early, or at least it felt that way to Tough. He sat up from his bed and shuffled into the main room of his house. It may have been early to others, but Pantheon had always risen early to start his training. He had always been the last to leave as well, his arms heavy with use. He would clash with his fellow Rakkor warriors in practice. He would lose most fights, he was never the most skilled. That honour had belonged to his brother Pylas. Pylas had been from a prestigious family, unmatched in skill, and undeniably popular. Atreus' unbending drive to keep fighting and never back down was always met with contempt from Pylas and his followers. It was only after Atreus had saved Pylas' life after their unit was attacked by barbarians did they become brothers. "Your up early." Tough commented as he came to see his guest sitting at the table. The man appeared to be maintaining his weapons. "Got any preference for breakfast, it will be a little while before Steal and Sky come by with the maps you asked for." Pantheon moved from the table, seemingly done with his weapons' upkeep. "I am too satisfied with having actual food to care for any specifics beyond that.", Atreus had placed his helmet on the floor next to where he now returned his spear and shield. The closer you looked at him the more out of place he appeared, so much gold and blue. It was hard not to see him as an unusual pony when, he isn't a pony, his spear has unconnected floating blades on it's sides, all of his equipment glowed in some fashion, and he wore no shirt. While was not uncommon for a pony to go shirtless on a hot day in the sun. It makes far too much sense for a warrior or guard to wear armor, making him seem even weirder. The pair were silently waiting after breakfast, several words passed between them. However neither were talkative on there own. Tough Dough was used to being alone most of the time, and Atreus on the other hand was simply walling off large parts of his life from questions and that made him feel less approachable. After a little while another pair walk into the house carrying some small scrolls, books, and what appeared to be a leather back pack. "Good morning, how did you two sleep?", Sky chirped in a cheery tone. They were both wearing their armor again Pantheon noted. "I got up too early for what my body is used to.", Tough groaned sounding to be the opposite of his name for a brief while. "While I'm sure that is true and I tend to understand, you don't have to sound like you're in Tartarus." Steal catechized. "How did you make out on the couch Atreus?" "I was comfortable Miss Gait thank you for asking.", as he said the words he noted a small frown on the faces of the two guards. "Is there something wrong?" "You can call us by our first names Atreus, no need to call us Miss this or Miss that. It is far too formal, especially when we ignore your title and call you by your name.", Steal answered sounding a bit odd to his ear. Sky nodded in affirmation showing her support for what her teacher was saying. "If that is your wish then I can not continue to be so 'formal' with you.", the Unbroken Spear smiled to them as if he was making a joke. The small flushes on their faces were quickly smothered by their thoughts; the two mares moved to the table and spread the objects they had been carrying. "This is a map of Equestria.", Sky explained, "We're here, and Canterlot is here." She pointed to each and ran her finger along the map as if to express distance. "How you are going to get there lost on me." "The map may not be to scale but its still quite the distance.", Steal asked probing for information on how was going to get there. "Are there any uninhabited plots of land within a few days travel of Canterlot?", the question caught the group a bit off guard but Sky quickly answered. "Ummm, there is the Everfreeforest if I remember correctly. But its dangerous, filled with monsters and the like. You may want to avoid it. Not that you would have any reason to go there, its south of Canterlot. You would have to go out of your way. Why did you need to know about uninhabited land?" Sky's explanation was a quick and informative one to say the least. At worst it could be considered odd that she only asked her question after saying so much. Pantheon found the forest quickly after the description, "Good to know, I will need to get a compass and other supplies for the journey though it doesn't need to be too much. I'll get to Canterlot in a few days if uninhibited." "How?! Even if you had the bits to afford the trip by train, which we could get you by the way. It would still be impossible. The fastest pegusai could only make the trip in a week without any breaks except for sleep. And by train it takes longer than a week. How are you going to cross a channel of water and that distance in a few days without any help." Steal ranted. "I have heard the word bits used in our conversations before, is that a form of currency?", he asked the question in an attempts to ignore the fact that they had trains. Even in his village they had heard of the wonders that Hextech could accomplish. Though he didn't understand how trains and their Chemtech counterparts worked, he knew what they were. Traders were usually not the best sources of detailed information. "Aye, we should probably give you a run down on that before you leave. When did you want to leave?”, Tough then jumped in to save his guest from the confused guard’s rant. "Noon, when the sun is at its height." Pantheon answered honestly, 'I'll see the land below better that way.' "Well, we anticipated your need for supplies and gear so we packed you some travelling essentials and a few bits", Sky said. The remaining time they spent before noon was in how to not get ripped off by vendors by talking about the typical price of goods. Afterwards they moved from the town into the place they had stargazed the night before. They didn't know why he went there. For all the ponies knew he was going to draw a teleportation circle and poof he's there. 'Maybe that is it. And he wanted to know about the Everfree because he doesn't want to be seen.', Steal reasoned out. "I believe it is time for us to separate.", Atreus stated, "It was good to meet you three." Sky looked sad, she stepped forward, "I know we only met yesterday but, can we be friends? You're so nice I just want to know that I can know I call you a friend. Not a lot of ponies care about what I explain, but you listened. I know that isn't a lot of reason but-" Sky stopped talking when she felt a hand on her head, "On Runeterra there are many enemies, but friends you can count on are few and far between on. I would be happy to be your friend Sky.". The pegasus nearly jumped in excitement, "All of you can call me friend. You have all helped me enough that not calling you that would be ungrateful." They whole group smiled at the man, "You may want to move back." The group looked at Pantheon in confusion before moving a couple meters back from him. He smiled, waved, made sure the pack they had given him was secure beneath his cape, placed his helmet on his head at last, and faced south east. He brought his arms out in a swing before overlaying them, his spear behind his shield he slammed both down in a crouch position. Suddenly red energy burst from the ground and flew up and around him. The celestial magic pulsed out, he did this for a few seconds before he leaped up into the sky. The Aurora Borealis glowed in a deep orange in the sky despite the time of day. It looked as if a streaking comet had flown above them and was head across the channel at great speed. The group had mouths agape as they saw this, having a hard time comprehending what just happened. The town had heard and seen the light and gathered near the edge looking both at the comet and its launching pad. Tough recovered first and closed his mouth before opening it again to say, "I think he should work on his subtlety." Steal immediately turned to the older stallion and smacked him behind the head.