Sarah's Adventure's in Equestria

by Zipp Storm

Episode 83: The Good, The Bad, The Ponies and Humans

One day we were all on a train heading to the Canter Creek. “A trip to the untamed West, I can’t believe we’re all going. This will be a great entry in my journal about our travels through Equestria.” Twilight said. 

“I hope it’s rustic charming, like my book! Though the town in the book is rather primitive,  we should stop at a larger town for some accouterments.” Rarity said. 

“Accountre-what?” Pinkie asked. 

“This ain’t no joy ride y'all. We’re heading out there because my Grand uncle, Chili Pepper has up and disappeared. The townsfolk have asked my family to come and help them out while he’s gone. They mention some kind of trouble. Probably a drought. Who has a farm in the desert. Sheesh.” Applejack said. 

“What the name of the farm?” I asked. 

“Rancho Bronco, Sounds more like a two bit operation. O’ Chili Pepper never really did have any sense Granny Smith called him ‘Two turns short of a pepper mill’.”

“It must be important if the name of the town is on a sign.” Kaede said. 

“Mentions what? The sand? What can they possibly grow there?” Mason asked. “Not apples. That’s for sure. Give me topsoil and a day.” Applejack added. 

Applejack pulled her hat off of Rainbow Dash, “I don’t wanna go to school today.” she said groggily. Then the conductor called, “Last stop! Welcome to Canter Creek everypony.” 

We were all excited and saw a brown earth pony with a tanish mane and tail. He was wearing a yellow vest with a yellow star pin on it. “You must be Sheriff Tumbleweed.” Applejack said. 

“And you must be Applejack, We’ve been expecting you nice to make your acquaintance.” Tumbleweed greeted. 

Rainbow and Twilight were busy taking Rarity’s bags out of the train. “Isn’t this supposed to be Spikes’ job?” Rainbow asked. 

“He’s at the Pony Trek Convention in Las Pegasus this week.” Twilight stated. 

“Come on, I can take you to the ranch, Applejack and you can introduce me to your friends on the way.” Tumbleweed said. We all followed Tumbleweed and Applejack through the desert to the ranch. The ranch was huge. “What in Equestria was Chili Pepper thinkin’!” Applejack exclaimed, looking at the side of the ranch. 

“You Grand Chili Pepper started this place from the ground up now it's the central hub for trade these days. The whole town is built out of what ponies do here…. There’s a natural spring over near the main house ...the ranch grows, hay, cotton, potatoes and all kinds of peppers. That pony sure does love his namesake.” Tumbleweed stated. 

“Woah…” I gasped. Sarah and Snowflake looked around the ranch as well Tumbleweed gave Pinkie, “A Wendigo Ghost Pepper, the hottest peppers in Equestria.” and her face blew up with fire and we all winced at her pain. “Delicious can I have another one?” she asked.

“Woah.. she’s tough.” Tumbleweed said. 

We all nodded. 

Tumbleweed showed us the town and we entered an empty bar. “So without Grande Chili Pepper there’s nopony to run the town? How come nopony has stepped up?” Twilight asked. 

Tumbleweed sighed, “There’s the kicker. I’m sure you have noticed all the Wanted posters?” 

“I was wondering about them.” Sarah spoke up. 

“I knew they were important.” Pinkie exclaimed. Then Tumbleweed showed us a wanted poster with a large bull on it. “These are the Cattle Rustlers. They’re a gang of outlaws that are terrorizing this town. Every week they come into town, demanding supplies,  and food… then they disappear into the mountains.” Tumbleweed said. 

“That’s bullying!” Kaede said. 

“Yeah, those maggots!” Skye added. 

“The whole place is in a mess without a leader. No pony wants to take over the ranch because most ponies are convinced that Longhorn, the leader of the bunch, has run Chili Pepper out of town and the same could be done to them.” 

“Nopony in my family would give in to a bunch of hollow horned bandits!” Applejack exclaimed. 

“Every pony in this town is afraid of a cow?” Jack asked then laughed, “What wimps.” 

“Jack, be nice.” Kaede scolded. 

“Shaddup.” Jack said. 

Suddenly, there was a loud rumble, “What is that?” Kaede asked. 

“Oh no.. not now.” Tumbleweed said. We all came out of the empty bar and saw a gang of bulls… riding goats? “It’s the Cattle Rustlers. They’re back everypony. Get down and Hide!” Tumbleweed cried. 

“Longhorn, I thought I told you I didn’t want to see you back in my town again.” Tumbleweed growled, looking at the leader. 

“You did say that, didn’t you?” Longhorn asked. Then he flicked him hard into a wooden pole saying, “I didn’t listen.” 

“You little ponies all know the drill, fill the saddlebags with all the food, water and whatever else that’ll fit in them. Hurry it up and nopony gets hurts.” Longhorn said, as the ponies filled the saddlebags. 

“Why I oughta.” Applejack growled “Hey, you bunch of yellow-bellied, brisket cowards!” 

“What did you call me pony?” Longhorn growled. 

“Ya heard me!” Applejack yelled. “Scaring folks and robbing them blind. How dare you!” 

“You don’t scare me. I have a fancy magical unicorn on my side. Sarah! Do your magic thing all over these poor saps.” Then Longhorn pushed her and she went flying hard into a shed. “Applejack!” Mason cried. He and Twilight ran over and saw the dazed Earth Pony. 

“Hey! Pink on someone your own size!” Jack growled, cracking his knuckles. “And what can you do to me, whimp?” Longhorn challenged. Jack’s face turned red with anger but then  Sarah stepped up to Longhorn. “What do you want little pony? Have anything for me?” Longhorn smirked. 

“No, but I will say. Return the ponies products.” Sarah said bravely. 

“And what if I don’t? What are you gonna do about it?” Longhorn smirked at Sarah. Snowflake zipped in and grabbed the bag.”HEY!” Longhorn growled. Sarah then grabbed him by the arm and swung him far out of town. The other cattle rustlers were shocked and followed their leader. Jack laughed, "Look at 'em go!"

"Woah... you threw him like it was nothing." I said to Sarah in awe.

"No big deal." Sarah shrugged.

"But Sarah, what if they come back with a vengeance?" Carrie asked, nervously.

"Well.. then I'll be ready for 'em." Sarah said boldly.

That Night... 

The cattle rustlers were outside of town and Longhorn was discussing what happened to his group, “That new unicorn stood up to me and stole from me?! She could be trouble.” Longhorn said. 

“That no good Chili Pepper has been gone for months with him out of the way and no deed to the ranch to be found and we don't need anypony ruining my plans.” he growled looking over the town. 

“Oh no, here comes the monologue.” a cattle rustler said. 

“Whoever controls Rancho Bronco controls Canter Creek. I plan on that being me.” Longhorn said. 

“So we scare off the new pony.” another cattle rustler said. 

“Ha, That’ll be easy.” another one said. 

“Very easy.” Longhorn said. 

Back at the Ranch..

“And without a deed to the ranch, the whole town is in limbo.” Twilight said. 

“Possession is 9/10ths of the law out here. Chili Pepper didn't leave a deed or let anyone know his wishes if we.. er.. Not here anymore.” Tumbleweed said. 

“Oh no! Are you saying he’s sleeping with the fishes!” Pinkie exclaimed. 

“No. He just packed up his things and left one day. He didn’t leave anything about where he was going or when he was coming back.” 

“And no pony will take charge cause of Longhorn and his gang?” Applejack said. 

“Longhorn has scared everypony stiff. He wants the ranch to himself. He thinks it’s his ticket for money and power around here. With Chili Pepper gone, it’ll be considered abandoned in due time. Longhorn has been camped out in the land long enough, he could claim rights to it. He’ll take it by force if he has to but I think he wants it legal… ish.” 

“So while he's waiting for the town to be considered abandoned, he;stealing from the ponies! That’s horrible!” Kaede said. 

“It can’t be that hard to chase them off. We’ve faced worse.” Rainbow said nonchalantly. 

“We sure will. You can count on us Tumbleweed. We’ll get those lily-livered rustles outta here.” Applejack promised. 

Anypony else here a ruckus?” PInkie asked. Snowflake growled and rushed outside with us following and we gasped to see the barn on fire and Longhorn! “Shame about your barn, Ma’am. It’s be terrible if anything else happened while you were staying here.” Longhorn said. 

Applejack was very angry. “Get back here.. You.. twerp.” she called in anger. 

“Very menacing.” Jack rolled his eyes. 

“The barn we need to put out the fire!” Tumbleweed said. “Everypony grab buckets!” 

“No need!” Sarah called. “I got this.” 

“How?” I asked. Clouds began to roll in behind her and she gave a loud lion roar and the clouds behind her turned into roaring lions! The wind from the roar hit a clouds and turned it into a rain cloud that drenched the barn and put out the fire! 

“Holy Crap Baskets!” I exclaimed. "It can make rain clouds too?!"

“That’s something new, newbie!” Jack added with the same tone. 

“That was awesome!” Rainbow added. 

“All that fro fro magic and power and you aren’t going to us it to bust up those cows?!” Applejack exclaimed. 

“Bulls.” Fluttershy corrected.

“I will not use my magic to harm creatures, Applejack. That is not the way to end this confrontation.” Sarah said. 

Applejack threw her hat on the ground. “Meadow Muffins!” she exclaimed.

“Is this the kind of thing Chili Pepper was puttin’ up with?” she asked. “No wonder he went and ran off! Burnin’ down a ponies’ barn. That ain’t right.” Applejack said. 

“Yeah, this is harassment!” Jamie added. 

“Well what are we gonna do about it?” Mason asked. 

“We bust them up, that’s what?” Jack said cracking his knuckles. 

“Jack, you saw how they flicked Applejack, they could do something worse to you.” Twilight reasoned. 

“We’ll get the ranch through this Applejack.” Rarity said.

“Yeah as long as we’re together.” Pinkie added. 

“If Longhorn pulls out half the stops he did when he after Chili Pepper, things’ll get worse fast.” Tumbleweed said. “I'll call a town meeting in the morning everypony needs to hear about what happened.” 

The next morning everypony was gathered at the Town Hall and everypony was worried, “What do you think he's gonna do next? My farm is right up against the ranch. I can’t afford for anything else to happen.” One earth pony said.

“Blazing Saddles, we’ll do everything we can do to stop the Cattle Rustlers before things go too far… but we need to work together.” Tumbleweed addressed. 

“Tumbleweed’s right.” Applejack said. “We need to work together to save Rancho Bronco. Longhorn thinks he can take this town, well we’ll show him that he won’t take this town without a fight! Let’s show these bullies that they can’t take our town!” 

The townsponies cheered and that morning everypony had made barriers at the entrance of the town. Twilight placed a sticky trap if the barriers failed. “When the Cattle Rustlers trip the trap, theses barrels of gallons of sticky syrup will roll down the hill and crash into them. Then the feathers will fall on the syrup and they’ll look like big chickens. Chickens. Then they spring the trap. The Barell rolls, right?” Twilight explained. 

“I hope all those naked chickens are alright.” Fluttershy replied. The barriers was a fence that was made from pointy wood with barbed wires wrapped around them. “I sure hope this works.” Tumbleweed prayed. 

Then somepony yelled, “Longhorn’s a comin!” Tumbelweed was biting his hat anxiety. “Don’t worry, Tumbleweed, if the fence doesn’t stop them, Twilight’s fancy sticky trap will.” Applejack said. 

“Chicken spring roll!” Twilight called. 

“Here they come.” Fluttershy said. 

And he and his rustlers came with a vengeance and they brushed past the barriers and Twilight’s sticky trap! Then Pinkie actually breathed fire on them (which I guessed was from another ghost pepper) but even that didn’t stop them! 

Longhorn was angrier than ever. “Little ponies! You know the drill.. Food and water.. In the bags now!” he bellowed. The ponies began filling them up. “Fill em up.” Longhorn said. But once again, Snowflake snatched the bag. Longhorn growled and saw Sarah approaching him. 

“Back off little pony unless you want trouble.” Longhorn threatened but Sarah wasn't scared. 

“The only trouble around here is you, Longhorn and I suggest you and your rustlers leave this land and the ponies alone.” Sarah said in a determined voice. Longhorn got right up in her face. “You wanna challenge me little unicorn pony?” 

“If that’s what you want, then I’ll challenge you… for the ranch!” Sarah declared. 

Everyone one, including us gasped at the challenge! Longhorn snorted in her face, “If that’s how you wanna play it, punk. Then fine… tomorrow. High Noon. Be ready.” Longhorn said. 

“I will be.” Sarah said. Longhorn and his rustlers then rode away from town. We all immediately confronted her. “Sarah, have you lost your pests lovin mind?!” Applejack said.

“You can’t fight Longhorn and his rustlers. They’ll tear you apart!” Tumbleweed added. 

“I am not letting them continue this act of harassment any longer.” Sarah said. 

“But Sarah-" Twilight started but was cut off when Sarah raised her hoof, "I'll be fine, Twilight. I've face worse foes than Longhorn."

"Oh yeah. Name one?" Jack asked.

"Void." Sarah replied with a deadpanned expression.

"... Alright that counts." Jack stated.

"I'll be fine." Sarah reassured.

"Alright, I hope you know what you're doin sugarcube." Applejack said.

"I do." Sarah smiled.

High Noon

Longhorn stood at one side of town while Sarah stood on the other. The two stepped forward while all of us stared in worry and concen. The two stopped ten feet apart from each other. "Ready...?" he asked.

"... Yes."

A moment of silence followed.. before... they both said..."Draw!" Longhorn charged Sarah and she just stood there.. before, "DINO-SLASH, STEGOSAURUS, SHAKE HIM UP!" Quake came down and roared. Longhorn skidded to a stop and landed on Quake's face. Quake growled.

"Hey, that's cheating!" Longhorn said.

"You said we'd be fighting. You didn't say exactly what we'd be fighting with." Sarah said. Quake lifted Longhorn into the air and smacked him with his tail, sending him miles and miles away from Rancho Brancho! "Nice distance!" Rainbow called. Quake roared and the rest of Longhorn's gang of cattle rustlers head for the hills. The ponies of Rancho Brancho cheered happily. Sarah returned Quake to his card.

"That's the way Newbie." Jack commented with a laugh.

"I don't think you'll ever see them again." Rainbow said, nudging Tumbleweed.

"Thank you kindly, Sarah." Tumbleweed said.

"I'm was happy to help you, Tumbleweed." Sarah said. "You won't have to deal with them anymore."

Tumbleweed smiled big and the townsponies cheered. That Night, Pinkie Pie threw a large party for everyone. While everyone was partying, Sarah just watched from the sidelines, leaning against a building pole. "Hey Sarah, come and join the party." Rainbow called.

"Hell yeah, its all about you tonight." Jack laughed. Sarah sighed, "Alright." and she came over and joined in as we all partied into the night.