//------------------------------// // Ḿ͘͜ų̀͟͟s҉҉̛t̸̡͢ ̶̸͞͡b̢͜͞͏e҉͏͜ ̡͢h̴̨͘͘èr̸̛̕͞ ̶̡̛̀͜s̶̷̸͘͠a̸͘͢͞c̡̛ŕ̢̧͘͡i̴͏̡͘f̵͜i͝͠c͏͞͝͏e̡̛̕͢.̨̢̨̛͢ // Story: The Black Moon Howls // by -Pinkamena_Pie- //------------------------------// An explosion ripped through the air as Mena and Silence ran across what seemed like a literal battlefield. Hordes of unspeakable monstrosities battled the forces of humanity. The sky was scarlet red, the ground burnt to ashes. Whatever deity had been overseeing the land surely had abandoned it for good. Thankfully, the ponies were far enough away that they went unnoticed. Thusly, they ran towards a forest, anticipating the portal lying within. "Silence, try not to bring us near any skirmishes next time. I think that one steel thing grazed my tail," Mena said. Necessary evil, I apologize. Thankfully, we're almost where we need to go. Clearing is just up ahead," Silence replied. "You seem worried about something, Silence. What's wrong?" "This feels too easy. We're almost at the clearing, and we didn't even have to deal with any attackers," Silence said, glancing over his shoulder. "I mean, count your blessings, right?" Mena replied as the ground shook from the biggest explosion yet. She almost lost her balance before Silence's hooves grabbed her and kept her steady. In the distance, a small mushroom cloud was seen. "Oh no... That one might have been an Alpha... No, it can't be. This whole forest would've been leveled if that was the case," mused Silence quietly. "You mind telling me what the buck an 'Alpha' is?" Mena said. "Oh... It's basically something called a nuclear bomb. It's supposed to level the entire facility. And considering that the GOC decided to take over an abandoned facility and use it as their base..." explained Silence, before another explosion could be seen over the hill behind them. "WHOA, WAY TOO CLOSE!" yelped Mena in shock. "Run faster. That's all I can say," Silence deadpanned, speeding up himself. "Easy for you to say, you have wings!" said Mena grumpily, speeding up as fast as she could gallop. The explosions and gunfire continued, staying somewhat of a good distance away as they galloped to the clearing. As they continued through the woods, they noticed something strange. "Hey... Silence..." Mena began. "Yeah...?" "Don't humans have animals in their world?" "Yeah..." "Then why can't I hear any?" As soon as Mena asked the question, multiple beings jumped out of the trees, surrounding them quickly and efficiently. Their weaponry was aimed at both the Pegasus and earth pony, ready to fire. "Krosis!" swore Silence in the language of the GrimDark. "I did NOT think they'd know where we were headed." "Oh, they didn't. I, on the other hand, did. Wouldn't want to lose my bride all too soon, now would I?" smiled the Scarlet King, striding forth. "What?! But Midnight said... Krosis Acarno! How did you survive the Spear of the Non-Believer?!" said Silence, unwilling to believe they had been found out. "Oh, you completely missed my heart. Of course I'd survive that poor of an attack," the Scarlet King smirked. "You got lucky, King. If I had aimed slightly more to the right..." snarled Silence, landing with stance wide and wings flared, in the usual defensive position Pegasi took when threatened. "Unfortunately for you, you did not. And so, I will kindly ask you to allow me access to my bride. She and I have unfinished matters to attend to." the King said. With a wave of a hand, Silence was launched through a tree and into the ground, as an unstoppable force flung him away. With that taken care of, the Scarlet King approached Mena casually. "It's not very nice to run away from your husband, Mena. You should feel ashamed of yourself," he said calmly. Mena snarled and spit at the King in defiance. "See, this is what I love about you ponyfolk. Even when you know you're doomed, you still stand strong and fight back," he commented, as he wiped the saliva from his cloak. "Now... I believe you owe me an apology... And an heir." Before the Scarlet King could take a step further, however, a hoof made contact with his face, pushing him back several feet. The owner of the hoof landed on the ground between Mena and the Scarlet King, cracking his neck. "Over my dead body, King," growled a glitching Silence, pawing at the ground with a hoof. "I suppose I could use some exercise, little pony. This shouldn't take more than a minute," the King said with a smirk, as his humanoid form wavered and changed. And so... The battle began.