The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper

by Techogre

60 - The Fall Of Rome

Shining Armor slammed the doors to his house open, “Cadence! Where are you?”

“In the office, dear,” she called out calmly from down the hall.

His measured steps echoed down the hall. With a weariness far beyond his years, he threw himself down into a chair. “How could you? How could you side with that, that, thing over your own husband!?”

Cadence looked up from the paperwork covering the desk and peered over her glasses, “What do you mean? Do you mean the rescue mission? Yes, I sided with him. It was an emergency and he was doing the right thing, dear.”

Half ignoring her, he pleaded, “He even used your name without permission! A, what did he call it? A ‘Cadenza tier relief mission’? What, in Celestia’s name, is that?”

“It’s exactly what it sounds like, dear. A relief mission based on love for our fellow beings. Didn’t you want to help those poor diamond dogs, dear?”

Shining rolled his eyes, “Of course I did.”

“But?” Cadence prompted.

“But, there is a system in place for that. It’s a good system. There was even an FD110023/7 filed for pony sake. The food was going to be there in a few days, tops.”

She took her glasses off, carefully folded them, and looked across the desk to her husband. “Days they may not have had, dear.”

Chamor sat in his high-backed chair, forehooves together. “I called you here to tell you I will help you. As I explained, I am not a lawyer, but I do have some interest in this case. I’ve done some research and the facts were... disturbing.”

Bramble Roller clapped her hooves, “You will? You’ll help us get our little Scootaloo-loo back?”

There was a moment of silence. Chamor glared at them. “I’m not doing it for you, and I will not be getting her into your clutches. I’m doing it to protect that foal from the chaos magic that... thing radiates.” The two ponies just stared at him. “Oh, it has done some things that, on the surface, seem good, but the deeper repercussions...” Chamor waved a dismissive hoof, “No matter. His chaos is a danger to all of us, especially that filly. And I don’t feel like moving her from his influence to yours will be any improvement for her.”

Bramble lunged forward, slamming their hooves on Chamors’ desk, knocking one of the little golems to the floor. “But, but, why should we pay you if you’re not getting us our little Loo-loo back?”

“I don’t need your money. Besides, that filly needs to be taken away from it. If the courts decide you’re now fit to be parents, then so be it. As long as she is being protected from that spawn of chaos, I will be satisfied.

Dash was worried. I could see it on her face. “Come on, Alex. Let’s get you checked out. That magic can’t be good for you.”

I tried to calm her fears, “Dash, sweetheart, it was just a flower. What could the harm be?”

She facehoofed, “Alex, we don’t know what that thing will do to you. You need to get to a doctor. Now.”

I pleaded, “What about Scoots and Summer Blossom? We can’t leave them in the middle of the night.”

Summer came down the stairs, “Mother, take father to the healers. I will keep my little sister safe.”

Scootaloo trotted down the stairs behind Summer Bloosm. She stood tall and stuck her chest out, “Yeah, Mom. Get Dad to the hospital. We’ll be fine.” She lost some of her composure, “Dad? Get yourself looked at. Please?”

Despite my protests, we went to the hospital emergency room. As we crested the hill, I could see a mob at the entrance. In the crowd was a huge pony, maybe ten times the size of a normal pony, and one that looked like it was on fire, calmly pacing. As we neared, I heard one pony call out, “Sdrawkcab klat si od nac I lla, taerg si siht.”. Every pony was affected in a strange and unique way. One glowed bright green, one was sneezing like mad, with flowers popping up whenever she walked, and there was a hole in the press of ponies shaped like a pony, even one pony who was grinning like crazy but whose eyes were downcast.

I felt a cold chill, “Okay, I may start worrying after all.”

At the door, I saw Nurse Redheart with pen in mouth and clipboard in hoof, trying to organise this mayhem. We waded into the chaos. I started getting crushed by the crowd, but Dash saved me by pulling me up and out of the press of bodies. “You need to lose weight, Alex. Seriously.”

Nurse Redheart called out in exasperation, “Not you, too!” She pulled a slip of red paper from the clipboard, “Here, take this. It will get you straight to Dr Emerald.”

“Now, sit on the table so I can get a good look at you.” Emerald’s horn glowed a sickly green while he leafed through a binder with a sketch of my face on the cover. “Yes, your background chaos magic signature is only up one point seven percent over your last measurement. An alarming amount if you were a pony, but well within your normal values. A normal uptick of twenty-five percent or more is required for any physical changes from the poison joak. You should be fine. Still, we should take some samples.”

I tensed up, remembering Twilight’s method of sample collection.

Dr Emerald must have noticed my apprehension. “Oh, don’t be such a foal. I will be using a modified version of the technique Miss Twilight Sparkle used. And don’t worry, I only use the finest foal needles.”

After a few minutes of discomfort, I had my clothes returned the right way around and started to leave.

“One moment. I’m giving you a conditional discharge. If you have any odd effects, no matter how minor, I want you to come back here as soon as possible. Is that clear?”

With a sigh, I answered, “Yes, doctor.”

Dash patted me on the head, “Don’t worry, Doc, I’ll bring this lug back here if he has any change at all.”

When we returned home, Scoots was sitting on the steps, wrapped in a blanket, sound asleep, with a little line of drool on her bottom lip. Summer Blossom was sitting beside her, cross-legged, eyes closed. As we drew nearer, her hunter’s eyes snapped open. She turned to Scoots and gently touched her shoulder, “Wake, little sister. Father and mother have returned.”

Scoots snorted and woke blearily, “Wha?” Realisation drew across her face, “Dad!?” She bolted towards us as fast as her little hooves could carry her, stumbling once or twice on her way. She jumped into my arms, “Dad, are you okay?”

I snuggled her, “Don’t worry, pumpkin. Your old stal is just fine.” I looked up at Summer, “Thanks for staying with her. We appreciate it.”

Summer rolled her eyes, “Why would I not, father? I am a good dog.”

Dash smirked, “The best, and don’t you forget it.”

I stood, carrying Scoots, “Alright, I think we all need a good night’s sleep. It has been… a day. A little rest and we can tackle whatever the future holds.”

It was that moment in the morning, just before I really woke up.

I could smell Dash's scent.

I smiled to myself, "Mor- OOF!" My next sensation was to be bucked off the bed, right in the chest.

Dash snarled in a menacing tone, “Where’s Alex? What did you do to him?”

This was no time to panic.

I replied in confusion, “Whoa! It’s me, Alex! I…” I started rubbing where she hit me. That’s not right. I looked down, “I’ve got breasts?” I looked at my hands. They were much more delicate, more feminine, even with the scars.


Now this is the perfect time to panic.