My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - The Friendship Chronicles

by Hotspot the 626th

Part 2 Epilogue

Disturb Not the Harmony
The Danger that Lies Beyond

A few days later, after the Lively Town incident…

“What gave you the right to let those ponies into our land?!”

“Don’t you remember the atrocities they committed against Pokémon kind?!”

“Why did all of you help them escape?!”

Inside an enormous cavern, many Legendary and Mythical Pokémon were gathered together and shouting. Many were angry over the actions of some individuals within their ranks that had broken a taboo. The main culprit was Lugia, but he appeared to have many accomplices. The Legendary Bird trio: Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. There were also some Mythical Pokémon; Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Shaymin, Victini, Meloetta, and Hoopa. Finally, there was also Tapu Koko, who was surrounded by his fellow Tapus with confused stares. The other Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon present were sitting around the cave in individual seats representing their presence. Standing before the accused was none other than Arceus itself, gazing down at them with tempered anger.

Another Pokémon soon began to shout. It was a giant red lizard creature: Groudon. “What reason is there, Lugia, to let those things into our land when we worked so hard to make sure they never got in?!”

Finally, Lugia spoke. “I did so to help protect our home,” he answered calmly.

Another roar of argument erupted. Eventually, Arceus had enough of the bickering going on around him, and he commanded for them all to be silent. Every Legendary and Mythical Pokémon obeyed without question. Then, Arceus began to ask the questions.

“What made you believe that allowing the creatures of this world passage to our home would protect it?” spoke the Alpha Pokémon evenly, with only a hint of anger laced in its voice.

Lugia closed its eyes for a moment, collecting its thoughts and recalling what it was that made its decision. It then opened its eyes, showing both confidence and concern. “I foresaw our home under attack,” it stated.

All the Pokémon around the room began to talk but between each other. Arceus ignored their whispers and continued to question further. “Attack by whom?”

“I do not know,” Lugia answered truthfully.

All the Pokemon in the room were surprised in hearing this, especially to Mew. “You’re saying that the Ultra Beast attack wasn’t what your vision was about?”

The dragon-like Pokémon shook its head. It then started to explain, “What I saw was much worse than that Pokémon’s appearance.”

“What do you mean?!” shouted a large bull Legendary, Terrakion. “Aren’t the Ultra Beasts and their master the very reason we’ve had to come to his world in the first place?”

“I agree with Terrakion,” spoke a birdlike Legendary with a moon theme, Cresselia. “If those Beasts have found us again, they will begin to invade as they did before.”

Lugia began to speak more gravely, “What I saw was not merely the destruction of Pokémon, but their enslavement.”

“What?!” shouted many including Zekrom and Mewtwo.

“Are you suggesting the creatures of this world are going to enslave us?!” shouted a smaller bull Legendary that was red, Heatran. “And you allowed them to enter our home to what? Give them time to select which place to attack first?!”

“Outrageous!” shouted a brown Legendary Pokémon floating on a cloud, Landorus.

As the room of Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon began to argue, Jirachi soon floated up next to Mew. It started shouting which silenced everyone. “I don’t believe Lugia felt like those ponies were some vanguard or something for an army. They were all really nice and fun, and helped my friends to defeat the Ultra Beast.”

“I and my friends wouldn’t have come to aid Lugia otherwise if we sensed evil intentions,” Mew stated, with his group also nodding in agreement.

Tapu Koko then joined the trio in the air. And it spoke, “I have watched them for the three days that it took for you, Lord Arceus, to arrive and deal with them. I didn’t trust them at first. But in all that time, I saw them connect with the Pokémon of Lively Town much like how our old friends from the old world did with us long ago. They were not evil creatures.”

“Koko…” spoke Tapu Lele with surprise. The other two Tapus were the same.

Lugia then spoke next. “I would think you, Lord Arceus, would understand their ability to connect to others despite being different.”

All the Pokémon looked to their leader, awaiting its answer.

Arceus took Lugia’s words to heart, and its rage began to cool down. It closed its eyes as it searched its long memory for what the Diving Pokémon was so obviously referencing. There was a cave with no way out. There was itself and two others stuck inside. Arceus had its wounds tended and wrapped in bandages. The only light was the magic produced one of the other creatures in the room. It was a pony but more specifically, an Alicorn. The pony had a white coat and ethereally mane with the mark of the sun on her flank. She was offering food to him, smiling with great intention. It was one of the only positive memories that Arceus could find on the ponies; yet, it still spoke volumes and moved its heart a little.

“Very well,” Arceus finally spoke, to the surprise of everyone. “I will overlook this breach as long as you no longer allow any more to cross into our border without my permission.”

Lugia smiled and nodded. Many of the Pokémon in the room took some issue with this proclamation, but Arceus swiftly silenced their objections. It then continued to what it believed was a more pressing manner.

“Vision or no, the Ultra Beasts have discovered our location. We must prepare for their eventual arrival.”

Soon, once plans were made to counter the impending threat, Arceus dismissed the Pokémon. Many began to fly, float, dive, or teleport out of the cavern room. Eventually, all that was left was Arceus and Mew. As they were now alone, Mew floated over to the Alpha Pokémon. Once level with its eye, they began to converse familiarly.

“You’re pretty scary when your angry, Papa,” Mew stated playfully.

Arceus let out a sigh. “Recalling that war and all our struggles just to find a home brings about bad memories, my Child.”

“Still,” Mew continued, “I think its time to move on from that. No Pokémon remembers it except all of us, and from what Jirachi told me about one of the ponies, nearly all the ponies have forgotten it too.”

“A pony is curious about that awful war?” Arceus asked suspiciously.

Mew immediately shook its head. “No, more like she just wanted to learn and know the true history of this world.”

Again, Arceus sighed. “Some things are best left forgotten.”

Both Arceus and Mew traveled through one of the large tunnels leading out. After a few turns, they both exited to the outside, revealing to be the enormous stone tree and mountain from before. Together, they looked out over the land as the sun began to set on another day. Everything around them was peaceful.

“Oh, by the way,” Mew said happily. “I sent one of the Mythicals to follow those ponies.”

Arceus nearly face-faulted. What was it to do about its maverick of a child?

Meanwhile, far from New Earthia, there lied a unique prison within the domain of the Black Empire. All pirates and criminals, and even the Equestrian Armed Forces knew of this place, Impel Down. It was a super-secure facility similar to Equestria’s own Tartarus with one key difference: a preference for torture. This prison also was well-known to be inescapable compared to Equestria’s own, which was meant to house and contain dangerous magical beings and creatures. Regardless, all feared Impel Down the most, never wanting to become one of its hundreds of inmates.

Now, deep within the prison, there is a floor so dimly lit, barren, and dull that it was practically torture by boredom. Very few knew of this place’s existence or visited. It was a place for the worst criminals of the Black Empire. Those sent there were said to be completely erased from history; at least if you lived in the Emperor’s domain.

However, today, there came a visitor.

Despite the little light, a male pony was able to find his way through around the cages and cells. The pony appeared completely unaccompanied as the equine traveled further into the floor. The little horse soon stumbled and began to rant before continuing. He went around looking through the cells, shining a light created through his magic. Every time, the prisoners ignored his presence, and the stallion continued searching. Eventually, he found whom he was looking for and began to smile evilly.

“Well, hello there,” said the pony revealing to be Spandam, “Crocodile.”

In the cage, the one named “Crocodile” began to move. He stepped forward into the light revealing his tall stature and crocodilian appearance. Across his snout, he had a horizontal scar. The creature’s skin was dirt yellow with sand yellow stripe patterns all over his body with a white underbelly. Chains adorn both his legs and arms which stopped his movement a few feet away from the door. It then pointed its large and golden hook hand towards the pony, looking not at all pleased to see him.

“What do you want, Government Dog.”

“I want you to help me with something,” Spandam spoke connivingly

“Why would I help you?”

“Because, I can get you out of here,” Spandam tempted.

“Forget it,” Crocodile immediately stated. “I’m done being the Empire’s lapdog.”

“But I can also take you back to your home.” The creature suddenly became slightly interested but remained cautious while he continued to listen. Spandam thus sweetened the deal, “I can also help you with the revenge that you so desperately want.”

Crocodile (the shiny Krookodile) now had his full interest.

Meanwhile, somewhere else entirely.

It is a dark world with very little light shining forth. The only source being the crystals scattered around and the lightning dancing in the sky above. The world is void of many things that would are necessary: foilage, water, life. It was nothing but rock.

Despite these flaws, some creatures called this world home.

Somewhere within the world, the Ultra Beast Pokemon known as Buzzwole was on the ground, looking to be begging. As it knelt in a valley, the walls had many other creatures watching on. Each one was weirder than the next at many different sizes. There were not the beasts, however, that Buzzwole was kneeling for; that creature floated before it.

At the other side of the gorge, there was a giant creature made of black crystal. It stood bipedal with massive arms and sharp claws. The beasts head protruded out behind it, and its face made up of colors flashing in different ways. At this moment, it was currently angry. It let out a piercing screech that made every creature in this geologic structure flinch and kneel before the monster.

What was it so angry about?

Finally, within the space between worlds, two little clouds were floating and playing as they traveled through the pathway. The little beings bodies looked almost gaseous with two appendages sticking out at the top of their heads. Neither seemed to have a care in the world as they continued moving forward towards their unknown destination.

Where are they heading?