Moonie shorts [Filly Nightmare Moon]

by Eighth

101 In The Beginning

It's a cold night where the air bites at the inside of your throat every time you try to breathe, but you find it refreshing in a way. The night air swirling around you as you look to the stars alone on one of Canterlot Castle's many balconies. The place feels serene, as if the space were yours. A feeling you've felt a need for lately. You inhale deeply as your body releases some of the tension you've been holding, as if the muscles could unwind, until there is a step behind you.

"Princess Luna, that you?" You ask, not even turning around to look.

Some nights the Princess does join you out on the balcony to talk. It's never anything special or about something in particular, just idle chit-chat to while away the time.

"What are you?" Asks what is distinctly a small inquisitive voice.

You turn around to see a filly whose coat is so dark it nearly disappears into the shadows and an ethereal mane much like Princess Luna's floats about with stars glittering and glimmering in them. It almost seems like the stars trapped within her mane should light up her face, especially as they flicker, but they don't. The razor sharp teeth she bares at you however, do. Your body stiffens but you don't move. You hesitate, unsure of what to expect.

"Are you a monster?" The filly exclaims with obvious excitement and glee.

And then you notice the baring of fang is actually more of a smile. Her eyes widen and she looks ready to skip with joy. A part of your brain mocks you for worrying about a filly while another asks why are her teeth so shark-like.

"I'm a human... My name is Anonymous."

The smile falters a little. Part of you feels bad for disappointing her somehow, even if you can't help it. Though you are quickly feeling a little perplexed by the suddenness of this scene.

"Anonymous? Really?"

"What's wrong with it?" You reply, taken aback.

"Well... it's not really a name is it."

"Actually, it is. It's my name."

"Yes, but it's not a real name."

You point to yourself, "My name IS Anonymous, so that makes it a real name."

The filly seems to give this some thought before reaching a conclusion of some kind, signalling with a nod to herself.

"Very well. If you swear eternal fealty to me, as your Queen, under pain of death should you fail me in the slightest way then I shall reward you with a true name."

You half scoff and half laugh in disbelief.

"What's your name then?"

"Ah, even if you are a peasant, where are my manners. A servant must know to whom they serve. I am Nightmare Moon."

The child strikes what would be a regal, intimidating, and daring pose were she not knee high to a grasshopper. Evidently she thinks highly of herself. Internally you decide that you were going to let the whole thing about your name go, she's a child after all, until the bit about being a peasant.

"And, to make sure I have this right, you think Nightmare Moon is a real name?"

Her eyes immediately snap to yours with a glare that could melt ice with it's ferocity. So you smile back, knowing full well that you're feeling a sense of pride over one-upping a child. Yet not an ounce of shame could be found within you over that fact. A few seconds pass and Nightmare Moon smiles back though it doesn't reach her eyes.

"Anyway, it's late, so where are your folks?" You say to steer the conversation away from names.

"I don't have any parents," she instantly replies in such a matter of fact way.

Her tone suggests there's no real nerve to touch there. That just is how it is for her. A dry and realist reply. Yet it doesn't stop you feeling bad for her.

"Then who is looking after you?"

Nightmare Moon smiles widely, wickedly, and vindictively, "Well, that would be, I suppose... Celestia and little Luna both."

Something about the tone in her voice gives you goosebumps. Or perhaps it was a chill breeze. You do your best not to show that and instead look her over one more time. She does look quite similar to Luna and it has you wondering if there is a relation. Starry mane and those blue eyes. Even her cutie mark looks practically identical.

"Wouldn't they be looking for you then?"

"I doubt it," the filly confidently states, "I was just going to get snacks. Want to come?"

"Uh, sure," You reply after a brief pause before gesturing down the hall to the kitchen.

"That was all?" Trixie exclaims.

"Well, yeah. What were you expecting?"

"Something BIG!"

You shrug, "Big grand tales don't really happen to me."

"Even so, she is Nightmare Moon! A villain who held Equestria in her fangs for years with such ferocity she became a bogey-man for the millennia to follow. Trixie was expecting a story filled with action, drama, and suspense. Romance would probably be pushing it. Trixie understands."

Trixie slyly gestures to you and you stoically brush the slight aside.

"I never knew about any of that at the time so this story is about as plain as any other story with Moonie and I. A slice of life, really."

"How could you not know?" Trixie says, mouth agape.

"It all happened before I arrived," you shrug, "The princesses never actually told me about her either... I believe Moonie did but I assumed it was part of a child's game she was playing."

In saying that, you would have liked it too if it were some glandulous epic or some heart-tugging saga. Trixie slumps back into her seat, dejected.

"Carry on," she waves.

"You sure?"

"Trixie has waited this long, Trixie shall have to deal with the disappointment."

"Well, we were in Canterlot Kitchen," you continue while hiding the fact that you're feeling pretty insulted by now, "When I took a snack--"

"Hor dere yu--" Nightmare Moon muffles back through a chocolate bar wedged almost horizontally.


"I wan-ed hat."

"Swallow that before you talk."

She tries to chew, though seems to be struggling quite a lot with what looks like a mix between chocolate, toffee, and caramel. Her mouth gapes widely between each chomp & chew. Her mouth smacks each time so it quickly gets on your nerves.

"With your mouth closed," you sternly add.

"Yew da--"

"Stop, no," you press, feeling a little like you're admonishing a puppy of some kind now.

Nightmare Moon does so. A few seconds go by as she struggles further before she gets the candy down.

"You've got guts, Anonymous."

You shoot her a perplexed look and would have asked but are startled by some hasty hooves stamping towards the kitchen. Turning to the entrance, you noticed a very wide eyed and stressed Princess Luna scanning the room with a scowl, her gaze never quite meeting you.

"Anonymous, have you seen--THERE!" Practically screeches the panicked Princess Luna.

You flinch then look down at the filly Nightmare Moon that the Princess is glaring down. A tense stand off begins between the two as they stare one another down. You, feeling caught in between and confused, decide to stay quiet. Besides, any words you might have said were caught in your throat once you took a closer look at how sweaty and panicky the usually regal and dignified Princess Luna is right now.

Nightmare Moon lowers her stance as if poised to pounce before Princess Luna's horn lights up and the two are gone. In an instant. Leaving you alone once again, only this time surrounded by snacks and wrappers to clean up.

The following morning you get out of bed and begin the usual morning routine followed by some aimless wandering. It's not until lunch time that you really have anything to do. While you would like to talk to either Princess, you haven't been able to find Princess Celestia when she isn't busy and Princess Luna is nowhere to be seen.

Then the hour arrives and just as you are about to leave to go to Donut Joe's you see a familiar face. Up ahead, Pinkie Pie who you are supposed to be meeting, is walking alongside her friends with a look of purpose. You step aside to let them through as Pinkie mouths a, "I'm sorry," to you as she passes alongside. Assuming this means your plans with her were cancelled, or at least pushed back, you play the sleuth. Because as far as you knew, Pinkie was coming alone to meet you. Not sending a heads up means something important is going down.

You follow at a long distance behind the group. Following them turns out to be easy too. They don't have a guard escort and not one looks back until they are all inside the throne room. Deciding it best to wait a few minutes before approaching the door to listen in.

"We're still not entirely sure how the elements did this to her," Princess Celestia's authoritative voice echoes, "but what matters most, is deciding what to do going forward."

"We and we have been talking," Princess Luna's voice takes over before pausing. Sounding hesitant.

"Yes, and we think the final decision should be--"

"Did the elements get you too?" A filly's voice asks from behind you, causing your heart to nearly leap into your throat.

You spin around suddenly, feeling pretty angry, and glare.

"What are you doing here?" You hiss.

"Same thing as you, I imagine," she replies, her haughty character from last night seemingly gone replaced with that of a concerned child.

Instead Nightmare Moon seems melancholic or perhaps anxious. You examine her face to try an understand. Though reading a pony's face always leaves you a little confused. Nightmare Moon looks back at you and seems to read something wrong too.

"Relax, the guards have no idea or they'd be storming the castle in search."

Then she slips under your legs to press her ear to the door. Internally you shrug before joining.

"I see, Pinkie. We shall have to... Consider that."

"In the mean time, we would like you to give us your opinion on the matter once you've spent some time with her."

"You didn't answer my question," Nightmare Moon whispers up at you.


"Did they beat you too? I only assume because you look like a monster of some kind and they've got you stuck here like me."

"Beat me? What are you talking about?"

"Ah, so still in denial about it then. Typical of the peasantry type villain."

"Vill--Oh," catching onto the child's make-believe, "Well, you know how it is... I nearly destroyed all of Canterlot and I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling ponies and that damn dragon! Shush, I can't hear."

Nightmare Moon looks up at you with awe before snapping her attention back at the door, "Oh, right!"

"We will. Princess Celestia. Princess Luna," One of Pinkie's friends replies.

"Yeah, you have our word," drawls another.

And then hoofsteps can be heard approaching the door.

"Damn. Looks like I'm too late. Scatter," Nightmare Moon whispers harshly before darting off in one direction.

Not wasting a moment, you dart off in the opposite one.

"Oh, Trixie sees what you are doing now!"

"And what is that?" You ask, annoyed at being interrupted for the second time.

"You are trying to build suspense because I complained earlier."

"This did actually happen you know."

"Perhaps, but you could just tell Trixie what the Princesses were discussing with Twilight and her gang. Instead you are building tension."

"Would you rather I just tell you then?"

"No-no! This is what Trixie wanted. One moment."

You let out an exaggerated sigh which either goes over Trixie's head or, which is more likely, is ignored. The mare happily trots into the kitchen for a few minutes to get herself a snack, then returns to her spot. She signals to you to carry on as she shoves a mouthful of food into her gob.

Once you are far enough away, you begin to idly wander about and think on what you heard. Admittedly, it wasn't much. But you have a feeling it involves that Nightmare Moon. Though you have no real idea what is going on or any idea if it's a good idea for you to snoop around, you also have nothing to do with your time.

A pink blur fills your visual along with a sudden high-pitched squeal.

"IWasLookingForYouAnon! I'mSorryIDidn'tTellYouIHadToCancelOurPlans!"

"It's alright Pinkie," you hastily exclaim while trying to pry her vice-like grip from around your body, "Need air."

She quickly lets go and gives a warm yet sheepish smile. You cough for added effect before picking yourself up and dusting off.

"I am curious what's going on though."

Pinkie Pie hesitates, "Weeeeell, I'm not so sure I'm allowed to tell you... Buuuuuut... It involves Nightmare Moon."

"What about her," you ask while gesturing for Pinkie to walk and talk.

The two of you walk side by side, the towering white marble walls lead you down endless corridors in peace.

"We need to see if she's evil."

"The kid?"

"I don't really understand it much either, especially the filly bit but nobody gets that part. But what I can explain is... Nightmare Moon is an immortal evil tyrant. Well, was one."

"You're in on her game too?"

Pinkie Pie gives you a look before seeming to come to an understanding.

"A lot of stuff has happened between Nightmare Moon before you arrived... But we do need to work out if the filly is evil."

And then you come to an understanding yourself, it's likely the filly is just Nightmare Moon Jr. and this is just a case of are the sins of the mother also the sins of the daughter. Which is a lot of pressure to put on a kid. You try to overlay the image of the evil tyrant and the mischievous filly over one another and it doesn't fit.

"Well, if it helps, I haven't seen her do anything evil... She's a kid after all."

"That does help actually. OH! And I bet it's cause of the Elements of Harmony, yes."

You give her a confused look.

"Magical necklaces that use the power of friendship to fix things."

"Right," you say.

"Pinkie, there you are. We were looking all over for you."

The two of you turn around to see a white mare with a purple mane stomping up the hallway toward you.

"Rarity, you remember Anon?"

"Of course, Darling, how are you?"

She gives a genteel bow and a smile as she looks at you. It's a look of recognition you've seen a few times by now. She recognises Anonymous, a human. Not you, Anonymous the human. It feels frustrating but you're not about to call attention to it and make an ass of yourself. Besides, you haven't spoken to much of Pinkie's friends before. You smile back.

"Good. It's been a while, Rarity. How are you?"

"To be honest, quite busy. Come on, Pinkie dear, we're here on important Elements of Harmony business."

Rarity tries to politely but firmly guide Pinkie into following her without ever making contact but Pinkie Pie quickly stands her ground.

"I know. I know. But I promised to meet Anon to discuss something important before the elements thing even happened."

"Oh, I didn't realise," Rarity looks up to you, "I am extremely sorry about this."

"It's alright. Pinkie go deal with your thing."

"Maybe Anon can come with us?"

Rarity simply raises a brow that says it all to Pinkie on the matter. Her ears droop and she seems genuinely crestfallen. She's probably the type to take a promise seriously, so you feel a pang of sympathy for her on this one.

"Sorry Anon," she states, sounding almost mournful.

Then she gets up onto her hindlegs as you squat slightly so the two of you can hug. Then just as she goes to follow Rarity, she hands you a piece of paper.

"That'll be in your price range and I already spoke to the Cakes about work."

"Ah, so--"

Your face immediately screws up into a scowl and Trixie cuts herself from interrupting once again. Though just as you're about to launch back into it again, you hear little footsteps from down the hall before a bleary eyed Moonie steps out. You glance at the time to see it's still really late but not that point of late where she is mischievously up and about.

"Is everything okay?" You ask, concerned.

"I can't get back to sleep and I heard talking," she yawns with her eyes barely open.

"Come here," you pat the couch beside you.

Moonie climbs up and rests her head on your lap so you can run your fingers through her mane. The strange ethereal locks always feel cool to the touch yet it's like running your hands through sand. As if there wasn't a single long lock, just a million dots to mimic the night sky.

"What are you two talking about?"

"I was telling Trixie about how we met."

You can't see it, but you can feel her face pull into a smile by the part resting on your lap which makes you softly smile in return.

"Yes, and Trixie is getting impatient!"

You press a finger to your lips to hush her, "Then stop interrupting."

Trixie pouts but sits there quietly once more.

It's been a few days since you spoke to Pinkie last but you've managed to get things in order on your own seeing as she already did most of the legwork back in Ponyville. So now you're back in your room, packing some things when you notice a suitcase is zipped up. You blink and shake your head in the momentary lapse in memory because you don't recall zipping it. You place the clothes you were holding to the side and unzip the case. Then it immediately zips itself up again with a bright blue aura.

You recognise the sign of magic but not the colour. You quickly scan the room for anyone who might be pulling a joke then unzip it again before thrusting the case open. Nightmare Moon in there yelps as she slams it shut again. This time her magic aura fizzes out almost as soon as it starts.

"Is it possible for ponies to run out of magic?" You ask you lift the case again.

Nightmare Moon lies there amongst all your clothes.

"Get out," you state.

"No, you have to get me out."

"Look, you seem like an alright kid but I'm not up for the game today. I need to get myself sort out right now."

"Come, Anonymous, we can be accomplices! I know they're planning on letting you free tomorrow so take me with you! With me as your Queen, with your RAW POWER and my brains, we could rule this sun-forsaken world in a week. Join me!"

She out-stretches a hoof and waits while standing there in your suitcase. All her moving around has jostled everything and now needs to be refolded. You sigh wearily then scoop the filly up in one arm. She cheers triumphantly as you walk down the hallway.

"Trixie does have a few more questions."

"Like what?" You ask, trying to keep the frustration at another sudden interruption out of your voice.

"Well, about you. What were you doing in Canterlot Castle? Why did you want to leave? And how did you even get to Equestria?"

"I was living there though I wasn't really happy there. As for how I got here, well that's a story that must have been told a million times now."

Trixie scrunches her face in disgust at you.

"You tell a long tale about meeting Moonie but those you answer in a sentence?"

"Those are hardly interesting stories. Trust me, you won't be interested. Besides, you asked about Moonie, not my tale."

"The Wise and Sceptical Trixie thinks you are lying to her."

You give her a knowing smile, "Perhaps another time. But first, if you interrupt once more then I'm stopping the story right then and there."

Gently pushing on the throne room door, you peer inside to see both Princesses in conversation. You gently knock on the door to give them a chance compose themselves before stepping inside. Princess Celestia smiles when she sees you.

"Ah, Anonymous, what can--"

Then they notice Nightmare Moon tucked under one arm.

"You!" says Luna.

"Wha--TRAITOR!" Shrieks Moonie before she tries to flee for her life, though your grip is firm.

"Stop it," you tell her.

It doesn't work. The filly flails and wails for a bit longer, her horn flickers with light for the briefest second but nothing magical happens and then eventually Nightmare Moon tires herself out.

"You done now?"

"Yes," she resigns while going limp.

You look back to the Princesses to say something but stop when both are wide-eyed with shock.

"I'm sorry if I--"

"No-no-no," Princess Celestia interjects as she moves over to you to examine Nightmare Moon still slung under your arm, "How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Control her like that."

You shrug and feel a rising concern for the child's well-being when you noticed Celestia's look of genuine wonder and Luna still standing where she was when you first entered, wide-eyed and horrified.

"Discipline, I guess. I don't know, just be firm."

Celestia nods a few times while still staring at Nightmare Moon then asks you an odd question.

"And what do you think of her?'

You shrug, "She seems like any other kid, I guess she's got quite an overactive imagination and a little more mischievous than most children. But I was a little trouble maker too when I was growing up. Some are just like that, you know?"

This causes Celestia to retreat back to her sister to whisper about something. Luna's head tilts slightly though her eyes remain fixated on the child. It's not until a few words have been exchanged when Luna turns her attention to you. There's still some kind of shock or disbelief there on her face. Everything about this has you feeling uncomfortable and on the spot.

Once they have reached some sort of agreement has been reached, Luna comes over to calmly whisk Nightmare Moon away. Then it is just you and Celestia.

"I'm not sure how I can make this request of you Anonymous, so I'm afraid I will be blunt about it."

You nod.

"We would like you to take Nightmare Moon with you to Ponyville."


"Yes. To be entirely honest, she needs reforming and my sister and I are not... Able to handle this matter." Princess Celestia says in a tone that is matter-a-fact.

"Wait, so you see me discipline a child once and think that means I'm able to raise her. Don't you think that's a little irresponsible?"

"We know you, Anonymous, my sister more than I. We also know that we can trust you."

You feel a little tightness in your chest at the awkwardness of the request. Not only is it a big ask that is way too sudden, you find yourself wondering if you're equipped to do this. Only Celestia seemed so sure that she and Luna are unable.

"Look, I need time to think about this kind of thing. I'm meant to leave tomorrow and this is so sudden."

"I understand what we are asking of you. If it helps, you won't be alone. I'd ask you send us reports of her progress to which we will pitch in as needed and if there is any issue at all with her, the Elements of Harmony will be right there in town to assist.

"I still need time to think. I can't just leap into something this big right away."

"You're a genius, Anonymous. Tricking those stupid Princesses into springing us both. It appears you're not just raw power after all. Your queen is impressed with your charismatic abilities."

You step off the train with Nightmare Moon beside you and into the next phase of your life. In Ponyville.

"Don't call people stupid."

Nightmare Moon seems to mull this over for a moment then says, "I suppose that would blow our cover but what if they actually are stupid?"

"They better be REALLY stupid then," you joke then notice her taking you seriously.

You struggle to swallow as your chest clamps up from the pressure of this new responsibility.

"Look, this is going to be difficult for us both. So I'm going to need you to help me on this. No running away and keep the trouble making to a minimum, okay?"

"Ugh, what are you, my dad?"

You know her reply was sarcastic but part of you almost said yes. The other half finds itself in shock over this.

"I am responsible for you. So... if you want to... You could call me that."

The awkwardness rushes through you and switches to autopilot as you rise to your feet and push Nightmare Moon onwards before giving her a chance to respond. You notice her looking off in the distance however. Perhaps planning some kind of run so you brace yourself to run her down instantly. Your legs are longer so you'd catch her in a moment. But then you notice her untense a little as some kind of conclusion is reached internally for her.

"Very well, but in time we shall sow death, destruction, and despair once more," Nightmare Moon cackles.

"Absolutely," you dryly reply, playing along with her strange game, "But not until you finish your dinner and bath."

"Very well, dinner then doom."

"No. Dinner then bath."

"Ugh, fine! Dinner, bath, then doom?"

You nod which elicits a cheer from her. Her childish glee over mischief is infectious. So much so that you don't even notice to horrified stares from the Ponyville citizens, all of which staring at the two of you. Perhaps if you did, you might have noticed some where not even sure which of you was more terrifying to them.

The day is spent unpacking, chasing after Nightmare Moon, and then once she was tired out before bed you spent it planning what comes next. There was something about all this that felt familiar to you, though you can't place how. Maybe looking after kids is something instinctual but then again, you've looked after kids before and none gave you this feeling of purpose.
Still your body ached from the fatigue and was grateful when you fell into bed. One last time you ran through your checklist: you need furniture for the house, there's still the new bakery job to start, you'll need to organise some kind of care or schooling for Nightmare Moon while you're at work, and you'll need to work out this whole parenting thing too.

"For Moonie's sake, I better figure this out soon."

Then think to yourself in horror over the pet name you've given her, realising you're already getting attached.

Your fingers run through Moonie's mane as you finish the last part of the story. She's fast asleep. She did soon after laying on your lap but she looks peaceful. It's a shame you'll have to move her but you hope you'll be gentle enough not to wake her completely. Then you look over to Trixie, who hasn't said a word in a while to notice her fast asleep too.

"Jeez, it's like I've adopted two kids sometimes," you mumble as you carefully get up.

Once Trixie and Moonie are in their separate beds, you sit down on yours. You must have lifted one or both of them wrong as your back throbs a little.

"Ugh, I'm so old," you joke to yourself while climbing under the covers.

Before you fall asleep, you think over all the wonderful memories you've made here. With Moonie, Pinkie, Trixie, the Princesses, Mayor Mare, Ponyville, and even the rest of Equestria. But mostly you think fondly of your memories with Moonie.

"She's a good kid," you chuckle while drifting away, "Somewhere in there."