The Story of Twilight Glow

by Jeweled Pen

S2 Ch 15: Hearts and Hooves

Moondancer paced back and forth, her head held low, trying, and failing, to stop the panic from enveloping her. She glanced back at the mirror. Where WAS he?! WHERE WAS HE?!

It had been hours since Spike had last given her an update, she’d been certain that there would be some kind of message by now. But nothing. The most they had gotten was a message from one of the guards, that they were experiencing some technical difficulties but would be arriving on time. Spike wouldn’t answer her messages, though. No matter how many times she tried to contact him, there was no response. Not even an attempt to call her back.

She stared out, over the station. Nightmare Moon, Twilight Glow and herself waited, their eyes on the approaching train housing the confectionery delights from the far reaches of the kingdom. She gave a soft prayer that, whatever the technical difficulties were, they would NOT be causing any damage to Spike. If something happened to him, Twilight would never forgive her. If something happened to him, she’d NEVER forgive herself. It was her idea. She was the one who’d asked him to do this for her. He had to be okay.

Already there were dozens of ponies waiting and watching, excited to find out what treats would be brought out for this massive celebration. Giddy to make the parade through the city and show off these delicious wonders to the world.

Moondancer’s eyes widened when the train came ever closer. “It’s… not slowing down...” she whispered. It should have begun to slow its pace. But it wasn’t.

“What?” Nightmare Moon asked, eying it. “Is… this not a standard speed for it?”

“No! It’s not stopping, why isn’t it--”

Moondancer’s worries about it ‘stopping’ were halted a second later when a massive dragon with purple scales and green spines burst through the roof of one of the compartments, its claws digging deep into the ground and sending the train OFF the rails. Fortunately, it didn’t go very far as the mass of the dragon seemed to be weighing it down, making it quickly slow down and then just stop.

However, the compartment it was in was utterly wrecked and the rest of the train wasn’t doing much better, parts of the track having been torn out with the movement. The massive dragon let out a mighty roar, shattering the metal holding it prisoner and then lumbering towards them.

“W-what?” Moondancer said. Then, the most horrifying thought of all hit her, her eyes locking onto a small, metal mirror around the creature’s neck. Its body was smeared in chocolate and other sugary coatings, as well. It couldn’t be. There was no way that was… could it? Was it possible? “SPIKE?!”

“Wait, that’s SPIKE?!” Twilight asked, her mouth falling open. “But, there’s no way, he--”

“Is a threat,” Nightmare Moon said, stepping forward. Her horn glowed and a moment later a big, domed barrier appeared around the crowd, the dragon slamming into it with a crunch. Fortunately, the barrier held even as it tried to break through it, smashing claws into the magic. “PONIES! ALL OF YOU, RETREAT TO YOUR HOMES! WE WILL DEAL WITH THE THREAT THAT DARES TO MAR OUR GLORIOUS CELEBRATION!” the mare announced in her Royal Canterlot Voice.

The ponies didn’t need to be asked twice while the dragon was busy pounding on the shield protecting them. Within what felt like moments, only the three remained. The ruler growled. “You two, leave as well.”

“I-I...” Moondancer said, staring. “I-I can’t. I think that’s Spike! That’s the mirror I gave him!”

“He’s a threat to Equestria, now. He will be disposed of,” Nightmare Moon growled, stomping her hoof. The dome shattered. “We will--”

“NO!” Twilight yelled, moving to block the ruler’s way, the dragon beginning its charge towards them. “If that’s Spike, you can’t!”

“Bard! Cease this! He is a threat, nothing more! If you so desire an assistant we will find you a new one! Stand aside!”

“NO! I… I can’t! He’s my-- EEK!” Twilight let out a shriek when suddenly she was grabbed in the dragon’s tail and yanked into the air.

“Twilight!” Nightmare Moon yelled, narrowly flying out of the way when a massive claw tried to flatten her. “LET HER GO, FOUL BEAST!” the ruler roared, her horn glowing a dark, vicious purple.

“SPIKE!” Moondancer yelled, using the Canterlot Royal Voice spell to amplify her voice to match the rulers. To her joy, the dragon paused. “STOP THIS! I DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED, BUT STOP THIS! PLEASE! YOU’RE GOING TO GET HURT!”

“ENOUGH!” Nightmare Moon roared. Her horn blazed and then orbs of black light flew from it like meteors. They slammed into the chest of the dragon, sending it flying back. Twilight flew from the creature’s grasp, only to be caught in the ruler’s magic and gently placed on the ground.

Moondancer tried to race forward, but a dome of magic enveloped her, stopping her in place. She tried to teleport out, but her magic merely fizzled. With horror, she could only watch helplessly as their ruler passed judgment.

Spike groaned, already beginning to slowly get up. However, the alicorn flew up and over him, her fangs bared. “You have trampled on our celebration. You have endangered not just our ponies, but our bard. You have even deemed to attack us...” Though the Canterlot voice wasn’t used, every word was filled with such anger that there was no mistaking the words. “For this, there is but one penalty. Death.”

Twilight groaned, slowly lifting her head. She watched while spikes of darkness formed around the ruler, leveled at the dragon. Her heart almost stopped. “N-no. Please no...” she whispered, trying to get to her hooves. “P-please. Please please please… NIGHTMARE MOON! STOP!” she begged.

But the ruler didn’t, the spikes flew through the air. Moondancer’s horn glowed, but there was nothing she could do to even slow them, not trapped in the bubble.

The earth pony stared, tears forming in her eyes. Spike was going to die. There was nothing he could do to stop this. Nothing she could do. But… maybe.

“D-Discord! Please! Help us!”

There was a low, ominous laughter in the air. Twilight let out a shriek when suddenly she founds herself lifted into the air, then disappeared. Only to reappear with the spikes flying STRAIGHT at her! She let out a second shriek and closed her eyes, only for the perforation to never happen. She slowly opened her eyes to see the ruler of the night staring down at her, her face a mask of fury. But the deathly assault had stopped, inches from her.

“H-holy...” Moondancer whispered, staring. Twilight was at least twenty feet tall, now. Not as large as the dragon that Discord was using the earth pony as a shield to guard, but she was still quite impressive.

“Discord… you foul, treacherous spirit… release our bard from your spell!”

“Oh, but she asked for this. Didn’t you hear her? Isn’t it just the most magical sound of all?” he asked in a soft, sing song voice.

“D-Discord! Please! Help us!” Twilight’s voice echoed through the platform, like a recording. “D-Discord! Please! Help us!”

“Isn’t this a fun twist of fate?” he asked, before snapping his fingers, the earth pony turning back to normal size. The spirit then pulled out a small needle and POPPED Spike, sending green and purple fragments of rubber everywhere. In the center of the blast sat Spike, the Spike they knew, dazed and confused. “In their darkest hour, when all hope seems lost. It’s not the great and powerful Nightmare Moon she turns to. It’s not even Celestia. No, no...” he said, a cruel smile on his lips.

“When all hope seems lost, she turned to me. The Spirit of Disharmony. Isn’t it oh so interesting that I, of all creatures, have become the hero? I do wonder what that says about you, my little Walking Nightmare,” he said, before glancing to Twilight and snorting. “Now. I do hope you don’t expect this treatment all the time. As much fun as it is being a Deus Ex Draconequus, I really can’t save you every time you’re in trouble. Now. Tah tah, and good luck,” he said with a laugh before snapping his fingers and disappearing.

Twilight gulped, before glancing to the ruler. The rage that had been on her face had evaporated. Now all that remained was a cold, empty state. Void of any emotion the mare could read. Even the dome that had held Moondancer was gone.

Twilight slowly inched back, moving to pick up Spike in her hooves, holding him close, protectively. “Are you okay?”

“Ugh… I feel like I went through a whirlpool on a gorge board...” Spike mumbled. “What… happened?”

“That’s what we’d like to ask you,” Moondancer whispered, trotting forward. Her eyes brought back to the ruler. “We need to… I don’t know. I don’t know what we need to do. But...” She sighed and glanced to Twilight. “Take Spike back to the castle. I’ll check the train, make sure nopony was too hurt. And I’ll try and calm Nightmare Moon. Just… get him out of sight. We’ll talk back at the castle, okay?”

Twilight nodded, quickly moving Spike onto her back, turning towards the castle. Her eyes occasionally glancing towards the ruler, who hadn’t moved since Discord’s words had gone through the night.


Moondancer slowly knocked on Twilight’s door, waiting patiently for it to open. It didn’t take long. The earth pony soon stood before her and, across the room, she could see Spike sleeping in his little bed. “How’s he doing?”

“He’s got a tummy ache, but… all things considered, how about the train?”

“Nopony was seriously injured. Lots of minor concussions. So… did you get any information out of him? About what caused this?”

“Yes. You? And… her highness?”

“She… disappeared soon after you did. And I have a bit of information. So, as near as I can tell, it turns out some of the contestants were… well, they got it into their heads that he was going to be a judge,” Moondancer muttered. “And they started bribing him. Not officially, of course. But lots of samples, things like that. And, according to their records, he kept getting bigger and bigger and… the guards tried to stop him, but they didn’t stand a chance. He destroyed all the cakes and then… well, burst through the compartment, destroying it. It’s safe to say this entire celebration has been canceled. I don’t think it could have gone much worse.”

Twilight nodded. “Indeed,” she whispered. “He told me about that. They started giving him things and he says he began to just… want more. And more. And he was soon taking it and it all got out of control. He’s very apologetic about it but… he’s...” She trailed off. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. Nightmare Moon, she… she almost killed him. I-I couldn’t stop her. T-there was nothing I could do. I-I tried, but there wasn’t anything.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “I-I was hopeless. W-what happens next time? Or the time after that? Or the time after that? We can’t control her! We can’t stop her! W-we can’t do anything against her! We’re helpless! We’re completely and… and utterly...” She felt the tears begin to fall. “She was going to kill him. I couldn’t… stop her...”

A moment later Moondancer hugged her and, to her surprise, she could feel the warmth of the other mare’s tears against her back. “I-I know. I know. Oh, how I know. We can’t… we can’t stop her.”

“I-I can’t live like this. I can’t keep… oh by the stars. Nightmare Night is in a few months. W-what then? H-how can we stop this? We can’t… we can’t s-stop it no matter h-how hard we try and I just… I just want to go home. I want to go home and p-pretend none of this ever h-happened and j-just be a writer. I’m not t-trained for this. I’m not READY for this. I-I’m just a… just a pony. I can’t do anything to stop her. To calm her...” she whispered, her entire body shaking. “I can’t do this anymore, Moondancer. I-I know ponies need me, but… I can’t. She was going to kill him. I had to reach out to DISCORD of all ponies. DISCORD! He’s just… and he DID it. What kind of world is this?”

“I know… I know. I can’t...”

“She’s a monster. She’s cruel and merciless and as long as she gets what she wants she just doesn’t care! I-I couldn’t… I couldn’t do anything. H-he was going to die and I was… I just...”

“I know. I’m sorry… and I know...”


Nightmare Moon stood just a little down the stairs, her own heart hammering, listening to the sound of her bard’s sobbing.

A monster. Was she truly a monster? Spike was a threat to all of her ponies. To all she cared about.

But Discord’s words echoed through her head. What if he was right? What if… She glanced to her hooves. She had been so sure that killing the dragon was the right move. Perhaps she had been wrong, then. Perhaps this was what she needed. Slowly, she got to her hooves and turned, beginning to walk down the steps. He had threatened all of her ponies. He’d deserved to die. She had half a mind to finish him, now. But… what if they were right?

She could never trust her sister again, not after what had been done. Not after a thousand years locked away, alone. But maybe she didn’t have to be alone. Maybe she truly did need somepony else to help temper her. To help… stop her from going too far. Not Discord, no.

But she was not a monster. She never would be. Refused to be. Her horn glowed and she disappeared, only to reappear in the forbidden section of the library. She glanced around before her horn began to a glow again.

An invisible tome appeared moments later on one of the shelves, flying before her. Across the cover of the ancient tome was the symbol of the alicorn, a pony with wings and horn. She stared at it.

No. She wouldn’t be a monster. Even if it meant she had to give up some control and power.