//------------------------------// // to stand togEther // Story: End of hatred, Beginning of Hope // by Legendbringer //------------------------------// I have often wondered about cliche of when two sets of heroes meet, they must fight each other. You would think, the world being as it is, that one would not try and dissuade a possible alliance with a potential ally. You would instead want to befriend them, or to talk things over as a way to form unity. After all, while they differ in ideals, I would like to think they are unified in the chance to do good... Twilight opened her eyes and began to look around at her surroundings. After her eyes adjusted to the light, it did not take long for her to recognize the throne room of Canterlot castle. The marble pillars, the curtains, and the flowers were all recognizable to her eyes. After taking the few moments to take the area in, she began to hear voices from behind her. Turning around, she saw her friends in their equine bodies standing before Chrysalis as she began to monologue, “I remember this, it’s the Wedding. Right after me and my friends were overwhelmed by Chrysalis’s forces. But why am I here?” No sooner had she said this, than she heard the voice of Applejack from the group, “Sorry Twilight, we should’ve listened to you.” Twilight let out a sigh, the memory coming back to her, “It’s ok Applejack I-” her heartfelt return was quickly interrupted by her own voice coming from her body. “You’re sorry?!” the other Twilight screamed, “I told you I knew Cadence better-” “Yeah, but ponies can change from time to time. It doesn’t matter if I knew her,” Twilight said, shaking her head. “Other me, you are sounding nuts. In case you forgot, bad girl? Right there?! HELLO!?” she snarked at herself. “You insisted I was jealous-” “And I was,” Twilight admitted, “To be honest, should’ve came in with better evidence than circumstantial.” “My brother disowned me and you all turned your backs on me,” the other Twilight said. Twilight shrugged, “Really kind of deserved it  now I think about it. I mean, who would really believe me? What if she was just being a bridezilla? You are not going to listen to me are-” “The princess hated me-” “Of course not. Go on and rant for a little bit more other me,” Twilight said rolling her hooves. “You didn’t take my concerns seriously even though there was a threat,” Twilight ranted more, making the normal Twilight let out an exasperated sigh and pulling out a bottle of Sparkle Cola. “I was trapped underground, told my friends didn’t care about me-” “And if you believed that, you are a bigger idiot than I thought,” Twilight said, drinking her soda by now and reading a book, “And you are supposed to be me!!!!” “How could you do this to me, I could’ve died and you wouldn’t have cared. Give me one good reason why I should forgive-” at this point the real Twilight slapped her dream counterpart. “Are you done? Are you done? You want to know why you should forgive them? Because I did. You know why? Because I realized something, I am the better mare. I forgave them  because I realized I was a jealous moron. I had nothing but circumstantial evidence and nothing else. No wonder everypony was mad at me, I would be mad at me.” “But, I had an epiphany after all was said and done,” Twilight said, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. “My friends didn’t hate me, neither did the princess. Mad, sure, disappointed yeah, but they could NEVER hate me, and I couldn’t them. The things we did, the memories we made, are too strong and too powerful to destroy over a silly argument.  That’s why I forgave them, because I cared for them that much. And I know, they did too. If I was missing? They would’ve stopped at nothing to find me.” She then shook her head at her dreamself, who was still ranting, “Friends talk, they fight, hurt, but true friends also know how to forgive and move on, making themselves stronger in the end. And that is something that any real Twilight would know!” “Ohhhh, it’s that easy is it?” purred a feminine voice as the dream faded, leaving Twilight in darkness. Her ears perked and swiveled, trying to find the source of the voice. Narrowing her eyes, she whispered, “That voice...why does it sound familiar.” The female voice continued, running smoky tendrils under Twilight’s chin, “Any real Twilight? You must know that isn’t always the case. You may have forgiven them, but others are not so forgiving.” “I know, the greater multiverse theory states that from one point, a countless other verses can be made,” Twilight said, moving away from the tendrils. As she turned her head away from the smoke, her eyes watched as hundreds of screens and mirrors began to show other versions of the wedding. Worlds where she ran, became evil, and where she killed her friends played out before her eyes. Shutting her eyes, she tried to turn around and look away, only to see behind her a pair of yellow-green slitted eyes that glared into her soul. “Isn’t it so easy for friendship to fail? For that ideal to hold onto be easily destroyed by anger and petty squabbles,” the voice said, her melodious tone beginning to echo around Twilight. “You’re wrong! If we just talk to each other, open our hearts more to each other! Then we can come to a greater understanding to one another,” Twilight said, trying to shake off the shadowy tendrils as they wrapped around her body. The voice let out a small hiss as it tenderly touched her chin, “Such Naivete. You say this, but you know that there are other worlds where those words are meaningless. Doesn’t it feel so wrong, knowing that there are worlds where friendship fails? It is the same here.” “So?” Twilight asked, trying to struggle, but finding each of her limbs held fast by the smokey tendrils. The voice chuckled, “So...shouldn’t you fix it? You have the power, so force your will and ideals onto those who oppose you.” Twilight let out a grunt as she struggled, “NO! I won’t force ponies to follow me!” “You can though. It would be easy,” the voice said, “Just give into the darkness and allow your power flow. Let the corruption take you.” “No, I WON’T!: Twilight denied, her magic flowing through her. “You can,” the voice whispered, laughing, “And you will!” “NO!” Twilight screeched. Twilight let out a gasp as she shot up in her sleeping bag, feeling the cold sweat rolling down her face. Looking to her left and right, she saw that her other friends were still sleeping, except Applejack who was looking at her with a worried brow, “You ok, Sugarcube?” “Y-y-yeah,” Twilight stuttered, panting and wiping the sweat away from her forehead, “I was just, dreaming.I was having a flashback about the wedding.” “That again?” Applejack asked, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. With a sigh she said, “Ah thought we been through all of that. We both made mistakes, said our apologies, and moved on.” “I know...I know,” Twilight said, looking down and putting her hands into her lap, “But...what if we didn’t. What if I just decided to reject your apology and turned evil.” Applejack shrugged, “Ah dunno, maybe just joined you in being evil and be a part of your evil army.” “Applejack, I’m serious,” Twilight narrowed her eyes. “Celestia told me about her nightmare, of how she is constantly one step away from being a nightmare, Luna turned nightmare because of her own loneliness and hatred. What if...I’m still just one slip up from going full nightmare and forcing the ways of friendship onto the world.” “Then, we’ll stop ya. We’ll find a way and then Rainbow Dash will knock some sense into ya,” Applejack said, lightly nudging Twilight’s shoulder, making her chuckle a little. “If Ah don’t get to ya first.” Twilight smiled warmly, “Thanks Applejack. So... why are you awake?” “Well, you know,” Applejack said, looking to the approaching dawn, “Just getting up when the sun does. Normal farmer instincts.” “Oh,” Twilight said, before looking at Applejack’s face, “Are you sure it isn’t anything else?” Applejack looked back at Twilight, her emerald eyes meeting her friend’s violet ones before looking down, “Is it all right, not being special?” “Special, what do you mean?” Twilight asked. “Well, you know. Dash had her speed, Fluttershy has her kindness, Rarity her elegance, and Pinkie has empathy. Me? Ah’m just Applejack, the pillar. Even here, all Ah got with me is this here rope. And is that going to be enough?” “Of course it will. You are our pillar, our strong mare who-” “Has nothing special but a kind word and a strong will,” Applejack said, laying back in her bed roll and looking up at the tree branches. “And sometimes, that is exactly what we need,” Twilight said, cuddling up to Applejack and looking down, “Kind of like I need a sleeping buddy right now.” “Well, I do like being a big teddy bear,”  Applejack said, inviting Twilight to snuggle with her. As she got close, Applejack looked back up at the sky and began to think to herself, ‘Is it really ok?” Just a few feet away from the sleeping duo, Rainbow dash grumbled as she looked to a tree. Taking a deep breath, she used her wind power and flew up to a tree. Looking back out at the stars, she grumbled to herself, “Just a big joke, isn’t it? You take away my best talent and left me with flight! Why, what was the point.” she said to herself as she grabbed a branch and ripped it out, throwing it to the ground. Looking back at the group, she whispered to herself, “Can I still protect them without my speed?” Count Logan sat, putting his fingers together in a temple as he looked at the monitors before him. Down at his feet, laid a controller and a system showing all of players of his little game, the three teams and his own personal pawns. Violet eyes looked over every inch of the screen, taking in the tiniest of details and the layout of the players. Taking a deep breath, he pushed a button on the controller and began to speak to himself, “First move always should go to the villian in a game like this.” “Hey boss!” Shouted Kamica, her peppy voice matching her bouncing, “The other two generals were wondering if we should follow the soldiers for when we attack Jump city tomorrow?” “No, you three hold back and appear after I give the signal,” Count Logan said, standing up and walking away from the system, allowing his cape to billow behind him, “I need to talk to our other player in this game of mine.” Kamica scratched her head, “So, me and the others just get to watch?” “For now,” Logan said, walking to the door, “After all, we need something to unite the heroes as one.” Terra awoke that morning with a long and drawn out yawn, stretching her arms above her head as the morning sun filtered into her bedroom. Looking around, she saw her two friends asleep on the floor, books on their faces as they snuggled up close to each other. Closing her eyes, she let out a sigh and rolled out of the bed before tightening up her nightgown and walking to the window. Her small apartment had a large window that gave a view of the city and the ocean in the distance. As well as a direct view of Titan’s tower, alone on it’s island as a single citadel in the distance. Placing a hand onto the window, she found herself smiling at the warm memories from her past as they ran through her mind, “Having happy memories are we? And here I thought you wanted to run away and forget the past?” “Who’s there?” asked Terra, turning around to see no one, only the bedroom. “Just the whispers of the past. One that reminds you of your mistakes, and of your worst sin,” the voice said. “Sin?” gasped Terra, backing up, her body shaking as the images of her betrayal flowed through her head. “Of how you abandoned your friend, all because you wanted a normal life,” the voice said, “but don’t worry, I’ll make you pay for every moment of pain you have given me soon enough. But for right now, I have a game to begin.” Terra growled and stepped forward, golden energy flowed through her as she began to channel her power, “You get back here and reveal yourself you...jerk!” she shouted, only to be met with silence. Lowering her head, she let out another sigh and turned away. Brushing her hand through her golden hair, she gazed her blue eyes back out to the tower, “Maybe I should say something, anything to them. At least let them know I’m alive. And maybe even talk to-” she passed before shaking her head, “No, I won’t talk to my brother. I said this is a new start and I meant it.” Taking another look outside of her window, she took a deep breath and walked away, “Onward to a new day.” As she turned around, she did not see the swinging by body of a teenager as he held onto his grappling line. Said teenager, Robin, turned his head to look at the window, seeing for a moment the figure as she walked and closed the curtains. Smiling warmly, he turned his head to the flagpole that was near him and he let go of the line to grab the pole. Years of honed gymnastics did not fail him as he grabbed the pole easily and spun around it in a circle, using it to launch himself into the air once more. As he flew into the sky, he performed a somersault while reaching into his belt, pulling out a birdrang with a rope, and throwing the weapon into an outcropping of the building. With its hold firmly attached, he swung himself up and into a handstand onto the roof of the next building. Racing ahead, he made it to the edge of the roof and sat down, resting his legs over the edge of the roof while reaching into his belt and pulling out a small bottle of water, “You know, you are tiring ME out with this little course of yours. And considering I’m mostly metal, that’s saying a lot.” Cyborg quipped as he walked to Robin, sitting down with him. Robin smiled a little at this as his friend sat down next to him, and then looked back out at the city. Taking a deep breath, he began to relax his muscles and close his eyes, “My mind works better after a really good workout.” “Yeah, and you are trying to work out where Gar is, aint ya, Dick?” Cyborg said, watching the clouds overhead. Turning his red eye to look back at Robin, he asked, “Still nothing?” Robin said nothing, just allowing the soft breeze to blow through his black hair. After taking a few moments to collect his thoughts, he asked, “What would make Gar just snap like that?” “I don’t know,” Cyborg said, shaking his head, “The way he acted, the way he yelled at us, you think we always fought with him or insulted him. Sure we’ve had our fights, but that happens, you can’t change that and besides, it’s not like families don’t have...issues with each other,” he then looked at his robotic hand, “I was mad at Dad for turning me into this thing for so long.” “Yeah, I still have some problems with my dad,” Robin said, watching as a winged creature flew overhead, and for a moment he thought it was a bat, “but, I think the problems with our parents are a little bigger than his temper tantrum.” Cyborg nodded, “Yeah, he acted like a little brat who didn’t get his way. I wonder if he was just possessed or mind controlled. You know in our line of work,” he then chuckled, “that is a common occurrence.” Rainbow Dash stuck her head out the window as the van sped towards its destination, the wind billowing behind her in her wake. All around her, the cars swerved and moved out of the way to keep away from her oncoming speed, “Move out of the way slowpokes! Dashie has got to get to town!” “Ok,” Applejack said, holding onto her hat as the van sped its way towards Jump City, “Anypony care to tell me who let Rainbow take the wheel?” “I’m sorry,” whispered Fluttershy, looking down, “We were all tired and Rainbow wanted to try her hand at driving, and she asked me and I couldn’t really say no-” As Fluttershy began to look down and whimper, Rarity put a calming hand onto her friend’s shoulder and sighed, “It’s all right Fluttershy, we all make mistakes. I am almost certain that Rainbow will not be getting us killed.” “Hey, Twilight,” Applejack said, trying to ease the tension as they heard another person in the car swearing at them, “How much longer until we reach Jump City?” “Shouldn’t be long now,” Twilight said, looking down at the map. “We should be-” Before Twilight could finish her thought, a large tremor caused her to stop talking and take hold of the side of the van. Shaking her head, she quickly took a look outside of the window of the van and asked, “What the heck was-” she gasped when she saw a giant purple robot that landed next to the van. The robot’s yellow eyes glared at them, it’s scanner reading over the data of the occupants within, “Multidimensional aliens detected. Prepare to be taken in.” a yellow triangular light glowed from within it’s blue breastplate as it moved its large hands. “Twilight, what on earth is that thing?” asked Rarity, looking at the robot. “I don’t know, but I think we need to find a place to park and then get ready for a fight,” Twilight said, looking at Rainbow Dash, “Dash, roll out!” “GOT IT!” Dash cheered, flooring the van away from the robot. Twilight smiled as she looked at the sentinel, “Look at the machinery, the movement! It’s so awesome!” she squealed, stars in her eyes. “Twi! Marvel later, fight now!” Applejack said. “Oh, right,” Twilight sheepishly said. Sitting up in the seat, she looked at the menacing robot as it aimed it’s sights at the vehicle. Lifting up her arms, she created a dark blue glow that telekically lifted a few cars to take the brunt of the twin laser beams that stuck them. Her eyes focused on the sentinel, she did her best to hold on as  Rainbow Dash swerved and ducked behind and alley. Jumping out of the alley, she used her magic to put on her costume, a sleek purple jumpsuit with her cutie mark in the neckline shaped like an amulet along with a mask and then turned to look back at the others, “You girls get your suits on, I’ll distract him!” Twilight said, flying out of the alley with her hands aglow towards the giant robot. Keeping her eyes on the robot, she began to bob and weave out of the way from the bot’s laser blasts. Every so often she would try and send a firebolt or an electrical ball into one of the robot’s eyes to help stagger him back. The robot began to charge it’s body with shielding, blocking the shots and fired a long tendril at Twilight. The tendril was lassoed by Applejack, now in her outfit, and she began to pull on it, “Whoa nelly, this thing’s strong!” she grunted as the robot began to pull back. In a single tug, the sentinel pulled Applejack up into the air, her flight was quickly slowed down by a gust of wind from Rainbow Dash. Turning he head around, she flew around the robot’s energy blasts as he struck out at her, too distracted to notice Pinkie’s blur as she found the rope and tie it around a fire hydrant. The robot turned to look at Pinkie, moving so he would tear the hydrant out and unleash a large torrent of water. Lowering herself down on a carpet construct, Rarity held out her hands to create a large pink tube and redirect the spray at the bot. The water spray began to cascade around the robot, drenching it. On either side of the sentinel, Rainbow Dash and Twilight lowered themselves down to his level, hands crackling with lighting. In a direct burst, the two threw out their hands and striking it down with the power of a thousand lighting bolts. Sparkling and crackling, the massive purple robot crashed to the ground with a loud thud. Rainbow Dash let out a chuckle and then cracked her head side to side, “Heh, way too easy.” “I would say that you are too overconfident,” A voice spoke from the shadows. When the rainbooms turned their heads up to look towards the source, they saw Robin standing on top of the fallen robot. Looking down at the group, he said, “But I guess that confidence is earned. Not everyday you see a new group take down a sentinel as easily as you six.” “Um thank you,” Twilight said, blushing a little and feeling her modesty kicking in. Robin looked at the group, as the rest of his team began to come in right behind him, “The name is Robin, and these are the titans: Starfire, Raven, and Cyborg. And you are?” “Twi-” Twilight gasped, and then backed up as she began, “Masked Matterhorn, and these are Saddle Rager, Fili-second, Mistress Marevelous, Zapp, and Radiance. We’re the Rainbooms, and we’re kind of new.” “Oh, it is always so glorious to meet a new team,” Starfire said, clasping her hands together and smiling wide. “What a pleasure to see you all in action. Have you been active long?” “Actually, we kind of wanted to talk to you about that.” Twilight said, stepping forward. “See, we were told to come here because of something that happened back in our dimension.” “Dimension?” asked Robin, eye arched in curious. Cyborg looked up from his scanner as he said, “Hey before we get into anything confusing, is anyone else wondering about this?” “What do you mean?” asked Raven. “I thought President Kelly ordered the sentinels destroyed years ago,” Cyborg said, looking down, “Why are they still here.” “You be surprised at how some people are still able to obtain old tech. Some people still can obtain Lexcorp weapons and Tony Stark  is still trying to destroy some of his leftovers,” Robin said. “Yeah, I get that.” Cyborg said, “But why send only one?” At that question, the sky was filled with the sound of three more sentinels flying in. With thunderous stomps, each landed hard onto the ground, “Metas detected, stand down now and be prepared to be brought in,” the sentinel barely had a chance to finish his ultimatum before an optic blast flashed out from the shadows and sliced it’s head off. A thunderstorm struck and destroyed another senteline while a  brown blur flew through the air and impaled itself into the third robots While the three sentinels fell around the two groups, a man dressed in blue walked away from the dust, “Robin,” Cyclops said, brown eyes looking at Dick through his ruby quartz lense, his voice carrying an authoritative tone. Around him he could hear the jet engines of several more sentinels arrive. “Cyclops?” Robin asked, watching as the other members of the X-men arrived to join with the other two teams, “What are you doing here?” “We heard a report of a mutant in trouble. We saw the sentinels attacking from the air and decided to join in on the fight,” Cyclops said, before turning his attention to the Rainbooms, “And they are?” “Rainbooms, they’re new. They just took down the sentinel behind us,” Robin said, watching ass four more sentinels began to arrive. “Do you think they’ll be up to fighting another round?” asked Cyclops. Twilight stepped forward, her friends forming a v right behind her, “It might take me time to synch up with your teams, but I can manage.” “Good, everyone watch each other’s back. Flyers keep the sentinels on the ground,” Cyclops said continuing his orders, “Speedsters stay close to the muscle. Any non combatants try to keep collateral damage to a minimum.” “Plan A?” asked Robin. “No, Plan 3. Plans 1 and 2 were if we were alone,” Cyclops said. “Plan 3?” asked Rainbow dash. “I always have more than 26 plans,” Cyclops said as the four sentinels made landfall. Kamica smiled as she did a handstand, watching the battle about to take place, “Ohhh, this is so exciting!!! They’re all together now! This is going to be so awesome!” she squeed doing a cartwheel before jumping up, “The game has just entered the opening round!!” Elec stepped forward, his eyes closed as he listened to the sounds of the city below, “This is no game. It's a war. We need to treat it as such.” “Yeah but-” Kamica began, but was interrupted by Pyrus. “I just want this to be over. We shouldn’t be here in this place,” Pyrus said frowning. “FINE!” growaned Kamica as she leaned hack and growled, “This is an ultra serious war and we should all be ultra serious grumps who focus only on being eeeeeeeeeevil. Ther, you happy, you grump?” she asked. “And why are you so excited?” Elec asked. Kamica smiled a little, “Because...the world can be exciting and I want everyone else to see that.” “On my mark,” Cyclops said, watching the sentinels approach, “GO!” Storm raised her arms, allowing a tornado to arise between three teams and the sentinels. Once the whirlwind died down the three teams began to split up into their own individual groups, with Colossus grabbing Wolverine and throwing him straight at one of the four robots. Metal claws sinking into the robot’s metallic body, Wolverine began to claw his way up to the head and slash at it. Down below, Colossus grabbed a few lampposts, ripped them off easily, and threw them like spears at the bot. Rarity encased the poles with her diamond shards to turn them into pink sharp spears that embedded themselves into the bots eye socket making it stumble back. From within the shadows, a grappling line shot out and Robin swung out to throw a small device onto one of the open holes that Wolverine had made. Above two of the robots, Twilight, Starfire, and Raven flew around the head. Each girl throwing an energy bolt of power or of fire at the two robots and keeping them busy. Down below, Applejack threw her lasso to Pinkie Pie who grabbed one end and began to run around the legs of one of the bots. Seeing her target, Rainbow Dash smirked and fired a lighting bolt to the rope, electrifying it and the robot. Twisting and writhing, it did not notice as Rouge picked up a manhole cover and held it in her hand. Gambit placed his hand onto the cover, charging it with kinetic energy. The cover blazing  a dark purple, Rouge threw the manhole cover at the giant bot, letting it explode on impact. Once again, Robin swung by and threw two small bombs into the opening of the bots. With one bot remaining, Robin waited in the shadows and allowed Cyclops to being his attack. Turning open his visor, he opened up a powerful stream of optic energy into the stomach and chest of the sentinel, opening up a large wound in its body. Using her telekinesis, Jean opened up the wounds to allow Robin to throw a few final charges into the robot. Each charge set, Robin deftly landed back down onto the ground, pressing a button that set off the explosives and devastating the robots. As Rainbow looked on, she smirked and said, “Ok, that was awesome.” “That, was easier than expected,” Cyclops said, looking down and putting a hand onto his chin. As Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at this, Beast stepped in with an observation, “If I were to guess, this must have been a test for us. An opening play in a larger game i you will.” “That’s right!” Kamecia said, clapping her hands enthusiastically as she jumped from a flagpole. Following her, were pyrus and Elect. “Oh wow, you guys are so smart! I think this game is going to be so much fun with you in it!!!” “Game?” Twilight asked, “What game?” “The game that you are now in! Allow me to introduce ourselves, I’m Kamica. And the grumps behind me are Pyrus and Elec.” she said, clapping while looking at her two friends as they remained silent. “They don't’ say much. So I do a lot of the talking!” “Who is your master?” Nightcrawler asked, teleporting in behind Dash, surprising her, “You were talking like you had one.” “That would be me,” Count Logan’s voice whispered from within the darkness as he teleported in from a black hole in the sky. Landing on the ground with one hand on the floor, she slowly stood up to his full height. “Allow me to introduce myself,” he said with a bow, “I am Count Logan.” “Logan?” whispered Robin. “My word,” Rarity whispered. “Yes, you must be fearful of my-” Rarity shook her head in fear as she said, “Your outfit is more horrifying than I remember! It’s just so, blaise! Pure black, and nothing but? That’s just, so boring! Why not accunate the blackness with some reds or light blues to help it out. This pure black just screams last minute.” Logan pulled back and his eyebrows raised in shock, “Well, I am evil!” “Just because you are evil, does not give you permission to galavant around in such tacky attire! And that cape, while I do enjoy a nice classic call back to olden times, is just clashing with the rest of your ensemble. That collar is not helping, it says to me ‘I am trying to look hip with the youngsters’ rather than ‘I want to kill you.’ Rarity said, shaking her head, “And that top hat? Really? Are you trying to kill me with fashion faux pas or are you seriously thinking that is what is considered scary these days?” “Well the collar is mean to show my intimidation and the hat,” Logan paused, looking up at his hat. “TOP HATS ARE COOL!” “And I am sure they are sweetie...if you are in a high class performance, but in villain terms? No, no, and no. And that mask, while I don’t mind the facelessness, those eyebrows need to go. I laugh looking at it, Pinkie is laughing right now,” Rarity said, looking at Pinkie rolling on the ground, “And I doubt anyone above the age of three would really be scared by someone who wiggles their eyebrows like a mad scientist.” Logan looked at the girl with a mix of shock and horror. Then he looked at the other teams of heroes, watching as they were all trying to hold in their laughter at how Rarity utterly destroyed his outfit. Letting out a small whimper, he breathed in and growled, “Stop MAKING FUN OF MY OUTFIT! My eyebrows are meant to show my emotion and how serious I am! My outfit is meant to show how dark, edgy, and serious I am.” he paused as he now heard the group breaking out in laughter, “STOP LAUGHING!!!!” he stomped his foot to cause lightning that silenced the group. Panting, he straightened his hat, only to throw it away in an instant to regain his composure, “If there are to be no further interruptions about my attire...” “Oh no, go on ahead, I am all ears,” Rarity said, before snickering a little. “I would like to welcome you to my game,” Logan said, holding out his arms in a dramatic fashion. Robin looked at Logan, taking in his body type and the way he held himself, “Game, what game?” “The game that begun when my three players had gathered. The game with everything on the line,” holding out his cane, he closed his eyes and began to concentrate a spell.Above the group’s heads an image of a dark vortex began to appear, “In four days time, I will unleash a dimensional black hole within the center of the universe that will begin to suck in all life around it. Slowly, it will begin to grow and grow until it consumes the entire universe. Then I will use the energy from that destruction to recreate the antimatter wave to decimate the multiverse.” Cyclops shook his head, “You’re insane. No spell or tech can do that!” “Ah, Logan said, wagging his finger, “”But, that is the point of this game. For you to find out how I am going to do it, and how to stop me. Allow me to introduce my three pieces, my generals. They will gather the parts that I need in order to make my plan complete. You must stop them before the four days is up. When the time limit is done, I win the game.” “And what is stopping us from attacking you right here and now before you start?” asked Rainbow Dash. Logan let out an evil chuckle as he waved his staff, “Simple, a view of the world that is to come if you failed.” As Twilight watched the spell begin to form, she shouted “NO! NOT- and with that, she and the other teams vanished into the vortex, leaving Count Logan to laugh for a few minutes. “Now, this should get them started on the right direction,” he chuckled before vanishing into the night. Canterlot, Equestria... Starlight Glimmer walked into the throne room, eyes wide with both shock and surprise, “What do you mean by, ‘Don’t worry about Twilight!’ We’ve had to close the entire school for a week, everyone in Ponyville is worried for her,and you are saying she is fine?” “It is exactly as I said,” Celestia said, drinking a small cup of tea as she listened to Starlight. “There is no need to worry about Twilight for the moment. She is just currently on an adventure in an alternate dimension and should be back home in four days. A least according to a friend’s estimate.” “You can’t be sure of that!” Starlight said, shaking her head, “And what if something big comes out during that time. Like, I don’t know, Lothgarian the Unpronounceable awakes from his fifty year slumber to attack us all and Twilight isn’t here to stop him?” Celestia sighed and put down her drink, “First of all, Lothgarian only awakes on the fortieth year of his imprisonment and I imprisoned him ten years ago, so we are still safe from him. Second, I know Twilight and she should have back-ups and contingencies if this should happen.” “Princess! Princess! I found them!” Spike said, running in with a long scroll, “I found all of Twilight’s back-up plans.” “You see?” Celestia asked. “Why not discuss with Spike about these plans while I hold court?” she said, turning to the group of ponies waiting outside of the throne room. Starlight sighed and followed Spike out of the room, “Ok Spike, what are the plans?” “Ahem,” Spike cleared his throat as he began to read.: 1, If I am kidnapped and/or mind controlled by the villian, Get Sunset and have her bond with my friends to use her own element to free me. 2. In the even that all six of us are captured, then get Sunset plus the other human versions of the girls and have them use the elements to save us. 3. In case of Sunset being unavailable in response to the above two scenarios, grab Trixie, get her to form a team consisting of a group of ponies she feels a close bond with (To help with the process, use Manilla envelopes that are alongside this plan and have her pick five of them) grab new sets of elements, and stop us. 4. In case of myself going nightmare, please see plans 1-3. If none of the above work, go to alternate dimensions listed in index file MV-3 and pick one of the top three universes. Those three are the strongest versions of me I could find. 5. In case of my untimely demise by assassin/god/monster/multiveral entity, find my heart who is me without my memories and my body whole lacks my emotions ASAP or when my heart has bonded with my five friends to restore me ASAP (Spike could only shake his head at this, “Wow, glad I don’t have to try and go through with this one. It sounds long, complicated, and weird.”) 6. In case of my replacement by a demon and/or magical construct, Get Sunset and have her handle it. 7. In case I were to be put into a mind spell where my mind is split into seven pieces, grab Sunset Shimmer ASAP and team hr up with Trixie. I do not want to risk six ponies lives. “Ah, here we go!” Spike said, looking at one list. 8. In case me and my friends are sent into an alternate dimension where we have to deal with an evil being and save the world, do no panic. Let Sunset Shimmer know, have her, Trixie, and Tempest Shadow on standby in case a sealed evil-in-a-can awakes and needs me to stop it. Do not worry until then. Spike rolled up the scroll and nodded, “Ah, there we are! See Starlight? It’s like Celestia said... don’t panic. Twilight has a plan for almost every occasion, including ones for when she doesn’t have a plan!” “Um, Spike?” asked Starlight as she watched Spike walk away. “Where, am I in those plans?” “Hmmm,” Spike looked back at the list and read over them as fast as he could. “Uhhhhh...It says that in the events of anything happening like the above? You, serve as back up To Sunset, Trixie, or Tempest depending on who I get.” Starlight felt her ears droop as hr eyes widen and she screamed out, “WHAT?!”