//------------------------------// // Imprisonment, release // Story: Adagium, Path of Salvation // by Knight of Crows //------------------------------// Ardyn POV So you're here because you found an interest in me? Well allow me to introduce myself, you may call me Ardyn Izunia, Ardyn Lucis Caelum, or Adagium, it makes no difference. You're here because you want to hear a tale from yours truly, not because you want to hear my many names and titles. Well over 1,000 years ago I was like you, a human who just wanted to have fun. Unfortunately I fell victim to a trap at a small store and after buying my hat for a rather cheap price I was no longer home. Instead I woke up in a land of sparkling happiness, sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns (not Whimsyshire and certainly not the Cow Level). And not long after that did I fuck up badly to no fault of my own, you see I noticed a number of changes to my form among other things and didn't expect the Starscourge to be within me. I'm sure you can see where this is going, I was enjoying a nice walk at dusk down the road to a nearby castle and the plague spiked at the worst possible moment. I met a cautious but decent patrol group and accidentally daemonized 2 of them, the third flew away and minutes later after the damage was done did help arrive. I couldn't save either of those guards that day, one died instantly and the other began to change, I tried to take back in the darkness, but nothing happened. I had hoped to possess the gift, but if I do I can't use it. The still unnamed princesses attacked with what looked like a light show of rainbows of all things for the second and a half I saw it, after everything died down I was stoned in a very uncomfortable position and the remaining guard was cured. I was a little angry yes, but I'm sure any number of you can agree it was necessary, especially since the plague spread which only made things worse for me. On the plus side I had a millenia to figure out how to use the Royal Arms (in my mind) among other things so I'll be more than just VERY hard to kill/ keep dead, especially since there is no Ring of Lucii and Crystal here. So now that you know my story it's time we get started isn't it? Canterlot gardens They tossed him in the ocean cause their hearts were made in Hell then came along a dolphin, he said "Jolly Mon hello! I've always loved your singin' climb on board, don't let go!" (Jimmy Buffet, Jolly Mon Sing) *crack* 'Oh, did just hear what I thought I did?' I thought, not that I could do anything else. I saw the statue not too far in front of me crumble to reveal a... Whatever the Hell I'm looking at begin to stretch, lucky bastard. It flew over to me and examined my statue. "Demon of Darkness?" HE said to himself, also really? I could think of a dozen better names without being repetitive. "So you were also oh so unfairly punished by sunbutt and moonbutt, but fear not for I am a generous Spirit of Chaos so I will free you later! Ta ta!" *poof* and he's gone, generous my ass! Also sunbutt and moonbutt? If they are who I think they are then I'll have to see for myself, but there's no way they could still be alive could they? It's been a thousand years at least. Questions for later I suppose, time to play the waiting game. A few hours later "Why hello! I'm back to cash that favor you owe me!" What favor Chaos? "Now I'm sure you're wondering 'what favor' well I'll tell you. The favor you'll owe after releasing you! You see..." He snapped his fingers and began drinking what I'm assuming is soda as my statue started cracking. "There are 6 annoying ponies trying to put an end to my WONDERFUL chaos and you are going to put on a show while stopping them. Maybe I'll let you rule Equestria by my side when this is over hmmmm?" I already have the power to bring eternal darkness to this world and the ability to create an army of daemons while I'm at it, if I wanted to I would have done so already. Just as I finished thinking that I was finally freed from my stone prison, after stretching and a lot of popping I was finally to speak again. "Very well, then let the fireworks begin!" I said raising my arm just like in episode Ardyn after the car ride. "Oh right, Ifrit's dead. Well shall we get going?" I asked playing along. He looked confused for a moment then went back. "Splendid! Let's go right now!" He said excited as he snapped his fingers and we appeared in another location and what the Hell happened here? When I heard 'chaos' I expected fewer floating houses, less checkered grass, fewer mutated animals and more violence. "Isn't it wonderful?" He asked wrapping his arm around my neck as I just stared off trying to make sense of this. "It's... New." What am I supposed to say after seeing every aspect of order get fucked in the ass then thrown out the window. "Hey Discord!" A female voice shouted from behind us. "Oh so that's your name." I said before turning around to be surprised again. A school girl, athlete, party girl, farmer, a lady, and a very scared lady. I internally shook my head at how ridiculous this is, a few civilians against a guy who can bend reality to his will and probably the closest thing this world has to a Daemon King. "Hey Twi, who's the guy next to him?" The rainbow haired one asked. The purple one opened her mouth, but before she could answer I stepped in. "Why hello, Imperial Chancellor Ardyn Izunia, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." I said removing my hat in a flourish and pressing it to my chest. "Well he is at least well mannered, his fashion sense isn't too bad either." The fashionista(?) said. "I could say the same about you young lady." I said with as much of a charming smile I could while putting my hat back on. "And a charmer as well it seems." She blushed. "Alright enough! Get rid of them and up hold your end of the bargain, or would you like to be given back to the princesses?" Discord threatened. "Technically I never agreed to anything, I just said 'let's go'." I corrected him. Just as he raised his arm to snap his finger I raised mine and called forth several Royal Arms, surrounding him with them. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, there is a short delay between when your fingers snap and the effect, I can throw these faster than the effect can happen." I warned summoning the Mutant Rakshasa Blade (Ardyn's version of the Blade of the Mystic). He paused as if he began to question whether or not releasing me was a good idea. "Why you..." He growled. "It was necessary for the princesses to turn me to stone for reasons I don't feel like getting into, I don't hold that against them at all so go ahead and give me over to them, this time they won't need to." I shrugged, I really don't have anything against them. "Now girls, hit them both!" Twi shouted. We both looked to them as a rainbow beam was flying toward both of us. "Meep meep!" I had to okay! I threw a Royal Arm high into the air and warped to it at the last second. I threw another back down to warp to after the lights died down. Warping back down I looked between the shocked girls and Discord's statue. "Huh, so that's what they hit me with. And you!" I pointed to them scaring the yellow one enough that she fainted. "That was just plain rude, no gratitude whatsoever! I can see I'm not welcome here so I'm gonna go. Farewell for now, I have daemons to hunt and a mistake to fix." I turned away and not even 5 steps later did Twi call out to me, stopping me in my tracks. "Who... What are you? What do you mean by mistake?" She asked. "My dear what I am is many things, there is no one particular thing, my kind called me 'Adagium'. My mistake, your princesses should be able to tell you of why they gave me the name 'Demon of Darkness'. Learn from them first before you learn from me young child. Again, Farewell!" This time I chose to warp away. Let's start with finding areas with plenty of daemons.