//------------------------------// // Chapter one: the fast ship // Story: The ‘Ship’ in ‘Shipping’ // by Elkia Deerling //------------------------------// ‘How fast do you think this ship goes?’ Rainbow Dash asked, as she opened her locker. A mumble went through the Wonderbolts team. They had just finished a live flight show, probably to celebrate the first few (nautical) miles without any disaster, entertaining the guests on the upper deck with their aerial acrobatics. Because that is what the Wonderbolts do all the time, flutter about or race through the sky in fancy patterns whenever ponies have another one of their many, many celebrations. They were all pretty tired and busy taking showers and clearing away their stuff in the dressing room. Of course they were all looking forward to nosediving into their beds, or, on second thought, maybe enjoy a cocktail or two in the evening bar on the main deck? ‘I believe you measure the speed in ropes or something,’ Fleetfoot said, stuffing a towel in her locker. ‘Who cares? We’re faster anyway,’ was Blaze’s intelligent answer. Spitfire hung up her goggles and zipped out of her uniform. Then she gave Dash an irritated stare. ‘Just stop wondering about that and focus instead on the stuff that matters,’ she said. ‘Like your corkscrews. You spun way too slow. They looked like something a pony on her first day of Junior Speedsters flight camp would do with her eyes closed and her hooves trembling with nervousness.’ Dash’s content smile disappeared. ‘What? Really?’ Walking towards her, Spitfire punched her on the shoulder. ‘Nah, just teasing you. The performance was good.’ The smile reappeared. ‘Nice! Eh… I mean, thank you, ma’am.’ Dash saluted. ‘Ha! No need to be all stiff. See you tomorrow, Crash.’ And with that, the Wonderbolts exited the dressing room. Rainbow Dash finished putting her stuff away and left too. In the hallway, she stumbled upon Soarin. He looked kind of tense, as if he had been waiting for somepony. Of course, Rainbow Dash didn’t notice such subtle details. ‘Hey Soarin, what’s up?’ Swallowing hard, Soarin traced circles with his hoof on the spotless wooden floor. ‘Eh… I wanted to compliment you on your performance. Your solo part was really impressive. The way you made that nosedive… I could hear the air screech. Really cool.’ ‘Gee, thanks, Soarin. I liked your moves too,’ Dash said, letting the praise flow over her. ‘No, you don’t understand.’ Soarin stepped closer until he completely entered Rainbow’s personal space. He trembled as if he were nervous for a performance. ‘I don’t just like your moves. I like you! The way you move, the way you talk, the way you roll your eyes when Spitfire explains a difficult maneuver you obviously already master…’ Rainbow Dash showed a slim smile, which grew to a large grin in no time. She knew where this was going, and she liked it. Bending through his knees, Soarin continued his pledge, which he totally hadn’t practiced a thousand times in front of the mirror. ‘You’re really awesome, Rainbow Dash. You’re the awesomest pony I know. More awesome than anypony on the team. Anypony in Equestria! You’re really special to me and I… I think I’m in love with you.’ Rainbow Dash let out a loud chuckle. She laughed right in Soarin’s face. His hopeful, puppy-eyed gaze turned into one of disappointment. This was probably what rejection felt like. ‘So… you don’t love me?’ Wiping the tears from her eyes, Rainbow Dash calmed down a bit. She playfully ruffled Soarin’s already messy mane with her hoof. ‘Of course I love you. I loved you from the moment I first saw you.’ Soarin dared to look into Dash’s eyes again. ‘Really?’ ‘Sure. You’re a strong flyer, I’m a strong flyer, we’re a match made in heaven.’ Dash nodded. ‘You don’t want to know how many Wonderbolts posters I have in my room with hearts drawn all around your image. Of course I tried to hide my feelings, because, you know… my friends could never know that I was in love. I have a reputation to uphold, after all. Heh, AJ would tease me forever. But now that you speak it out like that, I think it is time to let my true colors shine as well.’ Without further a due, Soarin wrapped his hooves around his new marefriend and kissed her right on the muzzle. With equal passion, Rainbow Dash returned the kiss. It lasted for a few minutes, because they were fit, had big lungs, and could hold their breaths for a very long time. When it finally ended, they looked each other deep into the eyes. ‘So you wanna… well… do it?’ Soarin asked carefully. ‘Ah yeah! Of course I wanna do it!’ Rainbow Dash said, perhaps a little too loud. In one fluent movement, she scooped up Soarin as if he weighed nothing, and held him in her hooves like a baby. Soarin didn’t struggle, didn’t even look surprised. He was lost in the moment. ‘I should probably take a shower first.’ ‘Nah, don’t bother,’ Dash said back. Then a sly smile appeared on her lips. ‘I think I like you better all sweaty and dirty.’ ‘Eh… ok?’ Soarin mumbled, but didn’t get a chance to say anything more. With just a few flaps of her wings, Dash flew out of the dressing room, heading straight towards her sleeping quarters, all the while clutching her prize firmly in her hooves. * * Did I go a little too far with this one? Well, you wanted a fast ship, didn’t you? So did I. Shipping two ponies in two pages minus introduction and description was no small feat, I’d say. Oh, but you have seen nothing yet. Believe me, things were going to get a lot stranger. Onwards to the next cliché!