Gryphon Six

by Sunsong

[Old Version Beginning] Dawn Over A New World

“Damn my head hurts... and why does it feel like I am wrapped in a fur coat?” I whipped open my eyes, hoping to see the walls of the Lucky 38 Penthouse, or at least the glow of a campfire. But all that was in my range of vision was tall green grass… wait… green?! I scrambled to sit up, but fell flat on my face. I looked at my body, mostly everything was still in place, my Elite Riot armor, black trench coat, and I could see the glow of my helmets optics.

But my leather gloves, they weren't fitted onto my hands… but like finger less gloves on… bird feet? What the hell! My front two feet were like an birds’ feet, like on Old Glory. My back two are like cat feet, but much larger ones, those of a big cat's, like the wild lions in Chicago. Attached to an odd body, very unlike my old one. And my clothes were adjusted to my new body, but I was missing my leather boots, and my socks too, pity, they had been made with pre-war material, so that they were cool in the heat, and warm in the cold.

I tried getting up, getting a different body was new, and I landed on my face. But I have seen aliens, fought cazadors, sung with Legion Assassins on Christmas (don’t ask), waltzed with a ghost on Halloween (The Sierra Madre is a crazy place for a friend's wedding), and wrestled deathclaws, I have the scars to prove it… or at least had. So I wouldn't let it stop me. I took off my helmet after getting comfortably onto my four feet. Then I grabbed shard of mirror I had scavenged from one of the houses in Higgs’ Village, Dr.Zero’s (Dr.0 if you hadn’t found out yet) I think. My face… It was a birds. My face looked like a raven from back home, with black and dark blue feathers, and a slightly jagged and shiny, black beak. My eyes were the same amethyst as the ones I’ve found in the mines of the Big Mountain, the same ones I’ve lived with since I woke up in Doc Mitchel's house.

I stripped and looked at the rest of my body, it was like a creatures straight out of a pre-war mythology book. I my body is a gryphon’s, with the front half of my body a Raven’s and the back half of a Panther's. My black pelt mixed with my raven blue feathers, making the two halves each distinct. The odd stuff covering my claws was a black colored, scale like substance, smooth too. My tail was the same color as the rest of my ‘panther's pelt’, my body was very streamlined, especially the panther half of my body (It's still weird saying that). There were even feathers on the top of my head that acted a bit like hair.

Looking into the shard, I confirmed that my necklace was still hanging from my neck, it has a braided leather band and a white bone amulet. It depicts a black raven in flight, it was one of the few things I had on me when I woke up. Well... besides my name. James Gavin, a very non-conspicuous name for the so called, Hero of the Wastes (More like anti-hero in my case).

I checked over my weapons, none of them were damaged. All of my ammo was in good condition, including my special ammo. I placed my usual load out in their respective holsters and holders around my body. While my Pip-Boy could just hold all of my weapons, and call them out again. It was a slow process, and often you wouldn't get the chance to draw your weapon until you were shot. So I carried a select few weapons on my person at all times. Slung over my back was an Airborne rifle called the All-American. An old Hunting Shotgun was strapped to my right side, while it used to be slung over a shoulder, this way was admittedly much better. A Light Shinning in Darkness, and my scoped Ranger Sequoia were holstered on my right side. Light was hidden partially in a flap of my duster, while my Sequoia was shown off proudly on where used to be my hip.

My knives, Blood-Nap, another Bowie knife, and a couple of good strong Combat Knives, were hidden around my body. Its always good to have a few tucked away in case you lose one during a fight. It would take more than two hands(claw, talon, THINGS?) to count the amount of times they've saved my life. The mutants of the wastes won't stop fighting if you drop your dagger, or if it's stuck in them. I remember fighting a Deathclaw in the Junction, where I had stuck one Combat Knife in his eye, the other where the sun doesn't shine. He only finally went down when I jabbed Blood-Nap into the roof of his gaping jaws. Ever since then, I made sure that I cleaned my knives, I had to toss that second Combat Knife into Mic and Ralph's for a couple of caps, and find a new one. I'm just glad that one was my worst blade, not my best.

But one of my favorite weapons was strapped securely on my left side. A dark blue hilted katana, in a black ornamental sheath. I found it on the body of a Japanese feral ghoul in a camp made out of an old Japanese fighter jet. He must have ejected before crashing but was caught in the nuclear fallout. He was living as a 'good' ghoul for a hundred years according to his holotapes, but he eventually succumbed to the monster within.

I checked on the rest of my supplies in my pip-boy. It was still fully stocked with my traveling kit. AKA enough ammo, stimpacks, and food to equip, heal, and feed an enormous army. Cigars (though I never smoked), Liquor (Mead, Ale, Scotch, Brandy, Whiskey, Beer, you name it.), Cards ("I broke every casino, Freeside to Prim to Reno!"), my Vault 13 canteen, a now useless keyring (but when I sharpen them, they'll become +999 throwing keys!), and all the other shit I own, I never travel without all if my possessions anymore. Not after the Sierra Madre... and Zion... AND Big Mountain... especially Big Mountain (stupid brains).

Now that my check-up is done, I took a deep breath, and counted down slowly, and let reality sink in.




6 ("Six? What happened to Seven?"),






"WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted, justifiably into the air. I looked down to my Pip-Boy and checked my World Map, and took a step back. "WHAT THE FUCK!"

I looked back down at the piece of Rob-Co trash, Signal Not Available. Signal not available? SIGNAL NOT AVAILABLE! The WORLD was covered in satellites! What the hell Robert! Another one of your toys failed! I never had any faith in yo... wait a second, this just confirms it. I'm not on Earth anymore... i'm not on Earth... i'm not on Earth! HAHA! Take that you piece of shit planet and your horrible Casino Rules! Let's see if the Casino's on THIS planet will let me play!