//------------------------------// // Prison Break // Story: Endgame // by Tailbiter231 //------------------------------// "And then they restored all the magic of Equestria, and then I was captured, and here I am," said Cozy Glow. "At least my letting the ponies go had nothing to do with it," said Tirek. "But now we're trapped forever. There is even a magic here keeping one from dying of starvation." Cozy Glow grinned evilly. "Oh, I had a backup plan just in case my plan should fail." "You didn't bother telling me?" said Tirek. "That pink pony nearly drove me insane!" "A small price to pay for your freedom, and for taking over Equestria! All we have to do is wait for her." "Wait for who?" At that moment, the doors of Tartarus opened, and Princess Celestia walked in. "What, we force her to release us?" Tirek said quietly to Cozy Glow. "We're not exactly in a position to do that." "We won't have to," said Cozy Glow. "She'll get us out of her own accord. It wasn't easy finding her, but once I did, convincing her to help was a snap!" Celestia flew up to Cerberus. "I'm transferring Tirek and Cozy Glow." As soon as Cerberus nodded, Celestia walked up to Cozy Glow. "It's me, Chrysalis," she said quietly. "Right on time," said Cozy Glow. Chrysalis blasted apart the bars of Cozy Glow's cage with a green spell. "If I may ask, why the elaborate plan? Why couldn't I just release Tirek and bring him to you?" "I needed to see this through myself and make sure you didn't conspire against me." Cozy Glow had pretended to her that her backup plan was her main plan all along. She took an amulet out of her tail and put it around her neck. "Oh, I see," said Chrysalis. "See what?" said Tirek. As soon as Chrysalis blasted open Tirek's cage, Cozy Glow bit his tail, pulling out a hair. She put the hair in the amulet, which absorbed it. "What was that for?" said Tirek. "I heard how you betrayed Discord," said Cozy Glow. "This is the Amulet of Arabus, and it now contains hairs from both you and Chrysalis. As long as I wear it, none of your magic will work on me. And don't even think of trying to take it off. It's enchanted so that only the wearer can remove it, just like the Alicorn Amulet." "All right, fine, you're in charge, but I still get most of Equestria, right?" "Yes. Just remember you answer to me. Now let's get out of here." Chrysalis led Cozy Glow and Tirek to the gates of Tartarus and they walked out, closing the door behind them.