//------------------------------// // Part 23 // Story: Son of Sombra // by BubblePuff //------------------------------// The combined armies of Equestria, Yakyakistan, the Griffon kingdom, and the Dragon lands surrounded the Crystal Empire. The princesses stood with Prince Rutherford, Dragon Lord Ember, and Ambassador Gilda. “When fighting begin? Yaks want to SMASH!” Prince Rutherford stamped his front hooves on the ground in frustration. Dragon Lord Ember rolled her eyes. “Easy there hairball. We need to plan out a proper attack, not just rush in blindly and get ourselves slaughtered.” “Well there isn’t any way we can attack anyhow.” Said Ambassador Gilda. “If you haven’t noticed, the entire city is surrounded by a shield of dark magic.” Princess Celestia stepped forward. “No one shall do anything until we have heard from Summer Haze. For now I need all of you to move your respective armies into their positions and wait for the signal to attack.” Prince Rutherford grumbled in irritation. “Why wait for puny filly? Yaks attack now!” “Summer is NOT a puny filly.” Everyone turned to see Princess Cadance. “She has heart that is bigger any pony, dragon, yak, or griffin. We need to give her a chance before throwing ourselves into all-out war.” The strictness in Cadance’s tone was very uncharacteristic for the Princess of love. “And what does this filly have that all of our armies don’t?” Ambassador Gilda asked. “She has the power of hope.” Cadance replied. Both North Star and Summer stood before King Sombra. He looked down at them, green flames shooting from his eyes.   “So, a filly and a colt think that they can defeat me? How amusing.” King Sombra said. Summer took a bold stance against King Sombra. “We can and we will! Your reign of darkness and terror ends now!” King Sombra let out a laugh so loud that it was almost deafening. “Oh you will will you? Stupid filly, here is what is going to happen. First I will destroy you, then that little brat Flurry Heart, then the rest of the Alicorns. Then my armies will march across Equestria, burning every city and town that stands in our way. Those that are not killed will be enslaved, and I will rule Equestria forever!” Summer turned to North Star. “You have to defeat him North Star!” “W-why me?” North Star asked with a shaky voice. “I’m just a colt that no pony wants or loves.” Summer grabbed North Star by the shoulders and looked him right in the eye. “That is not true! You’re family loves you, your friends love you, and I love you!” North Star’s face lit up. “Really?” “Really.” Summer then kissed North Star. “Oh enough of this mushy tripe.” King Sombra shot magic from his horn which struck the ground. Dark chains emerged from the ground and wrapped themselves around North Star and Summer. “Now the end of Equestria shall begin.” A viewing portal opened up showing the Crystal Empire. The magical shield surrounding it lifted, revealing thousands of darkness soldiers. The ground shook as they all marched in unison. The four armies of ponies, dragons, yaks, and griffons all stood ready to fight. “North Star! You have to fight back against King Sombra!” Summer called out. “If you don’t, Equestria is doomed!” “But I’m just a colt!” North Star replied. “You’re more than that! Just look deep inside of yourself and find your inner light!” A dark chain then wrapped itself around Summer’s mouth. The chains around North Star became tighter. “Must...find...the light!” North Star searched through all of his memories. He saw every important moment in his life. His father Shining Armor, his mother Princess Cadance, the first time he met Summer Haze, the day he adopted Butch. North Star saw every Nightmare Night, Hearthswarming, and Hearts n’ Hooves day. He saw happy times. Times with friends, and times with family. Then, he saw it. He saw the light. North Star reached out and grabbed it. The chains around North Star shattered as he became engulfed in a bright, white light. When the light faded, North Star no longer had the horn of King Sombra. He had a regular horn, and the red stripes in his mane and tail were replaced with blue ones. His cutie mark was no longer three red crystals, but now a star made of blue crystal. King Sombra could not believe what he was seeing. “No! How is this possible? You’re nothing more than my vessel!” North Star looked at King Sombra with his now bright blue eyes. “You’re wrong Sombra. I am more than just some vessel for you. I am my own pony. I have a purpose in this world. And I will not let you destroy it!” North Star then fired a beam of blue and white magic from his horn directly at King Sombra. King Sombra tried to block it with a magic shield, but the shield easily cracked away. As he was struck by North Star’s magic, King Sombra began to vaporize piece by piece. “I...will not be..denied...my...DESTINY!!!” In a flash, King Sombra was blown away into nothing. Not even his horn remained. The instant King Sombra was destroyed, the Crystal Empire returned to normal in a flash of blue and white light. The dark magic that had imprisoned the darkness soldiers lifted away.   “She did it!” Princess Cadance cheered. “Summer got through to North Star!” Prince Rutherford kicked the dirt at his hooves. “Aw, but yaks were ready to smash!”   Dragon Lord Ember patted him on the back. “Sorry big guy. Not today.” Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadance all flew to the crystal palace. North Star and Summer Haze were waiting for them by the crystal heart, along with Shining Armor and Flurry Heart. Cadance ran up to North Star and hugged him tight. “Oh my baby boy! I’m so glad that you’re back and safe!” Cadance said with tears of joy running down her face. North Star hugged her back. “I know. I love you too, mom.” He said with a smile. Celestia and Luna both approached Summer. “Summer, you have gone above and beyond the call of duty in saving Equestria. We are forever in your debt. Thank you.” Said Celestia. Summer knelt before the princesses. “You are most welcome, your majesties.” The ponies that had been imprisoned as darkness soldiers were reunited with their families, including the two guards who had disappeared all those years ago. They hadn’t aged a day, and had no memory of their imprisonment. “What happened to King Sombra?” Twilight asked. “He is no more.” Said North Star. “I have destroyed him for good this time. He will never come back.” Twilight scanned North Star with her horn. “I sense no dark magic at all. It’s like you’re a whole different pony.” “Let’s just say that I’m my own pony now.” North Star said. “You should have seen him confront KIng Sombra.” Summer said. “I dare say that his power rivals the princesses.”   “Well, I wouldn’t go that far.” North Star said as he blushed. “Then we owe you a debt of gratitude  as well.” Said Princess Luna. “You have not only defeated King Sombra, but freed the Crystal Empire and prevented a devastating war.” “That’s my boy!” Shining Armor said as he put his front leg around North Star. Flurry Heart then slid down from the back of Shining’s head and reached over to North Star, hugging him around the neck. “N-Nowth Staw!” Flurry Heart said with a smile. Everypony awwed at the sight. “Isn’t that precious? You’re her first words North Star!” Said Cadance as she beamed with joy. North Star hugged Flurry Heart back. “I love you too you little rugrat.”