I'll Stay

by sejox

Forgotten by my own kind, I stayed

Everything has a beginning. A start from which each creature can move on.

But unlike this little piece of paper, I didn’t have one.

Like many others of my kind, I had a challenge to surpass in order to start my life as a dragon… a simple one:

Break free from the egg’s concealment.

The very first step of my journey, of my career, in this ever long circuit called immortality.

But I couldn’t do it, no matter how hard I tried to break the shell, I didn’t have the strength required…

And so I stayed…

Lost, forgotten, at the mercy of the elements and destiny… I waited, I cried, I prayed, and yelled.

But no one came to save me… for more time that I could remember.

Sounds were my sole company at the time. A really dreadful one, for I heard things that could breakdown the mind of any foal if he or she had lived through the same.

I heard the winds roaring like ghosts who suffered for their sins.

I heard the storms cursing the same way a mad god would do before shrieking the fabric of reality with his power.

I heard the insects screeching and mumbling through my surroundings--To this very day I still fear for the moment in which one of those condemned creatures would get inside my brain and eat everything from within it.

And finally, I heard the beasts’ growling… and I prayed each day, so none of them could find my hideout.

It was terrifying. And the fact that I can only remember few scraps from those days only means that it was also traumatic… traumatic enough to fool my extraordinary memory.

Yet, I stayed, hoping for the day to come, the day when someone would save me. The day when I could say to myself that I was right.

For I believed that that hell was not everything life had to offer, that there should be something greater waiting for me.

And so, I remained strong, and waited.

Countless days passed after that, horrible days of strife, endless nights fighting the unknown with nothing but hope alone.

But those days, all those endless nights of terror, all those fights, all of it was nothing in comparison to the thing I felt when someone touched my prison.

That someone held a warm aura, an aura that irradiated something unknown for me at the time, yet so powerful that to this day is even capable of breaking the strongest of temples.


At the time, it felt like the divines were sent directly to my aid, it was the only thing my brain could assimilate the feel I was being provided.

But then it came something much more powerful…

A soft embrace, accompanied by caressing wings, warm hooves… and most importantly, a heartbeat, the proof that something so majestic could really exist within a physical body…

That day, I finally slept again. That day, I understood the real meaning of resting for a child.

To be snuggled by the one who loves you without any trail of doubt. To feel protected from any harm or problem that could trouble you. To feel happiness by the mere fact of existing.

That day I met someone really special to me. Her name was Celestia… but for me she only had one name that could suit her true self.
